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【题目】Here are some of the most influential print journalists in history.

John Peter Zenger

This man published the New York Weekly Journal in the 1700s. He wrote honestly about the British government, and in 1735 he was arrested (逮捕). He was found not guilty, since what he wrote was based on truth. His case helped influence the American Revolution.

Benjamin Franklin

We know that Benjamin Franklin had a lot of interests. But many people don’t realize that the inventor and founding father was also a journalist. His The Pennsylvania Gazette began in the 1730s, and Franklin used it to help get his ideas out and influence the public leading up to the American Revolution.

William Randolph Hearst

Hearst was well known as one of the biggest publishers and journalists of his time. He started with The San Francisco Examiner, and went from there. Hearst was one of the starters of “yellow journalism”, which started a new field of journalism that used eye-catching headlines to draw the attention of readers.

Helen Thomas

This woman is the first lady of print journalism. Helen Thomas has been a White House reporter since 1961. She is known for her bold (大胆的) questions, and for her ability to get to the heart of the matter. Thomas gained new influence and fame when George W. Bush was President for her sharp questions and comments.

1Why was John Peter Zenger not guilty?

A. He didn’t lie at all.

B. The police got the wrong guy.

C. He took part in the American Revolution.

D. His achievements were greater than his faults.

2Which role of Franklin may surprise you most?

A. A father. B. A leader.

C. An inventor. D. A journalist.

3What’s the biggest feature of “yellow journalism”?

A. It was created by Hearst. B. Its newspapers were in yellow.

C. It used little tricks to attract readers. D. It came from The San Francisco Examiner.

4Who has the most contact with the White House?

A. John Peter Zenger. B. Helen Thomas.

C. Benjamin Franklin. D. William Randolph Hearst.








1细节理解题。根据第二段的--- since what he wrote was based on truth.可知,因为他所写的都是基于事实的,所以他被无罪释放。故选A。

2细节理解题。根据第三段的But many people don’t realize that the inventor and founding father was also a journalist.可知,很多人并不太了解富兰克林原来还是一位记者。故选D。

3推理判断题。根据第四段的--- that used eye-catching headlines to draw the attention of readers.可知,黄色新闻是指用一些小伎俩来吸引读者的新闻报道,比如吸人眼球的大标题等。故选C。

4细节理解题。根据最后一段的Helen Thomas has been a White House reporter since 1961.可知,Helen Thomas.与白宫有最多的接触。故选B。


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


1Where does the conversation take place?

A.In an office downtown.B.In an apartment downtown.C.In an apartment in the East End.

2What does the man want to do now?

A.Get to work.B.Go to a restaurant.C.Visit the woman’s company.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】 Imagine possessing something that you loved so much. Imagine what it would feel like if you lost it. While that item may be something as simple as a toy, you would still feel very upset, but you could replace it with a new one. Now imagine losing something that you depend on for survival and cannot be replaced. That is what it would be like if we lost the natural environment around us.

Firstly, I believe the environment should be protected because it supports human life. One of the largest examples is that we get all of our food and drinks from the environment. If the environment were to be destroyed beyond revival, then the human race would be over in months. Scientists have to find another planet with similar conditions to the Earth, and if it's found, we don’t have the technology to get to that planet in time.

Secondly, I believe that the environment serves as an amazing educational tool for students. When I was in second grade, I had an absolute interest in animals. When we had a field trip to the Daggerwing Nature Center, I was very excited. When we got there, I could hardly believe what I was seeing. There was a bridge to get to the main building, and under the bridge was a small swamp (沼泽) with turtles, fish, and my personal favorite, alligators. I was so surprised that I almost ran into the tour guide. We walked into the building and saw various animals in their habitats. I was so inspired by this visit. Six years later, I have taken an animal behavior class for three weeks. Meeting by chance with the environment can inspire people, and if preserved, it will continue to inspire people.

In conclusion, the environment is so valuable because it can't be replaced, keeps us alive, and serves as a great educational tool.

1The first paragraph leads to the theme of the text by________________.

A.describing a process.B.presenting differences.

C.analyzing causes.D.showing similarities.

2The underlined word “revival” in paragraph 2 refers to_________________.



3What's the function of paragraph 3?

A.To express the writer’s absolute interest in animals.

B.To introduce the Daggerwing Nature Centers scenery.

C.To show the environment can inspire and educate people.

D.To prove the subject he has chosen is promising.

4Which of the following can be the best title for the text?

A.Why the Environment Is So Important?

B.Which Planet Can Replace the Earth?

C.How People Should Protect the Environment?

D.What People Can Do to Stop Pollution?


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】 The Khao San Road woke early. At five, car horns began sounding off in the street outside. Then the water pipes under the floor started to rattle as the guest-house staff took their showers. I even could hear their conversations.

Lying on my bed, listening to the morning noises, the tension of the previous night became unreal and distant. Although I couldn't understand what the staff were saying to each other, their occasional laughter conveyed a sense of normality: they were doing what they did every morning, their thoughts connected only to routine. I imagined they might be discussing who would go for kitchen supplies in the market that day or who would be sweeping the halls.

Around five-thirty a few bedroom-door bolts clicked open as the early-bird travellers emerged and the die-hard party goers from Patpong returned. I realised that the dreamless snatches of sleep I’d managed were finished, so I decided to get up and have breakfast.

There were already a few travellers at the tables, drinking glasses of black coffee. I began studying the menu, a once white sheet of A4 paper with such an excessive list of dishes I felt making a choice was beyond my ability. Then I was distracted by a delicious smell. A kitchen boy had wandered over with a tray of fruit pancakes. He distributed them to a group of Americans, cutting off a good-natured argument about train times to Ciang Mai.

One of them noticed me eyeing their food and he pointed at his plate. ‘Banana pancakes,’ he said. ‘The business.’

I nodded. They smell pretty good.

‘Taste better. English?’


‘Been here long?’

'Since yesterday evening. You?”

“A week’, he replied, and popped a piece of pancake in his mouth, looking away as he did so. I guessed that signaled the end of the exchange.

The kitchen boy came over to my table and stood there, gazing at me expectantly through sleepy eyes.

"One banana pancake, please,' I said, obliged into making a quick decision.

‘You wan’ order one banan’ pancake?’


‘You wan’ order drink?’

‘Uh, a Coke. No, a Sprite’

‘You wan’ one banan’ pancake, one Spri.’


He walked back towards the kitchen, and a sudden feeling of happiness washed over me.

1The writer described the morning noises in order to__________.

A.imply that he didn’t sleep well

B.predict the morning would be different

C.compare the city's morning and night

D.show what a terrible dream he had

2According to the writer, what were the staff talking about?

A.Their daily work.B.Their strange guests.

C.Their normal supplies.D.Their night experience.

3The American let the writer know that he wouldn’t like to go on with the conversation by__________

A.asking the writer about the pancakeB.telling the writer what he liked

C.stopping looking at the writerD.commenting on the pancake

4By the end of the passage, the writer felt he had recovered from __________.

A.the depressionB.the nervousness

C.the injuryD.the tiredness


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


Cold Food Festival is a 1 (tradition) Chinese holiday celebrated before Qingming Festival, which usually falls on April 4 or 5.

Legend has 2 that Chong'er, a prince of Jin, experienced many hardships while he moved around the warring states. Once, when the prince suffered from 3 (starve), Jie Zitui, offered him food. Later, when Chong'er became the duke of Jin, he ordered a search for Jie who had gone into hiding in the remote mountains with his mother. The duke wanted Jie to serve 4 one of his ministers. Contrary to 5many people might assume, Jie, who preferred living a simple life in the Mianshan Mountain to 6 (become) a politician, refused the duke's invitation. Chong'er ordered the mountain to be burned down to force Jie out of hiding. 7 (fortune), Jie did not give in and the fire ended up killing him and his mother. Feeling extremely sorry, Chong'er required that the setting of fire 8 (forbid) on the anniversary of Jie's death. This meant all food was eaten cold. Therefore the festival is thus named.

Mianshan Mountain, 9the tragedy happened, is now a famous tourist destination in Shanxi province. In many areas of Shanxi, locals still remember this tradition. 10cold food is not the only choice for people during the celebration, the practices of making typical cold dishes for the event have been preserved.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


Audio books (有声图书) are becoming more and more popular these years. One of the 1 (reason) is that audio books can be “read” in many places. The place that many people like to listen to audio books best 2 (be) in bed. They like to just lie in bed in 3 dark before they fall asleep at night.

This would be the perfect time 4 (listen) to an audio book. If you read an ordinary book, the lights have to be turned on 5 you have to turn the pages with your hand. An audio book can just be listened to while a person is lying 6 (comfortable) in bed. The kitchen is also a good place to listen to audio books. For some people kitchen chores are 7 (bore). Audio books provide good 8 (entertain), and people don’t need to turn pages.

An audio book is a favorite while a person is gardening. It can help take a person’s mind 9 the job at hand. An audio book is also a favorite while a person is exercising. It allows the mind to be free while the legs, body and arms 10 (keep) busy.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


1Air pollution is one of the biggest problems that we can’t i___________. We should pay more attention to it.

2Because of being taken good care of by her mother, the injured girl soon r______________.

3Workers set up some s___________ for the stricken people who were homeless.

4He found it difficult to remember the English words and failed in the English exam because of his poor English v________.

5We can’t j_________ a person only by his appearance.

6They couldn’t repair the windows _______ (损害) in the typhoon for they were broken completely.

7After returning home, he _________(劝说)his parents to buy him a MP3.

8He can speak English ________(流利地) as he was in America for 2 years.

9Women have very little_______ (地位) in many countries.

10There is no clue to the ________ (身份) of the thief.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Remembering names is an important social skill.Here are some ways to master it.

Recite and repeat in conversation.

When you hear a person’s name,repeat it.Immediately say it to yourself several times without moving your lips.You could also repeat the name in a way that does not sound forced or artificial.

Ask the other person to recite and repeat.

You can let other people help you remember their names.After you’ve been introduced to someone,ask that person to spell the name mad pronounce it correctly for you.Most people will be pleased by the effort you’re making to learn their names.

Admit you don’t know.

Admitting that you can’t remember someone’s name can actually make people relaxed.Most of them will feel sympathy if you say.“I’m working to remember names better.Yours is right on the tip of my tongue.What is it again?”

Use associations.

Link each person yon meet with one thing you find interesting or unusual.For example,you could make a mental note: "Vicki Cheng -- tall, black hair. " To strengthen your associations, write them on a small card as soon as possible.

Limit the number of new names you learn at one time.

When meeting a group of people, concentrate on remembering just two or three names. Free yourself from remembering every one. Few of the people in mass introductions expect you to remember their names. Another way is to limit yourself to learning just first names. Last names can come later.

Go early.

Consider going early to conferences, parties and classes. Sometimes just a few people show up on time. That's fewer names for you to remember. And as more people arrive, you can hear

1How will most people feel when you try hard to remember their names?

A. They will be delighted. B. They will be annoyed.

C. They will be moved. D. They will be discouraged.

2If you can't remember someone's name, you may _________.

A. ask others to help you B. tell him a white lie

C. ask him for pity D. tell him the truth

3When you meet a group of people, it is better to remember _________.

A. all their names B. a couple of names first

C. just their last names D. as many names as possible

4What does the text mainly tell us?

A. How to make use of associations. B. Importance of attending parties.

C. . Tips on an important social skill. D. How to recite and repeat names.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】假如你是在宁夏学习的英国留学生Mike,最近从《新消息》上得知有大量的红嘴鸥(gulls )落户银川的湖泊,请你给该报报社写一份信, 内容包括:

1. 表达自己的喜悦心情


注意:1.词数100左右; 2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

Dear Sir/Madame,


Yours sincerely


