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2:30AMWeekend ABC 7News(Repeat)
The top local,regional and national news events are presented by the ABC 7
Weekend News Team,along with weather,sports and travel conditions.
3:00AMInside Edition(New,TV-PG)
Rumors about mass murderer Charles Manson's secret son.
3:30AMAmerica This Morning(New)
Live reports from ABC News headquarters in Washington D.C.Early morning news events and the top headlines of the day are examined and reported.
4:30AMABC 7News This Morning(New)
The ABC 7Morning News Team provides a general look at overnight and early morning news events,weather forecasts and traffic updates for early risers.
5:00AMMirror Mirror
Reporter Rebecca Spera provides the latest developments in the beauty,health and fashion industries and answers commonly-asked beauty questions.
5:30AMHome with Lisa Quinn
Professional designer Lisa Quinn shows how to refurnish,reorganize and redesign the home in order to maximize convenience and style.
6:00AMEveryday Living
Quick beauty tips;protect yourself from money problems;the four most commonly parenting mistakes.
7:00AMWindy City Live(Repeat)
Tile ABC 7team of hosts provides the latest on things of interest in Chicago including cultural events,lifestyle topics,fashion trends and celebrity news.
*TV-PG:programs for children with parents'guidance
60.Which of the following statements is NOT true?B
A.ABC News headquarters is in Washington D.C.
B.Lisa Quinn is a professor providing the latest information in fashion.
C.Parenting mistakes are discussed in the morning TV programs.
D.ABC 7News This Morning will give early risers a general look at traffic updates.
61.Which content should be watched with parents'guidance?C
A.Commonly-asked beauty questions.
B.Celebrity news.
C.Rumors about Charles Manson's secret son.
D.Lifestyle topics.
62.If one would like to deal with money problems,he may refer toA.
A.Everyday Living    
B.Mirror Mirror
C.Windy City Live 
D.Home with Lisa Quinn
63.If you want to know the latest weather forecast of the day,you should watch atC.
A.2:30AM    B.3:30AM    C.4:30AM D.7:00AM.

分析 本文为广告应用文,文章介绍了一些电视节目的播出时间和主要内容.

解答 60-63 BCAC
60.答案B.细节理解题.根据Home with Lisa Quinn部分的Professional designer Lisa Quinn shows how to refurnish,reorganize and redesign the home可知,Lisa Quinn是一个家居设计师,而不是时装方面的专家,故选B.
61.答案C.细节理解题.根据表格后那一段TV-PG:programs for children with parents'guidance可知,孩子需要在父母的指导下观看TV-PG的电视节目,TV-PG的节目为表格一中的Inside Edition(New,TV-PG)Rumors about mass murderer Charles Manson's secret son.故选C.
62.答案A.细节理解题.根据Everyday Living部分的protect yourself from money problems可知,"Everyday Living"会讲到处理金钱问题,故选A.
63.答案C.细节理解题.根据ABC 7News This Morning(New)部分对的The ABC 7 Morning News Team provides…weather forecasts可知,想要了解天气情况,需要看"ABC 7 News This Morning",故选C.

点评 广告应用文解题策略如下:1、先题后文:先读试题,了解考点;明确目的,快速捕捉,获取信息.2、题干定向:根据题干关键词到文中定位答案范围,按照题目顺序依次而下:问题与材料相同:对号入座;问题与原文相同:同义替换、归纳事实等.3、生词模糊:遇到生词;如无关答题,直接跳过;涉及答题,则根据语境、构词法等猜词.4、信息补全:对于影响理解的省略句,可根据语境,将其补全.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

7.I _______a cup of coffee when a new idea occurred to me.(  )
A.drankB.was drinkingC.had drunkD.would drink


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

8.In most cases,college graduates don't mind what job they will do so long as it is one ______ they can earn money to support themselves.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

5.My camera can be _________ to take pictures in cloudy or sunny conditions.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

12.When asked about the secret about staying young,he said that a balanced diet __________ with exercise was the recipe for a healthy life.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

2.A meteor(陨星) that exploded over Russia's Ural mountains and sent burning to earth has set off a rush to find fragments of the space rock which hunters hope could fetch thousands of dollars a piece.
Friday's explosion and following shockwave shattered windows,injured almost 1200people and caused about 33million worth of damage,said local authorities.
It also started a"meteorite rush"around the industrial city of Chelyabinsk,where groups of people have started combing through the snow and ice.
"The price is hard to say yet…The fewer meteorites that are discovered,the higher their price is."Said Dmitry Kachkalin,a member of the Russian Society of Amateur Meteorite Lovers.
Meteorites are parts of a meteor that have fallen to earth.
Scientists at the Urals Federal University were the first to announce a significant find-53small,stony,black objects around Lake Chebarkul,near Chelyabinsk,which tests confirmed were small meteorites.
The fragments were only 0.5to 1cm across but the scientists said larger pieces may have crashed into the lake,where a crater in the ice about eight metres wide opened up after Friday's explosion.
"We just completed tests and confirm that the pieces of matter found by our experts around Lake Chebarkul are really meteorites."said Viktor Grokhovsky,a scientist with the Urals Federal University and the Russian Academy of Sciences.
Many other people were in the area just hoping to find a meteorite after what was described by scientists as a once-in-a-century event.
Residents of a village near Chelyabinsk searched the snowy streets,collecting stones they hoped prove to be the real thing.But not all were ready to sell.
"I will keep it.Why sell it?I didn't have a rich lifestyle before,so why start now?"a woman in a woollen hat and winter jacket,clutching a small black pebble(小圆石),told state television.
The Internet was filled quickly with advertisements from eager hunters hoping to sell what they said were meteorites-some for as little as 1,000roubles (33.18).
One seller of a large,silver-hued rock wrote in an advertisement:"Selling an unusual rock.It may be a piece of meteorite.It may be a bit of a UFO.It may be a piece of a rocket!"
67.According to the passage,lots of people rushed to find meteorites forB.
A.fun     B.money   C.researchD.fame
68.The underlined phrase in the third paragraph"combing through"meansC.
A.striking hard
B.enjoying the happiness of
C.searching carefully
D.making a place tidy and clean
69.Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?B
A.The price of meteorites will be very high without doubt.
B.A meteor exploded over Russia's Ural mountains on Friday.
C.All meteorites hunters want to sell what they found and become rich.
D.People from all across Russia have rushed to Ural mountains to find meteorites.
70.Which of the following can best serve as the title of the passage?C
A.How to identity a meteorite
B.To sell or to keep your meteorite
C.Meteorite rush around Chelyabinsk
D.Meteor explosion caused great damage.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

9.While we have notdismissed (排除; 解散) the idea,we are looking into other possibilities as well.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

6.Limit your movements during an earthquake to a nearby safe place.Stay indoors until the shake has stopped and you are sure it is safe to leave.
●If you are indoors:
Drop,Cover,and Hold-Take cover under a strong desk,table,or bench,or against an inside wall.If there is no desk or table near you,cover your face and head with your arms and stay in an inside corner of the building.
Stay away from glass,windows,walls and anything that could fall down,such as lights and furniture.
If you are in bed when the earthquake strikes,stay there.Hold on and protect your head with a pillow,unless you are under a heavy light that could fall down.In that case,move to the nearest safe place.
Stay inside until the shake stops and it is safe to go outside.Most injuries during earthquakes occur when people are hit by falling things while entering or leaving buildings.
Be aware that electricity may go out or that fire alarms may turn on.
Do not use elevators.
●If you are outdoors:
Stay there.
Move away from buildings,trees and streetlights.
●If you are in a moving car:
Stop as quickly as safety permits,pull to the side of the road,and stay in the car.
Avoid stopping near or under buildings,trees,overpasses.
Do not attempt to drive across bridges or overpasses that have been damaged.
Proceed cautiously after the earthquake has stopped,watching for road and bridge damage.
Here we have more good ways for you to escape from an earthquake,and welcome to visit our website www.earthquake.com.
49.According to"If you are indoors",you are most likely to get injuredD.
A.when you are in a tall building
B.when you hide under a desk or table
C.when you are in bed
D.when you enter or leave buildings
50.Which of the following is TRUE when an earthquake happens according to the passage?C
A.If you are in a restaurant,rush out through the door to a safe place.
B.If you are on a bus,get off it right away to find a safe place.
C.If you are playing on the playground,just stay there.
D.If you are reading on the sixth floor in a library,use an elevator to get out as quickly as possible.
51.We can find more ways to survive an earthquakeCaccording to the passage.
A.in some books       B.on TV      C.on the Internet    D.on the radio
52.The passage mainly tells aboutA.
A.how to survive an earthquake
B.how to prevent an earthquake
C.how to protect yourself from falling things
D.what we need to do before an earthquake.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

7.The Chinese abacus(算盘),officially ______ as a cultural heritage at the 8th Annual UNESCO World Heritage Congress,is another symbol of Chinese wisdom.(  )
A.having listedB.listed
C.having been listedD.listing

