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Uncle George didn’t ______ until he was nearly fifty.

A. settle down      B. put down      C. sit down           D. turn down    


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:053


 Once Peter went to stay with his uncle for a few weeks, who lived in the countryWhenever they went for a walk or for a drive in the car and they passed somebody, what surprised Peter was that his uncle wavedPeter said, Uncle George, you know everybody hereWhere did you meet them all?

 I don't know all these people, said his uncle

 Then why do you wave to them?asked Peter

 Well, Peter,answered his uncle, when I wave to someone and he knows me, he is pleasedHe continues his journey with a happier heartBut when I wave to someone who doesn't know me, he is surprised and says to himself,'Who is that man? Why did he wave to me? ' So he has something to think about during the rest of his journey, and that makes his journey seem short

1Who seemed to live in a city?

[  ]

AGeorge.        BPeter

CGeorge and Peter.   DThe writer

2As we can learn from the passage, George was known by ______

[  ]

Aany person he met

Bfew people he met

Csome people in the country

Dall people in the country

3Whom did George wave to?

[  ]

AEverybody that he met

BEverybody that he knew

CThose who were friendly with him

DThose who said hello to him

4Which of the following best explains why Peter's uncle waved?

[  ]

AHe loved his home town

BHe expected to be respected by all

CHe tried to make his journey shorter

DHe wanted to make the person he met happy or surprised

5From the passage we can see that ______

[  ]

APeter was a boy who always liked asking questions

BPeter would do as his uncle did

CGeorge was a very strange man

DGeorge would be more active on his journey


科目:高中英语 来源:同步题 题型:翻译题

1. 乔治叔叔一直到快50岁时才安顿下来。
    Uncle George didn't ______ ______ until he was nearly fifty.
2. 安妮现在与罗杰形影不离,尽管他还没有同他的合法妻子离婚。
    Anne now ______ ______ ______ Roger, although he is not yet divorced from his legal wife.
3. 你讲讲价,他们可能会把价钱降低。
    If you ______ ______ them they might reduce the price.
4. 他的诚实是毫无疑问的。
    His honesty is ______ ______ ______.
5. 美洲大陆的河流和森林里有大量的鱼类和兽禽。
    The rivers and forests of America were ______ ______ fish and game.
6. 在这件事情上,我的经验和你的类似。
    My experience in this matter is ______ ______ yours.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:单选题

Uncle George didn’t ______ until he was nearly fifty.

  1. A.
    settle down
  2. B.
    put down
  3. C.
    sit down
  4. D.
    turn down


科目:高中英语 来源:月考题 题型:听力题

1. Who is ringing the bell at the door?
[     ]
A. Uncle George.
B. The mailman.
C. The milkman.
2. What does the man suggest doing?
[     ]
A. Taking a trip.
B. Opening a small store.
C. Having a party.
3. What can we learn from the conversation?
[     ]
A. Fay is two years younger than Rosemary.
B. The Georges will come to visit the speakers on a Friday.
C. The woman feels upset when she knows the Georges will come.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解



Dear Jane, Barbara and Roger,

As you know, we’ve been looking for a new house for some time. Now that all our children have left home, we find that the house is too big for us. Also, since your father retired, there has been no reason for us to stay in this district. Although we like our neighbors, we’ve decided to move south for two reasons. First, the weather will suit us better, and second, we’ll be a little nearer to you, Uncle George and Auntie Hilda. It will make visiting each other much simpler.

We stayed with your uncle and aunt last weekend and saw several houses. One of them sounded as if it were just what we wanted. The right number of rooms, a small garden, etc. When we saw it, we nearly died! It was in a terrible condition and would have cost a fortune to make it habitable (宜居的). The roof and all the walls needed repairing and the whole inside redecorating. After that, we were very cautious about believing details from the estate (房地产) agent. The next two we saw were not much better, but the fourth house was exactly what we wanted. It was empty, so we’re going to move in immediately. We’ll put all your things in boxes and take them with us.  You’ll have to sort them out, throwing away what you don’t want. 

Can you all come next weekend? You can have a nice rest in the country. Telephone on Wednesday at the new number to let us know.

Lots of Love,

Mum and Dad

45. The parents decided to move south because ______.

A. they didn’t like traveling

B. they wanted to go back to their hometown

C. they both retired and they wanted to live with their children

D. they wanted to be nearer to their relatives and they liked the weather in the south

46. What is the meaning of the underlined sentence in Para 2 “When we saw it, we nearly died!”?

A. We were at a loss for words when we saw the house.

B. We were so tired since we had been to several houses.

C. We were so excited because the house was exactly what we wanted.

D. We were greatly disappointed because the house was in a poor condition.

47. From the passage, we can understand that the estate agent ______.

A. overstated the exact condition of the house

B. did not have enough houses for people to choose from

C. tried to persuade people to buy houses in a poor condition

D. usually could not understand the need of their customers

48. The purpose of the parents writing this letter is to ______.

A. ask their children to help them move house

B. express their regret for not being with their children

C. inform the children that they will move to a new house

D. ask their children for suggestions about moving to a new house


