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【题目】Wed better develop our interest in English at the beginning of our study. 【1】 We may feel good when we can say something simple in English.

2 So we must make some plans before study. And we should certainly carry out these plans in our study.

3 Our notes are much thinner than the books so that we can learn them by heart easily and can often review and read them. We may also record our notes on tapes so as to listen to them easily.

Reading a newspaper is the best thing to improve your English. 4 It will help you keep in touch with a lot of subjects in English.

5 Learn by heart the whole sentences and the phrases that contain the new words so that we may know how to use the words.

If time permits (允许), we may read a mini Chinese-English dictionary carefully from cover to cover, which may help us widen our sight and master (掌握) knowledge in all ways.

A. Read a little from a newspaper every day.

B. Don’t read books without making notes.

C. Carefully write an e-mail in English.

D. It’s easy to develop an interest in English study.

E. The more, the better.

F. Plans are always very necessary.

G. Never just memorize (记住) single English words.









【1】D考查对上下文的理解能力。由 Wed better develop our interest in English at the beginning of our study可知此处提到兴趣,可知后文也提到,所以选D。

【2】F 考查对上下文的理解能力。由 So we must make some plans before study可知前文提到了做一个计划,所以选F。

【3】B 考查对上下文的理解能力。由 Our notes are much thinner than the books so that we can learn them by heart easily and can often review and read them可知做笔记是重要的,所以句首应与做笔记有关,故选B。

【4】A 考查对上下文的理解能力。由前文Reading a newspaper is the best thing to improve your English可知看报纸可以提高英语,所以后文提到看报纸,所以选A。

【5】G 考查对上下文的理解能力。由Learn by heart the whole sentences and the phrases可知整个句子学习是有用的,所以不能单个单词记,所以选G。


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:







In order to promote participation in outdoor exercise, our school had organized an activity to climb the West Mountain on April 10. The moment we arrived at the foot of a mountain, we set out for the top in high spirit. We supported each other to pass the rocky areas on the course of the climb. Laughing and cheering, we eventually reached the summit, there we were greeted by the bright sunshine and fresh air. Viewing from the top, the city was extremely beautiful This event was very benefit, for not only we take a break from our heavy school workload, but we also learned what to cooperate. Therefore, we strongly suggest that similar events are held every year!


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:




名:Allan Stewart









*硕士学位:master’s degree; **博士:doctor






科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Be careful what you say around your dog. It might understand more than you think.

A border collie named Rico recognizes the names of about 200 objects, say researchers in Germany. The dog also appears to be able to learn new words as easily as a 3-year-old child. Its word-learning skills are as good as those of a parrot or chimpanzee(黑猩猩).

In one experiment, the researchers took all 200 items that Rico is supposed to know and divided them into 20 groups of 10 objects. Then the owner told the dog to go and fetch one of the items and bring it back. In four tests, Rico got 37 out of 40 commands right. As the dog couldn't see anyone to get clues, the scientists believe Rico must understand the meanings of certain words.

In another experiment, the scientists took one toy that Rico had never seen before and put it in a room with seven toys whose names the dog already knew. The owner then told Rico to fetch the object, using a word the dog had never heard before.

The correct object was chosen in seven out of l0 tests, suggesting that the dog had worked out the answer by process of elimination(排除法). A month later, Rico remembered half of the new names, which is even more impressive.

Rico is thought to be smarter than the average dog. For one thing, Rico is a border collie, a breed (品种)known for its mental abilities. In addition, the 9-year-old dog has been trained to fetch toys by their names since the age of nine months.

It's hard to know if all dogs understand at least some of the words we say. Even if they do, they can't talk back. Still, it wouldn't hurt to sweet-talk your dog every now and then. You might just get a big, wet kiss in return!

【1】 From paragraph 2 we know that __ .

A. animals are as clever as human beings

B. dogs are smarter than parrots and chimpanzees

C. chimpanzees have very good word-learning skills

D. dogs have similar 'learning abilities as 3-year-old children

2 Both experiments show that .

A. Rico is smart enough to get all commands right

B. Rico can recognize different things including toys

C. Rico has developed the ability of learning mathematics

D. Rico won't forget the names of objects once recognizing them

3 Which of the following statements is true?

A. The purpose of the experiments is to show the border collie's mental abilities.

B. Rico has a better memory partly because of its proper early training.

C. The border collie is world-famous for recognizing objects.

D. Rico is born to understand its owner's commands.

4What does the writer want to tell us?

A. To train your dog.

B. To talk to your dog.

C. To be friendly to your dog.

D. To be careful with your dog.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Christopher Thomas, 27, was a writer by night and a teacher by day when he noticed he was always tired and was losing weight fast. Diagnosed with diabetes(糖尿病), Thomas would need to inject himself with insulin(胰岛素) three times a day for the rest of his life or risk nerve damage, blindness, and even death. And if that weren't bad enough, he had no health insurance.

After a month of feeling upset, Thomas decided he'd better find a way to fight back. He left Canton, Michigan for New York, got a job waiting tables, nicknamed himself the Diabetic Rockstar, and created diabeticrockstar.com, a free online community for diabetics and their loved ones—a place where over 1,100 people share personal stories, information, and resources.

Jason Swencki’s son, Kody, was diagnosed with type diabetes at six. Father and son visit the online children's forums(论坛) together most evenings. "Kody gets so excited, writing to kids from all over," says Swencki, one of the site's volunteers. "They know what he's going through, so he doesn't feel alone."

Kody is anything but alone: Diabetes is now the seventh leading cause of death in the United States, with 24 million diagnosed cases. And more people are being diagnosed at younger ages.

These days, Thomas's main focus is his charity(慈善机构), Fight It, which provides medicines and supplies to people—225 to date—who can't afford a diabetic's huge expenses. Fight-it.org has raised about $23,000—in products and in cash. In May, Thomas will hold the first annual Diabetic Rockstar Festival in the Caribbea.

Even with a staff of 22 volunteers, Thomas often devotes up to 50 hours a week to his cause, while still doing his full-time job waiting tables. "Of the diabetes charities out there, most are putting money into finding a cure," says Bentley Gubar, one of Rockstar's original members. "But Christopher is the only person I know saying people need help now."

【1】 Which of the following is true of Christopher Thomas?

He needs to go to the doctor every day.

He studies the leading cause of diabetes

He has a positive attitude to this disease.

He encourages diabetics by writing articles.

【2】 Diabeitcrockstar.com was created for _________.

A. diabetics to communicate

B. volunteers to find jobs

C. children to amuse themselves

D. rock stars to share resources.

【3】 According to the text, Kody ______.

A. feel lonely because of his illness

B. benefits from diabeticrockstar.com

C. helps create the online kid’s forums

D. writes children’s stories online

【4】 What can we learn about Fight It?

A. It helps the diabetics in financial difficulties.

B. It organizes parties for volunteer once a year.

C. It offers less expensive medicine to diabetics.

D. It owns a well-known medical website.

【5】 The last paragraph suggests that Thomas ______.

A. works full-time in a diabetes charity

B. employs 22 people for his website

C. helps diabetics in his own way

D. ties to find a cure for diabetes


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】—Our company will organize a trip to Hongkong next month.I my mother there.

—I’d rather you . After all she has just recovered from her illness and she still feels weak.

A.will take; won’t B.am taking; don’t

C.will take; didn’t D.am taking; didn’t


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】It can be hard to meet people from another culture. From the beginning, people may send the wrong signal(信号). Or they may pay no attention to signals from another person who is trying to develop a relationship.

Different cultures emphasize (强调)the importance of relationship building to a greater or lesser degree. For example, business in some countries is not possible until there is a relationship of trust. Even with people at work, it is necessary to spend a lot of time in “small talk”, usually over a glass of tea, before they do any job. In many European countries--like the UK or France—people find it easier to build up a lasting working relationship at restaurants or cafes rather than at the office.

Talk and silence may also be different in some cultures. I once made a speech in Thailand. I had expected my speech to be a success and start a lively discussion; instead there was an uncomfortable silence. The people present just stared at me and smiled. After getting to know their ways better, I realized that they thought I was talking too much. In my own culture, we express meaning mainly through words, but people there sometimes feel too many words are unnecessary.

Even within Northern Europe, cultural differences can cause serious problems. Certainly, English and German cultures share similar values; however, Germans prefer to get down to business more quickly. We think that they are rude. In fact, this is just because one culture starts discussions and makes decisions more quickly.

People from different parts of the world have different values, and sometimes these values are quite against each other. However, if we can understand them better, a multicultural environment(多元文化环境)will offer a wonderful chance for us to learn from each other.

1In some countries, eating together at restaurants may make it easier for people to ________.

A.keep each other company B.share the same Culture

C.get to know each other D.develop closer relations

2The author mentions his experience in Thailand to show that _________.

A.even talk and silence can be culturally different

B.too many words are of no use

C.people from Thailand are quiet and shy by nature

D.the English prefer to make long speeches

3According to the text, how can people from different cultures understand each other better?

A.By sharing different ways of life.

B.By recognizing different values.

C.By accepting different habits.

D.By speaking each other’s languages.

4What would be the best title for the text?

A.Multicultural Environment.

B.How to Understand Each Other.

C.Cross-Cultural Differences.

D.How to Build Up a Relationship.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Spend the least time on those things that are completely_______, and figure out what you can do practically to make a difference.

A.out of shape B.out of control

C.out of practice D.out of touch


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】【原创】What is red but green, open but closed and old but new? Answer: London's new double-decker buses.

The traditional red double-deckers are 【1】 symbol of London. Their symbolic status was settled in 2008 when one bus made the longer-than-usual trip to Beijing 2 (collect) a very special passenger: the Olympic Flame.

Now a new bus design 3 (uncover) and it has been exciting Londoners.

The new bus uses more efficient green technology and has two staircases and an open platform, 4 (make) people able to hop on and hop off. It also has a unique design for the front end, which gives it an innovative(新颖的)look.

Despite(尽管) 5 innovations, the design is not all new. Its outward appearance takes after London's faithful old double-decker, the Route master.

In July 2008 a 6 (compete) was launched by the London Mayor, Boris Johnson, to design a new Route master bus for the capital. There were over 700 entries, 7 several designers jointly winning the 25,000 (244,000 Yuan) prize.

The new double-deckers, _____ 8_____ have three doors to speed up boarding, are expected to be in service in 2012.

Mr. Johnson said: “This iconic new part of our transport system is not only beautiful, but also has a green heart beating beneath its _____9_____ (attract) appearance.”

He expects cities around the globe to be “beside themselves with envy” for _____【10____ he described as a “stunning red symbol” of 21st-century London.

