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As a child,I was told that a wise person is the one who learns from everyone.Living in China me with many wonderful opportunities to put this principle into practice.

I am living in Harbin now,a city in the northern part of China,near Russia.Yesterday I to get money from the ATM and have a good cup of coffee after lunch. But I can’t speak Chinese yet and there are no signs in English the nearest supermarket or coffee shop.There are signs in Russian. “ espaciba ” which means thanks,I don’t know much else. I decided to smile at my every attempt to and ask for information that would me to an ATM and a coffee shop.It turned out that my efforts and my were met with more smiles.I learned that is to be found everywhere even I can’t communicate,and that people will depending on what I give.

Look around you for opportunities to learn from the most people.You will be surprised at what they can you!

1.A.helps B.compares C.impresses D.provides

2.A.needed B.refused C.managed D.failed

3.A.leaving for B.setting up C.looking for D.pointing to

4.A.Except for B.As for C.According to D.Instead of

5.A.Yet B.Or C.So D.Besides

6.A.relax B.communicate C.explain D.discuss

7.A.force B.lead C.transport D.follow

8.A.thanks B.signs C.questions D.smiles

9.A.illness B.weakness C.kindness D.happiness

10.A.before B.when C.because D.after

11.A.respond B.gain C.bargain D.benefit

12.A.famous B.useful C.unexpected D.familiar

13.A.charge B.teach C.lend D.require

















2.2】由下文可知,作者需要(needed) 取钱、喝咖啡。

3.3】作者不会说汉语,也没有用英语标注指引(pointing to)他去最近的超市或咖啡店的标牌。

4.4】对于俄语,除了(Except for)“谢谢”外,作者别的都不知道。



7.7】作者希望得到能引导(lead) 他去ATM机和咖啡店的信息。

8.8】由上文的I decided to smile及本句的more smiles可知,作者的微笑换来了更多的微笑。



11.11】人们的反应取决于你所付出的:你给予越多,获得的也就越多。my smiles were met with more smiles正是人们的回应(respond)。gain获得;bargain讨价还价;benefit使受益,均不符合语境。

12.12】由下文的surprised可知,作者建议向不期而遇的(unexpected) 人学习。

13.13】由上文的learn from可知,作者认为你会被所教授(teach)的东西惊奇不已。


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届内蒙古高一下学期期末英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

From bankers to factory staff, employees in the West face a cold prospect of losing their jobs as a global recession(衰退) starts to bite. For colleagues in the East, the pain is more likely to come through a pay cut.

Human resource experts say cultural differences explain why Asian companies try harder to preserve jobs in difficult times, which will prevent unemployment and may help Asian economies survive at a time of slowing exports. The East Asian attitude may also make it easier for companies to recover quickly from the economic downturn since they will not need to rehire or train new staff, but build up a more loyal and devoted group.

"In the Confucian mindset(儒家思想), the right thing to do is to share the burden(负担), which is the sense of collective responsibility. While in the West, it's more about individual survival," said Michael Benoliel, associate professor of organizational behavior at Singapore Management University (SMU).

In contrast, local Western companies from General Motors to Goldman Sachs plan to lay off workers by the thousands, but at the Asian units of Western multinationals or western units of Asian groups, job cuts will probably be less severe.

Japan's jobless rate was 4 percent in September, up from 3.8 percent in January, while Hong Kong's was flat at 3.4 percent. But US unemployment is expected to have jumped to 6.3 percent last month from below 5 percent in January.

Experts say that while there are noticeable differences in labor practices in East and West, the gap will narrow as more firms become more multinational and competition forces firms to adopt the best practices of rivals(对手) from abroad.

1.The underlined word "prospect" in the first paragraph most probably means _________.

A. future B. scene

C. weather D. place

2.Compared with job cuts, pay cuts can bring the following benefits EXCEPT that _________.

A. it's helpful to the economy recovery

B. it can form a team working harder and more loyally

C. it will keep the experienced and skilled workers

D. it costs the company less money to survive

3.According to Michael Benoliel, the Confucian mindset focuses on _________.

A. human rights

B. personal profits

C. sharing responsibility

D. individual survival

4.The passage mainly tells us ________.

A. the difficulties all the companies around the world will meet with today

B. the different labor solutions of Asian and Western in global recession

C. the ways to cut down the cost of the companies in economic downturn

D. the cultural differences between Eastern and Western world at present



科目:高中英语 来源:2015届青海西宁第四高级中学高三上月考1英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解











Dear Editor,

With the college entrance examination approaching, …





Yours truly,

Li Hua



科目:高中英语 来源:[同步]2014年重大版高中英语必修四第二单元练习卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

Could it be in the restaurant you had dinner with me yesterday you lost your handbag?

A.that;which B.which;that C.where;that D.that;where



科目:高中英语 来源:[同步]2014年重大版高中英语必修四第三单元练习卷(解析版) 题型:书面表达







Dear editor,

I am a senior high school student.



Yours Truly,

Li Hua



科目:高中英语 来源:[同步]2014年重大版高中英语必修四第一单元练习卷(解析版) 题型:书面表达










Welcome to the column “English Writing”!







科目:高中英语 来源:[同步]2014年重大版高中英语必修四第一单元练习卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

When you are a difficult period,it often helps to talk to someone.

A.going through B.getting across C.taking up D.bringing about



科目:高中英语 来源:[同步]2014年重大版高中英语必修一第四单元练习卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Recently,scientists attending a meeting in Chicago presented new studies showing how food and its production affect global warming.They offered some suggestions for how to eat in a more environmentally friendly way.

For many years,scientists have warned us that our planet is getting warmer.If current trends continue,animals may start to die off and life could get very difficult for everyone.The temperature is rising because humans have been releasing massive amounts of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere,which surround the planet and keep heat from escaping.One of these gases is carbon dioxide.

Most carbon dioxide we produce comes from the process of making and eating food,the scientists reported in Chicago.The production of meat contributes to a lot of carbon dioxide.And much of meat’s contribution comes from beef,which is responsible for releasing even more greenhouse gases into the atmosphere.

The process of making a hamburger,for example,requires a lot of energy.A cow has to be fed and raised,and cow’s wastes are a major source of greenhouse gases.After the cow is killed,the meat has to be processed and shipped to a consumer,which takes fuel.And most of the cow won’t even be used for meat people eat.

By the time a hamburger finally lands on a dinner plate,it has taken a heavy toll on the environment.It is believed that the process of making a half?pound all?beef burger adds about 19 times the weight of hamburgers in carbon dioxide.

The message is clear:We can greatly reduce the production of greenhouse gases by eating less beef.Other kinds of meat like pork and chicken do less harm to the environment—at least in terms of the amount of greenhouse gases released.Nathan Pelletier,a scientist at Dalhousie University in Canada,reported that if everyone in industrial countries ate chicken instead of beef,we would cut the Earth’s greenhouse gases by more than half.

All kinds of meat,the scientists reported,are harder on the planet than vegetables.To grow and eat a pound of potatoes,for example,sends less than one quarter pound of carbon dioxide into the air.So shifting our diet to less meat and more vegetables may do the world some good.

1.The text mainly tells us ________.

A.what we eat can affect the whole planet

B.the way we live affects the environment

C.how we can save energy on the Earth

D.how we can produce environment?friendly food

2.What is likely to happen if the climate is getting warmer according to the passage?

A.Sea level will continue to rise sharply.

B.Human beings won’t have enough food.

C.It would be very hard for man to survive.

D.All the animals and plants will disappear.

3.Why does the author mention the process of making a hamburger?

A.To show meat is usually part of a hamburger.

B.To illustrate that our food contributes to greenhouse gases.

C.To prove making a hamburger is a complex process.

D.To suggest a lot of energy is needed to make hamburgers.

4.The author believes one effective way to fight global warming is ________.

A.we should eat no pork and no chicken

B.we should eat more chicken than beef

C.we should eat not meat but vegetables

D.we should eat less meat and more vegetables

5.Which of the following statements would Nathan Pelletier agree to?

A.Eating pork and chicken is more environmentally friendly.

B.Meat consumption is the main cause of greenhouse gases.

C.People in industrial countries consume more beef than fish.

D.Eating more beef is a more efficient way to save more energy.



科目:高中英语 来源:[同步]2014年重大版高中英语必修一第三单元练习卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

With that calm and________ expression of hers,our anxiety almost disappeared into the air.

A.confusing B.determined C.opposing D.confused


