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4.Gone are the days when men and women couldn't associate(交往)with each other.When we are asked whether boys and girls can associate with each other,most of us will say,"Yes,of course.Why not?"
If we want to deal with the association between boys and girls properly,here are some"dos and don'ts"for you to follow.
1.Keep a normal and healthy state of mind(心态). Our schools and classes are made up of boys and girls.It is very natural for boys and girls to contact each other and build up the friendship with the students of the other sex.Generally speaking,we should broaden the circle of the association.We should make as many friends as possible.We should have more friends of the other sex instead of one or two.We should contact the students in public instead of in secret.
2.Contact students of the other sex warmly,generously and sincerely.Don't be too nervous or too shy in contact with a person of the other sex.In that case it is very difficult for you to make a lot of friends,as no one likes a person who is too shy to say a word.If you are too shy a person,you can also find a way out.First of all,you can contact the students with the same interest and hobby with you.As both of you have much in common,you may have much to talk about.If you keep doing like that,little by little,you will gladly find you are also as free to express yourself as others.
3.Don't fall into the ditch(泥潭)of early love.The boys and girls at adolescence(青春期)are rich in feeling and full of imagination.They are easy to regard the friendship as a sign of love and fall in love with each other at an early age.In my opinion,boys and girls at middle school are too young and too tender to shoulder the heavy duty of love.Early love is a green apple that can't be eaten.An apple won't taste sweet until it is fully ripe(成熟).Do keep out of early love.
61.The main idea of the passage is toB.
A.tell students to keep away from early love
B.give some advice on how to associate between boys and girls
C.say contact does good not only to boys but also to girls
D.teach boys how to talk with girls
62.The underlined word"broaden"in the passage means"C."
A.close down     B.make small     C.make big    D.make known
63.A person at adolescence is NOTB.
A.rich in feelings         
B.old enough to fall in love
C.full of imagination      
D.easy to regard the friendship as a sign of love.
64.Which of the following is NOT true?D
A.Men and women used not to be allowed to associate with each other.
B.We'd better not make only one or two friends of the other sex.
C.Some students are too nervous or too shy in contact with a person of the other sex.
D.People like a person who always keeps silent.
65.The passage is mostly taken from a/anB.
A.magazine        B.newspaper         C.novel          D.internet.

分析 本文属于说明文阅读,作者通过这篇文章主要向我们描述了一些男孩和女孩之间的建议,帮助男女生和谐相处.

解答 61.B.主旨大意题.根据第二段If we want to deal with the association between boys and girls properly,here are some"dos and don'ts"for you to follow可知文章主要讲了一些男孩和女孩之间的建议,帮助男女生和谐相处;故选B.
62.C.词义猜测题.根据第三段Generally speaking,we should broaden the circle of the association一般来说,我们应该扩大我们协会的圈子,可知意为拓宽,扩大;故选C.
63.B.细节理解题.根据最后一段Don't fall into the ditch(泥潭)of early love可知青春期的人不够年级可以坠入爱河;故选B.
64.D.细节理解题.根据第四段In that case it is very difficult for you to make a lot of friends,as no one likes a person who is too shy to say a word可知人们不喜欢总是保持沉默的人;故选D.

点评 考察学生的细节理解和推理判断能力,做细节理解题时一定要找到文章中的原句,和题干进行比较,再做出正确的选择.在做推理判断题不要以个人的主观想象代替文章的事实,要根据文章事实进行合乎逻辑的推理判断.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

14.Every human being has a unique(唯一的,独特的) arrangement of the skin on his fingers and this arrangement is unchangeable.Scientists and experts have proved the uniqueness of finger-prints and discovered that no exactly similar pattern is passed on from parents to children,though nobody knows why this is the case.
 The ridge structure on a person's fingers does not change with growth and is not affected by surface injuries.Burns,cuts and other damage to the outer part of the skin will be replaced in time by new one,which bears a reproduction of the original(最粗的,原始的) pattern.It is only when the inner skin is injured that the arrangement will be destroyed.Some criminals make use of this fact to remove their own finger-prints but this is a dangerous and rare step to take.
 Finger-prints can be made very easily with printer's ink.They can by recorded easily.With special methods,identification(辨认,鉴定) can be achieved successfully within a short time.Because of the simplicity and economy of this system,finger-prints have often been used as a method of solving criminal case.A suspected man may deny a charge but this may be in vain.His finger-prints can prove who he is even if his appearance has been changed by age or accident.
 When a suspect leaves finger-prints behind at the scene of a crime,they are difficult to detect with the naked eye.Special techniques are used to"develop"them.Some of the marks found are incomplete but identification is possible if a print of a quarter of an inch square can be obtained.
55.Scientists and experts have proved that the pattern of a human being's finger skinD.
A.is similar to his mother's                          
B.is valuable to himself only
C.is like that of others with the same type of blood       
D.is different from that of all others
56.If your fingers are wounded by knife,fire or other means,the structure of skin willC.
A.be changed partly                                 
B.be replaced by a different one
C.be the same when the wound is recovered              
D.become ugly
57.Some criminals remove their own finger-prints byB.
A.using printer's ink                                
B.injuring the inner skin
C.damaging the outer skin                           
D.damaging the color
58.Finger-prints have often been used as a method of solving criminal case because itB.
A.is complicated but reliable                         
B.is simple and not expensive
C.is expensive but easy to do                          
D.can bring a lot of money.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

15.Sir Steven Redgrave
Winner of 5 Olympic Gold Medals
"In 1997 I was found to have developed diabetes(糖尿病).Believing my career was over,I felt extremely low.Then one of the specialists said there was to no reason why I should stop training and competing.That was it-the encouragement I needed.I could still be a winner if I believed in myself.I am not saying that it isn't difficult sometimes.But I wanted to prove to myself that I wasn't finished yet.Nothing is to stand in my way."
Karen Pickering
Swimming World Champion
"I swim 4 hours a day,6 days a week.I manage that sort of workload by putting it on top of my diary.This is the key to success-you can't follow a career in any field without being well-organized.List what you believe you can achieve.Trust yourself,write down your goals for the day,however small they are,and you'll be a step closer to achieving them."
Kirsten Best
Poet & Writer
"When things are getting hard,a voice inside my head tells me that I can't achieve something.Then,there are other distractions,such as family or hobbies.The key is to concentrate.When I feel tense,it helps a lot to repeat words such as‘calm',‘peace'or‘focus',either out loud or silently in my mind.It makes me feel more in control and increases my confidence.This is a habit that can become second nature quite easily and is a powerful psychological(心理的) tool"
63.What does Sir Steven Redgrave mainly talk about?D
A.Difficulties influenced his career.
B.Specialists offered him medical advice.
C.Training helped him defeat his disease.
D.He overcame the shadow of illness to win.
64.What does Karen Pickering put on top of her diary?A
A.Her training schedule.B.Her daily happenings.
C.Her achievements.D.Her sports career.
65.What does the underlined word"distractions"probably refer to?C
A.Ways that help one to focus.
B.Words that help one to feel less tense.
C.Activities that turn one's attention away.
D.Habits that make it hard for one to relax.
66.According to the passage,what do the three people have in common?D
A.Courage.B.Devotion.C.Hard work.D.Self-confidence.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

12.About ten men in every hundred suffer from color blindness in some way.Women are luckier; only about one in two hundred is affected in this matter.Perhaps,after all,it is safer to be driven by a woman!
There are different forms of color blindness.In some cases a man may not be able to see deep red.He may think that red,orange and yellow are all shadows of green.Sometimes a person cannot tell the difference between blue and green.In rare cases an unlucky man may see everything in shades of green-a strange world indeed.
Color blindness in human beings is a strange thing to explain.In a single eye there are millions of very small things called"cones".These help us to see in a bright light and to tell difference between colors.There are also millions of"rods",but these are used for seeing when it is near dark.They show us shape but no color.
Some insects have favorite colors.Mosquitoes prefer blue to yellow.A red light will not attract insects,but a blue lamp will.In a similar way human beings also have favorite colors.Yet we are lucky.With the aid of the cones in our eyes we can see many beautiful colors by day,and with the aid of the rods we can see shapes at night.One day we may even learn more about the invisible colors around us.
51.The passage is mainly aboutD.
A.color and its surprising effects.
B.women being luckier than men
C.danger caused by color blindness  
D.color blindness
52.According to the passage,with the help of the"cones",we canD.
A.tell different shapes                   
B.see in a weak light
C.kill mosquitoes                      
D.tell orange from yellow
53.Why do some people say it is safer to be driven by women?B
A.Women are more careful.
B.There are fewer color-blind women
C.Women are fonder of driving than men.
D.Women are weaker but quicker in thinking.
54.Which of the statements about the color-blind is true?A
A.Not all of them have the same problem in recognizing color.
B.None of them can see deep red.
C.None of them can tell the difference between blue and green.
D.All of them see everything in shades of green.
55.We can attract and kill mosquitoes by using aC.
A.red light     B.yellow light     C.blue light      D.green light.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

19.Body and Food
Your body,which has close relations with the food you eat,is the most important thing you own,so it needs proper treatment and proper nourishment (营养).The old saying"An apple a day keeps the doctor away"is not as silly as some people think.The body needs fruit and vegetables because they contain vitamin C.Many people take extra vitamins in pill form,believing that these will make them healthy.
But a good diet is made up of nourishing food and this gives all the vitamins you need.The body doesn't need or use extra vitamins,so why waste money on them?
In the modern western world,many people are too busy to bother about eating properly.They throw anything into their stomachs,eating hurriedly and carelessly.The list of illnesses caused or made worse by bad eating habits is frightening,
56."Your body has close relations with the food you eat."It really means thatC.
A.all kinds of food you eat can be made into your body
B.your body is made up of the food you eat
C.what you eat has great effect on your health
D.the more you eat,the fitter you will feel
57.The old saying referred to in the passage tells us thatA.
A.eating apples regularly does lots of good to our health
B.the apple is the best among all kinds of fruits
C.apples can take the place of doctors
D.an apple is a sure cure for illness
58.In the second paragraph,the writer tries to let us knowD.
A.our bodies need food or we can't live
B.often eating apples is a good habit
C.taking extra vitamin pills is completely useless
D.a good diet is of great importance for our health
59.In the modern western countriesB.
A.people don't want to pay more attention to their eating
B.lots of people's illnesses are caused or made worse by bad eating habits
C.people throw everything into their stomachs without chewing
D.people are only too busy to cook meals for themselves
60.From the passage we can draw a conclusion that if we want to keep healthy,we shouldB.
A.only eat an apple a day
B.eat properly
C.take as many vitamin pills as possible
D.throw something into our stomachs slowly and carefully.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

9.Like human beings,dogs may catch cold because of cold weather,wet conditions or can also get it from other sick dogs.If a dog has a running nose and watery eyes,coughs or sneezes(打喷嚏),then it is quite probable that the dog has caught cold.
A dog's cold can get over after a few days without treatment but it totally depends upon the owner to treat it with medications or improve its immune power (免疫力) to get rid of the cold naturally.Following are some of the things you can do if your dog gets a cold.
You can improve its immune power by giving it proper nutrient diet.Healthy food can really do wonders.Try to give it food which is either suggested by the vet(兽医) or is healthy for your pet.Increase the intake of food which is rich in vitamins A,C and E.
Keep your dog warm.The best place for your dog in winter is inside your house.Do not keep your dog outside when it is cold and wet.At home you can also keep the dog warm with the help of carpets.This will make him comfortable and help him to recover fast.
Increase the fluid(流质)intake as it helps a lot.Water can be the best choice but you can also add broth (肉汤)in water which will give your dog strength.Warm water will make your dog more comfortable and will also keep the dog away from the respiratory infections(呼吸道感染).
Steam treatment is considered to be effective in getting rid of cold.It makes the nasal(鼻的) passage wet,which helps proper breathing.Just fill your bathroom with steam and leave your dog inside the bathroom for 15 minutes.Do it nearly 2 to 3 times a day and you will see your dog recovering.
These are some of the things you can do to help your dog recover from cold.However,if you are not able to find any improvement in its health,then turn to the vet for help immediately.Take your dog for regular checkups so as to avoid complications(并发症).
64.From the first paragraph we know aboutD.
A.the difficulty in keeping a dog as a pet   
B.characteristics of sick dogs
C.the similarities between dogs and human beings   
D.causes and symptoms(症状)of cold in dogs    
65.When your dog catches cold,you should feed it onB.
A.its favorite food                      
B.the suggested food by the vet
C.some meat and water                   
D.food rich in vitamin B
66.When a dog catches cold,it is wrong toC.
A.keep it inside during cold and wet weather  
B.leave it inside the bathroom full of steam
C.let it eat too much solid food             
D.keep it sleeping on rugs at home
67.It can be learnt from the text thatC.
A.a dog's cold can always disappear naturally
B.it's quite easy to make a sick dog recover from cold
C.treating a dog's cold sometimes needs a vet's help
D.cold in dogs won't spread between each other.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

16.The Sahara Desert,(61)covering(cover) most of North Africa,is the largest desert in the  world.From north to south the Sahara is between 800miles (62)and1200miles and is at least 3000miles from east to west.Due to the large size of the Sahara,Africa is split into two regions:that (63)which lies above or forms part of the Sahara and the rest of Africa south  of the Sahara.On the west,the Sahara is(64)bordered (border) by the Atlantic Ocean and on the  east by the Red Sea,and to the north are the Atlas Mountains and Mediterranean Sea.Over (65)of percent of the Sahara's surface is covered by sand sheets and dunes.
The Sahara's climate consists 65basically two sub-climates,a dry subtropical  climate in the north and a dry tropical climate in the south.The dry tropical climate is (66)generally (general) characterized by mild,dry winters,a hot dry season just before the rainy  season,and an annual temperature cycle.The dry subtropical climate,(67)however,is  characterized by(68)annually (annual) high temperature ranges,cold winters,hot summers and two rainy seasons.There is a narrow strip in the western portion of the Sahara,(69)along the  coast,which generally has cool temperatures (70)compared (compare) to the rest of the Sahara  because of the influence of the cold Canary Current.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

13.I know you areeagerto(渴望) hear all about my life here.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

14.After graduation from ajunior(初级的)middle school,he went to a local senior middle school.

