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The home rent is expensive. I’ve got about half the space I had at home and I’m paying ______here. 

A. as three times as much  B. as much three times

C. much as three times   D. three times as much


科目:高中英语 来源:山东省济南市2010届高三下学期第二次模拟考试 题型:阅读理解

Across the United States, there are several places where two independent towns grew together to become one city — but kept both their names.
Winston?Salem is one of them. It’s a mid?sized city in what’s called the plateau(high land), between the Atlantic Coast and the inland mountains in the state of North Carolina. The Winston part is a relatively new place, founded early this century. It’s home to the nation’s biggest open?air tobacco market.?
The giant R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Company’s headquarters is in Winston?Salem, and Winston is the name of one of Reynolds’best?known cigarette brands. Fast?growing Winston soon surrounded the much older town of Salem, so in 1913, people in the area voted to combine them into a single place.?
From a historical and tourist point of view, Salem, or Old Salem, as it’s called today, is the interesting and unusual part of town.?
Salem was founded in the 1700s by the Moravians. They spoke German, and their community was religiously based, with single men and single women living apart in separate dormitories. The Moravians greatly valued women’s work and brainpower. In fact, one of the nation’s oldest boarding schools for young women— the Moravians’Salem Academy founded in 1772 — is still in operation. ?
Over the years, Salem lost its Moravian character. That all changed, though, when a nonprofit group began to rehabilitate the historic area. These days Old Salem is what’s called a living history museum, with exhibits, music, and tours of 18th-century houses, taverns and Moravian dormitory buildings just seven blocks from the tallest skyscraper in Winston-Salem.?
The historic community is booming again. Just as R. J. Reynolds is taking in millions of dollars making cigarettes across town, Old Salem is generating about S| 15 million a year in tourism revenue and donations.?
61. From the passage we can know that____________.?
A. Winston-Salem is the name of a city?
B. Salem is home to the tobacco market?
C. the city Winston-alem has two names?
D. Old Salem is the name of a tobacco brand
62. It can be inferred from Paragraph 3 that__________.?
A. the two cities benefited each other?
B. Salem developed faster than Winston?
C. R.J. Reynolds Company has moved into Salem?
D. the combination meets the wishes of the people
63. The city Salem is special for its__________.?
A. boarding school                          B. lifestyle and tradition?
C. respect for brainpower                    D. religious belief
64. The underlined word “rehabilitate” in Paragraph 6 is closest in meaning to “_________”.?
A. reconstruct            B. evaluate         C. enlarge         D. decorate?
65. What will probably be talked about in the following part? ?
A. Some other attractions in Winston-Salem. ?
B. How Winston makes profits from tourism. ?
C. Other examples of cities combined by two parts.?
D. Something about the boarding school for women.


科目:高中英语 来源:天津四中2010届高三下学期模拟考试英语试卷 题型:阅读理解

Across the United States, there are several places where two independent towns grew together to become one city ---- but kept both their names.
Winston-Salem is one of them. It’s a mid-sized city in what’s called the plateau(high land), between the Atlantic Coast and the inland mountains in the state of North Carolina. The Winston part is a relatively new place, founded early this century. It’s home to the nation’s biggest open-air tobacco market.?
The giant R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Company’s headquarters is in Winston-Salem, and Winston is the name of one of Reynolds’ best-known cigarette brands. Fast-growing Winston soon surrounded the much older town of Salem, so in 1913, people in the area voted to combine them into a single place.?
From a historical and tourist point of view, Salem, or Old Salem, as it’s called today, is the interesting and unusual part of town.?
Salem was founded in the 1700s by the Moravians. They spoke German, and their community was religiously based, with single men and single women living apart in separate dormitories. The Moravians greatly valued women’s work and brainpower. In fact, one of the nation’s oldest boarding schools for young women— the Moravians’ Salem Academy founded in 1772 — is still in operation. ?
Over the years, Salem lost its Moravian character. That all changed, though, when a nonprofit group began to rehabilitate the historic area. These days Old Salem is what’s called a living history museum, with exhibits, music, and tours of 18th-century houses, taverns and Moravian dormitory buildings just seven blocks from the tallest skyscraper in Winston-Salem.?
The historic community is booming again. Just as R. J. Reynolds is taking in millions of dollars making cigarettes across town, Old Salem is generating about $ 115 million a year in tourism revenue and donations.?
46. From the passage we can know that____________.?
A. Winston-Salem is the name of a city?  
B. Salem is home to the tobacco market?
C. the city Winston-Salem has two names   
D. Old Salem is the name of a tobacco brand
47. It can be inferred from Paragraph 3 that__________.?
A. the two cities benefited each other?       
B. Salem developed faster than Winston?
C. R.J. Reynolds Company has moved into Salem?
D. the combination meets the wishes of the people
48. The city Salem is special for its__________.?
A. boarding school                            B. lifestyle and tradition?
C. respect for brainpower                D. religious belief
49. The underlined word “rehabilitate” in Paragraph 6 is closest in meaning to “_______”.?
A. reconstruct          B. evaluate            C. enlarge         D. decorate?
50. What will probably be talked about in the following part? ?
A. Some other attractions in Winston-Salem. ?
B. How Winston makes profits from tourism. ?
C. Other examples of cities combined by two parts.?
D. Something about the boarding school for women.


科目:高中英语 来源:2010-2011学年度吉林长春市十一高中高二下学期期初考试英语卷 题型:填空题

【小题1】.A large q__________ of air-conditioners has been sold since the temperature is high.
【小题2】.It rained yesterday and as a c__________ the match was cancelled.
【小题3】.The prices of the dolls r__________ from $ 5 to $ 100.
【小题4】.We were really a__________ about you. You shouldn’t have left home without a word.
【小题5】.I could hardly express my a__________ of your help.
【小题6】The police __________(射击) at him, but he escaped.
【小题7】What he said did not __________(惹恼) me , for I knew he did not mean it.
【小题8】.If Paul __________(辞职), who will get the job ?
【小题9】.He owes his success to his teacher’s __________(鼓励).
【小题10】.It is our duty to help the __________(残疾).


科目:高中英语 来源:浙江省09-10学年度高一下学期期中考试试题(英语) 题型:单词拼写




1. The t_______________ number of students in the English Language Program is about 250.

2. First it was stored in tubes, then on transistors and later on very small chips. As a r_______________ , I completely changed my shape.

3. If you must smoke, p_______________ your children by always smoking outside the home.

4. To be h_______________ , the exam is not so difficult and I believe I can do it well.

5. His mother d_______________ her entire adult life to raising her four children, and died yesterday peacefully in hospital.

6. The school has its own radio station which b_______________ music and news all over town.

7. Your sister really r_______________ me of your mom; their characters and appearances are so similar!

8. If you want to write a good composition, you have to pay a_______________ to your handwriting.



科目:高中英语 来源:20102011学年浙江省高一下学期第二次月考英语试题 题型:单词拼写


1. The photo r__________ her of her lover who had drowned at sea, and she wept.

2. Children are c_____________ about everything.

3. She tries to b__________ home life and work.

4. We are currently s__________ (寻求)new ways of expanding our membership.

5. They have successfully c___________ the old with the new in this room.

6. The s_________ (场面)of that film was very moving.

7. He a_____________ to me for being late for the party.

8. It was o__________ to everyone that the child had been badly treated.

9. I don’t mind at all. I_________, I would be delighted to help.

10.Teaching children with special needs requires p____________(耐心) and understanding.



