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As Mrs.Thompson,an elementary teacher,stood in front of her 5th grade class on the first day of school,she told the children a lie. Like most ________,she looked at her students and said that she ________ them all the same. But that was impossible,________ there in the front row was a little boy named Teddy Stoddard,slumped in his seat(蜷坐着).Mrs. Thompson ________ that Teddy didn't play well with the other children,and that Teddy could be so ________ for his failure in exams.

When Mrs.Thompson ________ each child's past records,she found that Teddy was a(n) ________child,but became withdrawn after his parents' death. By now,Mrs.Thompson ________ the problem. She began to pay particular attention to Teddy. And tried her best to ________ him. By the end of the year,Teddy had become one of the ________ children in the class.

Years past after Teddy's graduation,Mrs.Thompson got a(n) ________,saying that Teddy would soon graduate from college with the highest of ________.Then four more years passed and yet another letter came. Teddy said he was going to be ________ and he was wondering if Mrs. Thompson might ________ to sit in the place at the wedding that was usually ________ for the mother of the groom. Of course,Mrs. Thompson ________.

At the wedding,they hugged each other,and Teddy ________ in Mrs. Thompson's ear,“Thank you Mrs. Thompson for ________ me. Thank you so much for making me feel important and ________ me that I could make a difference.”Mrs.Thompson,with tears in her eyes,whispered back. She said,“Teddy,you have it all ________.You were the one who taught me that I could make a difference. I didn't know how to teach until I met you.”

1.A. doctorsB.nursesC.studentsD.teachers

2.A. lovedB.hatedC.protectedD.prevented

3.A. soB.whileC.becauseD.though

4.A. promisedB.decidedC.thoughtD.noticed

5.A. unpleasantB.delightedC.motivatedD.addicted

6.A. remarkedB.reviewedC.madeD.required

7.A. disabledB.brightC.unwiseD.stubborn

8.A. solvedB.explainedC.realizedD.denied

9.A. scoldB.discourageC.comfortD.encourage

10.A. smartestB.tallestC.strongestD.warmest

11.A. answerB.letterC.packageD.invitation

12.A. positionB.ranksC.honorsD.salary

13.A. divorcedB.marriedC.employedD.satisfied

14.A. devoteB.developC.connectD.agree

15.A. reservedB.preservedC.remainedD.received

16.A. refusedB.didC.hesitatedD.parted

17.A. shoutedB.addedC.criedD.whispered

18.A. respondingB.depending onC.believing inD.forgiving

19.A. showingB.thinkingC.requestingD.reminding

20.A. rightB.wrongC.goodD.ready


科目:高中英语 来源:2016-2017学年黑龙江大庆一中高一上期第三次月考英语卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Assistant Professor, Musical Theatre Dance

Wichita State University seeks to hire a full-time, 9-month, assistant professor, beginning August, 2016. Applicants are required to have a degree in dance, teaching experience at the professional or college level, ability to direct and ability to teach stage movement. Salary depends on qualifications and experience.

For complete information see http://finearts.wichita.edu.

Associate/Full Professor in Theatre and Dance

The Department of Theatre & Dance at the University of California at San Diego (http://www-theatre.ucsd.edu/) is seeking an experienced theatre artist in lighting design. Significant professional experience is required.

A review of applications will start on June 1, 2016. Application deadline: September 1, 2016.

Technical Director in Performing and Fine Arts

DeSales University’s Performing and Fine Arts Department seeks a highly skilled, professional technical director. The position is a 10-month, staff position with the possibility for summer employment with the Pennsylvania Shakespeare Festival. BA degree or equivalent professional experience is required; MFA is preferred.

Please email materials to john.bell@desales.edu. Screening of applications begins immediately and will continue until the position is filled.

Assistant Director of Media Resources Center

Maryland Institute College of Art is seeking an Assistant Director of Media Resources Center in the Academic Affairs Division.

Position qualifications include a degree in Art History or related field with knowledge of art and design history, library experience, excellent interpersonal and communication skills and familiarity with Photoshop and scanning.

A review of applications will begin immediately. Applicants may email a letter of interest to jobs@mica.edu. Salary differs depending on your experience. Please include desired salary in your letter of interest.


Interested persons should electronically submit a cover letter highlighting their experience and qualifications, and names of three professional references with phone and email contact information using the Apply Now link above.

1.Wichita State University offers ______.

A. a part time and assistant professor job

B. a job people can work for many years

C. a flexible pay to the future assistant professor

D. work that require people to act on the stage

2.If you are good at communicating with others, you should apply to _____.

A. DeSales University

B. Wichita State University

C. the University of California

D. Maryland Institute College of Art

3.We can probably find the ad in the section of _____.

A. Employment Information B. Information Technology

C. Around the World D. Teen’s Garden


科目:高中英语 来源:2016-2017学年内蒙古高二上期第二次月考英语卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

This Russian program is difficult ______ for Chinese students.

A. understanding it B. understanding

C. to be understood D. to understand


科目:高中英语 来源:2017届安徽蚌埠二中高三上期中考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:书面表达


1. 你因家庭聚会,周日不能参加郊游;

2. 你邀请他两周后参加自己的生日聚会,有人去接,会提前给他电话。

注意:1 词数100左右



Dear Mike,

I called on you twice this week, but you were out.____________________________












Li Hua


科目:高中英语 来源:2017届安徽蚌埠二中高三上期中考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

My 16-year-old son, Anton, had gone to the local swimming hole. Most of the kids swim there, and there are plenty of rocks for them to use as safe harbors, so I had no fears for his safety.

Still, the firefighter's first words "You need to come up here to the Stillwater River" made me catch my breath, and his follow-up words gave me relief: “Your son is OK.”

When I got to the river, I immediately saw the firetruck, ambulance and Anton, wrapped with a towel about his shoulders, sitting quietly on a low platform of the fire engine.

I hurried over to him. "You OK?"I asked.

“Yeah,” was all he said. But my eyes begged for an explanation, I didn't get it from my son, however, who tends to play his cards close to his vest

The story was this: A woman was being swept under water. Hearing the cries, Anton and his friend Tyler, without hesitation, swam out to her, and brought her safely to shore.

In an age in which the word "hero" is broadcast with abandon and seemingly applied to anyone who makes it through the day, I realized the real thing in my son. The teens are stubborn and self-centered, but that didn't mean they have no desire to do good.

Still shocked by my son's daring, I drove him home. Along the way, I tried to dig out some more information from him but he had precious little to say. The only words he said were, “What's for supper?”

I spent some time alone that evening, thinking about the tragedy that might have been. The next morning, when Anton got up, I half expected him to tell me the story. But all he did was toast some bread, pull himself together, and head for the door to start a new day. Watching from the window, I was reminded that still water often runs deep.

1.Why did the mother allow her son to swim there?

A.He was an excellent swimmer.

B.The water of the river is shallow.

C.The rocks can be of help if there's danger.

D.He was old enough to swim.

2.The underlined part "who tends to play his cards close to his vest" probably means ________.

A.Anton is unwilling to tell others what he thinks

B.Anton is a boy fond of swimming with other kids

C.Anton always has a desire to help others

D.Anton seldom changes his mind

3.In the mother's eyes, what her son did was ________.

A.dangerous but interesting

B.unexpected and courageous

C.meaningful but difficult

D.awful and absurd

4.What might be the best title for the passage?

A.A Proud MotherB.Anton, A Silent Boy

C.A Good DeedD.My Son, My Hero


科目:高中英语 来源:2017届甘肃省高三上第三次月考试英语卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

During a career planning class, Brenda Fabian asked how many students use Facebook, a popular online networking community for college students. Almost everyone in the room raised a hand.“Then I asked how many knew that employers are reviewing Facebook for hiring purposes,”says Fabian,director for Center for Career Services at Susquehanna University.“No hands were raised, and their faces revealed the students' surprise.”

Although some parents do keep track of their teen's online activities,most teenagers don't realize that websites may be monitored by schools,prospective(未来的) employers or anyone else who might be interested in the teenager's lifestyle not just today but anytime in the future.

Most of us don't realize that the information that gets posted on the Internet may be deleted,but it doesn't disappear permanently.“The stuff is there forever,”says Jamie Riehle,director of Web Publishing at Lycos.“It is backed up (备份) on servers and doesn't go away.”

As company recruiters,college admission officers,law enforcement personnel and parents become more Web savvy (有见识的),it becomes even more vital for teenagers to be cautious when posting any information on their websites. Even though sites that are private can be seen only by a preselected list of friends,there are companies that,for a fee,can dig deeper into cyberspace(网络空间) and find anything. Even government officials who thought that deleting email would exonerate(宣布……无罪) them from wrongdoing are discovering that,on the Web,there is no such thing as private or gone forever.

Steven Rothenberg,president and founder of College-Recruiter.com,suggests that teenagers think of their Web posts as tattoos(纹身). “Inherently(内在地),there is nothing wrong with them if they are private,”he says.“But if they are visible or offensive, it can affect the way others see you.”

1.The information posted on the Internet ________.

A.can be deleted easily

B.can't be deleted completely

C.usually falls in the hands of employers

D.remains for a long time

2.What do we know about sites that are private?

A.They are owned by some companies.

B.They charge people for viewing them.

C.They can keep the information a secret.

D.They are not so private as supposed.

3.The second paragraph implies that ________.

A.one who posts negative things may have their employment affected

B.a teenager should not write about his lifestyle online

C.it's hard for parents to keep track of their teen's online activities

D.the Internet is becoming more insecure

4.Steven Rothenberg believes that ________.

A.teenagers should not be allowed to post anything online

B.teenagers should keep their information private online

C.teenagers should be cautious about their posts online

D.teenagers should be monitored online


科目:高中英语 来源:【百强校]2016-2017学年福建省高一上期中考试英语卷(解析版) 题型:完形填空


Last year, I was sent to work at an office near my mother’s house. ________, I stayed with her for a month. During that time, I helped her out with the housework and the ________.

After a week, I started ________ the groceries were running out pretty quickly. ________, I began observing what my mother did every day for two weeks. To my ________, I found she would pack a paper bag full of canned goods and ________ every morning at about nine. She took the food to the slums(贫民窟) and gave it out to street ________. I asked around and ________ my mum was popular in the area. The kids looked up to her as if she were their own mother. Then it hit me — why didn’t she want to tell me about what she’d been doing? Was she ________ that I would stop buying the groceries if I knew the truth? When she got home, I told her about my discovery and ________ she could say something, I gave her a big hug and told her she didn’t need to keep it a ________ from me. She told me that the ________ of the children lived with an old lady in a makeshift home while others ________ on the streets. For years, my mum had been helping out by ________ whatever food she could ________. I was so touched by how ________ she was. She used what was ________ for her to help others in need. And I was so ________ of her. I ________ to buy groceries for my mum. But now, I always add a(n) ________ bag for her other children.

1.A. HoweverB. MoreoverC. ThereforeD. Anyway

2.A. cansB. groceriesC. goodsD. bags

3.A. to ignoreB. to judgeC. to complainD. to notice

4.A. ConfusedB. UpsetC. MovedD. Trapped

5.A. frightB. angerC. surpriseD. terror

6.A. work outB. set outC. dig outD. burst out

7.A. childrenB. cyclistsC. youthsD. teenagers

8.A. turned outB. came outC. pointed outD. found out

9.A. gratefulB. hopefulC. concernedD. buried

10.A. onceB. beforeC. untilD. since

11.A. secretB. requestC. presentD. shelter

12.A. numberB. manyC. someD. majority

13.A. layB. ateC. sleptD. played

14.A. giving awayB. giving inC. giving offD. giving up

15.A. devoteB. spareC. affordD. found

16.A. wiseB. activeC. powerfulD. selfless

17.A. meantB. cookedC. scheduledD. rewarded

18.A. tiredB. fondC. frightenedD. proud

19.A. dreamB. preferC. continueD. agree

20.A. entireB. extraC. exactD. sincere


科目:高中英语 来源:2017届广东中山一中等七校联合体高三上第二次联考英语卷(解析版) 题型:完形填空


Years ago, a critical event occurred in my life that would change it forever. I met Kurt Kampmeir of Success Motivation Incorporation for breakfast. While we were ________, Kurt asked me, “John, what is your ________ for personal growth?”

Never at a loss for words, I tried to find things in my life that might ________ for growth. I told him about the many activities in which I was ________. And I went into a ________ about how hard I worked and the gains I was making. I must have talked for ten minutes. Kurt ________ patiently, but then he ________ smiled and said, “You don’t have a personal plan for growth, do you?”

“No, I ________.”

“You know,” Kurt said simply, “growth is not a(n) ________ process.”

And that’s when it ________ me. I wasn’t doing anything ________ to make myself better. And at that moment, I made the ________: I will develop and follow a personal growth plan for my ________.

That night, I talked to my wife about my ________ with Kurt and what I had learned. I ________ her the workbook and tapes Kurt was selling. We ________ that Kurt wasn’t just trying to make a sale. He was offering a ________ for us to change our lives and achieve our dreams.

Several important things happened that day. First, we decided to ________ the resources. But more importantly, we made a commitment to ________ together as a couple. From that day on, we learned together, traveled together, and sacrificed together. It was a ________ decision. While too many couples grow apart, we were growing together.

1.A. workingB. preparingC. thinkingD. eating

2.A. suggestionB. demandC. planD. request

3.A. appealB. lookC. callD. qualify

4.A. involvedB. trappedC. lostD. bathed

5.A. lectureB. speechC. discussionD. debate

6.A. calculatedB. listenedC. drankD. explained

7.A. eagerlyB. graduallyC. gratefullyD. finally

8.A. admittedB. interruptedC. apologizedD. complained

9.A. automaticB. slowC. independentD. changing

10.A. confusedB. informedC. pleasedD. hit

11.A. on loanB. on purposeC. on saleD. on balance

12.A. commentB. announcementC. decisionD. arrangement

13.A. lifeB. progressC. performanceD. investment

14.A. contractB. conversationC. negotiationD. argument

15.A. lentB. soldC. showedD. offered

16.A. recalledB. definedC. recognizedD. declared

17.A. toolB. commitmentC. wayD. rule

18.A. provideB. buyC. giveD. deliver

19.A. growB. surviveC. moveD. gather

20.A. difficultB. randomC. firmD. wise


科目:高中英语 来源:2017届四川宜宾市高三上期中考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Speaking in public meetings is necessary for many students and employees. As well, it is a difficult task for them, especially for non-native speakers. A great many researchers have made efforts to help foreign language learners to improve the approaches.

Charles LeBeau is a public speaking professor and consultant. Currently, he teaches at two universities and at the Toshiba International Training Center. He has also written books on the subject. English language learners around the world use his book Speaking of Speech.

In Speaking of Speech Mr. LeBeau says a simple approach helps the learners. So, the professor divides public speaking into three parts: the physical message, the visual message, and the story message. He says, “The central thing to remember about public speaking or presentation is that it’s a very complex communicative activity. For non-native speakers it’s a really scary activity. So to make that more simplistic and easy for them, the approach that I’ve taken is to simplify and break it down. First if we look at presentation, what’s going on? There are basically three messages that the presenter is giving the audience at the same time. There’s what I call the physical message, namely body language. It’s the way that my body, as a speaker, is talking to the audience. Then there’s also the visual message. The visual messages are the slides that we now make and show the audience. The third message is the story message, which is the content of our presentation. The story message is the verbal message, what we say to the audience. The story message also includes how we organize our ideas to present to the audience.”

He says the simple approach to breaking down the parts of public speaking has proved itself. He says learners improve quickly and do a good presentation after a few days of study.

1.What does Mr. LeBeau think of public speaking?

A. Public speaking is a simple task.

B. Public speaking is divided into three parts.

C. Public speaking is a tough communicative activity.

D. Public speaking is necessary for students and employees.

2.From Mr. LeBeau’s point, which of the following is the key way to help speakers?

A. Studying a few days.

B. Simplifying the speech.

C. Using slides and physical language.

D. Reading his book Speaking of Speech.

3.Which of the following provides the visual message?

A. Gestures; videos; ideas.

B. Slides; feelings; videos.

C. Photos; ideas; gestures.

D. Videos; slides; photos.

