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14.It's not uncommon for teens to try and hide their failing grades from their parents until it's too late to ________the issue.(  )

分析 在青少年中隐藏他们不及格的成绩,不让父母知晓,直到太迟了才来解决这个问题这个现象是很普遍的.

解答 答案B.
A项"处理;给予";C项"看到";D项"完成";B项"演说;从事;忙于;写姓名地址;向…致辞";动词短语"address the issue  解决问题",根据句意"在青少年中隐藏他们不及格的成绩,不让父母知晓,直到太迟了才来解决这个问题这个现象是很普遍的"可知,B项符合语境,故选B.

点评 本题考查动词辨析.解答此类题目首先要读懂句意,理解每个选项动词的意思,然后根据上下文语境锁定合适的动词.平时要加强动词词汇量的积累.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

4.A.Create family traditions.
B.Remember the 80/20 rule.
C.Insist on family celebrations.
D.Crcate opportunities for talking.
E.Use technology to your advantage.
F.Go on individual dates with your children.

It's no secret that nowadays a majority of parents are overworked,overcommitted and overscheduled.Kids would rather text their friends than chat with Mom or Dad,.which leads to a family communication crisis.Want to improve your family's communication skills?Try following these simple steps.
Make time for talking by reducing the number of activities your family is involved in each week-the time it frees up for communication will be invaluable.And if you do find yourself in the car running from place to place,make a point to turn off the radio,the cell phones and the personal game players,and use that opportunity to catch up on the day's activities.
Spending time with each of your children lets them know that they matter and aren't getting lost in a busy day or large family.Older teens might enjoy going out for a hamburger or a latte at their favorite coffee place.Younger children often enjoy going to the supermarket,especially when you let them select their favorite cereal or special dessert.Please remember,regularly making such arrangements can keep the relationship healthy.
When you are trying to improve any relationship,listening is far more important than talking,so when it comes to family communication,listen four times longer than you speak.Similarly,think twice about what you say before you say it.Sometimes a parent's first reaction is to rant and scream,especially to negative news.Do your best to avoid this,and if you do verbally explode before your child is finished,apologize quickly and assure him or her that you're now ready to listen
If the family computer's been relegated to homework duties or surfing the Web,why not put it to work by creating a family newsletter that you publish monthly?Ask everyone in the family to contribute"articles"and information about themselves.Then print out a copy for each person and hand deliver it.This would be especially helpful to families that find keeping in touch more difficult as the kids grow up and move away.
Setting up a family movie night,attending religious services or creating special holiday treats are all examples of family traditions.Family members come to expect and appreciate these traditions,seeing them as opportunities to come together as a unit.If your family is short on traditions,there's no reason you can't start some now.Why not set up a bowling night once a month?Or grow a family garden?Or visit the same spot every year for summer vacation?


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

5.Bill Haley and the Comets then recorded"Rock Around the Clock",which was a number one hitof 1995.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

2.The woman scientist was so busy that she could hardly    time to her children.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

9.Here is the list of my favorite comic books.
Sin City:The hard Goodbye by Frank Miller
I probably have read this comic book 30times.I can easily say that Marv is my favorite comic book character.He is violent with a heart of gold.This story is so well written.As I was reading Marv getting closer to the truth about who was trying to frame (陷害) him,it was like watching a movie.The pace of the story was amazing and I really can not take my eyes off.
Akira by Katsuhiro Otomo
I saw the movie years before I could read the original work.After reading the original work,I realized that though the movie is great,the comic book is far better!In the comic book,it goes deeper into the Tetsuo character development and tells a lot more about the lady Mariko whom we barely see in the movie.My brother,who is not even a comic book reader,has read this 2500-page series twice.
The Ultimate Spider-Man by Mark Bagley and Michael Bendis
I was not even born when Spider-Man started making his first web.So Mark Bagley decided to revisit the web slinger for their younger audience.Michael Bendis did an amazing rewrite of the web slinger.In the rewritten version,Peter Parker didn't grow up in the 1960s but born in the 21st century.And let me tell you,there is no rest for the Spider-Man in that comic book as he is fighting all his classic foes (敌人).
Watchmen by Dave Gibbons and Alan Moore
Who is watching the watchmen?I love this line.The story takes place years after the watchmen used to watch over society.An old man is murdered.We learn shortly that he is a member of the watchmen.Rorchach thinks it is a conspiracy (阴谋) and that all the ex-members of the watchmen are in danger.But who is behind the conspiracy?

32.If you want to read a story about a violent but kind-hearted man,you should readB.
A.The Ultimate Spider-Man      
B.Sin City:The hard Goodbye
33.What did the writer realize after reading the original work of Akira?D
A.The story isn't good enough to make a good movie.
B.It shouldn't have been adapted for the big screen.
C.Many characters don't show up in the movie.
D.It is much better than the movie version.
34.The Ultimate Spider-Man came out mainly becauseC.
A.the former version wasn't well written
B.younger audience were interested in the character
C.the publisher wanted to attract younger audience
D.Michael Bendis couldn't make up any new stories
35.The main purpose of the passage is toC.
A.advertise some comic books            
B.encourage us to read comic books
C.introduce four kinds of his favorite books  
D.show why comic books are fun to read.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

4.By 2050,half of the world's population will live in the tropics-the relatively warm belt that circles the globe-according to State of the Tropics,a report released today.Rapid population growth,along with economic growth,means that the region's influence will grow in coming decades,the authors of the 500-page work predict.
The project,first launched in 2011,aimed to answer one significant question:Is life in the tropics improving?To find out,the researchers analyzed environmental,social,and economic indicators collected over 6decades.It finds that the region has made"extraordinary progress"in many areas.For example,more people have access to safe drinking water,and the number of protected areas is increasing.The tropics also have outperformed the rest of the world in economic growth over the past 30years.
However,some challenges remain.Investment in research and development,for example,has increased cautiously,but tropical nations still invest less than the rest of the world."As a proportion of GDP the Rest of the World invests almost four times as much in research and development than the Tropics."concludes the report.
The report also includes a new analysis of how climate change will affect the region.Many plant and animal species are moving poleward in an attempt to stay within their preferred environmental conditions in the tropics,the authors write.However,some organisms may not be able to keep pace with the changing conditions,they predict.As a result,they can experience population declines or go extinct.
In addition,an expanded tropical zone also threatens health and safety issues,the authors warn.As regions become more suitable to insects such as mosquitoes and ticks,the spread of insect-borne diseases such as malaria,dengue,and Lyme disease could rise,causing a burden to human health and the economy.
Bruna,a researcher,says he sees a lot to be concerned about in the report."While we've made incredible advances in some areas,I think the risks for the tropics that are highlighted in this report are things that we really need to be concerned about."

47.What was the original purpose of the project State of the TropicsA?
A.To answer if life in the tropics is improving.
B.To do research about environment,society and economy.
C.To warn people of the problems in coming decades.
D.To help the development in the tropics.
48.What can we learn from the passageB?
A.Economic development in tropics has increased less over the past 30years.
B.Some organisms can experience population drop or extinction for climate changes.
C.Rapid population growth contributes to the outbreak of infectious diseases.
D.Great investment has been adopted in the research and development.
49.According to the passage,we can inferA.
A.close attention needs to be paid to the risks for the tropics.
B.all the plants and animals will live in the polar region in the future.
C.health and safety problems will influence the tropical development.
D.Bruna shows positive attitude towards the future of the tropics.
50.Which of the following best describes the writer's attitudeC?


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

11.The gift was the Amber Room,_________ was given this name because several tons of amber were used to make it.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

8."Indeed,"George Washington wrote in his diary in l785,"some kind of fly,or bug,had begun to hunt on the leaves before I left home."The father of our country was not the father of bug.When Washington wrote that sentence,Englishmen had been referring to insects as bugs for more than a century,and we Americans had already created lightening bug.But the English were soon to get rid of tile bugs in their language,leaving it to the Americans to call a bug a bug in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries.
The American bug could also be a person,an enthusiast or a fanatic,as the Congressional Globe(美国国会议事录)records in l841:"Mr.Alford of Georgia warned the‘tariff bugs'of the South that…he would read them out of church."And although"fan"became the usual term,sports enthusiasts were racing bugs,basketball bugs,and the like.And a bug could be just a plain person with mental disease,confined(限制)to a bughouse.
Or the bug could be a small machine or object,a telegraph key; a dip used by a card sharp to hold cards under the table;even a car,the small,bug-shaped,trademarked Volkswagen beetle.The bug could also be burglar alarm,from which comes the expression to bug,that is,originally"to install an alarm"now a surveillance(监控)device like a hidden microphone.Since the l840s to bug has long meant"to cheat",and since the l940s it has been annoying.
We also know the bug as a fault in a computer program or other design.That meaning dates back long before computers to the laboratory of inventor Thomas Edison.In l878 he explained bugs as"little fault and difficulties"that require"months of anxious watching,study and labor"to overcome in developing a successful product.In l889 it was recorded that Edison"had been up the two previous nights discovering‘a bug'in his phonograph(留声机)".

46.Who called insects as bugs in the 19th century?B
A.The English.        B.The Americans
C.George Washington    D.The author's father.
47.When did"bug"have the meaning"a fault in a computer program or other design?"A
A.Thomas Edison used it first in l878.
B.After George Washington wrote it in his diary.
C.Someone recorded Thomas Edison's work and used it first in 1889
D.After Mr.Alford used it in his speech.
48.What does the last paragraph mainly talk about?B
A.How Edison found a bug.  B.More meanings of bug
C.Computers have faults     D.Discovery costs patience
49.From the passage we can infer thatD
A.George Washington found the bug first
B.England is more developed than America.
C.The English like animals.
D.The author is an American.
50.The text is most probably taken fromC
A.a diary       B.a newsreel
C.a textbook    D.a comic book of science.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

9.As we all know,no one is perfect and everyone has his own weakness and strength.

