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     Last weekend, a girlfriend that I've known since college was visiting. As we left the airport, we had to
stop at the grocery for a case of diet soda. On our way to lunch she asked me "Do you think that drinking diet soda makes you fat?"
     "Depends on whom you ask," I said. Last year, researchers from the University of Texas Health
Science Center in San Antonio reported that adults who drink diet soda did not lose weight. They were
actually more likely to become overweight than those adults who did not drink soda at all or those that
drink regular soda. In fact, the more diet soda consumed, the more likely someone would become
overweight. To be specific, there was a 41% increase in the risk of being overweight for every can or
bottle of diet soda consumed daily.
     In this study, researcher Sharon Fowler followed over 600 normal weight adults ages 25-64 over a
seven to eight year period of time. She has a number of theories as to why weight gain may be a result of
drinking a zero-calorie beverage:
     1.Artificial sweeteners may affect your body’s ability to judge how many calories you consume. When no calories are consumed, the body may continue to crave(渴望) what it expected and could lead to
     2.  Some people give up regular sodas to justify their favorite dessert and still take in too many calories. A regular soda contains about 150 calories while your dessert may be double that in calories easily.
     3. For others who were gaining weight already, switching to diet soda wasn’t enough to stop the gain.
     Since her first piece of research, Fowler has tracked another 2000 people with similar results. Do the
faux sweet products induce people to want more sweets? Fowler suggests that perhaps it’s not the soft
drinks themselves that cause weight gain but that there is some link between diet soda drinking and
1. Why do people give up regular soda and take diet one according to Fowler's research?
A. Some want to gain weight.          
B. Some want excuses to have dessert.
C. Some mistake diet soda as no-calorie drink.
D. Diet soda can help people lose weight.
2. Which of the following statements is the result of Fowler's research?
A. Diet soda can directly cause people to gain weight.
B. Diet soda increases the risk of becoming overweight.
C. Diet soda actually contains more calories than regular soda.
D. Those who drink diet soda are 41% more likely to become fat.
3. Which can NOT explain the link between diet soda and overweight?
A. People overeat to satisfy the body’s needs for calories that diet soda lacks.
B. People also have foods containing more calories when they choose diet soda.
C.Diet soda has little effect on those who have become overweight already.
D.Diet soda is a sweetener that increases the body’s needs for calories.
4. What can we learn from the passage?  
A. Only overweight adults are involved to see if diet soda can help lose weight.  
B. The research lasted many years and over 2000 people took part in it.  
C. Diet soda has opposite effect on those who take it to lose weight.  
D. Sharon Fowler is the first to find drinking diet soda leads to overweight.
5. What does the underlined word "induce" probably mean?
A. cause        
B. reduce      
C. advise        
D. inspire

科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

New friends. Fresh lifestyle. Better career opportunities… Those are attractions of overseas study for young people in China. “Start early, finish strong,” some of them say.

More than 300 universities from 27 countries and regions were represented at last weekend’s international education exposition.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

We went to Mountain Tai last weekend, ________, not surprisingly, was crowded with visitors.

A. that             B. which           C. where         D. when


科目:高中英语 来源:2012-2013学年江西上饶中学高一第一次月考潜能特长班英语试卷(带解析) 题型:阅读理解

It’s cool, and it’s hot, and everyone is doing it. People talk about it often, and friends tell other friends how good they look. Sound like a fashion? It’s actually another trend(倾向): “blog”. What’s a blog? A blog is a personal online diary. The word “blogger” means a person who writes diaries online.
Many bloggers are teens who’ve been logging(进入) onto sites to discuss anything in their lives. Many of today’s teenagers are not afraid to openly discuss everything in their lives. Teens complain(抱怨) about parents and homework. They share diaries, post songs from the latest bands and show pictures of theirs. They write their own poems, say something about their girlfriends or boyfriends and complain to each other or offer support. But mostly they just write down what they do every day.
However, many parents are afraid of these young bloggers. Parents see the kids talking about how they got drunk last weekend and how they don’t like studying. They are using language that is surprising to their parents. Besides hearing from their friends, teen bloggers also get message from strangers. Most of the time, it’s older men asking to meet teenage girls. “These strange men are dangerous for my kids. They sometimes teach my kids bad words, “ said Cara Cabral, a mother of two.
Many teens and young adults know it’s not safe to use blogs on the Internet. They know they are putting information about themselves in a place they can be seen by anyone. But teens are unlikely to give up these new communication tools that have becomes a way of life for many of them.
Are you a bloggers? What do you think of the blog?
【小题1】 What does the underlined word “it” mean in the first paragraph?

A.the blogB.talking online
C.the InternetD.the website
【小题2】A blogger is a person ___________.
A.who teaches kids bad words
B.who posts songs from the latest bands
C.who got drunk last weekend
D.who writes diaries online
【小题3】According to this passage, teen bloggers mostly __________.
A.complain about parents and homework
B.write down what they do every day
C.offer support to each other
D.share diaries and show pictures of theirs
【小题4】Parents think it’s dangerous for their kids to use blogs because ________.
A.their kids use a surprising language
B.their kids talk about how they don’t like studying
C.teen bloggers got messages from strangers
D.their kids talk about their girlfriends or boyfriends
【小题5】 Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?
A.Many teens know it’s not safe to use the blog on the Internet.
B.Most of today’s teenagers aren’t afraid to openly discuss everything in their lives.
C.A blogger’s information about himself can be seen by anyone on the Internet.
D.It’s easy for teenagers to give up blogging.


科目:高中英语 来源:2010-2011学年山东省济南市高三上学期12月阶段考试英语卷 题型:单项填空

 ---How did you kill your time last weekend?

---Harry took me to a (n) ________restaurant for our anniversary.







科目:高中英语 来源:20102011浙江慈溪云龙中学高二上学期期中联考英语试题 题型:单项填空

–My family had a free vacation in the beautiful city last weekend. We had a lot of fun there.

   -- _________.                         

A. It’s a great pleasure          B. I’m glad to hear that

C. You’re welcome             D. That’s very nice of you


