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1. We had to adapt our plans to fit Jack's timetable.



题目来源:2016年英语周报高二新课标 > 第31期 2015-2016学年高二课标


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

    The famous website known as Facebook began as a Harvard University dropout's hobby. It was once limited to university students,but it has now become the largest social networking website in the world. It is a good way for old friends to find each other and for new friends to meet.

    Facebook was started in 2004 and was then a site that only students with an email address ending in “edu” could join. It was like being part of a huge but exclusive club. College students throughout the USA joined the,website to create large networks. As Facebook's popularity grew,its founder,Mark Zuckerberg,realized even more people would love to sign up for- the service. In 2006,Facebook opened Its membership to anyone with an email address. Facebook experienced another increase in its popularity.

    In just minutes,anyone can sign up for the service and start enjoying photos or videos. Most new members also enjoy searching for friends they lost touch with years ago. Whether they knew each other from elementary,middle,high school or college,people around the world reconnect using Facebook's simple tools.

     Facebook also includes many specialized features. Members write on a friend's “wall”,a special part of each person's page. Friends post short public messages on each other's “walls”,or they can send  private(私密的) “messages”.

Facebook members also “poke(戳) ” each other Sending a “poke” to a friend is like saying “I'm thinking of you”. Like a real-life poke,a “poke” on Facebook shows you want someone's attention. Members also send “gifts”. “Gifts” are little icons(图标) of things you might really give. Members can buy these icons at a low price and send them,showing their appreciation.

32. What does the underlined word aexclusive,? in Paragraph 2 mean?

   A. Available only to some people.

   B. Teaching you something modem.

   C. Strange and difficult to understand.

   D. Supporting new ideas and methods. 

33. How did Mark Zuckerberg increase Facebook's popularity?

   A. By advertising it online.

   B. By working with schools.

   C. By making it open to any email user.

   D. By sharing students' photos and videos.

34. Paragraph 3 mainly talks about .

   A. some ways of using Facebook’s  tools

   B. what people can learn from Facebook

   C. how people make friends on Facebook

   D. some features that make Facebook popular 

35. If a Facebook member wants to get noticed by

a friend,he can.

   A. send a “gift”

   B. send a “poke” .

   C. write on the “wall”

   D. send long “messages”


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

     The fast development of farming technologies and transportation systems gives people a choice between locally grown foods and imported (进口的) foods that are out of season in certain areas. When schools are faced with such a choice,more and more school dining halls are choosing the latter. The vegetables,fish and meat from farther places are much easier to prepare,because they have been washed and processed (加工) -They are sometimes cheaper than foods provided by local farmers. However,if we weigh the advantages and disadvantages,we will find that there are more benefits to using locally grown foods.

      Generally,local foods can be said to be healthier than those that are transported from farther places. Foods from distant areas are usually processed or frozen,high in fat and preservatives(防腐剂). No doubt this will have a bad effect on teens health. The problem can be avoided if students are provided with local foods,which are always in season. Every day,local farmers are able to bring their vegetables to schools in several hours.

      Locally grown foods represent a way for students to connect to their community(社区).It's a good chance for students to learn about what foods grow naturally in their area. Students nowadays know little about food production because they have no chance to learn about it. By knowing that the vegetables they are eating are fresh and were grown right down the road,they stay closer to local farms as well as the neighborhood.

     Some people are worrying that using locally grown foods is not likely to work for schools in large cities. However,this is not a problem any more. In recent years,urban gardens have appeared in almost every major urban center. They provide many merits for comnumities. Food grown at home and by the people is nearly free. The only cost of it is buying the seeds and water used on the garden. More important is that these gardens provide a chance for people to meet and get to know each other.

     Because of these reasons,schools should consider using local foods rather than those that are imoorted.

1. Why do some schools prefer imported foods?

   A. They re healthy.

   B. They’ re delicious.

   C. They’ re time-saving.

   D. They* re carefully chosen.

2. We can learn from Paragraph 2 that.

   A. there's no market for local foods

   B. local foods are good for people's health

   C. local foods are usually processed to sell in distant areas

   D. the supply of local foods fails to meet the needs of schools

3. The author hopes that students will

   A. work in urban gardens

   B. visit farms in other areas

   C. learn about local farming

   D. try to eat more vegetables

4. The uncferlined word “merits” can best be

replaced by.

   A. benefits        B. choices

   C. problems         D. jobs

5. What does the text mainly discuss?

   A. Whether processed foods are harmful.

   B. Whether schools should use local foods.

   C. Whether urban gardens are useful in large cities.

   D. Whether foods should be offered to distant areas.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

Advice to healthy children:

—Don’t feel 7.  for the disabled.

—Don’t make fim of them.

—Don,t ignore them.

一 Accept them for who they are.

—Give them 8..


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


             In a faraway area in northern Mexico,there lives a native Indian group called the Tarahumaras (塔拉乌马拉族) .Besides owning some cooking tools and farming equipment,the Tarahumaras exist much as they did before the Spanish sarrived in the 1600s. They live in caves or in small houses made of stone and wood,and they eat what little they can grow on the dry land.

             Ten years ago ,linguist(语言学家) James Copeland entered the world of the Tarahumaras to study their language and culture. Since then,he has been visiting the Tarahumaras three or four times a year. Tafahumara is not a written language,so part of Copeiands project was to learn to speak Tarahumara so that he could deal directly with the people. “There are no language police ,” Copeland says. “Children are seldom corrected by their parents. They learn by observation of speech in conversations and by imitation."

             Copeland learned the language through his frequent exposure to it and by analyzing the grammar. His linguistic skills and mastery of German,Spanish,French,and Russian,plus a partial knowledge of some twenty other languages,also helped. Drawing on his research,Copeland plans to produce a Tarahumara grammar book in j English and perhaps one in Spanish.

             The idea to study the Tarahumaras came to Copeland in 1984 when he discovered that very!little research had been done on their language. He got in touch with a Tarahumara Indian called Lomezo Gonzalez through a social worker who worked with the Tarahumaras in the border town of Juarez,Mexico. At first,Gonzalez was very reluctant to cooperate. He told Copeland that no amount of money could buy his language. But after Copeland explained to him what he intended to do with his research and how it would benefit the Tarahumaras,Gonzalez agreed to help and took Copeland to his village. uOver a period of a year our relationship became closer and warmer/' says Copeland. “Thanks to him,the Tarahumaras started trusting us and understood what we were doing."

28. What can we learn about the Tarahumaras?

   A. They have a strict education system.

   B. They live a very simple and hard life.

   C. They arrived in Mexico with the Spanish.

   D. They are good at agriculture and architecture.

29. According to Copeland,learning Tarahumara.

   A. is no easy task

   B. is a waste of time

   C. is very interesting

   D. is useful for learning Spanish

30. Before Copeland learned Tarahumara,he had.

   A. fully researched this language

   B. read a Tarahumara grammar book

   C. visited the Tarahumaras three times

   D. asked a Tarahumara Indian for help

31. The underlined word “reluctant” in the last paragraph probably means .

   A. ready     B. anxious

   C. pleased   D. unwilling


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

5. Be certain to eat slowly and (咀嚼) your food extremely well.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

2. I've been advised to sugar of my diet.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

I. 根据下面各句句意以及所给单词的首字母或汉语提示词,写出该单词的正确形式(每空—词)。

1. Norm is very shy but his wife’s  o


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

2. She was from climbing the stairs.

