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3.-Is Pro.Smith giving the speech today?
-It ___________ be him.He is abroad right now.(  )

分析 --史密斯教授今天做报告吗?

解答 答案是C.本题考查情态动词辨析;won't不会;needn't不必;can't不可能;mustn't禁止;根据下文"He is abroad right now.(他此刻在国外)"推断"不可能"是他做报告,所以答案选择C.

点评 要在正确理解情态动词的基本含义的基础上,整体理解语境中的情感态度,做出合理的判断.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:完形填空

13.Good friends mean a lot in our life.I used to have some friends who I could(16)D.It was my 4th grade in the elementary school that I had my two friends Nina and Nancy.I had known them since the lsh  grade and we had gotten along quite well.Now the memory of their appearance is still(17)C in my mind.
  The following year I went to a new school.I was shy and didn't(18)Bmuch.The first day I made no new friend and I felt(19)D.The next day right after school as we were waiting for our school(20)D.I felt someone(21)Aon my hair,I quickly turned"Why did you do that?"
"I'm sorry I was stretching."Giving her a(22)Clook I turned around with out saying anything.I had seen my teacher's eyes(23)Bso  I didn't want to get into(24)C.Then I felt a(25)Bon my shoulder and turned around again."What is it?"Well umm…I have seen you for the first time.For the reason that I was (26)Ayesterday I was wondering if you're a new student."I nodded (27)Dand she smiled"Welcome to De Zavala Primary School!I'm  Alondra,nice to meet you!"Then the school bus came and we got on..
And that's how it all (28)C.She was a  warm-hearted girl(29)she  introduced me to new people and I made a lot of new friends,turn friends!And I swore I would (30)Athem because they saved me from the(31)Band they didn't even know.One day,when we were in the 8th grade,Alondra told me she had always wanted a best friend and then I (32)Aalong.I felt so(33)Ato hear about it.Now I'm in the college and I(34)Dhave many friends:Logan,Mari,Amold,Maggie,and those whose(35)Byou don't know.

16.A.go withB.get alongC.put up withD.count on
30.A.care forB.thank forC.send forD.seek for


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

14.You are busy filling out the application form for a position you really need; lets assume you once actually completed a couple of years of college work or even that you completed your degree.Isn't it tempting to lie just a little,to claim on the form that your diploma (文凭)represents a Harvard degree?Or that you finished an extra couple of years back at State University?
More and more people are turning to an utter deception (欺骗)like this to land their first job or to move ahead in their careers.For personnel officers'like most Americans'value degrees from famous schools.A job applicant may have a good education anyway,but he or she assumes that chances of being hired are better with a diploma from a well-known university.Registrars(学籍管 理员)at most well-known colleges say that they deal with dishonest claims like these at the rate of about one per week.
Personnel officers do check up on degrees listed on application forms.If it turns out that an applicant is lying,most colleges are unwilling to accuse the applicant directly.One Ivy League school refers to them as"special cases."One well-known West Coast school,in perhaps the most delicate phrase of all,says these claims are made by"no such people."
To avoid complete lies,some job seekers claim that they"attended"or"were associated with"a college or university.After careful checking,a personnel officer may discover that"attending"means being dismissed after one semester.It may be that"being associated with"a college means that the job~seeker visited his younger brother for a football weekend.One school that keeps records of false claims says that the practice dates back at least to the turn of the century that's when they began keeping records,anyhow.
If you don't want to lie or even stretch the truth,there are companies that will sell you a fake diploma.One company,with offices in New York and on the West Coast,will put your name on a diploma from any number of nonexistent colleges.The price begins at around twenty dollars for a diploma from"Smoot State University."The prices increase rapidly for a degree from the"University of Purdue."As there is no Smoot State and the real school in Indiana is properly called Purdue University,the prices seem rather high for one sheet of paper.
68.The writer mainly wants to tell us thatC,
A.college degrees can now be purchased easily
B.nowadays it is very hard for people to find jobs
C.lying about college degrees is becoming a widespread problem
D.employers are no longer interested in applicants'actual performances
69.As used in the first line of the second paragraph,the word"utter"meansA
A.thorough B.careful C.incomplete D.spoken
70.Once finding applicants with false diplomas,most colleges would.C
A.keep the records of them
B.drive the them out of college
C.avoid direct conflicts with them
D.accuse them of such behaviors
71•We can Ieam from the passage thatA.
A.US employers value their job applicants with a degree from top universities
B.University of Purdue and Purdue University are the same school
C.people with fake diplomas can get their first jobs in US easily
D.people pay the same price for a fake diploma from different universities.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

11.One of my wonderful memories is about a Christmas gift.Unlike other gifts,it came without wrap (包装).
On September 11,1958,Mum gave birth to Richard.After she brought him home from hospital,she put him in my lap,saying,"I promised you a gift,and here it is."What an honor!I turned four a month earlier and none of my friends had such a baby doll of their own.I played with it day and night.I sang to it.I told it stories.I told it over and over how much I loved it!
One morning,however,I found its bed empty.My doll was gone!I cried for it.Mum wept (抽泣) and told me that the poor little thing had been sent to a hospital.It had a fever.For several days,I heard Mum and Dad whispering such words as"hopeless","pitiful",and"dying",which sounded ominous.
Christmas was coming."Don't expect any presents this year,"Dad said,pointing at the socks I hung in the living room."If your baby brother lives,that'll be Christmas enough."As he spoke,his eyes filled with tears.I'd never seen him cry before.
The phone rang early on Christmas morning.Dad jumped out of bed to answer it.From my bedroom I heard him say,"What?He's all right?"He hung up and shouted upstairs."The hospital said we can bring Richard home."
"Thank God!"I heard Mum cry.
From the upstairs window,I watched my parents rush out to the car.I had never seen them so happy.And I was also full of joy.What a wonderful day!My baby doll would be home.I ran downstairs.My socks still hung there flat.But I knew they were not empty; they were filled with love!
51.What happened to the author on September 11,1958?B
A.He got a Christmas gift
B.He got a baby brother
C.He became four years old
D.He received a doll.
52.What does the underlined word"ominous"in Paragraph 3probably mean?C
53.Which word can best describe the feeling of the father when Christmas was coming?D
54.What is the passage mainly about?A
A.A special Christmas gift
B.A sad Christmas day.
C.Memories of a happy family
D.Life with a lovely baby.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

18.Restaurants do not include a service charge in the bill,so you should tip(付小费) the waiter 15% of the total bill.If service is slow or particularly bad,some Americans will tip only 10%.If service is particularly good,it is appropriate to tip 20%.If service is so bad that you will never eat in the restaurant again,leave two cents.This is a deliberate  insult(羞辱),because it tells the waiter that you don't forget to leave a tip.Tipping is only appropriate in restaurants which offer table service.You do not tip the cashier in a fast food restaurant.
Taxi drivers expect to get a tip equal to 15% of the total fare.If the driver is especially helpful or has got you to your destination more quickly than expected,give a 20% tip.
Hotel bellboys expect a﹩1 tip for helping you with your bags.If you order room service,the tip is included in the bill.Coat checkroom attendants expect﹩1 per coat.Hairdressers and barbers expect a tip of 15% of the bill.Parking attendants expect a﹩1 tip.
Federal regulations prohibit letter carriers from accepting cash gifts in any amount,or gifts worth﹩20 or more from customers.
If you are in doubt,ask whether it is appropriate to tip or whether a tip is included in the bill.
Bribery(贿赂) is not considered appropriate and often illegal.Attempting to bribe a policeman will certainly get you arrested.

64.Which of the following cannot get tipsB?
A.A taxi driver.          B.A policeman.
C.A restaurant waiter.    D.A hotel bellboy.
65.The underlined word"deliberate"in Paragraph 1most probably means"A".
A.intended       B.instant      C.previous     D.careless
66.What's the best title for this textA?
A.Tipping   B.Service   C.Bill   D.Bribery.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

8.Didn't they come to the party last week?
Yes,they didn't want to come with us first,but then we _______ persuade them.(  )
A.wouldB.couldC.were able toD.had to


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

15.Linden Wolbert on What It's Like to Be a Real-Life Mermaid
    Many little girls dream of swimming with or meeting a mermaid,but Linden Wolbert actually left her day job to become one.
"I have always been attracted to water,"she said in an interview."Not just because of the animals that live in it,but because I feel so comfortable swimming in it.I just was always a swimmer and loved to be in the water."
    After three years of working 9 to 5 as a residence director for Emerson College,"I was just daydreaming over every single lunch break about being in the water and among the fish,"she said.As an experienced swimmer and scuba diver,Wolbert also loves free diving,in which you dive as deep as you can and swim back up to the surface in a single breath-perfect training for a professional life as a mermaid.She made the change from office worker to mermaid in 2005 and hasn't looked back since.
  Though Wolbert,32,loved movies like"The Little Mermaid"and"Splash"as a kid,she says that she really spent most of her time watching the wildlife documentary(纪录片)."My goal was to become an underwater wildlife documentary filmmaker like Jacques Cousteau,"she says-and she also works in the Los Angeles area as an advisor on underwater photo and video shoots.When special-effects artist Allan Holt asked her to help him with an underwater music video a few years ago,she mentioned that she'd always wanted an artificial mermaid tail but didn't know where to find one.
    With the help of advanced technology,Holt ended up making a 35-pound,6-foot-long tail for her,sealing a fish tail inside high-quality rubber,hand-making the scales(鱼鳞),and creating a detailed copy of Wolbert's body.It took seven months to complete and cost approximately $15,000.
    She also produces and stars in her own internet show,"The Mermaid Minute",in which she teaches kids about the oceans and the creatures that live in them.
"I am a smart science mermaid."she said."And working with children is my favorite."
49.Why did Linden become a mermaid?D
A.She wanted to do scientific research
B.She felt stressed in her office work.
C.She enjoyed feeding sea animals
D.She liked water and swimming.
50.What MOST helped Linden become a mermaid?B
A.Her love for mermaid films
B.Her experience in freediving.
C.Her knowledge of life under the sea
D.Her desire to be an underwater filmmaker.
51.Which of the following words best describes Linden's mermaid tail?A
52.As a mermaid,what's the most valuable thing that Linden gives kids?D
A.An exciting music video
B.An interesting documentary.
C.An attractive training course
D.An educational internet program.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

12.Count Me Out
Call me old-fashioned.Call me old.Call me what you want,but refuse to become part of this new Internet world.
I do not possess a computer at home or at the office.Actually,I stopped going to an office 35years ago,when all communications were done with a pen,a typewriter,or,if the matter was of world-shaking importance,over the telephone.Likewise,if you like something advertised in a newspaper or magazine,you visited the shop selling it at the given address,or you phoned,the number shown.Then you spoke to the fellow and asked for further details.
Tell me what you think of the following ad that appeared the other day in the newspaper.It was for a cure for cancer and this is what it said:"Awareness is the key.Visit spfulford.com at the awareness site."There was no address or telephone number for the site.So what do unfortunate people without a computer do it they are seeking a cure for their illness?
There are,I am told,certain advantages in having access to the Internet.You can,for example,send love messages across the world or even get married to someone that you meet online.This bit doesn't interest me; I have been happily married for 60years.There are,of course,other activities for Internet users besides finding love.They can pay bills,order groceries,or discuss with their doctors.
And this is by no means all.More amazing things are yet to come in the near future.I read a newspaper report recently that quoted Stephen Hawking,an important British scientist."The complexity of a computer as it exists today is probably less than the brain of an earthworm,"he said."But,as technology advances,computers will become more complex,and a time may come when the Internet may develop‘consciousness.'In other words,the Internet will be able to think,have feelings,and may well be able to act on its own."
If Professor Hawking is right,I may change my attitude about conjurers.As I grow older each day,I would like one of those that not only thinks for me but also accepts responsibilities for all my mistakes.

60.What's the meaning of the title"Count Me Out"?D
A.Get me out of the Internet world.
B.Computers are trying to take control of life.
C.Modern technology pushes old people away.
D.Do not expect me to be a supporter of the Internet.
61.According to Paragraph 2,the author thinks computers areA.
A.unnecessary  B.convenient  C.expensive  D.advanced
62.What might the author like about the future computer?A
A.Taking blames.
B.Curing illnesses.
C.Delivering messages.
D.Responding to emotions.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

13.I can still remember the first day when I met my best friend.She had just moved into the neighborhood and her grandmother brought her down to meet me.I hid behind my mother and she hid behind her grandmother,scared to look at each other.
    Soon,we lost the shyness and started playing with each other,bike riding to each other's house and having sleepovers.In 7th grade she was going through family problems.However,every summer we would always sit at each other's house and watch movies on TV and talk about all the boys we liked.
    It was last year when I noticed the problem.She suffered from clinical depression(抑郁症),and had to go to a hospital during the day.I was very sorry for her at first.But with the late night calls,and meeting each other halfway up the street at midnight,we still stayed in touch.I wanted to be there for her since her new best friend left her,and I knew I still cared about her like a sister.
    Yesterday she came to me and said this."I never knew what a best friend was until you were the only person that would stop me from cutting myself; the only person that ever made me feel better about myself and my problems.You didn't know this but I was trying to kill myself that very night you called me and I was crying.I owe you so much,and you didn't even know you were helping me."
    We both cried.And I guess a kind of lesson from my life so far is to never give up your friends.Even if they aren't as cool as others,or people think they are crazy,they need someone there.If you leave them,you will only be very sorry.So if friends need you,and you care for them,you should be always there for them.
41.Why did the two girls hide behind their family members when they first met?D
A.Because they were playing a game
B.Because they didn't like each other.
C.Because they quarreled before
D.Because they were both shy.
42.What would have happened to her friend if the author had not cared about her?B
A.She would have lost her new best friend.
B.She would have killed herself that night.
C.She would have run away from her family.
D.She would have stayed in hospital for a long time.
43.What lesson does the author learn from the story?A
A.Always care for your friends
B.Don't care about others'opinions.
C.Never owe your friends too much
D.Try to be as cool as others.

