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12.Sarah looked at ________ finished painting with ________ satisfaction.(  )

分析 Sarah满意得看着这幅已经画完的油画.

解答 答案:A
第一空the意为特指,指已经完成的这幅画;第二空是固定短语with satisfaction,意为满意地.

点评 考察冠词.在答题时注意在固定短语中冠词的使用.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

2.Grandparents might be known for spoiling grandchildren,but a new study says they might also be helping the kids improve their social skills and behavior.
Spending time with grandma and grandpa especially appears to help children from single-parent,divorced/separated or stepfamily households,according to the report,published in the February Journal of Family Psychology.
"Grandparents are a positive force for all families but play a significant role in families undergoing difficulties,"the study's lead author,Shalhevet Attar-Schwartz,of The Hebrew University of Jerusalem,said in an American Psychological Association news release."They can reduce the negative influence of parents separating and be a resource for children who are going through these family changes."
In interviewing 11-to 16-year olds from England and Wales,Attar-Schwartz and her team found that the more conversations the youths had with a grandparent,including asking for advice or even money,the better they got along with their peers and the fewer problems they had,such as hyperactivity and disruptive behavior.
"This was found across all three family structures,"she said."But adolescents in single-parent households and stepfamilies benefited the most.The effect of their grandparents'involvement was stronger compared to children from two biological parent families."
The study did not look at children who lived solely with their grandparents,though.
The findings have great implications for people in the United States,the authors said,because American grandparents are increasingly sharing living space with their grandchildren.A 2004 U.S.Census Bureau survey found that more than 5 million households include a grandparent and a grandchild under 18,up 30 percent since 1990,according to background information in the news release.

31.It is generally believed that a grandmotherC.
A.can help a child through hard times
B.can help kids develop social skills
C.can spoil a child
D.is a positive force for all families
32.According to the passage,grandparents will be of least benefit to a childA.
A.from two biological parent families
B.from a single-parent household
C.from a divorced household
D.from a stepfamily household
33.A child who asks his grandmother for money willB.
A.have difficulty in getting along with his peers
B.still get along well with his peers
C.be easier to be spoiled than his peers
D.not be popular with peers
34.We can learn from the last paragraph thatA.
A.there are more families in America undergoing difficulties
B.American parents are much busier than those from other countries
C.American grandparents are much better at bringing up their grandchildren
D.American kids like to share more living space with their grandparents
35.The passage implies thatB.
A.children who live solely with their grandparents may benefit the most
B.grandparents are a source of comfort to children from families undergoing difficulties
C.grandparents play a more positive role than parents in children's growth
D.all families should leave their children to be brought up by grandparents.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:短文改错

I still remember what I became a good table tennis player.
The first day I go to high school,I saw some of my classmate playing table tennis.Amazing at how skillful they were,I was determined to be just as good.Later on,I often watched them careful to learn their techniques.Then I was kept practising until I became confident enough to challenge the good players.At the end of the term I became one of best players in my class.
I am really proud for this experience,because it helps me realise that we all can achieve your goals through hard work.It also helps me better understanding the proverb"Practice makes perfect."


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

20.Chinese students have tended to come to the UK at a younger age in recent years,which means they come to Britain not only for higher education,but also for high school or even primary school.Asian investors(投资者)have followed this trend,and started to buy independent school s to serve this demand.
An article carried by the Times of London on October 17 reported that last year Chinese-owned company Achieve Education bought Chase Grammar,a boarding and day school in Cannock,Staffordshire.Chase Grammar includes a program that offers extra support for pupils from China."This trend is very good and I am not at all surprised,"Barnaby Lenon,chairman of the Independent Schools Council,told the Global Times,adding that Chinese people like the English education system."We welcome Chinese investors in British private education.""Chase Grammar School is small,and the classes are small.It gives the school a family atmosphere,"Jackie Medhurst,principal of Chase Grammar School,said in a welcome note on the school's website.
Small class sizes,personal care,good exam result,and entry to world famous universities are features that are most attractive to Chinese students.But many parents are also worried that foreign investors might expand the proportion of international students,and that might undermine the British tradition.
   It seems that Chase Grammar does not intend to hide their attempts to attract Chinese families.It has set up a China office in Shanghai to facilitate Chinese parents'communication with the school.Tong Zhou,a director of Chase Grammar,told the media that the school does not intent to change the ratio of local students and international students.
  Some international branches of British boarding schools are very popular in Asia.In recent years,the Chinese passion for the British boarding school system has led some of the best-known schools such as Harrow and Wellington to set up satellite schools in Beijing,Shanghai and Hong Kong.And the trend continues.
  It seems that the rising wealthy class in Asia is not satisfied with international branches in their own countries.They want to send their kids to the original British boarding schools to be surrounded by English people and immersed in the British culture.To support their children studying in the UK,Chinese parents are buying houses in Britain.According to a survey by UK Property Weekly,houses near universities and outstanding primary and secondary schools are the most preferable location for Chinese buyers.
Compared to the independent school system,universities are more open.It is reported that China remains the leading source of international students for London.
61.Which of the following can we know from Barnaby Lenon's words?C
A.He was surprised at the present current trend.
B.English universities are better than those in China.
C.The English education system is welcomed by the Chinese.
D.There will be fewer investors in private education.
62.Which of the following is NOT among the attractions of the British schools?D
A.The small size of classes.
B.The entry to world-famous universities.
C.Good exam results.
D.Good living conditions.
63.The underlined word"undermine"in paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to"A".
64.Chinese parents are buying houses in or der toB.
A.invest more money                            
B.support their children's education
C.show off their ability                           
D.compete with other parents.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

7.Worst Game Ever?
E.T.the Extra-Terrestrial is a video game that came out for the Atari 2600game system in 1982.It was based on a very popular film of the same name.Star programmer Howard Warsaw created it with consultation from the film director Steven Spielberg.
It was July 27th,1982.Howard Warsaw was hot off the success of his most recent game,Raiders of the Lost Ark.He received a call from Atari C.E.O,Ray Kassar.Atari had bought the rights to make a video game version of Spielberg's Movie,E.T.,which had just been released(发行) in June.Kassar told Warsaw that Spielberg had specifically asked for Warsaw to make the game Warsaw was honored,but there was one huge problem.Atari needed the game finished by September 1st in order to start selling it during the Christmas season.
It had taken Warsaw six months to create Raiders of the Lost Ark.The game he made prior to that took him seven months.He was expected to create E.T.in around five weeks.Warsaw accepted the challenge anyway and production began.Spielberg wanted Warsaw to create a simple maze game similar to Pac-man,but V had a bigger vision.He wanted players to explore different environments in 3D world.Usually companies like Atari have people test games before releasing them,but they decided to skip testing due to time limitations.
The game was a hot holiday item at first.Unfortunately,Atari overestimated how many they would sell.They made 5million copies and they only sold 1.5million.Most people who played the game hated it.The graphics(画面)were bad.Game play was awkward.Players got stuck in holes that they couldn't escape.Some people who stuck with the game grew to like it,but it wasn't the mainstream success that Atari had hoped it would be.
Too many copies of the game sat on store shelves.One employee remembers the game being discounted five times,from 49.95tolessthanadollar.AnewspaperinNewMexicoreportedthatbetween10and20semitrailertruckloadsofAtariproductswerecrushedandburiedatlandfillinAlamogordo.Atarilostover100million on E.T..The game was so bad that it was said to have affected Atari's reputation.The video game industry soon fell into a deep depression,with a profit 3.2billionin1983tojustover100million in 1985,almost a 97% drop.E.T.the Extra-Terrestrial will long be remembered as one of the worst games ever made,if not one of the causes of the decline of entire video game industry.
59.What can we learn about Howard Warsaw from the passage?A
A.He was ambitious.
B.He was cautious.
C.He was unreliable.
D.He was inexperienced.
60.Why did E.T.end up one worst video game ever?A
A.It was produced in a hurry.
B.It was set in a 3D environment.
C.It was released at a wrong time.
D.It was based on a popular movie.
61.According to the passage,the failure of the game E.T.may haveC
A.destroyed the reputation of the film E.T.
B.given chances to other companies to rise
C.led to the fall of the video game industry
D.made people lose interest in 3D environment
62.In the passage the author describes Atari's failureD
A.in a disapproving way
B.with a supportive attitude
C.with a feeling of pity for the company
D.without expressing his/her own opinions.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

17."I can't live without my mobile phone!"is what I often hear people say as they talk about how mobiles have become an essential part of their lives.
The all so common sight of heads bent,eyes staring at mobile screens and fingers busy tapping away repeats itself across major cities around the world.Whenever there is a moment to spare while on the train,taxi or waiting in a queue,people busy themselves with their mobile phones.
Some people believe our unhealthy obsession(着迷) with mobile phones is destroying how we appreciate the little things in life or miss the moments that matter.The truth is that  technology overall should be seen as just a tool to improve our lives.
Mobile phones have certainly had a great influence on our lives,but I truly believe it is for the better.
It's changed the way we communicate,whether for work or play.We are now less constrained(限制)by time and geographical location.With my mobile phone,I can dial into conference calls while stuck in a traffic jam,or reply to urgent e-mails while on the go.I can send a text message or share photos and videos with friends who aren't living in the same country.My phone calendar keeps my life organized,and even Facebook,Twitter,and instant messaging are now accessible from mobile phones!
The mobile revolution isn't just changing the lives of urbanities (都市人) like myself.I know of a young Bangladeshi woman named Shompa Akhter who is crazy about fashion and design.She dreamt about starting her own business and she did just that,opening a shop in Kushtia featuring her own creations.Dealing with supplies in different towns was a problem for Shompa---purchase orders had to either be hand delivered or mailed out to supplies.Shompa also found it tough publicizing her business to potential customers outside her town.But once she learnt to operate the mobile phone,she was addicted.The 25-year-old businesswoman now stays in touch easily with her suppliers.Mobile e-mail is a blessing in her life.
Who would have thought that mobility could bring about such enormous change?It shouldn't really be a surprise though.
28.In the first two paragraphs,the author wants to showD.
A.mobile phones make people communicate less
B.mobile phones make people's life more enjoyable
C.people's health is greatly affected by mobile phones
D.people become addicted to mobile phones in daily life
29.What's the author's attitude towards mobile phones?B.
30.Paragraph 5is mainly aboutC.
A.New functions of mobile phones
B.New changes in Information Age
C.The advantages of mobile phones
D.The author's personal experiences
31.How is the text mainly developed?D
A.By inferring(推断).
B.By analysing causes.
C.By giving examples.
D.By comparing different ideas.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

4.To create"Washed Up Transforming a Trashed Landscape",Alejandro Duran gathers plastic trash that is washed up on the beaches of Sian Ka'an,Mexico's largest federallyprotected reserve.The site is also a UNESCO World Heritage site.
Yet every day,plastic pollution from around the world is washed up onto its shores.These materials inspired Duran to create a series of environmental art pieces,which he records with photos and videos.
I had the opportunity to speak with Duran.Duran was born in Mexico City and is now based in Brooklyn.He said that he's been collecting materials and creating photographs for the past five years,and the work is ongoing."The project will tell me when to stop".
Each piece can convey a vastly different mood,from the calm greens of soda bottles to the playful rainbows of toothbrushes."I'm making art,"said Duran."It comes from the context and my moods.You can't say,only make something dark."The work reflects and plays with natural forms,exploring how humans influence the environment.The colorful and playful images can be much attentiongrabbing."Beauty is a hook (钩子) to arrest people's attention."said Duran.
In addition to promoting awareness about the plastic pollution problem,Duran is also involved in educational programs and helps to organize beach cleanups.He has also made a study of the types of products that are washed ashore in Sian Ka'an,and has identified objects from 50different countries.Although there's no way to know where or how these objects were dropped into the sea,their labels show the global nature of the problem.
32.What does Alejandro Duran do with the trash?C
A.He moves it away.
B.He collects and burns it.
C.He turns it into a form of art.
D.He puts it together for people to see.
33.What does Alejandro Duran mean by saying"The project will tell me when to stop"?C
A.He will stop the project soon.
B.It's hard to carry on the project.
C.He will go on with the project.
D.The project is important to him.
34.Alejandro Duran runs the project mainly toD.
A.recycle the trash
B.change his career
C.clean up the beach
D.raise public awareness about pollution
35.What is the text mainly about?B
A.Plastic pollution in the ocean.
B.An artist creating environmental art.
C.The global nature of the pollution problem.
D.Mexico's largest federallyprotected reserve.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

16.--I must apologize for ______________ ahead of time.
--That's all right.(  )
A.letting no you knowB.letting you not know
C.not letting you knowD.not let you know


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

17.Sina Weibo,one of the country's most popular micro-blogging sites,has launched a paid service.For a 10 yuan ($ l.57)monthly fee,users get a membership on their Sina Weibo accounts.
   According to Xu Yuanyuan,a member of the marketing team at Sina,the move is to guarantee a more convenient and safer environment for users.But despite the company's efforts to increase income,it seems that most of its 300 million users still prefer the free version.
   The premium membership(高级会员) plans,announced by the company on Monday,brought about negative comments from its users.
"The current service is good enough for me",said a Beijing-based micro-blogger."I don't really need those value-added services and it might be a waste of money.I might consider paying for it if some more features are added."
Dong Xu,an analyst with consulting firm Analysys International,said that Sina shouldn't expect a great increase in income brought by the new services.The free services are enough for most users,Dong said."The company has been making attempts at different profit models since last year.A potential source of income could be gaming.Games and advertisements are so far the two biggest sources of income."she said.
Other micro-blogging service providers have not yet followed suit.Fang Gang,vice-president of rival Sohu,said via e-mail on Tuesday that Sohu's micro-blogging service will never charge users."It's good news for us.Users can come to our website if they have to pay for services (at Sina)."Fang said.

56.Most of Sina Weibo's usersB.
A.aren't satisfied with its free version
B.show no interest in its paid services 
C.are looking forward to new services
D.think highly of its new paid version
57.What's Dong Xu's attitude towards Sina Weibo's new services increasing income?A
58.Why did Fang Gang consider Sina Weibo's charging its users good news?C
A.Because Sina will make more money.
B.Because Sina will lose the whole Weibo market.
C.Because Sohu will attract more users.
D.Because Sohu will offer free services.
59.What can be inferred from the text?D
A.Most of Weibo websites will charge their users.
B.Sina Weibo's new move will be a great success.
C.Sina Weibo's users will enjoy more services.
D.A large number of Weibo users like playing games.
60.What can be the best title for the text?B
A.Sina Weibo Faces Great Challenges
B.Sina Weibo Launches Paid Services
C.Sina Weibo Expects Income Increase
D.Sina Weibo Becomes More Convenient.

