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【题目】Papa, as a son of a dirt-poor farmer, left school early and went to work in a factory, for education was for the rich then. So, the world became his school. With great interest, he read everything he could lay his hands on, listened to the town elders and learned about the world beyond his tiny hometown. "There's so much to learn," he'd say. "Though we're born stupid, only the stupid remain that way. "He was determined that none of his children would be denied (拒绝) an education.

Thus, Papa insisted that we learn at least one new thing each day. Though, as children, we thought this was crazy, it would never have occurred to us to deny Papa a request. And dinner time seemed perfect for sharing what we had learned. We would talk about the news of the day; no matter how insignificant, it was never taken lightly. Papa would listen carefully and was ready with some comment, always to the point.

Then came the moment—the time to share the day's new learning.

Papa, at the head of the table, would push back his chair and pour a glass of red wine, ready to listen.

"Felice," he'd say, "tell me what you learned today."

"I learned that the population of Nepal is ...."


Papa was thinking about what was said, as if the salvation of the world would depend upon it. "The population of Nepal. Hmm. Well ..." he'd say. "Get the map; let's see where Nepal is. " And the whole family went on a search for Nepal.

This same experience was repeated until each family member had a turn. Dinner ended only after we had a clear understanding of at least half a dozen such facts.

As children, we thought very little about these educational wonders. Our family, however, was growing together, sharing experiences and participating in one another's education. And by looking at us, listening to us, respecting our input, affirming our value, giving us a sense of dignity, Papa was unquestionably our most influential teacher.

Later during my training as a future teacher I studied with some of the most famous educators. They were imparting what Papa had known all along—the value of continual learning. His technique has served me well all my life. Not a single day has been wasted, though I can never tell when knowing the population of Nepal might prove useful.

【1】What do we know from the first paragraph?

A. The author's father was born in a worker's family.

B. Those born stupid could not change their life.

C. The town elders wanted to learn about the world.

D. The poor could hardly afford school education.

【2】The underlined word "it" in the second paragraph refers to "________".

A. one new thingB. a requestC. the newsD. some comment

【3】It can be learned from the passage that the author ________.

A. enjoyed talking about news

B. knew very well about Nepal

C. felt regret about those wasted days

D. appreciated his father's educational technique







【1】D 细节理解题。根据第一段Papa, as a son of a dirt-poor farmer, left school early and went to work in a factory, for education was for the rich then.可知,爸爸生长在一个贫穷的家庭,根本付不起学费,故选D

【2】C 推理判断题。这里的it代指的是前面提到的news,代指前面的主语。故选C

【3】D 细节理解题。根据最后一段前两句Later during my training as a future teacher studied with some of the most famous educators. They were imparting what Papa had known all along...可知,在我成为未来教师的实习中,我和一些很有名的教育者一同学习,他们传授着父亲所知道的——持续教育的意义。故选D








【1】D细节理解题。根据第一段第一句最后半句,for education was for the rich then. So, the world became his school.因为教育是对有钱人开放的,所以世界成了爸爸的学校。可以推断出作为一个穷人的爸爸付不起学费,故选D


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:








Dear Mandy,

Pm not doing well in my lessons at school,especial in maths. My dad says I must try hard because he wants me go to university. He thinks I'm lazy,but it's not true. I work really hard, often study late into the night!I've tried to talk to my mother,but she always said I have to work as hard like my brother does. My brother doesn't study very hard,and he always gets excellent

grades. It's not fair!

The only thing I like it is art. My teacher says rm the best student she's had for year. When I told my dad,all he said wasYou mustn't waste your time in art. You must focus your mind on your lessons!Pm feeling quite puzzling what to do now.Would you please help me out?

Thanks a lot!

Yours sincerely,



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】—A new bridge is reported ________ across the river in your hometown.

—Yes, and it brings us great convenience.

A. to be buildingB. to be built

C. to have builtD. to have been built


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:



Wishing Away

Have you ever noticed how people always want to be something they’re not?

Tall want to be short, young long to age, single dream of marriage, and no matter what body shape, everyone wants to lose at least another five pounds.

It’s almost like a natural preoccupation (天性), this wishing away of our lives.

Think about it. When was the last time you heard someone say, “I am totally satisfied with myself and my life. I couldn’t ask for anything more.”

It just doesn’t happen. So, I have this idea to create a virtual reality machine that would allow people to actually experience the life of their dreams. For instance, for all the women who live with the unanswered hope that their husband will one day wait at the back door with a dozen roses and a cool bottle of Dom Perignon... the opportunity to live with Prince Charming.

Or, for sports fans, how about the chance to score the winning goal, kick the overtime fieldgoal, drive the victory lap, or hit that “must-win” two pointer at the buzzer? Music fans might choose to jump onstage and perform with their favorite rock band or conduct a full orchestral symphony.

The possibilities are endless.

But I wonder about the down side to such an invention. Would experiencing the dreams of a lifetime really make us better people? I'm not sure of that answer, or of the true possibility of such an invention.

But what I am sure of is that perfection is often over-evaluated.




(1) 陈述你对上文的观点;

(2) 用2~3个理由或论据支撑你的观点。


1. 发表观点时必须提供理由或论据;

2. 阐述观点或提供论据或叙述经历时,不能直接引用原文语句;

3. 作文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称;

4. 不必写标题。










科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:






注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

I have the best friend who I can share everything with. His name was Li Gang, and we’re in the same grades. Li Gang is a good student because he is very hardworking. He is good in all subjects, especially math. I’ve learned a lot of from him. Besides that, he’s honesty. I trust him complete and we share secrets all the time. He always remember my birthday and he is fun be with. He tells funny jokes but always makes me laugh. Finally, he is a very good listener. I hope we’ll stay friends forever.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


Money Matters

Parents should help their children understand money. 【1】 So you may start talking about money when your child shows an interest in buying things, candy or toys, for example.

1. The basic function of money

Begin explaining the basic function of money by showing how people trade money for goods or services. It is important to show your child how money is traded for the things he wants to have. If he wants to have a toy, give him the money and let him hand the money to the cashier(收银员). 2 When your child grows a bit older and understands the basic function of money, you can start explaining more complex ways of using money.

2. Money lessons

Approach money lessons with openness and honesty. 3 If you must say no to a child’s request to spend money, explain, You have enough toy trucks for now. Or, if the request is for many different things, say, You have to make a choice between this toy and that toy.

3. 4

Begin at the grocery store. Pick out two similar brands of a product a name-brand butter and a generic (无商标产品),for example. You can show your child how to make choices between different brands of a product so that you can save money. 5 If he chooses the cheaper brand, allow him to make another purchase with the money saved. Later, you may explain how the more expensive choice leaves less money for other purchases.

A. Wise decisions.

B. The value of money.

C. Permit the child to choose between them.

D. Tell your child why he can or cannot have certain things.

E. Ask yourself what things that cost money are most important to you

F. Talk about how the money bought the thing after you leave the toy store.

G. The best time to teach a child anything about money is when he shows an interest.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


【1Your friend comes to school very __________ (不安的,心烦意乱的).

【2He was __________ (关心;挂念) about his parents when he went abroad.

【3Her report is written in the __________ (官方的) style and is only for officers.

【4She saw him coming, but she __________ (不理睬) him.

【5We decided to make a __________ (航行) down the Yellow River to the sea.

【6Please show me your __________ (身份) card before you stay in the hotel.

【7His __________ (公寓) covers 200 square metres, which I like very much.

【8He can’t express himself well in English because his __________ (词汇量) is small.

【9What’s your __________ (现在的) address? I want to write to you.

【10Parents noticed the __________ (逐渐的) change in their children.

【11If you take a lift, you take an e__________.

【12John and Tom are brothers. The former is a teacher; the l__________ is an engineer.

【13Though she is not a n__________ English speaker, she can speak English very fluently.

【14In time of danger, we should c__________ ourselves down.

【15If we c__________ someone to do something, that is to say, we order him to do it.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:






注意:1. 每处错误及其修改均仅限一词;

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

Nowadays, mobile phones are become more and more popular in the middle school students. In my opinion, we can bring mobile phones to school. As we know, the 21st century is a modern age and full of informations. A mobile phone is one of the quicker tools for us to exchange messages. The mobile phone is a fashionable and useful invention, but we ought to make the best use of it. Suppose there’s sudden accident, it is more conveniently for us to dial for help immediately. There’re also some games in the mobile phone. We can relax us by playing them when we’re tired of our studies. In my opinion, It’s not wrong to follow after the fashion, but the most important thing is that to use the mobile phone in a right way.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:





注意:1. 每处错误仅限1词;

2. 只允许修改10处,多者(从第11处起)不计分。

I visited my aunt in the countryside near the city last week. I was surprising to see that great changes had been taken place in the countryside. Take my aunt’s family for example. We supply precious trees and flowers to the stores in the city and have ten workers working for themselves. Their family’s income reached as much 100 000 yuan last year. Not only did they have a house, a car and computers, they can also afford a trip abroad every year. When asking what else they needed most, they said that they wanted to learn a few English so that they could do business with foreigners directly. To their delighted, my cousin can use that he has learned from university to help them with overseas trade.

