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【题目】 As a child grows up, you may wonder how you can teach him to become a respectful adult.

1 A child who learns to respect not only learns to receive respect from others in kind, but also learns to respect himself.

Show him respect.

This is the best way to teach your child how to respect others. Listen to your child attentively and he will learn to listen to you, understanding how important this is in communication.


The more you say please and thank you to your child, the more likely he will learn to use them. Politeness then becomes a normal part of any conversation.

Agree to disagree.

3 Explain your decision so that he will understand you and expect respectful responses. Disagreeing with you doesnt necessarily mean rudeness.

Control your anger.

When a situation arises, stay calm and keep in mind that you are supposed to be modeling correct behavior. 4

Praise, praise, praise!

So much is focused on what a child does wrong and how to correct it that his achievements are not celebrated enough. 5

A.Teach manners by using polite requests and responses

B.Respect is necessary for a meaningful and successful life.

C.Try to remember that a child wont always agree with you.

D.A child may act as he pleases, and he will live a happy life.

E.Respectful behavior always comes with bad behavior as a child.

F.If he sees your anger beyond control, he is more likely to respond that way in future.

G.Seeing a child exhibit respectful behavior, make sure he knows how proud you are of him.










下文A child who learns to respect not only learns to receive respect from others in kind, but also learns to respect himself.说一个学会尊重的孩子不仅学会以同样的方式得到别人的尊重,也学会尊重自己。该空引出下文,都是在说明让孩子学会“尊重”的重要意义。结合全文,文章介绍了教育孩子成为有礼貌的人的方法。 B. Respect is necessary for a meaningful and successful life. 尊重是有意义和成功生活的必要条件。在文章开头,介绍尊重的意义。故选B项。


结合后文The more you say “please” and “thank you” to your child, the more likely he will learn to use them. 你越是对孩子说“请”和“谢谢”,他就越有可能学会使用它们。本段阐述了以身作则的重要性。A. Teach manners by using polite requests and responses.用礼貌的请求和回应来教导礼貌。符合本段中心。故选A项。


结合后文Disagreeing with you doesn’t necessarily mean rudeness. 不同意你并不一定意味着粗鲁。可知,孩子不一定会同意你的观点。C. Try to remember that a child won’t always agree with you. 试着记住一个孩子并不总是同意你的观点。符合语境。故选C项。


结合本段小标题Control your anger. 控制你的愤怒。F. If he sees your anger beyond control, he is more likely to respond that way in future.如果他看到你无法控制你的愤怒,他在未来更有可能做出这种反应。阐述了控制自己愤怒的必要性。故选F项。


结合本段小标题Praise, praise, praise! 赞美,赞美,赞美!可知,当孩子表现得好时,赞美十分重要。G. Seeing a child exhibit respectful behavior, make sure he knows how proud you are of him.看到一个孩子表现出尊重他人的行为,确保他知道你为他感到骄傲。符合此处语境。故选G项。


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:






1. 词数不少于50




Dear Peter,



Li Hua


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】假定你是李华,在英国学习,打算向校报建议增设中国文化栏目,请根据以下要点给主编Mr Black写一封信。要点:1.自我介绍 2.开设栏目的原因。


注意:1. 词数100左右;

2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。

Dear Mr. Black ,



Li Hua


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


In China, traveling by train is a common way to visit new places and go back to one’s hometown during holidays. But in the US, traveling by train is almost an ancient tradition … although it wasn’t always that way.

The US railway system started to grow in 1826, with many railway 1 (company) starting up and competing with each other to build new railway routes. Trains became a symbol of progress, with New York City’s Grand Central Station becoming a major 2 (culture) landmark.

But eventually, railways 3 (replace) by highways as “car culture” took over the US. China would go on to adopt trains even more quickly and 4 (wide) than the US. China’s railway network connects the entire country, 5 (allow) people to travel with ease. This is especially obvious during Chunyun - when China’s train stations are crowded with thousands of people 6 are trying to get home.

I had never traveled by train until I 7 (move) to China. My first trip by train was 8 Beijing to Tianjin by high-speed train. It was 9 (amaze) how quickly I could get there - just half 10 hour.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


Poetry (诗歌) is never far away from our daily lives. Many of us grew up reciting classic poems, learning to enjoy this beautiful art form that’s able to use just a few lines 1 (express) such rich meanings.

The Chinese Shijing, which dates back 2 the Western Zhou Dynasty, has a3 (long) history than the Homeric epics (荷马史诗). Even today, classic poems are appreciated by a lot of people.

To recognize the special ability of poetry and get its 4 (create) spirit, World Poetry Day 5 (hold) by the United Nations on March 21 each year to support linguistic (语言的) diversity through poetic expression.

The Chinese Poetry Congress (中国诗词大会) showing classic poetry is 6 (extreme) popular. The competition saw over 100 hopeful participants taking part in a number of challenges. The participants, 7 ages range from 7 to 70, include students, farmers, teachers and foreign 8 (compete) with an interest in Chinese literature.

And even TV series involving poetry are very 9 (success). For example, in The Legend of Zhenhuan, one of the drama’s most moving songs was adapted from a poem 10 (write) by Wen Tingyun of the Tang Dynasty.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Directions: Read the following passage. Fill in each blank with a proper sentence given in the box. Each sentence can be used only once. Note that there are two more sentences than you need.

Named to change the way we think of education and those who are the recipients, Barefoot College has launched 1, 300 locations in 80 countries.

Deihi social worker Sanjit "Bunker Roy was concerned about the poverty of India in his youth and moved to one of the poorest Indian states to work. With his help and that of local farmer Merghaj, Barefoot College came into being in 1972. 1 Within eight years, women came to the campus in Tilonia, Rajasthan, from around the globe to be trained as solar engineers, mostly learning through demonstrations, practice and sign language.

Barefoot College, the worlds first fully solar-electrified campus, trains its students to build and maintain solar panels and other instruments. These include lamps, water heaters, cookers and even a water-purifying system.

2 As a matter of fact, women are prioritized as an underserved population that is essential to bringing villages together. Another central principle of the college is self-dependence, teaching students to support and think for themselves. 3

As Barefoot College continued to develop, it journeyed past Indian borders to the Middle East and Latin America In 2013 Bunder Roy won the Clinton Global Citizen Award, which prompted the Indian government to provide funds for five regional centers in Africa. 4 In addition, the organization's Pacific Soiar Initiative should result it three times the beneficiaries(5ma) by 2018through work on island nations

If successful, Barefoot College will have managed to spread light, both literally and figuratively, across the entire world

A. The philosophy of Barefoot College is largely inspired by the principles of Gandhi, starting with equality beyond gender or religion.

B. Barefoot College also offers education to the younger generation both during the day and at its solar bridge schools at night.

C.The first is up and running in Zanzibar while others are still under construction in other African nations.

D. Barefoot College insists that letting individuals apply their own local wisdom to new knowledge is vital to this go.

E..Several years later donations enabled the purchase of several acres of land for expansion.

F. Despite the objection from families, young women registered at the college and did what they had never imagined before.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Do you intend to study at an American university? It takes a long time to get accepted at most American schools, perhaps as much as a year. That’s why you should start choosing a school as soon as possible. It’s a good idea to apply to several different institutions, so that you’ll have a better chance of acceptance at one. You should start looking for information now, because the more information you have about each college, the better choice you can make.

There are two good ways to get information you need. One is a general reference (参考) book, called Guide to American Colleges and Universities. The other good source of information is the catalogue (目录) published by each school.

You can study the general guide in almost any American library. This book has many useful statistics, such as the number of students, the average test scores for people accepted to the school, the number of books in the library, and the number of teachers. You can also find the address of each school in this book.

Although the general guidebook has helpful information, some of the facts may be out-of-date. For example, many schools raise their tuition every year. Since you’ll need to know what your education will cost, out-of-date information will not be good enough. Also, schools sometimes change their requirements for entrance. To be sure that you are getting present information, write to the university and ask for its catalogue. The catalogue has more detailed information. For example, the catalogue can tell you if there is a special foreign student advisor, what kind of courses are offered, and what kind of housing is available. Some universities have dormitories, but at others you have to find your own place to live.

With all of this information, you should be able to pick out several good schools.

1Where can you probably find the information about a school?

A. From a reference book. B. From any library in the world.

C. From a textbook of the school. D. From the lists of schools.

2Which of the following information will be included in a general guidebook?

A. The location of a school. B. The cost of living abroad.

C. Students’ activities at school. D. The list of library books.

3How can you get the newest information of a school?

A. By reading guidebooks. B. By visiting its website.

C. By asking a student advisor. D. By writing to the school.

4Who may find this passage most useful?

A. An English teacher in Japan. B. A high school student in China.

C. A university student in America. D. A school headmaster in Britain.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】 When Ariyah Georges was born 15 weeks early, she weighed only one pound, 12 ounces. Her mother, Jovan, knew how important breastfeeding was, especially for a premature (早产的) baby like Ariyah, so she began pumping milk to feed her through a tube. But two days later, Jovan felt dizzy and feverish — 104 Fahrenheit degrees, in fact. She had a blood disease and was close to full shock.

She was separated from others for nearly two weeks at the regional Northern Virginia hospital where she'd delivered. During that time, she could still pump breast milk, but Ariyah couldn't consume it because of the risk of infection. Without it, the newborn was particularly easily affected by diseases. There are many cases like this, which creates the need for the milk donation.

Enter donor milk breast milk purchased by hospitals for mothers who aren't able to produce enough milk on their own, due to health complications, stresses, or other factors. The milk comes from milk banks, organizations that collect and screen breast milk from those women willing to donate. Usually processed in intensive-care units, the milk is only available by prescription.

In recent years, both milk banks and the use of donated human milk have risen swiftly in the United States. In 2011, 22 percent of NICUs used donor breast milk; four years later, that number doubled to nearly 40 percent, and went even higher for the most intensive NICUs — as much as 75 percent. There are 23 milk banks in the United States recognized by the Human Milk Banking Association of North America, or HMBANA, double the number that existed five years ago.

But as the demand for donor milk rises, banks must find more charitable donors — a task made more complicated by informal networks of milk sharing that happens online. And many of the most vulnerable infants are still not being reached.

1Jovan couldn't feed her baby Ariyah on her breast milk because_______.

A.Ariyah was a premature babyB.Jovan couldn't produce enough milk

C.Jovan was separated from othersD.Jovan was in poor health.

2By telling the story of Ariyah and her mother, the writer wants to______.

A.tell us what to do if mothers cannot produce enough milk.

B.remind us of the importance of breastfeeding the newborn.

C.introduce the topic of an increasing need for donated human milk.

D.warn us against the risk of the newborn being affected by diseases.

3How is the writer's idea mainly developed in Paragraph 4?

A.By following time order.B.By listing statistics.

C.By giving examples.D.By making predictions.

4What problem are milk banks now faced with?

A.It's difficult to find enough charitable donors.

B.networks of milk looking for donors online are informal.

C.The milk purchased from milk banks cannot reach infants' home.

D.The number of women willing to donate breast milk are decreasing.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】假如你是李华,你校即将举行一年一度的校园书展(a campus book fair)”活动,其目的是给同学们提供一个交换、利用图书的机会。请你用英语写信给你的加拿大笔友Mike,介绍此次活动的有关情况。内容包括:














