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9.The world is moving so fast these days that if you do not have the right education,you could get left behind.Technology touches every part of our daily lives---even the fast food industry relies on computer assisted systems to speed things to their customers.If you cannot figure out the computer at your local fast food shop,where will that leave you?
Once upon a time,you could have a good life with nothing more than a high school diploma,but those times are gone now.Competition for even the lowest level jobs is fierce,and most employers will give the edge to that extra education now.Jobs that never required a degree before now will certainly be given to the most educated candidate as markets grow tighter and tighter.
Education is not only important on the job front,however.Recent studies show that continually learning will keep your brain more healthy.The more active you keep your brain now,the more active it will remain in the long run.It does make sense if you think about it:if you start jogging,your body feels healthier after a while and will actually long for exercise.The same could probably be said for your brain:make it work to learn something new,and it will continually seek out the stimulation(刺激)of new information to keep itself sharp.
Education is important for your sense of self and self-esteem.If you allow yourself to think that you are poorly educated,you therefore deserve an old car or a small house and poor life.Stop feeling sorry for yourself and take charge of your own fate.Realize that you are a different person now and evaluate why you did so poorly in the past.Was it because you just could not learn,or because you did not want to focus on your education at that time?You are an adult now,and will be more focused and goal driven.Never say no to education,never say no to yourself.
56.Why does the author mention"the fast food industry"in the first paragraph?(No more than l0 words)
To show technology touches all aspects of life./To tell us technology touches every part of life.
57.How can you make your brain sharp according to this passage?(No more than 10 words)
By making it work to learn something new./By making use of it to learn something new.
58.What does the underlined phrase"give the edge to"mean?(No more than 3 words)
Prefer./Value./Favor./Like./Pay attention to./Focus on.
59.What should you do to stop feeling sorry and take charge of your fate?(No more than 20 words)
Realize that you are a different person now and evaluate why you did so poorly then.
60.In your opinion,why is education very important?(No more than 15 words)
Because education can help us find good jobs and build up our confidence..

分析 本文属于一篇说明文的短文阅读.主要介绍了教育在当今社会中的重要作用.现代社会科技迅速发展,教育的重要性也越加明显,它能改善我们的工作,提高我们的自信等.

解答 56.To show technology touches all aspects of life./To tell us technology touches every part of life.
 根据短文中第一段Technology touches every part of our daily lives---even the fast food industry relies on computer assisted systems to speed things to their customers.可知,破折号后面的内容就是对前面一句的解释说明,所以文章提到快餐业的目的就是为了说明科技已经触及到了我们生活中的每一个角落;故答案为
To show technology touches all aspects of life./To tell us technology touches every part of life.
57.By making it work to learn something new./By making use of it to learn something new.
 由文中第三段中make it work to learn something new,and it will continually seek out the stimulation(刺激)of new information to keep itself sharp.一句可知,要想使我们的大脑保持思维敏捷,就必须学习新的东西.故答案为By making it work to learn something new./By making use of it to learn something new.
58.Prefer./Value./Favor./Like./Pay attention to./Focus on.
 该句话Competition for even the lowest level jobs is fierce,and most employers will give the edge to that extra education now.说明,即使是最低级的工作其竞争也是很激烈的,大部分老板会更喜欢接受更多教育的人,所以由此推出give the edge to应该是更喜欢、偏爱、钟爱等意思;故答案为Prefer./Value./Favor./Like./Pay attention to./Focus on.
59.Realize that you are a different person now and evaluate why you did so poorly then.
 最后一段Realize that you are a different person now and evaluate why you did so poorly in the past.紧承前一句Stop feeling sorry for yourself and take charge of your own fate.要想不再顾影自怜,想控制自己的命运,就要意识到自己的独特并评估分析自己为什么过去做的那么差;故答案为Realize that you are a different person now and evaluate why you did so poorly then.
60.Because education can help us find good jobs and build up our confidence.
根据文章内容的描述和第三段中Education is not only important on the job front,however.Recent studies show that continually learning will keep your brain more healthy.可知,教育的重要性在于能使我们找到好的工作和培养自信心;故答案为Because education can help us find good jobs and build up our confidence.

点评 本文是说明类的阅读表达,要求学生在阅读理解的基础上,根据短文后的题目,在文中找到相关的内容,并用简洁、准确的句子,将理解的内容,书面表达出来.做题时,注意表达的内容不要超出规定的字数.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

8.In the morning,she usually goes to work.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:短文改错

9.The summer holiday is coming.My classmates and I are talking about how to do during the holiday.We can chose between staying at home and take a trip.If we stay at home,it is comfortable but there is no need to spend money.But in that case,we will learn little about world.If we go on a trip abroad,we can broaden your view and gain knowledges we cannot get from books.Some classmates suggest we can go to places of interest nearby.I thought that it is a good idea.It does not cost many,yet we can still learn a lot.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

17.Tom looks very happy.He _____ have passed the interview.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

4.Stress for a teenager is as real a problem as stress for an adult.Therefore,it's important to understand the causes of stress in teenagers.
When parents change their jobs or if the family decides to move to a different place,the child has to change schools,find new friends,adapt to the new social circle and fit into new groups.It is always difficult for children to adapt to such changes,which can be a serious cause of stress in their life.
Academic difficulties,such as inability to understand a certain subject can cause stress.Not every child has the ability to understand every  subject.Some kids need extra help besides school work to grasp a few concepts.Poor academic performance is often laughed at and is looked down upon by both teachers and peers.In such cases,it can make the child feel isolated,neglected and hurt.All of this,put together,can add to stress,which many times worsens grades.
Extra curricular activities (课外活动) such as playing a sport,or attending art classes can weigh heavily on your child's mind.Balancing school and extra curricular activities does seem like a burden when you have to be outstanding at both.When the pressures from both the ends get unmanageable,teenagers tend to get tired and annoyed.Tiredness sets in,leading to stress related issues such as lack of concentration in school.
These are the common causes of stress in teenagers,which can be noticed through signs such as poor memory,anxiety,negative and pessimistic attitude.If the signs of teenage stress go unrecognized for a long time,it can make the child emotionally out of balance.And next step,if this happens,it is necessary for parents to know how to deal with stress.

78.What does the passage mainly talk about?The cause of stress in teenagers.
79.Poor academic performance causes stress for children because it tendsto be laughed at and looked down upon by both teachers andpeers.
80.How can parents know that their teenagers are under stress?
They can know that if their childrenshow signs such as poor memory,anxiety,negative and pessimistic attitude
81.The common causes of stress in teenagers introduced by the author are:
changing school places,academic difficulties and extra curricular activities.
(Note:Answer the questions or complete the statements in NO MORE THAN THIRTEEN WORDS)


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

14.All of us exist in‘bodies'of different shapes,heights,colors and physical abilities.The main reasons for the differences are genetic,and the fact that people's bodies change as they age.However,a huge range of research indicates that there are social factors too.
Poorer people are more likely to eat‘unhealthy'foods,to smoke cigarettes and to be employed in physically difficult work or the opposite:boring,inactive employment.Moreover,their housing conditions and neighbourhoods tend to be worse.All of these factors impact upon the condition of a person's health:the physical shapes of bodies are strongly influenced by social factors.
These social factors are also closely linked to emotional wellbeing.People with low or no incomes are more likely to have mental health problems.It is not clear,however,whether poverty causes mental illness,or whether it is the other way around.For example,certain people with mental health issues may be at risk of becoming homeless,just as a person who is homeless may have an increased risk of illnesses such as depression.
There are other types of social factors too.Bodies are young or old,short or tall,big or small,weak or strong.Whether these judgments matter and whether they are positive or negative depends on the cultural and historical context.In fact,the culture of different societies promote very different valuations of body shapes.What is considered as attractive or ugly,normal or abnormal varies enormously.Currently,for example,in rich societies the idea of slimness is highly valued,but historically this was different.In most societies the ideal body shape for a woman was a‘full figure',while in middle-aged man,a large stomach indicated that they were financially successful in life.
Sociologists are suggesting that we should not just view bodies and minds in biological terms,but also in social terms.The physical body and what we seek to do with it change over time and society.This has important implications for medicine and ideas of health.Thus,the idea of people being‘overweight'is physically related to large amounts of processed food,together with lack of exercise,and is therefore a medical issue.However,it has also become a mental health issue and social problem as a result of people coming to define this particular body shape as‘wrong'and unhealthy.
(Note:Answer the questions or complete the statements in NO MORE THAN TEN WORDS.)
78.Besides social factors,what are the other two reasons for differences in bodies?Genes and aging.
79.The social factors are likely to have a great effect on people'sphysical healthandmental health.
80.Valuations of body shapes change withculture and history.
81.The"This"in the last paragraph refers toviewing bodies and minds in social terms.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

1.When you are little,it's not hard to believe you can change the world.I remember my enthusiasm when,at the age of 12,I addressed the delegates at the Rio Earth Summit."I am only a child,"I told them."Yet I know that if all the money spent on war was spent on ending poverty and finding environmental answers,what a wonderful place this would be.In school you teach us not to fight with others,to work things out,to respect others,to clean up our mess,not to hurt other creatures,to share,not to be greedy.Then why do you go out and do the thing you tell us not to do?You grown-ups say you love us,but I challenge you,please,to make your actions reflect your words."
I spoke for six minutes and received a standing ovation.Some of the delegates even cried.I thought that maybe I had reached some of them,that my speech might actually spur(激励) action.Now,a decade from Rio,after I've sat through many more conferences,I'm not sure what has been accomplished.My confidence in the people in power and in the power of an individual's voice to reach them has been deeply shaken.
When I was little,the world was simple.But as a young adult,I'm learning that as we have to make choices-education,career,lifestyle-life gets more and more complicated.We are beginning to feel pressure to produce and be successful.We are taught that economic growth is in progress,but aren't taught how to pursue a happy,healthy or sustainable(可持续的) way of living.And we are learning that what we wanted for the future when we were 12was ideal and innocent.
Today I'm no longer a child,but I'm worried about what kind of environment my children will grow up in.I know change is possible,because I am changing,still figuring out what I think.I am still deciding how to live my life.The challenges are great,but if we accept individual responsibility and make sustainable choices,we will rise to the challenges,and we will become part of the positive tide of change.

66.The purpose of what the writer said at the age of 12was toC.
A.end poverty and make school beautiful
B.find environmental answers and keep the words that they always told themselves
C.end poverty and solve the problems about environment
D.find a wonderful place and clean it up
67.What does the underlined word"ovation"in the second paragraph refer toD.
A.a long period of laughing  
B.a warm welcome
C.an expression used for greeting   
D.a long period of clapping and applause
68.It becomes clear that the writer is possiblyB now.
A.in his teens  B.in his twenties  C.in his thirties  D.in his forties
69.Which of the following is true according to the passage?D
A.the writer thinks what he thought at the age of 12is mature.
B.the writer's children will certainly live in an ideal environment.
C.the writer's confidence in the people in power has deeply shaken their voice.
D.the writer's belief does not change when he grows up.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

18.请输入[1]Last June,after feeling ill and tired for weeks,Zac was diagnosed with a fast-growing cancer of the white blood cells.The six-year-old boy is experiencing painful treatment but still goes to Union Central Elementary in Missouri every day-because that's where he gets to hang out with his best friend Vincent.   
[2]Vincent is also a first-grade boy.when he learnt that his best friend is struggling against cancer,he decided that hours of playing and telling jokes was not enough.He expected to do some thing more.He wanted to show his best friend just how he understood the tough time hewas going through.So after much consideration,six-year-old Vincent decided the only way he could do was to shave his head in support of his best friend Zac,who lost his hair through chemotherapy (化疗).
[3]When Vincent was asked why he shaved his hair off,he told a journalist:"To make Zac feel like he'not the only one _____________."
[4]Curious about the disease affecting his friend,Vincent has also been learning about cancer and raising money for his best friend after learning how expensive his chemotherapy treatments are.He made more than 20 scarves and sold them,raising more than$200 to give to Zac.The little boy's mom Karen told a journalist:"We have been making these scarves and he said it would be cool if we could make a whole bunch of these and sell them."
[5]When asked what friendship was,Vincent looked at his friend Zac and responded:"It s a beautiful thing."
[6]It is such a comfortable and warm feeling to know that we have such a faithful friendship.
66.Why did little Zac want to go to school in spite of his illness?(no more than 10 words)Because he wanted to play with/hang out with his best friend Vincent/Because he could play with/hang out his best friend Vincent there.
67.What did Vincent decide to do to support his friend?(no more than 5 words)   
to shave his own head
68.Fill in the blank in Paragraph 3 with proper words.(no more than 5 words)
without any hair/who has no hair/who is bald
69.Who does the underlined word"he"in Paragraph 2 refer to?
Zac/his best friend(Zac)
70.What can we learn from what Vincent's mother said?(no more than 8 words)   
Vincent wanted to raise more money for Zac..


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:信息匹配

19.A.The likely reason of global warming
B.Global warming-a world problem
C.The fast increase in recent years
D.What we should do to avoid greenhouse gases producing
E.The earth is becoming warmer
F.Different opinions on the cause of global warming
Is the world warming up?According to many reports,the answer is yes.Eleven of the hottest years since 1850appeared between 1995and 2006.Last year,the United Nation's Intergovernment Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) reported the earth was about 0.75℃warmer than it was in 1850.While this doesn't sound like a lot,a small difference in average temperature can make a big difference in climate.During the last Ice Age,the planet was only about five degrees colder than now.
It's all about the speed at which temperatures are changing.In the past,temperatures moved up or down step by step.But in the 20th century,especially since 1976,temperatures have likely risen more quickly than during any century in the last 1000years.Warming may bring improved harvests to northern countries such as Canada and Russia.However,many species won't like these conditions.They begin moving towards cooler places and cause lots of trouble to human world.
The IPCC reported that human activity is very likely responsible by increasing the greenhouse effect.Some gases cause the air to take in heat energy.Without the greenhouse effect,the earth's average temperature would be-18℃rather than the present comfortable 14.6℃.The main greenhouse gases are carbon dioxide,water vapor and some other gases.Burning oil,coal and waste adds to the carbon dioxide,and it has increased 35% since 1850.
Many researchers have found that natural forces alone don't explain the temperature increases over the last 30to 40years.Their study shows that as carbon dioxide goes up,temperature will rise,too.But some scientists don't agree.They think the effect of human produced greenhouse gases is very small compared to the normal changes that the climate causes.
When asked whether humans are causing the world warming,Carl Wunsch,a professor at Massachusetts Institute of Technology says,"It seems very likely from what I've seen.Is it 100% sure?No.There is something to do with natural changes."Does that mean we should have a"wait-and-see"attitude?Not according to Wunsch.He points out we buy house insurance not because we are sure our homes will be on fire,but because it's a danger we'd rather avoid.

