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Second, don't stop ____ you come to a word or a phrase you do not know.

A.for the first time              B. because                  C. every time                      D. since


科目:高中英语 来源:设计必修一英语北师版 北师版 题型:022


  The fax has greatly changed office work, especially in China.When you place a sheet of paper in a fax machine, the machine“reads”the writing on the page and changes the shapes of letters   1   electronic signals.It then sends these signals down an ordinary telephone line to another fax machine,   2   changes the signals back into the shapes of letters.You can imagine   3   useful this is, particularly in   4   like China and Japan, which use written characters not letters.It is also useful for sending pictures, designs, maps and so on.

  Sending a fax is more expensive than   5  (post)a letter, but much quicker.For example, you can send information abroad immediately, but mailing a letter might   6   a week or so.  7  (连词)you want to send a letter to an office abroad that is in a different time zone, you can send a fax, and it will   8  (receive)even though the office is not open.There are two other points to consider.First, remember that a fax can be read by anyone, so be   9  (care)what you send!Second, do not start faxing everything!It is much cheaper to post or email a long report   10   to fax it.


科目:高中英语 来源:宁夏银川一中2011届高三第三次模拟考试英语试题 题型:001




1.What are the speakers probably doing?

A.Attending a conference.

B.Having a course.

C.Attending a party.

2.Why is the man going to Indonesia?

A.On business.

B.On vacation.

C.For study.

3.What does the woman probably do?

A.A college teacher.

B.A clerk.

C.A student.

4.What does the woman ask the man to do?

A.Meet her again in no time.

B.Wait for her in his town.

C.Call her next time he's in her town.

5.How does the man feel about Tokyo?


B.Pretty big.

C.Very crowded.

第二节(共15 小题;每小题1分,满分22.5分)



6.How often does the woman have money sent from China?

A.Once a month.

B.Once a week.

C.Once a year.

7.What is the woman going to do?

A.Change her cheque book.

B.Open an account.

C.Get her passport.


8.What's the man's telephone number?




9.Which language will the man learn?





10.Why was the woman away from work yesterday?

A.She relaxed at home.

B.She was ill.

C.She had an accident.

11.What does the man advise the woman to do?

A.Balance work and life.

B.Buy another car.

C.Go back home by taxi.

12.What will the speakers stop to do on the way?

A.Buy some food.

B.Buy a car.

C.Buy some medicine.


13.What is the probable relationship between the speakers?

A.Husband and wife.

B.Brother and sister.

C.Father and daughter.

14.What apartment is the woman's favorite?

A.An apartment with a central heating system.

B.An apartment with a south-facing balcony.

C.An apartment near the workplace and shopping center.

15.How does the woman feel about this apartment?

A.Its balcony is too small and dark.

B.Its central heating system costs too much.

C.Its environment is good for the children.

16.What does the man like most about the apartment?

A.Its balcony.

B.Its location.

C.Its price.


17.What does the speaker advice people to get or borrow?

A.A pig.

B.A dog.

C.A cat.

18.What is the second “do” about?

A.Trying to eat in a public dining hall.

B.Talking actively to the strangers..

C.Taking dirty clothes to a public washing shop.

19.Who should a man ask for help if he loses his way according to the speaker?

A.A child.

B.Another man.

C.A woman.

20.What advice is given in the talk?

A.Never make an appointment at night.

B.Never be late for an appointment.

C.Never talk loudly in public places.


科目:高中英语 来源:2011-2012学年山东省任城一中高二10月质量检测英语试卷 题型:完型填空

I’ve often puzzled over something that happened to me one winter when I was eight. Over the years I had been wondering if my  31 was nothing more than a kid’s imagination.
There was a  32  near our house. In winter it was the greatest  33 place in the world. One  34 all I wanted to do was go skating. I had been waiting for weeks  35  the water was frozen solid. Mom had one rule: “Never ice-skate alone.” But I couldn’t  36 any longer that afternoon. So I  37 my skates under my coat and ran to the pond. Several people were skating near the shore, and some kids were playing hockey.I was not really  38 
The hockey game had attracted   39 audience, so I skated in the other direction until their cheering  40  . But another noise came soon. The ice was cracking beneath me. Freezing water  41  my body, and I sank like a rock.  My feet  42   the bottom. Just when I thought I wouldn’t last another 43 , I felt a tap on my shoulder. “Don’t worry,” someone said. I swung my 44 around. I couldn’t see anybody. But I heard the voice again,“Push your feet into the bottom and you’ll shoot straight up to the surface.” I did as I was told and  45 . I crawled to the shore and lay down,  46 .The next thing I knew was people were   47   around me, covering me with coats.   
When I awoke, I was home in my own bed. Mom sat next to me,   48  my hand. “I saw nobody there. It must be an angel that came to my  49 .” I said. Mom smiled, “I just thank God you’re safe.”
For a long time I thought I would  50 a more realistic explanation if I just thought hard, but I never did.

A.skatingB.fishing C.swimmingD.skiing
A.afternoon B.morning C.eveningD.night
A.lonelyB.single C.aloneD.afraid
A.hitB.dragged C.setD.tapped
A.take up B.make up with C.bring up D.come up with


科目:高中英语 来源:0108 模拟题 题型:听力题

1. What does the speaker advise people to get or borrow?
A. A pig.
B. A dog.
C. A cat.
2. What is the second "do" about?
A. Trying to eat in a public dining hall.
B. Talking actively to the strangers.
C. Taking dirty clothes to a public washing shop.
3. Who should a man ask for help if he loses his way according to the speaker?
A. A child.
B. Another man.
C. A woman.
4. What advice is given in the talk?
A. Never make an appointment at night.
B. Never be late for an appointment.
C. Never talk loudly in public places.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

       Feeling tired? Under too much stress? Well, you may want to try Yoga(瑜珈). It’s what more and more people have been turning to to release the trouble of modern life. Practically unheard of in the West until 50 years ago, Yoga has become one of the most popular health trends around the world, including China. If you search for Yoga on line in Chinese, lots of pages are there to see, most of which are main pages of Yoga clubs. In order to keep fit and lose weight, many girls spend more than 1000 yuan taking part in Yoga classes every month.

However, are you really ready for it? There are several things you need to know before you really take it.

First, do not force your body too much. Yoga has many difficult poses. They are beautiful and worth boasting if you could finish them. But if you force yourself to do as exactly as an experienced Yoga teacher does, you may hurt your body, instead of strengthening it. Do you remember you original purpose for playing Yoga? It is self -building, not competing.

Second, do some research about the Yoga class that you are to registering. Yoga is new in China and there are not so many certificated well-trained Yoga teachers. Some not well organized clubs just find someone learn a little Yoga and certificate them. But be aware, a non-eligible teacher might wrongly guide you and you could not benefit from the classes much except that they force you to exercise your body a bit. Considering about the large amount of money you invest in it, it’s worth and reasonable to make sure the teachers in the club are qualified before you join.

       Third, it would be better to learn something about nutrition when you practice Yoga. In the very beginning, Yoga was part of the Vedas, bible of the traditional Indian philosophy. So it could be regarded as a kind of lifestyle. When you have decided to care for your body, why not feed it properly? In fact, good clubs have their own nutritionists.

       Anyhow, make sure you are ready before you act. The fashion may change quickly. But what benefits is still good for us.


49.The author’s main purpose in writing the passage is to        .

       A.tell people how to relax themselves

       B.let people know more about Yoga

       C.give people some advice on taking part in Yoga classes

       D.tell peoples Yoga has gained its popularity in China

50.The underlined word “eligible” in the fourth paragraph most probably means       .

       A.experienced         B.qualified              C.honored              D.hi-technical

51.Which of the following is NOT the author’s advice?

       A.Join one of the noblest Yoga clubs.        B.Don’t easily follow the fashion about Yoga.

       C.Know some knowledge about nutrition.  D.Find out a real teacher.

52.From the advice offered by the author, we can conclude that           .

       A.Yoga has nothing to do with culture

       B.Yoga is somehow easy to exercise

       C.many people learn Yoga in order to complete

       D.not all the Yoga clubs have standard teachers

