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10.As a new graduate,he doesn't knowwhat it takes to start a business here.(take)

分析 作为刚刚毕业的学生,他不知道创业需要什么.

解答 答案:what it takes
解析:根据中文"创业需要什么"可知,本题考查it takes…to do sth"做某事需要…"这一固定句型;另外根据"什么"可知谓语动词know后面的宾语从句该由特殊疑问词what引导,由doesn't可知本句为一般现在时.综上,本题答案:what it takes.

点评 本题考查句子翻译,做此类题目时一定要根据中文及英文题干确定需要翻译的成分,再找出与之对应的英文并考虑各成分是否有形式的改变.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

20.In order to get ________ enough travel experience,they have planned _________ bicycle journey along the longest river of the country.(  )
A.an;/B.an; aC./;/D./; a


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

1.I am very gratefulto my junior school teachers,without whose help I wouldn't be so excellent.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

18.Lao Yang was born in a small town.He liked reading when he studied at school.He thought the writers were respected.and could get a lot of money.He wrote a lot of stories and posted them to the editorial departments but didn't receive any answers.
Now he works in a factory.He's busy at work.When he's free,he always reads something.He always remembers he hoped to be a writer when he was young.One day,Xiao Ping,his ten-year-old daughter,came back.She looked worried and didn't eat anything.She said Miss GAO,her Chinese teacher,told them to write a solicit article"My Father"that evening.But she did not know what to write.
"That's easy,"said Lao Yang."Let me help you."
Then he sat down to write the solicit article at once.He easily finished it on time.He was sure Miss GAO would like it.But one afternoon he asked his daughter if the article had been chosen to post to the editorial department.
"My teacher said your article digressed from the subject(离题),"said the girl.
"I don't think so,"Lao Yang shouted angrily."I described just my father!"
47.Lao Yang wrote a lot of stories becauseC.
A.he likes reading          
B.he learned much at school
C.he wanted to be a writer   
D.he wanted to help others
48.Lao Yang posted the stories to the editorial departments,D.
A.and he got a lot of money   
B.and he became a famous man
C.and he was respected      
D.but he failed
49.Lao Yang hopedB.
A.his article could surprise the teacher
B.his article could be chosen
C.the children could like his article
D.everyone could soon know him
50.Lao Yang's solicit article digressed from the subjectD.
A.because he couldn't write it at all
B.because he didn't know his father well
C.because it was too bad to be chosen
D.just because he described his father.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

Do you agree with/approve ofthe idea/opinion that students have classes on weekends?.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

15.No matter how/However hard I tried,I couldn't read his handwriting.(try)


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

2.New research shows sheep are clever
    People often make jokes about how dull sheep are,but new research shows they may be cleverer than we think.Researchers at the University of Cambridge discovered that Welsh mountain sheep have brainpower that equals rodents (啮齿动物).Tests found that the sheep can map the area they live in,and some may even be able to plan ahead.
Young fish prefer noisy neighbors
    A new study has shown that young fish like to live on reefs with noisy neighbors!Researchers from the universities of Auckland and Bristol found that young fish looking for a home choose areas where other noisy fish live.The scientists produced all kinds of sounds which had been recorded in different natural environments.The young fish seemed to prefer the sounds of natural reefs,complete with noisy animals!The scientists compared the choice to a music fan wandering around at a music festival,choosing to set up a tent closest to the music they like best!
Butterflies are disappearing
    A new study has shown that 17 species (物种) of butterfly found in Europe have dropped by 70% in the last 20 years.The information collected from 3,000 sites across 15 countries shows it may be caused by the loss (减少) of grasslands covered with flowers.You can encourage butterflies to come into your garden by planting flowers.
56.What is the passage mainly about?A
A.Some new studies about animals.
B.People's wrong ideas about animals.
C.Why the number of animals has dropped.
D.The importance of protecting animals.
57.According to the first paragraph,we may infer that sheepB.
A.are less clever than rodents
B.can find their home
C.can read maps       
D.are good planners
58.When young fish are looking for a home,they like toA.
A.live in a noisy environment
B.live in areas close to their parents
C.choose the reefs which are quiet
D.choose other kinds of fish as neighbors
59.Which seems to have to do with the number of butterflies?C
A.The species of grass in grasslands.
B.The species of trees in grasslands.
C.The number of flowers in grasslands.
D.The number of animals in grasslands.
60.In which part of a newspaper can we most probably read the passage?D


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

19.Do you know when Mr.Brown ______?When he _______,please let me know.(  )
A.will come; will comeB.comes; is coming
C.is coming; comesD.comes; will come


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:完形填空

20.Here came Thanksgiving Day,on which we offered some help to the poor free of charge.That is,we went out of our home and made a positive(31)C.It has become a custom that my two little children and I(32)Cthree years ago.
  It was at noon,and they were a little hungry.My girls shouted"McDonald's,McDonald's"as we(33)Dalong a busy Houston road.Suddenly I(34)Bthat in almost every crossing I passed through stood a beggar.And then it hit me!All these beggars must be(35)B,too.Perfect!After we ate in a McDonald's,I ordered a(n)(36)A15 lunches and we set out to deliver them.We would pull alongside a(37)C,make a contribution,and tell him or her that we hoped things got better.Then we'd say,"Oh,(38)D…here's lunch."
  We handed our final contribution to a small girl and then immediately(39)Cback in the opposite direction for home.(40)C,the light caught us again and we were stopped at the same crossing where this small girl stood.I was(41)Band didn't know quite how to behave.
  She made her way to our car,"No one has ever done(42)Clike this for me before,"she said with(43)A.Feeling uneasy,and wanting to move the conversation along,I asked,"So,(44)Ddo you think you'll eat your lunch?"
  She just looked at me with her huge,tired brown eyes and said,"Sir,I'm not going to eat this lunch."I was(45)B,but before I could say anything,she continued,"You see,I have a younger sister at home and she just loves McDonald's,but I don't have the(46)C.But you know what…tonight she is going to have McDonald's!"
  I don't know if the kids(47)Cthe tears in my eyes.So many times I had questioned whether our acts of kindness were too(48)Bto really make a difference(49)D.at that moment,I recognized the(50)Dof Mother Teresa's words:"We cannot do great things-only small things with great love."

38.A.in factB.to tell the truthC.generally speakingD.by the way
41.A.at easeB.at a lossC.in dangerD.in a hurry

