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() 32. Jane,you’ re the first person me that

I have a wonderful singing voice.

   A. tells   B. tell C. telling   D. to tell


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和 D)中,出最佳选项。


                             ★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆

          Celebrities often have their own extraordinary life stories about their childhoods and their dramatic rises to fame. And here we have one example: Ella Fitzgerald,a girl from Harlem who became one of the most celebrated female jazz singer of the 20th century.

          Bom in Newport News,Virginia in 1917,Ella didnt want to be a singer at first. At 17,she entered a contest with a dream of becoming a professional dancer. But watching other dancers perform,Ella changed her mind right before going on stage ^ this was a turning point in her life^ She performed as a singer and won first prize.

          After tliis unexpected debut(初次登台) ,people began to hear about the girl with a pure singing voice,great rhythm,and perfect (音高) .And in 1935,Ella had a major breakthrough when the famous drummer Chick Webb decided to hire her for his band. Together they produced many hit songs,including “A-Tisket,A-Tasket/' which became Ella* s' first million-record seller. She also had a striking ability to make her voice imitate other musical instruments. This special talent made Ella begin to shine as she helped to pioneer a style called “scat” in the early 1940s. Scat,or wordless singing,uses random vocal sounds to copy the sounds of real musical instruments. Basically,scat singing is replacing the lyrics of a song with such nonsense syllables as “do be do be dos” while it keeps the tune (曲调) . Ella was a master of scat,elevating the style to a form of art.

           After Webb's death,Ella continued her active singing career,touring with different jazz orchestras throughout the world. Celebrated as the top female singer of her time,she sold more than 40 million records. Ella received numerous awards and honors for her outstanding performance and talent. She died in 1996,but her music lives on,enchanting generations of jazz lovers.

1. Which of the following is TRUE about scat?

   A. It is done by using nonsense syllables.

   B. It is a style of singing with real words.

   C. It is intended to improve musical instruments.

   D. It is a rhythmic form of speech without musical backing.

2. What do we know about Ella Fitzgerald?

   A. She made her stage debut as a dancer.

   B. She helped Chick Webb to form his band.

   C. She contributed greatly to the style of scat singing.

   D. She became very famous immediately after her debut.

3. The underlined word “enchanting” in the last paragraph

probably means.

   A. slightly surprising   B. easily controlling

   C. clearly explaining    D. strongly atfracting

4. What would be the best title for the text?

   A. The family life of Ella Fitzgerald

   B. Ella Fitzgerald: The queen of jazz

   C. Famous songs by Ella Fitzgerald 

   D. Ella Fitzgerald: A talented dancer


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


         Hip-hop music doesn’t typically remind us of the description “kid-friendly”. But Syracuse musicians Samar Moseley and Tyrone Jackson have found inspiration in their work as bus drivers for the Syracuse City School District. While other performers may rap about street violence or ill-gotten riches,this pair — known as 1306 — apply catchy beats to cautionary raps on bus safety and working toward graduation.

         Last year,1306 put out a three-song record,Mr. Bus Driver,with positive raps on school-related issues. They also performed at city schools. In an interview,Moseley said that he thought 1306 could find a sizable market for its positive messages. Moseley is the songwriter while Jackson handles the beats and engineering. The pair,who started driving buses in 2011,are enthusiastic about what the foture holds.

         They met during their bus driver training. The name 1306 came from Moseley's Bus Route 13 and Jackson's Bus Route 06. The concept behind that is going down a new journey and taking a new route to success. The first songs they did were club songs. One day,they both had a bad day on the bus,so they started talking about what happened and came up with the Mr. Bus Driver song.

        “Driving a school bus isn’t  an easy job. You have to let kids on the bus know that there are rules they should follow. The best way to teach something is to make it constructive and fun. Kids can learn the rules and have fun singing songs and dancing. It's a good feeling,” Jackson said. .

        Their CDs have now become popular in other states. In Minneapolis,people play them in day care centers. After more than a year,1306 is still the only thing the kids in the centers want to listen to.

9. What makes 1306 different from other rappers?

   A. Their club songs.

   B. Their sunny smiles.

   C. Their special experiences.

   D. The themes of their songs.

10. Why did Moseley and Jackson choose the name 1306?

   A. It was their new bus route number.

   B. It combined their bus route numbers.

   C. It reminded them of their bad days.

   D. It is the combination of their birthday dates.

11. What's the purpose of 1306’s songs according to Jackson?

   A. To comfort bored drivers.

   B. To make kids learn music.

   C. To teach people how to drive.

   D. To help,kids behave themselves.

12. How is the last paragraph developed?

   A. By time.       B. By contrast.

   C. By example.    D. By space.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

71. 中国有多少人口?



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

2. 今天我有点儿不舒服,不能你一起吃晚饭了。

I'm sick today so that I can’t join you for dinner.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

根据短文内容,从方框i选择恰当的单词或短语 填空,有的需要变换形式。

excite,or so,adult,marry,wild,smile,shine,protect 

    The town of Longview has a very busy street. Many cars use it every day. In the past squirrels (松鼠) tried to cross the street and were killed.Amos Peters wanted (1) these lovely animals,so he built a bridge for them — one that would let them cross above the traffic.

    Now I'm standing on the bridge. The weather is fine. The sun is (2) bright.Around me I only see lots of (3) squirrels. Some are (4) squirrels and some are baby squirrels. They all look at me with(5) . Some of them even (6) at me. It seems that they say, “Hey,young manf Where are you from?”

    The bridge has been a symbol of the town for over 40 years (7) Some young couples come here to take photos before they get(8) ! . And every Christmas,the local (当地的) people add a small Christmas tree to the center of the bridge. How lovely!


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

() 27. After months of hard work,Bob very good exam results.

   A. expected   B. cheated

C. reported   D. achieved


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


根据对话内容,从方框中选择恰当的选项补全对 话,其中有两项多余。

A: Hi,Mary. Welcome to the show. You like exploring (探险) ,doh’t you?

B: (46) And I just went on an adventure (冒险)

A: Tell us about it.

B: I went on a night tour at the zoo. It's called Night Adventure.

A: (47)

B: Oh no. There’ re lots of animals awake at night.

A: Wow. OK,Mary. (48)

B: I went with my guide.

A: (49)

B: We saw bears walk up and down and tigers look around on a rock. Many forest animals woke up at night.

A: Really? (50)

B: I was really scared.

   A. How did you feel when you saw that?

   B. Tell us what you saw.

   C. Who did you go with?

   D. Where are they from?

   E. That's right.

   F. It sounds good.

   G. Aren’t all the animals sleeping at night?


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

69. I tried to clean the watch,but only (succeed) in breaking it.

