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Pushing children too hard is a really big social problem that seems to be getting worse.Now we have 6-month-olds in music classes and swimming classes.Parents fear that if other children are attending these classes,they will be holding their own children back if they do not enroll,too.

    The other extreme,simply taking a laissez-faire approach and letting children do—or refuse to do—whatever they want,is not the answer either,of course.

    Dr Taylor emphasizes that parents need to push their children based on what is best for the children,not what is best for themselves.If children understand that an activity is in their best interests,then they will accept it, he finds.

    Dr Taylor and other family experts remain pessimistic about the possibilities for widespread social change.“The force of our popular culture,driven by money and superficial(表面上的) values,cannot be resisted,” he says.But change can take place at a“micro-level,” in families and schools.

    When changes do occur,the rewards can benefit everyone in the family.One mother supporting this new approach toward parenting mentions the advantages her family experienced after her children cut back on activities.“The biggest thing is that since we have done this,we are rested,” she says.“Not only are our kids rested,because they're not in a ton of stuff, but my husband and I are rested,because we're not driving them everywhere.We weren’t living in the moment when we were always busy.We were living by the schedule.The return on our investment of spending time together has been enormous.”

60. One of the reasons why parents push children so hard is that they        .

   A. believe in early development in children

   B. are too busy to take care of their children

   C. don't want their children to lag behindw

   D. want to repeat what their parents did to them

61. The phrase“a laissez-faire approach”(in Line 1,Paragraph 2)most probably refers to      .

   A. denying them what they need

   B. controlling children in a flexible way

   C. developing a keen interest in children

   D. letting children do whatever they want

62. The best way to encourage children to work hard is           .

   A. to make them believe it’s in their best interests

   B. to consider the matter from parents' standpoint

   C. to emphasize the importance of hard work from time to time

   D. to make it interesting and enjoyable to them

63.What the author doesn’t approve of in the essay is _______.

   A. achieving a balance between pushing the children too hard and leaving them alone

   B. going from one extreme of pushing children too hard to the other of leaving them alone

   C. involving children in activity that will probably contribute to their development

   D. enrolling them in music and swimming classes at the very early age


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

第二节:请根据句子的逻辑含义,用在模块三英语课本中所学的新词汇的正确形式填空。(共10小题;每空1 分,满分10分)

People space travel, people thought it was u___________ for anybody to go to the moon.

We s_________ Jenny and her boyfriend at the party but she didn’t notice us at all.

Twenty m________ by five equals one-hundred.

To open a new shop, one needs an official p_______.

Isaac Newton is famous for his theory of universal g_______.

Christians go to church every Sunday to attend the r_______ services.

Yang Peng and Rong Hui had their own menu in the beginning. But when they began their cooperation, their new menu became a c_________ of the original two.

Thank you for your good advice, from which I have b_______ greatly.

All the goods in that supermarket are on sale. Consumers can get 40% of d________.

He said he should take the responsibility for the failure of the plan but begged to be f________ by his boss.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


--Peter,I owe you all apology for what I said about you the other day.


A.You’re welcome      B.Sorry      C.Forget it        D My pleasure


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Rising levels of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere are a major cause of climate change, and now a new study has confirmed that atmospheric CO2 is also affecting the ocean chemistry and potentially harming sea life.

Montana State University scientist Robert Dore has been researching the water in the Pacific Ocean for almost two decades.

“We’ve been going to the same spot in the Pacific Ocean, and we try and characterize long-term change in the open ocean environment. And one of the key things that we measure is CO2 levels. And we’ve been able to record this increasing quantity of atmospheric CO2 into the ocean.”

Scientists expected that as atmospheric CO2 increased, more and more of the carbon dioxide would be absorbed into the ocean, affecting the chemical balance of the sea water, with a potentially harmful impact on shellfish and coral in particular.

“As carbon dioxide dissolves (溶解) in the water, or seawater in this case, it forms a weak acid (酸), carbonic acid, ” Dore explains. “And therefore, as the concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere goes up and that exchanges with the surface seawater, it drives the pH down, and makes it more acidic.”

The seawater Dore and his colleagues have analyzed confirms what the theory predicts.

The effect was particular striking at about 250 meters down, and again at 500 meters. Dore and his colleagues came up with two possible explanations. It could be that surface water picked up CO2 and then moved to those depths. Or there could be a biological explanation.

“It’s important to realize that the oceans are really becoming acidic. And it can have negative impacts on a whole variety of sea life from fish to coral. It’s potentially catastrophic.”

68. What can be the best title of the passage?

A. Sea Life Facing Danger    B. Scientist Researching Seawater

C. Oceans Becoming More Acidic D. Climate Change Affecting Seawater

69. Which of the following shows the process of the impact of atmospheric CO2 on sea life?

a. Sea life is endangered.             

b. CO2 goes into the surface water.

c. The ocean chemistry is affected.             

d. CO2 decreases the pH and makes the seawater more acidic.

e. CO2 levels in the atmosphere go up.

A. a→b→c→d→e         B. e→b→c→d→a

C. a→e→c→d→b         D. e→d→c→b→a

70. Scientist Robert Dore came to the conclusion based on ________.

A. his research and analysis   B. the expectation of other scientists

C. some former theory   D. a major cause of climate change

71. What does the passage want to tell us most?

A. It takes time to make a scientific study.

B. Atmospheric CO2 is doing harm to sea life.

C. Robert Dore is a committed and serious scientist.

D. Measures should be taken to prevent the potential catastrophe.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

If you look up the word “create” in the dictionary, you will find it means “to brig into being to cause to exist something each of us does daily.”

We are creative whenever we look at or think about something in a new way. First this involves an awareness of our surroundings. It means using all of our sonses to become aware of our world. This may be as simple as being aware of color and texture(质地), as well as taste, when we plan a meal. Above all, it is the ability to notice things that others might miss.

    A second part of creativity is an ability to see relationships among things. If we believe the expression, “There is nothing new under the sun, the creativity is remaking or recombining(重组) the old in new ways.” For example, we might do this by finding a more effective way to study or a better way to arrange our furniture, or we might make a new combination of camera lenses and filters to create an unusual photograph.

    A third part of creativity is the courage and drive to make use of our new ideas, to apply them to achieve some new results. To think up a new concept is one thing; to put the idea to work is another.

    These three parts of creativity are involved in all the great works of genius, but they are also involved in many of our day-to-day activities.

64.Which of the following activities is NOT a creative one according to the passage?

       A.To prepare a meal.

    B.To arrange the furniture in a peculiar way.

    C.To buy some books from a bookstore.

    D.To “write” a letter with the computer.

65.“There is nothing new under the sun.” (Par.3) really implies that ____.

       A.a new thing can only be created at the basis of earlier things

       B.a new thing is only a tale

       C.we can seldom create new things

       D.we can scarcely see really new things in the world

66.What does the author think about the relationship between a new thought and its being put into


    A.It??s more difficult to create a new thought than to apply it in practice.

    B.To find a new thought will definitely lead to the production of a new thing.

    C.A man with an excellent ability of practice can easily become an inventor.

       D.One may come up with a new thought, but can not put it into practice.

67.The best title for this passage is ____.

    A.How to Cultivate One??s Creativity      

       B.What is Creativity

    C.The Importance of Creativity            

       D.Creativity, a Not Farway Thing


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

—May I move your bag a little and take this seat?


  A.Don’t mention it    B.It doesn’t matter   C.Take it easy   D.Go ahead


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

It is suggested that he _______ a doctor at once.

   A. see      B. sees     C. must see        D. saw


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

 Don’t expect too much of him, and after all, he is a child of ______ intelligence.

A. average      B. slight        C. strange        D. different


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Americans are proud of their variety and individuality (个性), yet they love and respect few things more than a uniform, whether it is the uniform of a lift operator or the uniform of a five-star general. Why are uniforms so popular in the United States?

Among the arguments for uniforms, one of the first is that in the eyes of most people they look more professional than civilian (百姓的) clothes. People have become conditioned to expect higher quality from a man who wears a uniform. The television repairman who wears a uniform is likely to inspire more trust than one who appears in civilian clothes. Faith in the skill of a garage mechanic is increased by a uniform. What easier way is there for a nurse, a policeman, a hairdresser, or a waiter to lose professional identity (职业身份) than to step out of uniform?

Uniforms also have many practical good points. They are often more comfortable and more lasting than civilian clothes.

Primary facts among the argument against uniforms is their lack of variety and the loss of individuality experienced by people who must wear them. Though there are many types of uniforms, the wearer of any particular type is generally stuck with it, without change, until retirement. When people look alike, they are likely to think, speak, and act similarly on the job at least.

Uniforms also give rise to some practical problems. Though they are long-lasting, often their initial expense is greater than the cost of civilian clothes. Some uniforms are also expensive to maintain, requiring professional dry cleaning rather than the home laundering possible with many types of civilian clothes.

68. What surprises us is that Americans _______.

A. still judge a man by his clothes        

B. think highly of uniforms

C. less prefer wearing civilian clothes     

D. respect a elevator operator in uniform

69. People are likely to think that a man in uniform ________.

A. suggests quality work              B. shows his social position

C. appears to be more practical         D. looks more fresh and attractive

70. Those who are against uniforms believe that people wearing uniforms ______.

A. are usually helpful                     B. have little freedom

C. lose personal character                  D. enjoy greater popularity

71. It can be concluded from the passage that ________.

A. people generally trust a person in uniform more

B. people enjoy wearing comfortable uniform

C. the cost of the uniform is acceptable to people

D. people wear uniforms to show they should be respected

