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When I was eighteen, I couldn’t wait to get my first job, which meant I made the first step toward adulthood.

But it was difficult to get a work permit. One day I was dropped off by my parents at the _________ , where applicants took their physical tests for work permits. Although I had night blindness, my vision was clearer during the day, which helped me walk _________ by myself. Then the doctor began the _________ . He looked into my eyes with a bright light. “I suggest your parents take you to an eye specialist,” he said, “I _________ you have a retinal(视网膜) disease. If you do, you’ll never _________ a day in your life…”

My parents did take me to specialists. After much time and money spent seeking an _________ result, it was determined that I had an eye disease that slowly _________ a person of sight. But still, during daylight, I could walk without _________ . I could read, but not for hours. My eyes began to _________ and words slipped off the page when I read more than a few pages. However, no matter how tired my eyes became, I never gave up reading. I knew the _________ of great writers as well as the most popular music stars. Their words were powerful, which _________ me to try writing. Soon writing brought me a lot of _________ each time I completed a paper.

Then an important phone call from an editor changed my life. An article I _________ appeared in a local newspaper. The newspaper, to my _________, continued to print my work. Next, a book series published several of my essays. I got interested in writing and _________ up with each acceptance. On the pages, readers never knew of my blindness _________ I chose to present it. For me, finding my voice through writing gave me the pride and satisfaction I _________ so many years ago. Now, I have numerous essays and articles in _________.

Should I be thanking that misguided doctor? By falsely predicting that I could never work a day, he fueled my _________ into success. He set the bar too _________ and focused on what I wouldn’t be able to do. Yet I proved what I could do.

1.A. station B. company C. clinic D. lab

2.A. silently B. proudly C. suddenly D. easily

3.A. operation B. treatment C. examination D. argument

4.A. suspect B. acknowledge C. confirm D. advocate

5.A. rest B. work C. live D. sleep

6.A. urgent B. obvious C. accurate D. ordinary

7.A. reminds B. robs C. warns D. informs

8.A. assistance B. medicine C. allowance D. balance

9.A. dance B. shine C. widen D. tear

10.A. houses B. habits C. names D. addresses

11.A. asked B. permitted C. forced D. encouraged

12.A. pleasure B. worry C. trouble D. stress

13.A. admitted B. penned C. wanted D. described

14.A. shame B. admiration C. delight D. disappointment

15.A. gave B. lit C. came D. put

16.A. although B. after C. since D. unless

17.A. feared B. sought C. brought D. rejected

18.A. mind B. use C. time D. print

19.A. imagination B. personality C. motivation D. responsibility

20.A. low B. far C. long D. close


科目:高中英语 来源:2016年高考英语一轮复习新人教版必修2Unit 5 Music(2)(解析版) 题型:单项填空

Only after Mary read her essay the second

time the spelling mistake.

A. did she notice. B. she notice.

C. does she notice D. she has noticed


科目:高中英语 来源:2016年高考英语一轮复习新人教版必修1 Unit 5 (五)英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

It was in time of danger ________ he made the final decision ________ they should send more doctors there.

A. where; that B. when; which

C. where; what D. that; that


科目:高中英语 来源:2016年高考英语一轮复习 新人教版必修5Unit 5(四)英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

Everyone had an application form in his hand, but no one had an idea which office room ____.

A. to send it B. to have it sent

C. to send to D. to send it to


科目:高中英语 来源:2016年高考英语一轮复习 新人教版必修5 Unit5(三)英语试卷(解析版) 题型:语法填空



There was a boy who was sent to a boarding school. He used to be 1. brightest student in his class. He was at the top in every 2. (compete). But things 3. (change) when he came to the new school. His grades started dropping and he was lonely all the time. He felt he was worthless and4. no one loved him.

His parents began to worry, 5. they did not know what was wrong. So his dad decided to visit the school and have a talk 6. him.

They sat on the bank of the lake near the school. The father started asking 7. some questions about his classes, teachers and sports. Then he asked, “Do you know, son, why I am here today?”

The boy said, “8. (check) my grades?”

“No, no,” his dad replied, “I am here to tell you that you are important for me. I want to see you happy. Nothing could be 9. (value) than your happiness. You are my life”

The boy felt confident in his study again. He knew there was someone on the earth 10._cared for him deeply. He meant the world to someone.


科目:高中英语 来源:2017届内蒙古高三上入学摸底英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Guided Walking Week April 2016

Dates: April 30th-May 7th 2016

Location: Abdet, Costa Blanca

A week of guided walking in the mountains around Abdet. Highlights include the climbing of Valencia’s highest summit (Sierra de Aitana), traveling completely around the impressive Puig Campana, and several explorations in the Sierra de Aitana. Ancient trails lead through spectacular canyons(峡谷) to abandoned settlements situated high in the mountains. You will discover the snow trader routes which lead from the incredible snow holes high in the mountains down to the villages and towns on the coast. These years, golden eagles have made a return to this area, and you may also see other animals—wild goats, foxes, wild pigs and red squirrels.

As part of the week you are invited to help clear some local walking paths. This involves clearing collapsed walls and rocks, cutting back fallen trees. This is of course optional and is just for half a day, it’s actually great fun!



Accommodation in the beautiful mountain village of Abdet

All food-good home cooking

Beer, wine, soft drinks

Snacks and post walk treats

Packed lunches & drinks(except café/bar visits)

Expert guiding

Photos/Videos of your days in the mountains

Airport pick-up/return $25 each way(fly to Alicante)

Single room supplement $75

To book or get further information, please contact info@abdet.com.

1. What will you find during the guided walking?

A. Climbing Sierra de Aitana is the most exciting

B. Ancient trails have changed into highways.

C. The environment in Abdet is getting better.

D. Traders live in incredible snow holes.

2. What may you enjoy if you pay $499?

A. Packed lunches including bar visits.

B. Good home cooking breakfast only.

C. Bus stop pick-up/return each way.

D. Pictures and professional guiding

3.What do the details presented in the ad suggest?

A. Clearing walking paths is a must

B. People can book the walking online.

C. Accommodation conditions are tough.

D. The walking ends on April 30th 2016


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年湖南益阳箴言中学高一下期末考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

I got into the teaching profession by choice. I was then in 9th grade, when my mathematics teacher asked me to take a class for a few students to whom the subject seemed difficult. And believe me, I enjoyed the teaching. I never knew teaching would be so interesting. I loved my freshmen and was delighted to teach my so-called students who came up with lots of good questions.

After my post graduation, I worked as a software developer with a public sector(部门) in Bangalore for a few years. But I realized that no job could provide me the satisfaction that I experienced while teaching and training. In fact, I feel it was a timely realization for me to choose the teaching profession. I applied to a few colleges, and finally I was chosen as a “Lecturer”, and I had to lecture graduate and post-graduate students in a college.

On the first day, I was nervous thinking that I had to teach the senior classes. But now I can say that taking lectures was one of the best experiences of my life. I was a Computer Science and Information Technology Lecturer, but I tried to help my students with subjects that were not within my domain(范围). It was a new feeling to me every morning before going to the classes. I used to feel energized and excited thinking that the class would be lit up with bright faces to greet me, “Good morning, Madam”.

To me each day was a new beginning, with new feelings, new experiences and new queries(疑问). I loved to explore their young minds, read their inquisitive faces when a particular topic seemed tough. It was very challenging to motivate them to take part in the classroom, think critically, question and also respect others’ point of view. Though few things never seemed easy, it was very exciting to assure them that they really can. That is the reason, I love to teach.

1.From the first paragraph, we can know .

A. the author’s maths teacher was strict with him

B. the author felt happy to teach the students

C. not all the teachers like students to ask questions

D. the author in the beginning thought teaching boring

2.Why did the author refuse working as a software developer?

A. Because the salary was lower than that being a teacher.

B. Because the working conditions were quite bad.

C. Because he didn’t feel the same satisfaction as being a teacher.

D. Because he wanted to try more chance to challenge his value.

3.Which of the following statements is TURE?

A. The author looked down upon being a teacher at first.

B. The author taught knowledge about various subjects.

C. The author found teaching was easier than any jobs.

D. The author encouraged students to take part in outdoor activities.

4.What’s the best title of the passage?

A. Choosing your job according to your interest

B. How to build a good relationship with students

C. An unforgettable teaching experience

D. Why I love to work as a teacher


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年吉林长春第十一高中高一下期末英语试卷(解析版) 题型:语法填空


A: You are lucky to be working in 1. a big city that everything here is wonderful.

B: I don’t think so. 2. (actual) I don’t have interest in city life.

A: Why? City life seems to be very interesting and 3. (comfort).

B: Not really. People can hardly enjoy sunshine because of tall buildings around their houses. They can hardly know 4. season it is. What’s going on in nature seems to have nothing to do 5. them.

A: That’s terrible. Sunshine and fresh air are quite valuable. 6. seems that rural life is better. But working in a big city means 7. (make)more money without hard work like farming, doesn’t it?

B: Yes, perhaps, but there is another problem. The cost of living in the city is much higher than 8. in the countryside. Sometimes people can’t make 9. (end) meet these years.

A: So that’s how it is! I hadn’t thought of that. I 10. (wish) to ask you to help me find a job here. Now I give it up. I’d rather live in my village all my life.


科目:高中英语 来源:2017届湖南省长沙市高三入学考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:七选五


No personal success, achievement, or goal, can be realized without self-discipline. 1. It is the ability to control one’s impulses, emotions, desires and behavior. To possess it is to be able to make the decisions, take the actions, and carry out your plan regardless of the obstacles, discomfort, or difficulties, that may come your way.

How to develop self-discipline? We’ll explore it together.

· Start with baby steps. No process takes place overnight. 2. So, begin by making the decision to go forward and learning what it takes to get there.

· Learn what motivates you and what your bad triggers are. 3. Sometimes it is very difficult to fight off urges, so know the areas where your resistance is low and how to avoid those situations. Remove the temptations and surround yourself with encouraging items such as motivating slogans and pictures of what you want to achieve.

· Make certain behaviors a routine. Once you have decided what’s important to you and which goals to strive for , establish a daily routine that will help you achieve them. 4. They can put you in a negative frame of mind and hinder(阻碍)your self-discipline. A poor attitude can also be a bad habit.

___5.___ Michael Jordan has always maintained that his greatness as a basketball player came as much from his willingness to work hard at his craft, as it did his talent. It was his desire through discipline and focus that made him one of the best basketball players ever. If it worked for him, it could certainly work for the rest of us.

A.What is self-discipline?

B. Engage in sports or activities.

C.Get inspiration from those you admire.

D.You can begin by learning about yourself !

E.If you try to do too much at once , you could injure yourself and have a setback.

F.Meanwhile, get rid of some of your bad, self-defeating habits, whatever they may be.

G.It does mean learning how to focus your mind and energies on your goals until they are accomplished.

