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14.Shortly after the earthquake occurred a mobile hospital was set up,______ the victims received immediate treatment.(  )

分析 地震后不久一家移动医院就建立起来,在这里灾民得到了及时的救治.

解答 答案:D 题干中the victims received immediate treatment修饰a mobile hospital,是一个非限制性定语从句;从句结构完整,要用关系副词;先行词表示地点,要用where来引导.故选D.

点评 定语从句是用来修饰名词的形容词性从句,相当于一个形容词.连接定语从句的引导词分为关系代词和关系副词,关系代词在从句中要作主语或宾语;关系副词在从句中作状语.这也是选择关系词的一个判断方法.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

20.It's said that his car was repaired at thegarage (汽车修理厂).


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

1.You are never too old to try to make your dreams come true
This could be Mary Moe's motto----the (61)expression (express) that best represents her spirit.Mary Moe (62)has done( do) a lot during the past 91years.For much of that time,she wanted to fly,(63)but never had the chance---until now.
Mary Moe may look like(64)an average grandmother.But she is not.She just learned how to fly an airplane,a dream she has had (65)since she was a little girl.
Growing up,she(66)was inspired (inspire) by two American pilots:Charles Lindbergh and Amelia Earhart.They became her inspiration.Lindbergh made the solo nonstop flight across the Atlantic Ocean in 1927.Five years later,Earhart became the first woman (67)to make (make) the flight.
But Mary Moe could not find time to make her dream come true.At age 34,(68)she was just too busy-busy fighting cancer.She was also busy with her job in advertising and busy raising her family.Everything seemed to be working (69)against Mary.
Then,at age 91,her wish (70)finally (final) came true.The new polite says it is never too late to spread your wings and try something new..


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

2.I have happy memories of trips to Europe,but my trip to Romania (罗马尼亚) was unique.When I was there as recalled,it was like being in a"James Bond"movie.My husband was born there,but his family sent him to study in Italy.Before he left,his mother told him,"As long as I write in pencil,don't come back.When I write to you in pen,it's safe to return."But she never wrote in pen.
My husband lived a poor life in Italy.He applied to go to America,but there was a limit in number and he was rejected.He was accepted by Canada,though,and from Calgary he jumped onto a train to San Francisco.There he stayed-illegally.He became a US citizen when we got married.By then he was a charming European with a Romanian accent and the manners of a prince.
With seven years'experience in America,a US passport,and two children later,he felt it was safe to visit Romania.He hadn't seen his mother,two sisters,and two brothers since he was sixteen.We flew to Munich,Germany; picked up the German-made car we had purchased in the States; and drove to Romania via Austria and Hungary.When we reached Bucharest,the capital city of Romania,his family was waiting outside his sister's house to greet us.After a long time of hugging,kissing,and crying,his family also hugged me,the American wife with two young children.They had great interest in me.Few Americans visited Romania at that time,and most Romanians had little chance to travel.I had brought an English-Romanian dictionary with me and managed to communicate,using only nouns,with no verbs.My Romanian improved,and the family's stock of English words increased,but mostly I spoke in broken,New York-accented Romanian.The sisters loved their gifts of skirts and purses,the brothers loved the radios,and the children loved the candy.We made side trips to the Black Sea and enjoyed sightseeing in beautiful mountains.Dining at outdoor cafes to the music of violins was fantastic with fancy flavor,but nothing was as special as family dinners.
Romania didn't have many dry cleaners.Most homes had old-fashioned washing machines but no dryers,and it was a hot summer.My husband's relatives didn't want to risk dirtying their clothes.Their solution was as simple as it was shocking:the women only wore their bras(胸罩) and slips (衬裙) at dinner table.The men were eating without shirts.They all had jobs,so time was precious.Having dinner without proper clothes was a small inconvenience compared with the effort of washing clothes-at least in my husband's home,perhaps all across Romania.I,of course,having just met them,ate fully clothed.I washed my clothes by hand and hung them outdoors to dry.
On the last night of our three-week stay,we had a large family dinner.I was tired of washing my clothes.So I pulled my dress over my head and placed it on the chair behind me.All men and women applauded for my action.Even with my poor Romanian,I understood that they were saying,"She's part of our family now."
My children were 4 and 5 at the time,but they still have memories of that trip.They know how to say,"Good morning."and"There are apricots (杏子) on the tree."I can still say,"Do you speak Romanian?"and"I swim in the Black Sea."But most of all,I remember sitting at a long dining-room table in my bra,enjoying meatballs with fresh garlic (大蒜).

55.From Para.1,we learn thatC.
A.a trip to Europe would be dangerous
B.the mother didn't want to see her son
C.Romania might be unsafe at that time    
D.the mother didn't like to write in pen
56.The writer's husband became an American citizen throughD.
C.illegal stay    
57.During the writer's trip in Romania,sheC.
A.bought a new German-made car 
B.had little interest in the relatives
C.used a new language with effort
D.enjoyed the mountain sights best
58.What made the writer feel special about the family dinner in RomaniaA?
A.The way people dressed.
B.The way people spoke.
C.The fantastic violin music.
D.The fancy food flavor.
59.The writer was completely accepted by her husband's family whenD.
A.she offered gifts to the whole family    
B.she spoke her husband's language
C.she washed all the clothes by hand   
D.she had dinner in bra like other ladies
60.The writer shared her story to sayB.
A."east and west,home is the best"
B."when in Rome do as the Romans do"
C."marry a dog and follow the dog forever"
D."the course of true love never runs smooth"


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

9.What do astronauts eat in space,and why?How did astronaut food come into being?How do astronauts preserve food for long periods of time in space?NASA(the National Aeronautics and Space Administration)(美国国家航空航天局)has been researching food for space travel since the 1960's to find the best way of keeping astronauts from going hungry.
    The research could date from an accident that took place on the first manned Gemini mission in 1965.astronaut John Young managed to sneak(偷偷地拿)a corned beef sandwich onto the GeminniⅢcapsule to eat during its orbit around Earth.To Young's surprise,the sandwich plan did not go as expected; instead the sandwich began to break apart and scatter(散开)through the GeminniⅢcapsule.This could have resulted in disaster,since a small piece of food could have stuck in the air vents(通风孔)and other equipment.The sandwich was stuffed into a pocket to avoid the further mess insid e the small space capsule This incident caused NASA to enforce strict rules on what types of food can be taken into space.
    Space food has come a long way since then.During the Gemini period,the astronauts mostly ate cubed,compr essed foods(压缩食品)high in calories and lightweight.
    NASA expects a long shelf life for space food.The majority of food taken into space has been dried out or heat-treated.These process and use of sodium(钠),make the food taken into space last longer.Research is ongoing into space food to seek out healthier ways to preserve it.Too much sodium is unhealthy,and can badly change the taste of some foods.

39.What happened to John Young in the G eminniⅢcapsule?B
A.His sandwich went bad as expected
B.He couldn't eat the sandwich he had bought
C.His sandwich caused trouble to some equipment
D.He filled his pocket with the sandwich.
40.Why has NASA set up strict rules on the space since the 1960's?A
A.To protect the astronauts'safety
B.To provide enough food for astronauts
C.To limit how much junk food astronauts eat
D.To make it easy for astronauts to get enough nutrition
41.The majority of the space food is dried out or heat-treated in order toD.
A.keep astronauts healthy                  
B.keep it from breaking apart
C.change its taste                     
D.make it last longer
42.What is the text mainly about?B
A.How to make space food               
B.The history of space food
C.A food incident in the Gemini capsule
D.The process of making space food.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

19.Prayer for My Mother
Dear God,
Now that I am no longer young,I have friends whose mothers have passed away.I have heard these sons and daughters say they never fully appreciated their mothers until it was too late to tell them.
I am blessed with the dear mother who is still alive.I appreciate her more each day. My mother does not change,but I do.As I grow older and wiser,I realize what an extraordinary person she is.How sad that I am unable to speak these words in her presence,but they flow easily from my pen.
How does a daughter begin to thank her mother for life itself?For the love,patience and just plain hard work that go into raising a child?For running after a toddler (学步儿童),for understanding a moody teenager,for tolerating a college student who knows everything?For waiting for the day when a daughter realizes what her mother really is?
How does a grown woman thank for a mother for continuing to be a mother?For being ready with advice when asked or remaining silent when it is most appreciated?For not saying:"!told you so",when she could have voiced these words dozens of times?For being essentially herself-loving,thoughtful,patient,and forgiving?
I don't know how,dear God,except to bless her as richly as she deserves(应得) and to help me live up to the example she has set.I pray that I will look as good in the eyes of my children as my mother looks in mine
A daughter

56.We can infer from the passage that the author isB.
    A.talkative and realistic              B.reserved and appreciative
    C.open-minded and responsible          D.sensitive and independent
57.Compared with her friends,the author feels lucky becauseD.
    A.she has her own lovely sons and daughters
    B.she is excellent in bringing up her own children
    C.it was too late to say thanks to her mother in her presence
    D.she still has the chance to express her appreciation to her mother
58.What information can you get from Paragraph 4?A
    A.Mothers should offer advice rather than blame.
    B.The sentence"I told you so"can be repeated if necessary.
    C.The author is very thankful to her mother for her education.
    D.Mothers can instruct their children whenever they want to.
59.The author's mother has all the following fine qualities exceptD.
    A.devotion                        B.forgiveness


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

6.It is very different from the.situation in the wild,the vast majority of camels will die or be killed before they grow up.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

3.       ,the house isn't attractive enough,thought the price itself is quite reasonable.(  )
A.On the contraryB.Generally speaking
C.In particularD.To be honest


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:完形填空

4.When we talk about a wolf,we tend to describe it as a kind fierce creature.But is it Lily true that the wolf stands for devil and ugliness?
Have you read the book"The Wolf Totem''《狼图腾》by a famous writer Jiang Rong,which tells the story of the relationship between wolves and human beings?Have you ever(21)C the wolves'world?If you had,you would(22)D the wolves.In the book,wolves are heroes on the large grassland.They know more about(23)A than humans.They can attack lambs without disturbing their mothers.They also know how to(24)B full use of the shape of land to (25)Asheep.I believe that if wolves were humans,they would be(26)Dat fighting.
The wolf is a kind of special creature that can deeply understand(27)C.Each wolf serves its group with its heart and soul.A (28)B wolf has little power,but a pack of wolves(29)Dnothing.All the wolves obey the rules.(30)Athey are defeated,they run away together.It is their teamwork(31)B makes wolves powerful.
The wolves also have great self-preservation and won't (32)D to anyone.The writer,who wrote the book"The Wolf Totem",(33)Bstole a one-month-old baby wolf and raised it very carefully.To his(34)C,he found the little wolf still wanted to go back with (35)Bwolves.The little wolf bit through the iron chain that limited it.The wolf was(36)C and never gave up fighting (37)Bits death.It seemed that the little wolf died as a glorious fighter.
I was shocked by this kind of (38)D wolves which are one of the most respected creature on the  earth.I want everyone to look at wolves in a(39)Away.They are our teachers.They show us how to survive and (40)D this not simple but dangerous world.Please honor the wolves,please honor all these heroes of nature!

21.A.talked aboutB.walked intoC.thought aboutD.cared for
30.A.Even ifB.As thoughC.Even soD.As for
32.A.turn inB.break inC.take inD.give in
35.A.restB.the otherC.anotherD.others
40.A.step outB.set upC.succeed inD.get into

