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7.The first mobile telephones used a system,or network,called 1G.It was the"first generation"of technology.This allowed one person to call and talk to another person,but that was all.By the early 1990s,the second generation,or 2G network,came into use.It allowed talking and sending text messages.By that time,cell phones were much smaller and cost much less.
Third-generation mobile phones,known as 3G.Data speed in 3G networks is much quicker.This means users can have high-speed Internet access and enjoy video and CD-quality music on their phones.
"Mobile data is not a dream; it's not an option but a requirement,"said Len Lauer,head of a US communications company,Sprint PCS,at a 3G conference in Bangkok earlier this month.
With 3G,you can forget about text messages telling you yesterday's news,a 3G phone can receive video news programs,updated four times a day.Internet access will also be much quicker,making it easier to surf the Web on your phone than on your computer at home.
Don't worry about getting lost.3G phones offer map services so you can find a new restaurant just by pressing a few keys on your handset.
However,the most impressive part of 3G technology is video calling.With live two-way video communication,you can have face-to-face talks with friends and family on your mobile phone.
Within the past two years,the 4G network has come into use.It permits cell phones to work much faster and have much more information.Modern cell phones can even act as small televisions.They can show movies and live sporting events.
As the networks have gotten more complex,the telephones have gotten smaller,lighter and less costly.Many electronics stores in the United States even give away the newest cell phones.But customers must agree to pay to use the network that sends their calls from one place to another.
It is interesting to imagine what the 5G and 6G network cell phones of the future will be able to do.
Title (71)The Development/Introductionof mobile telephones
1G(72)call and talk to another person
2Gtalk and send(73)text messages
3G(74)Advantages?data speed:(75)quicker
?video and CD-quality music
?video news programs:updated (76)four times a day
?Internet access:quicker and easier
?offer map services,helping you find your way
?provide two-way video communication with (78)friends and family
4G?work much faster and (79)havemuch more information
?act as small televisions
?show movies and(80)live sporting events

分析 本文主要讲述了手机的发展,经历了四代,介绍了每一代手机的功能.

解答 71.The Development/Introduction   72.call and talk 73.text messages  74.Advantages 
75.quicker 76.four times  77.functions  78.friends and family  79.have  80.live
71.The Development/Introduction   根据文章第一  段The first mobile telephones 和最后一段It is interesting to imagine what the 5G and 6G network cell phones of the future will be able to do.可知文章讲述了手机的发展,甚至于想象第五,六代手机的功能.
72.call and talk  根据文章第一  段This allowed one person to call and talk to another person,but that was all.可知第一代手机是用来聊天和打电话的.
 73.text messages  根据文章第一  段It allowed talking and sending text messages可知第二代手机是用来发短信的.
74.Advantages     根据文章第二  段Data speed in 3G networks is much quicker.数据传输更快和第四段making it easier to surf the Web on your phone than on your computer at home上网更方便,可知第三代手机有了更大的优势.
75.quicker   根据文章第二  段Data speed in 3G networks is much quicker可知数据传输更快.
76.four times   根据文章第四  段updated four times a day.可知视频新闻一天更新四次.
77.functions   根据文章第五  段the most impressive part of 3G technology is video calling.可知第三代手机最大的功能是视频对话.
78.friends and family   根据文章第五  段With live two-way video communication,you can have face-to-face talks with friends and family on your mobile phone.
79.have    根据文章倒数第三  段It permits cell phones to work much faster and have much more information.可知允许手机允许更快和拥有更大信息.
80.live   根据文章倒数第三  段They can show movies and live sporting events.可知第四代手机可以直播体育节目.

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科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:书面表达

3.比赛时间:5月22日 下午2点
Boys and girls,
Attention please!
In order to enrich our school life,the students'union______________________________
     Wish you success!


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:书面表达

Dear Jason,
I'm Li Hua,a student majoring in Chinese education at Peking Normal University.
Looking forward to your early reply!
Li Hua.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

[1]You've known your best friend for many years and shared many precious moments together,they have always been there for you and have been your rock to lean on when you were down.Now someone is making you send them away,and you may never see them again.How do you feel?
[2]This is how many Harbin citizens are currently feeling as a new policy has recently been passed banning large dogs from being kept in urban areas.Sadly then,all current owners have to __________________.Understandably this is heartbreaking.
[3]The animals are being forced away from the city under the banner(旗号) of public safety and cleanliness.It's understandable that city officials want to create a safe and clean environment for the people of Harbin,but is the ban reasonable?Are big dogs that much of a danger and dirtier than smaller dogs?I can understand the cleanliness issue:there's nothing worse than walking in dog wastes and having to clean it off your shoes.It's disgusting!But smaller dogs create just as much mess,so the problem will still be lying around.
[4]Cities in other countries have no policies dictating what kind of dog one can own.But their streets are still clean and people aren't getting chased around by crazy dogs.Dog owners should be educated properly in how to look after their animals and be punished for breaking the laws.The dog doesn't break the law by using the sidewalk as a toilet; the owner does for not cleaning afterwards.Maybe more severe punishments for the few offending owners will be a better solution,because many dog owners do clean up after their animals.
76.What does the first paragraph have to do with the dog-losers,in other words,in what way is it related to them?(within 8 words)It tells about their feelings./It shows how they feel.
77.Please fill in the blank in Paragraph 2.(within 5 words)send their dogs away/give up their dogs/give their dogs to others
78.What are the two reasons for larger dogs being forced out of the city?(within 10 words)
①They are dangerous②They make the environment dirty
79.What's the main idea of Paragraph 3?(within 10 words)
The ban is unreasonable./Is the ban reasonable?/Larg(er) dogs and small(er) dogs cause the same problems.
80.What are the writer's suggestions on how to deal with the situation?(within 18 words)Dog owners should be educated (should look after their dogs) properly and be punished for breaking the laws..


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:解答题

2.Frogs,toads and salamanders usually make us think of green,slimy little monsters.These monsters actually belong to a very special class of animals called the amphibians.Amphibians can live both on land and in the water.They commonly inhabit ponds,rivers,marshes and other wetlands.
Today,amphibians are becoming extinct very quickly from all the six continents where they are found.More than 25countries are reporting sharp drops in the populations of amphibians.In some places,embryos (胚胎) are dying; in others,adults are missing.Why are they dying off?
Scientists blame human interference.Industrial waste and toxic gases given out by factories,manufacturing plants and cars are steadily poisoning the breeding grounds of amphibians.Chemicals such as sulphur dioxide rise high into the atmosphere and mix with rain.This makes the rain acidic and thus kills off delicate amphibian embryos.
More rare species of amphibians are already gone.Costa Rica's Golden toads have not been seen since 1989.The Australian Gastric Brooding frogs are extinct.Leopard frog numbers are dropping in the Rocky Mountains.Leopard frogs live in the wetland regions in these areas.The wetlands are being drained to make way for highways,industry and new housing.
Another threat to the amphibians is the increased ultraviolet radiation.Ultraviolet rays come from the sun and are extremely harmful to living things.They can cause skin cancer in humans.Luckily for us,ultraviolet rays are blocked by a thick layer of ozone above the earth's atmosphere.Ozone is a special kind of oxygen which absorbs ultraviolet radiation.Now,the ozone layer is being destroyed by chemicals called CFC's which are given off by factories.A hole in the ozone layer was discovered over Antarctica in the late 1980's.As a result,more ultraviolet rays are reaching the earth and more amphibians are dying.
Just as the emergence of new infectious diseases such as Bird Flu are a threat to human and animal populations across the world,amphibian species are also facing their most significant threat from a little understood disease.A chytrid fungus is understood to be of the major causes of frog death across the world.
(Note:Answer the questions or complete the statements in NO MORE THAN TWELVE WORDS)

81.The sharp drops in the populations ofamphibians from over 25 countriesindicate that amphibians are dying out quickly.
82.What's the destructive force of acid rain?It kills off delicate amphibian embryos..
83.The ozone layer protects people byabsorbing/blocking the (harmful) ultravioletradiation.
84.List at least two major factors that lead to the extinction of amphibians.Human interference,increased ultravioletradiation and new infectious diseases.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

12.One policeman was killed on the spot and three ________ received minor injuries.(  )
A.onesB.anotherC.othersD.the others


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

I want to be a teacher.I can help many students (86)learn things well.When I see many doctors save their (87)lives,I want to be a doctor.I think I can be a doctor when I (88)growup.Then I can help many people out of(89)danger(危险).I will be the (90)happiest(快乐的) girl in the world.I want to be a reporter(91)when   I watch TV.We can get lots of important  (92)informationfrom them.And I can learn a lot about China  and the other countries (93)aboutthe world.I can meet many  
superstars as (94)well.I have lots of dreams.I think they can come true one day,because there's an old(95)saying(谚语)"Where there is a will,there is a way."


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

Hold the bandageinplace with tape.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

17.Most of them were confident that they were able to         this difficulty.(  )
A.give awayB.set asideC.get roundD.live out

