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6.President Barack Obama,accompanied by Vice President Joe Biden,makes a statement about the earthquake in Haiti at the White House in Washington,13Jan.2010.
U.S.President Barack Obama says the United States will go all out to help the victims of the Haitian earthquake.American rescue teams have been dispatched (派遣,调遣) to the disaster area
The president adds that the United States has launched a swift,active,and coordinated (协调) effort to help the earthquake victims.
"The people of Haiti will have the full support of the United States in the urgent effort to rescue those trapped beneath the rubble (瓦砾;废墟) and to deliver the humanitarian relief-the food,water and medicine-that Haitians will need in the coming days,"he said.
He says search and rescue teams have been dispatched and more help is on the way.
"…because in disasters such as this,the first hours and days are absolutely critical in saving lives and avoiding greater tragedy,I have directed my team to be as forward leaning as possible in getting the help on the ground and coordinating with (与…相配合) our international partners as well,"he added.
In a brief statement from the White House,Mr.Obama stressed this will be a complex and challenging operation.He made it clear that there is no time to waste.
"The reports and images that we have seen of collapsed hospitals,crumbled homes,and men and women carrying their injured neighbors through the streets are truly heart-wrenching.Indeed,this tragedy seems especially cruel and incomprehensible.Our thoughts and prayers are also with the many Haitian-Americans around our country who do not yet know the fate of their families and loved ones back home."he noted.
President Obama urged the American people to do all they can to support the aid effort.He stressed the bond between the United States and Haiti is strong.
"We will keep the victims and the families in our prayers,"he said."We will be resolute (坚决的; 刚毅的) in our response and I pledge to the people of Haiti that you will have a friend and partner in the United States of America today and going forward."
The earthquake struck late Tuesday with the result that much of Haiti's capital Port-au-Prince turned into rubble.The International Red Cross in Geneva says up to three million people are affected and thousands are feared dead.

64.What'the best title for this passage?A
A.Obama Pledges Full US Aid to Haiti after Earthquake.
B.Obama Has Dispatched American Rescue Teams to Haiti.
C.A Terrible Earthquake Happened in Haiti.
D.American People Will Do All They Can to Support the Aid Effort.
65.The underlined word"bond"meansB.
A.trade     B.relation    C.contract    D.communication
66.Which of the following statements is true?C
A.America will dispatch a rescue team after Obama's speech.
B.American search and rescue teams are on the way.
C.In the Haitian earthquake,the first hours and days are most important in saving lives and avoiding greater tragedy.
D.Haitian earthquake seems especially cruel and comprehensible.
67.Where did President Barack Obama make the speech?B
A.In Haiti  B.In America  C.In China  D.Unknown.

分析 本文是一年新闻报道类阅读,文章主要讲述了奥巴马在白宫发表讲话,许诺全面援助地震后的海地,并且他向海地人保证,不管是今天还是以后,美国都是他们的朋友和伙伴.

解答 64.A标题选择题.纵观全文不难看出A选项符合文章的主题.B项只是奥巴马演讲中的部分言语,属于枝节问题;C项是产生本文的引子,但不是文章谈论的中心;D项是奥巴马激励美国人民应做的事,也属行为枝节问题.故选A.
65.B词义猜测题.根据倒数第二段I pledge to the people of Haiti that you will have a friend and partner in the United States of America today and going forward.可知我向海地人们保证,不管今天,还是今后,美国都是你们的朋友和伙伴.由此可知,美国和海地的关系是很密切的.故选B.
66.C细节理解题.根据第四段search and rescue teams have been dispatched and more help is on the way可知美救援队已派出,其它援助将陆续到达,因此A和B两种说法就是错的.D选项中如果注意到incomprehensible和comprehensible的区别就不难做出选择.故选C.

点评 本文考察学生的理解推断能力以及细心程度,只要抓住文章的关键词,采用寻读的方法查找细节,就能找到正确答案.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

I have learned which ones are tasty and safeto eat so we won't riskgetting sick.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

17.As students and teachers returned to school on Monday after the publication of performance ratings(等级) for 18,000 teachers,many parents said they were giving the reports serious thought.Yet there was an equal measure of skepticism among parents that test scores have any relationship with teachers'competence.
Some said they already knew how good a teacher was by walking into the classroom or by monitoring their children's progress."I'm the kind of person who likes to see for themselves,"a father in Queens said.
Others worried about how their fellow parents,perhaps ones with sharper elbows,might respond.Will they demand a new teacher?Move their children to a new school?
Elizabeth Sane,the mother of a fourth grader at the Ella Baker School,a kindergarten-through-eighth-grade school on the Upper East Side,said that her daughter was switched to a different teacher's class over the summer,and that it was"like adding salt to the wound"when she saw the high ratings for her daughter's previous teacher.Her daughter's teacher this year did not receive a rating because he previously taught high school.
Ms.Sane said that the rating was not the only factor that influenced how she assessed a teacher's performance,but that the data used for teacher evaluations mattered.
But other parents dropping their children off at the Ella Baker School said they did not trust teacher ratings based on test scores any more than they wanted their children's learning measured only by the state exams.
"Some people take it as the final word,but it doesn't change who they are as teachers.The ratings aren't accurate,and the whole student testing thing needs to be thrown out,"said Lydia Delgado,whose child is in the second grade.
41.Paragraph 1 tells us thatD
A.All the teachers received a rating given by the students.
B.All the teachers will receive a rating at the end of each semester,
C.Most parents took the teachers'ratings seriously.
D.About half of the parents doubted the ratings to be reliable.
42.What does the underlined part"with sharper elbows"mean?A
A.With the ability to change the situation.
B.With a good relationship with the school.
C.With a stong will to succeed.
D.With strong elbows physically.
43.Paragraph 4 shows that Elizabeth SaneB 
A.was on the side of giving ratings to the teachers.
B.regretted having sent her daughter to another class.
C.didn't think her daughter's previous teacher was better.
D.wanted her daughter to return to her previous class.
44.Which of the following statements is true?A
A.The teacher ratings were decided by the test scores of the students.
B.Ms.Sane evaluated a teacher's performance only by the rating.
C.Lydia Delgado didn't think the students'scores should be kept.
D.To give ratings to teachers will come to an end in the near future.
45.The attitude of the author towards the way to assess teachers'competence isD.
A.supportive         B.critical
C.indifferent        D.objective.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

14.Recently,university students around the world were asked to volunteer in a global experiment called Unplugged.It was designed to see how young people would react if they were asked to observe a total media ban by unplugging all forms of media devices for 24 hours.
Unplugged is being run by Dr Roman Gerodimos,a lecturer in Communication and Journalism at Bournemouth University.During the experiment,Dr Gerodimos said there were already  signs of how much the exercise affected volunteers.He said:"They're reporting withdrawal symptoms,overeating,feeling nervous,isolated and disconnected."
During their 24-hour test,three of the experiment's participants were followed around by a BBC reporter plus cameraman.They were asked to write down 100 lines about their day offline,but of course,they all waited until the next day when they had access to their laptops.
Elliot Day wrote:"Today,my whole morning routine was thrown up into the air.Despite being  aware of the social importance of the media,I was surprised by how empty my life felt without the radio or newspapers."
From Caroline Scott,we read:"I didn't expect it,but being deprived of the media for 24 hours resulted in my day-to-day activities becoming so much harder to carry out than usual…I didn't break out in a cold sweat like our lecturer expected us all to,but It's not something l would like to do again!"
And Charlotte Gay wrote:"I have to say the most difficult item for me to be without has been  my  mobile;not  only is it a social device,it's  my main access point of communication."
Earlier in the year,a UK government study found that in the UK we spend about half our waking hours using the media,often plugged into several things at once.So,with technology continuing to develop at an alarming rate,how much time will you set aside for sleep in the future?
71.What can we learn about the volunteers?B
 A.Volunteers didn't write down about their day offline.
 B.Volunteers weren't allowed to use any media for 24 hours.
 C.Volunteers  were followed around by Dr Roman Gerodimos.
 D.Only volunteers in the UK took part in Unplugged experiment.
72.Which of the following is NOT mentioned about the participants'feelings?D
 A.Anxious.  B.Lonely  C.Bored.   D.Despaired.
73.Which of the following is true of Caroline Scott?C
 A.The media ban affected his temperature.
 B.His work went on smoothly without the media.
 C.His work was carried on hard without the media.
 D.His life was empty without the radio or newspapers.
74.What can be inferred from the last paragraph?A
 A.People should use the media devices reasonably.
 B.People can easily survive the media devices addict.
 C.People can spend more time sleeping in the future.
 D.People spend about half the time using the media devices.
75.The text is most probably a.C
 A.newspaper ad      B.book review
 C.news report       D.science fiction story.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

1.My friend Fowkes,tells a story of a class he took in 1930s,when books were short and expensive.On the first day the professor marched up to the blackboard,looked through his notes,cleared his throat,and began.Fowkes was the only student in the course.Once Fowkes fell ill and missed a class.When he returned,to Fowkes's astonishment,the professor began to deliver not the next lecture in the sequence but the one after.Had he lectured to an empty hall in the absence of his only student?It was perfectly possible.
Today,professors continue to lecture and students to listen much as they did.It's time for us to abandon the lecture system and turn to methods that really work.
Attending lectures is passive learning,at least for inexperienced listeners.Active learning,in which students write essays or perform experiments and then have their work evaluated by an instructor,is far more beneficial for those who have not yet fully learned how to learn.Most students learn best by engaging in debate.They need small discussion classes that demand a joint effort of teacher and students rather than classes in which one person,however learned,expresses his or her own ideas.
The lecture system harms professors as well.It reduces feedback to a minimum,so that the lecturer can neither judge how well students understand the material nor benefit from their questions or comments.Questions that require the speaker to clarify unclear points and comments that challenge inadequately constructed arguments are indispensable to scholarship.Without them,the liveliest mind becomes dull.
If lectures make so little sense,why have they been allowed to continue?The truth is that lectures are easier on everyone than debates.Lectures give some students an opportunity to sit back and let the professor run the show.In a classroom where everyone contributes,students are less able to hide and professors have less room to show off how smart they are.
Worse still,the lectures too frequently come at the wrong end of the students'educational careers-during the first two years,when they most need close,even individual,instruction.If lecture classes were restricted to junior and senior undergraduates and to graduate students,who are more academically independent and more capable of working on their own,they would be far less destructive of students'interests and enthusiasms.After all,students must learn to listen before they can listen to learn.
67.The author tells a story in Paragraph 1 toA.
A.lead into the main argumentation
B.provide the historical background
C.show reasons for lecture absences
D.compare two different kinds of classes
68.What can we learn about the current lecture system?D
A.Students take passive part in small discussion classes.
B.The professors need more room to present their talents.
C.Lectures are mainly intended for junior and senior students.
D.It is far from beneficial for those academically inexperienced students.
69.The underlined word"indispensable"in Paragraph 4 probably meansB
A.common       B.necessary C.available D.abundant
70.What is the best title for the passage?C
A.College Lectures:Graduates or Undergraduates?
B.College Lectures:Advantages and Disadvantages
C.College Lectures:Continue or Not?
D.College Lectures:Today and Past.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

11.___________,I believe,and you will find the student is very outgoing.(  )
A.Given a talk with himB.Have a talk with him
C.Having a talk with himD.If you have a talk with him


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:书面表达

18.Directions:Write an English composition in 120-150 words according to the instructions given below in Chinese.

I am a Senior Three student.Recently we have carried out a survey--"who to share my worry?"The main findings are as follows.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:完形填空

15.My neighbor Peter Gate's life was shadowed for years by the memory of his part in an outdoor adventure that resulted in the death of one of his classmates.He and his wife (21)Bafter six years of marriage.Then the news about Peter changed.His wife Betty came back; he (22)Ca fine position in a company.
One day he told me what had changed his (23)D:I used to think,‘Nothing can undo what I have done.'The thought of my guilt(罪恶感) would (24)B me in the middle of a smile or a handshake.It put a wall between my wife and me.Then I had an (25)Avisit from the person I (26)Bmost to see-the (27)C of the college classmate who died."Years ago",she said,"I found it in my heart,through prayer(祈祷),to(28)C you.Betty forgave you.So did your friends and employers."She (29)D,and then said (30)A,"You are the one person who hasn't forgiven Peter Gate.Who do you think you are to (31)B the people of this town and God?""I (32)C her eyes and found there a kind of (33)Ato be the person I might have been if her son had lived.For the first time in my adult life I felt (34)B to love and be loved."
So,you see,it is only through forgiveness of our (35)C that we gain the freedom to learn from experience.But forgiving our shortcomings doesn't mean(36)Athat they exist.(37)D,it means (38)A them honestly,realistically.(39)Cyou forgive,you cannot love.And without (40)B,life has no meaning.Forgiveness is a good quality.

31.A.get along withB.stand out againstC.keep in touch withD.live in harmony with
32.A.looked atB.looked forC.looked intoD.looked after
37.A.To begin withB.On the other handC.Above allD.On the contrary


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

16.TTired of the crowded roads and endless noises,he decided to have a trip.

