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 -How long have you ________ this nice car?

 -Half a year.

[  ]




科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:014

——Mark broke his leg when he was playing football.

——_____________ was that?

A. Since when                      B.Since when ago

C.How long                         D.How long ago



科目:高中英语 来源:101网校同步练习 高三英语 人民教育出版社(新课标A 2002-3年初审) 人教版 题型:050

  “There is a senseless idea that children, grow up and leave home when they are 18, and the troth is far from that,” says sociologist Lary Bumpass of the University of Wisconsin.Today, unexpected numbers of young adults are living with their parents.“There is a major shift in the middle class,” declares sociologist Allasan Schnailberg of Northwestern University, whose son, 19, moved back in after an absence of eight months.

  Analysts cite a variety of reasons for this remm to the nest.The marriage age is rising, a condition that makes home and its pleasantness particularly attractive to young people.A high divorce rate and a declining remarriage rate are sending economically pressed and emotionally hurt survivors back to parental shelters.For some, the expense of an away-from-home college education has become so excessively great that many students now attend local schools.Even after graduation, young people find their wings cut by skyrocketing housing costs.

  Living at home, says Knighton, a school teacher, continues to give her security and moral support.Her mother agreed, “It’s ridiculous for the kids to pay all that money for rent.It makes sense for kids to stay at home.” But sharing the family home requires adjustments for all.There are the hassles over bathrooms, telephones and privacy.Some families, however, manage the delicate(微妙的)balancing act.But for others, it proves too difficult.Michelle Del Turco, 24, has been home three times and left three times.“What I considered a social drink, my dad considered an alcohol problem,” she explains.“He never liked anyone I dated, so I either had to hide away or meet them at friends’ houses.”

  Just how long should adult children live with their parents before moving on?Most psychologists feel lengthy homecomings are a mistake.Children, struggling to establish separate identities, can end up with “a sense of inadequacy, defeat and failure.” And again parents, who should be enjoying some financial and personal freedom, find themselves stuck with responsibilities.Many agree that brief visits, however, can work beneficially.


What apparent trend appears in the U.S.?

[  ]


Young adults leave their parents and live independently.


Middle class young adults stay with their parents.


Married young adults move back home after a lengthy absence.


Young adults get jobs nearby in order to live with their parents.


The word “hassles” in the passage probably means ________.

[  ]










According to the passage what is the best for both parents and children?

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They should adjust themselves to shanng the family expenses.


Children should leave their parents when they are grown-up.


Adult children should visit their parents from time to time.


Parents should support their adults children when they are in trouble.


科目:高中英语 来源:必修二导学英语译林 译林版 题型:053


M:Hi, Jane.It’s nice to see you again.I heard that you went to the US during the v  1  

W:Yes.I went to New York to attend a summer c  2   in English.

M:Wow.You were l  3  .How long did you stay there?

W:About 50 days.I went there on July 5th and came back on A  4   25th.

M:How about the course?

W:The course was very good.The teachers were nice.They taught us to listen, speak, read and write in English, but it was mostly s  5  .One interesting thing I found was that the American classes are different from o  6   here because the students have a lot more f  7   and s  8  .You can sit anywhere you like in the classroom.You can ask the teachers questions at any time during the class, and you are welcome to s  9   your ideas with the class.I really like this kind of class.

M:How interesting! Maybe our teachers should t  10   that.


科目:高中英语 来源:选修导学英语译林6 译林版 题型:053


M:Hi, Jane.It’s nice to see you again.I heard that you went to the US during the v  1  

W:Yes.I went to New York to attend a summer c  2   in English.

M:Wow.You were l  3  .How long did you stay there?

W:About 50 days.I went there on July 5th and came back on A  4   25th.

M:How about the course?

W:The course was very good.The teachers were nice.They taught us to listen, speak, read and write in English, but it was mostly s  5  .One interesting thing I found was that the American classes are different from o  6   here because the students have a lot more f  7   and s  8  .You can sit anywhere you like in the classroom.You can ask the teachers questions at any time during the class, and you are welcome to s  9   your ideas with the class.I really like this kind of class.

M:How interesting! Maybe our teachers should t  10   that.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

—_______shall we have to go?

  —Another five miles.

A. How further     B. How long

C. How far     D. How much farther


