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Our plan was to drive into Cambridge, catch the 7:34 train to Liverpool Street Station, then to separate and meet again for lunch. We should have arrived at Liverpool at 9:19, but due to a typical London fog, the train had to move along so slowly that it was not until 10:30 that it got there. In spite of our late arrival, Joan, my wife’s sister, decided that she would go to see the Crown Jewels in the Tower of London while we went shopping. It was only after her sister had disappeared into the fog that my wife realized that we hadn’t decided where we should meet for lunch. Since I had our three tickets for the concert in my pocket, this was indeed a problem. There seemed to be nothing we could do except taking a taxi to the Tower of London, and try to find her there. Needless to say, we didn’t find her.

It was now one o’clock, and the concert began at 2:30. “Perhaps she will think of waiting outside the concert hall,” suggested my wife hopefully. By this time the fog was so thick that road traffic had to stop, and the only way to get there was by underground railway. Hand in hand we felt our way along the road to where we thought the nearest station should be. An hour later we were still trying to find it. Just as I was about to lose my temper completely when we met a blind man tapping his way confidently through the fog. With his help we found Tower Hill tube station just fifty yards down the road.

By now it was far too late even to try to get to the concert hall before the performance began at 2:30, so we decided to return to Cambridge. It took seven long hours instead of the usual two to make that journey. Nor were we able to get any food and drink on the train. Tired and hungry we finally reached home at ten, opening the door to the sound of the telephone bell. It was Joan; she had seen the Crown Jewels, had managed to get another ticket for concert, and had had a wonderful dinner at a restaurant near the hotel where she decided to stay for the night. Now she was ringing to discover whether we had had an equally successful day.

1.Why was Joan separated from her sister and her brother-in-law?

A. they could not see each other because of the fog.

B. Joan had not seen Crown Jewels.

C. They planned to do different things until lunch time.

D. The writer didn’t want to go to the concert.

2.What did the writer plan to do in the afternoon?

A. Go to the concert. B. See the Crown Jewels.

C. Return to Cambridge. D. Go shopping.

3.The reason why they didn’t all meet for lunch was that _______.

A. They lost their way in the fog

B. they forgot to make necessary arrangement

C. they waited at different places and didn’t meet each other

D. the couple couldn’t find the underground station

4.It’s quite clear that for Joan the trip to London had been ________.

A. spilt by the fog B. quite tiring

C. rather disappointing D. very enjoyable


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年安徽安庆一中高一上学期期末英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

The impression you make at the beginning of an interview is very important. Employers often decide to hire someone in the first three minutes of the interview. They judge you by your appearance, attitude and manners.

A friendly smile when you walk into the room is important. A smile shows a confident and positive attitude.

When you introduce yourself, make eye contact with the interviewer. Some interviewers offer a handshake. Others don't.

Try to be as natural as possible. But pay attention to your body language. The way you sit, walk, gesture, use your voice and show feelings on your face is all part of your body language. It makes the interviewer know how you feel about yourself and the situation you are in. Are you feeling positively about yourself? Your abilities? Your interest in the job?

Speak clearly and loudly enough. Show interest and enthusiasm in your voice. When you speak, look at the interviewer. Also, don't say negative things about yourself, or former employer.

Listen to questions carefully. If you don't understand a question, ask the interviewer to repeat or explain: "I'm sorry, but I didn't catch that." "I'm not sure exactly what you mean."

Almost everyone is nervous in a job interview. Interviewers know that. They don't expect you to be totally calm and relaxed. But they expect you to try to control your nervousness. They expect you to show confidence in your ability to do the job.

At the end of the interview, thank the interviewer for her or his time.

It's a good idea to send a short thank-you letter right after the interview, or deliver it by hand.

Phone the company if you have not heard anything after one week. Ask if they have made a decision about the job.

Good luck!

1.It can be inferred from the passage that _____.

A. you should always put on a smile when meeting the employer

B. you should stand still with respect before the employer

C. employers understand and like employees' nervousness

D. the first impression is very important in an interview

2. Why should we pay attention to our body language?

A. Because it is needed by our employer.

B. Because it can help us feel about the employer.

C. Because it can help us win the employer's positive impression.

D. Because we need it to improve our feelings.

3. The main purpose of the passage is _____.

A. to tell right from wrong about job interviews

B. to give you some advice on the art of finding a job

C. to explain why we should do something about an interview

D. to suggest not being shy in an interview

4.Which of the following can be the best title for the passage?

A. A Friendly Smile

B. Sending a Thank-You Letter

C. Don't Be Nervous

D. Making a Good Impression


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届江西南昌市高三上学期第三次考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:语法填空


As an exchange student, Wei Hua studied in a British high school for one year. She was happy 1.the school hours in Britain because school starts around 9 a.m and ends about 3.30 p.m.

On the first day, all the new students 2.(attend) an assembly in the school hall. Wei Hua sat next to a girl3. name was Diana. During the assembly, the headmaster told the students that the best way to earn respect was to devote themselves 4. study and achieve high 5. (grade). As there were different students in some classes,6.was a struggle for Wei Hua to remember all the faces and names. Although the homework was not as heavy as7. she used to get in her old school, it was a bit8.(challenge) for her at first because all the homework was in English. Luckily, all her teachers gave her much 9. (encourage). To improve her English, Wei Hua used English every day and spent an hour each day10.(read) English books in the library.

In a word, studying in Britain was a very enjoyable and exciting experience for Wei Hua.


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年湖南省怀化市高三一模考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

Mom, could you lend me a few dollars until I _____ on Monday?

A. get paid B. got paid

C. will get paid D. had got paid


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届海南湖南师大附中海口中学高三上第二次月考英语卷(解析版) 题型:完形填空


School was over and I was both mentally and physically tired. I sat at the very front of the bus because of ________ to get home. Sitting at the front makes you ________ out like a shiny coin in a pile of dull pennies.

Janie, the driver, tries to break the uncomfortable atmosphere by striking the match of ________ .

I try to mind my manners and ________ listen, but usually I am too busy thinking about my day. On this day, ________ , her conversation was worth listening to.

“My father’s sick, ” she said to no one in ________ . 1 could see the anxiety and fear in her eyes. With a sudden change of attitude and interest, I asked, “What’s wrong with him?”

With her eyes wet and her voice tight from ________ the tears, she responded, “Heart trouble.” Her eyes ________ as she continued. “I’ve already lost my mum, so I don’t think I can ________ losing him.”

I couldn’t respond. 1 was ________ My heart ached for her. I sat on the old, smelly seat thinking of the great ________ my own mother was thrown into when my father died.

I saw how hard it was, ________ still is, for her. I wouldn’t like anyone to go through ________ .

Suddenly I realized Janie wasn’t only a bus driver. That was just her job. She had a ________ world of family and concerns too. I had never thought of her as anything but a driver.

I suddenly felt very ________. I realized I had only thought of people as ________ as what their purposes were in my life. I paid no attention to Janie because she was a bus driver. I had judged her by her job and ________ as unimportant.

For all I know, I’m just another person in ________ else’s world, and may not even be important. I should not have been so selfish and self—centred. Everyone ________ a place to go to, people to see and appointments to ________ . Understanding people is an art.

1.A. determinationB. decisionC. attemptD. anxiety

2.A. makeB. thinkC. standD. find

3.A. topicB. conversationC. discussionD. message

4.A. devotedlyB. carelesslyC. sincerelyD. politely

5.A. thereforeB. thusC. otherwiseD. however

6.A. commonB. silenceC. particularD. surprise

7.A. avoidingB. clearingC. keepingD. fighting

8.A. loweredB. closedC. widenedD. opened

9.A. mindB. regretC. bearD. miss

10.A. angryB. shockedC. curiousD. interested

11.A. painB. pityC. disappointmentD. mercy

12.A. yetB. andC. orD. but

13.A. thisB. themC. thatD. one

14.A. darkB. narrowC. wholeD. bright

15.A. confusedB. selfishC. worriedD. sad

16.A. longB. muchC. wellD. far

17.A. regard herB. Helped her outC. Brushed her offD. take her

18.A. someoneB. anyoneC. no oneD. everyone

19.A. hasB. takesC. findsD. needs

20.A. stayB. remainC. keepD. put


科目:高中英语 来源:2016届宁夏育才中学高三上学期第二次月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

What are American high schools like? Well, I’m happy to tell you what I know.

When I started school here, it had already been a week since the school opened. At this school, freshmen usually go on a trip for about three days at the beginning of school. Unfortunately I missed that wonderful trip, which would have been the best time to get to know my classmates. I was really sad. I wished I’d known about it earlier.

Despite the disappointment, however, I gradually adapted to my new life and school.

There is a space in the basement of the teaching building where students chat and meet each other. As we do not always have the same classrooms and classmates, the school wants us to get to know each other there. Students usually come to school early, sit in that space and have fun. Around the space, there are many lockers for students to leave their books in, so that students do not have to carry a heavy schoolbag everywhere.

It really surprises me that we have almost no textbooks. We only have textbooks for World History and Algebra 2 and they are big and heavy, like bricks. For other classes, we only need binders (活页夹) with paper in them. Without textbooks, students learn things freely and actively. For example, my humanities teacher just teaches us what is in her mind at the time. We never know what we will learn.

Another difference between American schools and Chinese schools is that American schools care about students’ morality more than their academic studies. For example, if you do not finish your homework, you will just be asked to do it later, but if you cheat or lie, you will get a warning or even be kicked out.

I think that most students here are good at schoolwork as well, but compared to Chinese students, they can make learning a more joyful experience. I think we should take the good points from our two different kinds of education to perfect our approach to studying.

1.What was the writer sad for?

A. He was late for school.

B. He missed the trip at the beginning of school.

C. He didn’t know anyone.

D. American students looked down upon him.

2.Why do students go to the basement of the teaching building?

A. To attend class. B. To share a classroom.

C. To have fun. D. To meet teachers.

3.How do teachers in the US teach the students?

A. However they want to.

B. They use bricks.

C. Some use textbooks; some teach freely.

D. They always teach as required.

4.According to the passage, in American high schools, ________.

A. you are likely to be kicked out if you cheat

B. you’ll be punished if you do not finish your homework

C. students are better at school work than Chinese students

D. students care much about the grades they get


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年四川成都七中高二10月月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:短文改错


文中共有10 处语言错误,每句中最多有两处。错误仅涉及一个单词的增加、删除或修改。





2.允许修改10 处,多者(从第11 处起)不计分。

Dear Sally,

It feels such a long time since last time I see you. So far my summer in Xiamen has been great! I spent all my weekends at the beach. I am getting a nice tan(黝黑) and you can not longer say I am paler than you . I’ve been playing lots of beach volleyballs, and just this passed weekend I got the first place in a match! On weekends I work in a club which I teach kids to draw. Although the pay isn’t high, but I love the job very much, because I like drawing and I love kids a lot. I hope the summer’s been going good for you too. There is only one month left in the summer vacation and after that it’s time to school. Would you like to meet up some time before school starting? I want to share with you the photos I’ve taken. I’ll give you call when I return home. See you soon!




科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年重庆第一中学高二上学期期末英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

It’s reported that many a temporary shelter _______ at present for the Middle East refugees pouring into Europe.

A. is being builtB. was builtC. are being builtD. have been built


科目:高中英语 来源:2015年四川省高三上学期期末考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

Will you go ____ our motherland needs us most after graduation?

A. that B. where

C. in which D. to the place which

