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When I first got an e-mail account ten years ago, I received communications only from family, friends, and colleagues. Now it seems that every time I check my e-mail, I have an endless series of advertisements and other correspondence that do not interest me at all. If we want e-mail to continue to be useful, we need specific laws that make spamming(发送垃圾邮件) a crime.

If lawmakers do not do something soon to prohibit spam, the problem will certainly get much worse. Computer programs allow spammers to send hundreds of millions of e-mails almost instantly. As more and more advertisers turn to spam to sell their products, individual(个人的) e-mail boxes are often flooded with spam e-mails. Would people continue to use e-mail if they had to deal with an annoying amount of spam each time?

This problem is troubling for individuals and companies as well. Many spam e-mails contain computer viruses that can shut down the entire network of a company. Companies rely on e-mail for their employees to communicate with each other. Spam frequently causes failures in their local communications networks, and their employees are thus unable to communicate effectively. Such a situation results in a loss of productivity and requires companies to repeatedly repair their networks. These computer problems raise production costs of companies, which are, in the end, passes on to the consumer.

For these reasons, I believe that lawmakers need to legislate (立法) against spam. Spammers should be fined, and perhaps sent to prison if they continue to disturb people. E-mail is a tool which helps people all over the world to communicate conveniently, but spam is destroying this convenience.

1.According to the text, what is the major cause of the flooding spam?

A. Companies rely on e-mail for communications.

B. More people in the world communicate by e-mail.

C. More advertisers begin to promote sales through spam.

D. Many computer viruses contain spam e-mail.

2.According to Paragraph 3, who is the final victim of spam?

A. The business B. The advertiser

C. The consumer D. The employee

3.What is the purpose of the text?

A. To inform B. To educate

C. To instruct D. To persuade


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年浙江温州第二外国语高一下竞赛英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

You will sound more polite if you ask _____________ a question.

A. in favor of B. in the shape of

C. in the form of D. in honor of


科目:高中英语 来源:2017届重庆市高三7月月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:完形填空


After a decade at the publishing company, I was fired.I had worked so hard for so long.I was always doing my job _________ ,clawing my way up the ladder.And _________ ? Doing these things had _________ me.in the end,very little of lasting value.I wondered what would happen if I let it all go—didn’t look for a job,didn’t keep my _________ ambition.

My husband thought it was a great idea.“Just _________ ,” he said.As a serious windsurfer, he suggested I try the sport as a path to clarity.I had windsurfed before , but only in _________ water.I didn’t like high winds.I didn’t like going fast—that was _________ .But I wanted to abandon the past.My _________ was to do nothing but read and windsurf every day.I wanted to feel the fear and do it anyway.I wanted to learn how to ride the currents,and I couldn’t think of a better way than to_________ myself to the invisible,ever-shifting wind.

I decided to sail at Swell City, a favorite outpost on the Washington side of the Columbia.That July _________ to be one of the windiest months on record.I grew to find that what I was doing did _________ for my standing in the world.It won me no friends.Then again,I was _________

One day, a friend and her l5-year-old son came,and after I explained my _________ , he said the simplest.but most profound thin9:“It’s all in the _________ .” This kid had windsurfed only three times , _________ he knew the secret.“If you go out there knowing you’re going to _________ it,you will,”he continued.“But if you go out there afraid you’ll get hurt , you will.” I smiled at him.Wasn’t that _________ the same problem I’d encountered in life? I’d always been terrified l wouldn’t reach the goal or _________ the job.I knew I had to let that fear go.And slowly I did.

The wind wanted nothing from me.It cared not at all about my ambition or accomplishments.It _________ me that the beauty of life is in the trying.And that’s where I am:still trying for the turnaround.in life and in the _________


2.A.what forB.how comeC.so whatD.why not








10.A.turned outB.set outC.picked outD.carried out




14.A.healthB.action C.attitudeD.behavior








科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年山西吕梁学院附属高级中学高二上期末考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:语法填空


Swedish businessman Nile Bergqvist is delighted with his new hotel, the world’s first igloo (冰屋) hotel. 1. (build) in a small town, it has been attracting lots of visitors, but soon the fun will be over. In two week’s time Bergqvist’s ice creation _2.(be) nothing more than a pool of water. “We don’t see it as a big problem,” he says. “We just look forward to _3.(replace) it.”

Bergqvist built his first igloo in 1991 for an art exhibition. It was4.successful that he designed the present one, 5. measures roughly 200 square meters. Six workmen spent more than eight weeks 6. (pile) 1,000 tons of snow onto a wooden base; when the snow froze, the base 7.(remove).

After their stay, all visitors receive a survival certificate recording their success. 8.no windows, nowhere to hang clothes at temperatures below 0℃, it may seem more like a survival test _9._ a relaxing hotel break. “It’s great fun,” Bergqvist explains, “As well as a good start in survival training.”

The popularity of the igloo is beyond doubt: it is now attracting tourists _10.all over the world. At least 800 people have stayed at the igloo this season even though there are only 10 rooms


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年山西吕梁学院附属高级中学高二上学期月考三英语试卷(解析版) 题型:书面表达

假如你是李华,你的笔友Mike从电视上得知前段时间北京多个地方出现雾霾(haze),非常担心,写E-mail询问有关情况,请回复。 1.实况描述; 2.对生活造成的影响 3.成因简析与教训; 4.你个人的情况。



Dear Mike,

Thank you very much for your concern.






Yours,Li Hua


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年山西高平特立高级中学高二下学期期中考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:短文改错


Recently, as the development of the Internet, there is a kind of language calling the Web Language. The other day our class had a discussion about if we should welcome the Web Language.

Forty percent of the students think it ridiculous. They argue that it does no good to help people communicate, nor is it useful for learning languages. Beside, it'll make Chinese more standard and pure, finally ruining our mother tongue. However, 69% of our class is fond of it. They think it is simple, convenient and helpful in expressing them. What's more, it may make the language more interesting.

Personally, it’s not good habit to use the Web Language. It may be popular, but you may also make yourself be misunderstood.


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年山西高平特立高级中学高二下学期期中考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解


According to a new US study, couples who expect their children to help care for them in old age should hope they have daughters because they are likely to be twice as attentive overall.

The research by Angelina Grigoryeva, a sociologist at Princeton University, found that, while women provide as much care for their elderly parents as they can manage, men do as little as they can get away with and often leave it to female family members.

Her analysis of the family networks of 26,000 older Americans concluded that gender(性别) is the most important predictor(预示物) of whether or not people will actively care for elderly parents.

In a paper being presented at the annual conference of the American Sociological Association in San Francisco, she concludes that simply having a sister makes men statistically likely provide less care.

Using data from the University of Michigan Health and Retirement Study, a study which has been tracking a cross-section of over-50s for the last decade, she calculated that women provide an average of 12.3 hours a month of care for elderly parents while men offer only 5.6 hours.

“Sons reduce their relative care-giving efforts when they have a sister, while daughters increase theirs when they have a brother.”

“This suggests that sons pass on parent care-giving responsibilities to their sisters.”

In the UK, the 2011 census(人口普查) showed that there are now around 6.5 million people with caring responsibilities, a figure which has risen by a tenth in a decade.

But many are doing so at the risk of their own health. The census showed that those who provide 50 hours or more of care a week while trying to hold down a full-time job are three times more likely to be struggling with ill health than their working counterparts(相对应的人) who are not carers.

1.In the text, what’s the most important factor to predict if people will actively care for the elderly?

A. Career. B. Education.

C. Gender. D. Family networks.

2.The US study finds that _______.

A. sons are twice likely as daughters to care for parents in old age

B. having a sister makes men less likely to do their fair share

C. sons and daughters seem to give equal care to their parents

D. sons are unwilling to leave care-giving responsibilities to female family members

3.What does the author stress in the last paragraph?

A. People should give up their jobs to care for the elderly.

B. Many care providers work longer hours than others.

C. People shouldn’t pass on caring responsibilities to others.

D. Many care providers have potential health problems.

4.The author develops the text by _______.

A. analyzing various research and data

B. describing people’s experiences

C. explaining social networks of careers

D. comparing different gender behavior


科目:高中英语 来源:2016年高考一轮复习新人教版选修8 词类复习(2)英语试卷(解析版) 题型:语法填空

He ______ (pretend) that a tiger toy was real and giving it a voice.


科目:高中英语 来源:2016年高考英语一轮复习 新人教版必修2 定语从句(2)练习英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

Their youngest girl is at the stage ______ she can say a single word but not a full sentence

A. when B. which

C. that D. where

