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A _________ (慈悲的) judge is one who gives a prisoner a light sentence because he takes pity on him.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

湖南卫视策划的“超级女生”节目热播,在很多观众特别是中学生中引起了很大反响, 上周你们班也为此展开了一场讨论。请你根据提示将讨论情况写成一篇英语短文





对比赛高度赞扬,理由是它给一些平凡却爱唱歌的女孩子提供了一个通过竞赛展示才华/展示自我的舞台或机会。激励了她们的竞争意识(sense of competing)。


不赞成,理由是花费了太多的时间和精力,这些女孩大部分还是学生,不能集中注意力(concentrate on)学习,对他们的学习产生不良影响。



注意:1、行文连贯,内容应完整: 2、题目和开头语已经给出;3、词数100左右。


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

He felt no shame for what he had done; we thought his behavior was ashamed.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

A. worthy                     B. wise                         C. sword               D. wildlife


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Rescue workers and volunteers in Florida worked non-stop to help as many dolphins as they could to return to deep water. Some dolphins made it. About 24 died.

For 35 dolphins in danger there was only one chance for survival―to be sent to the Marine Mammals Care Centre.

The dolphins were placed in a water pool where they have been given care round the clock by hundreds of volunteers who signed up for four-hour shifts (轮班). By the second week in April, only 11 of the original 35 were still alive.

Each year thousands of dolphins, the lovely marine mammals, are found beached or stranded (使搁浅) along coastlines around the world. They can’t get back to the sea and will die if they don’t get help, according to the Whale and Dolphin Conservation Society’s website.

Nobody knows what caused the dolphins to strand themselves, but the US Navy and marine wildlife experts are investigating whether the dolphin stranding was caused by sonar (声纳) exercises of ships. And some scientists suggest disease, or human interference (干扰). The reason for stranding isn’t completely understood.

In the pool, volunteers hold the dolphins and keep their blowholes out of the water so they can breathe. A vet injects the mammals with vitamin E to help with muscle cramping (抽筋). Unable to eat on their own, they are fitted with a feeding tube to get them the needed nutrition.

“Today we made the first steps in getting them to eat dead fish and to eat them out of our hands,” Banick said. It’s a race against time and feeding times must be strictly kept to.


45. The dolphins stranded on the beach were sent to the Marine Mammals Care Centre, where ________.

A. they were warmly welcomed                           B. they were taken care of and cured

C. they were to be trained                                   D. they would live with human beings

46. How many dolphins had died by the second week in April?

   A. 11.                                   B. 24.                          C. 35.                          D. 46

47. According to the writer, what caused the stranding of dolphins?

   A. Human interference.                                    B. Sonar exercises of ships.

   C. Some disease of marine mammals.                D. The cause is unknown.

48. What does the underlined phrase “round the clock” most probably mean?

   A. As accurately (精准) as a clock.                    B. Day and night.

   C. Fast without delay.                                       D. In time.

49. What would be the best title for this passage?

   A. Volunteers Signing Up for Care of Dolphins. 

   B. Dolphins Stranded on Shores.

   C. Race against Time to save Dolphins.             

   D. Reasons for Dolphins to Strand Themselves.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

My grandmother had the p_________ for becoming a great teacher, but she couldn’t afford to go to college. 


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

The number of deaths has risen to more than two dozens.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

The old farmer, ______ the badly injured and burnt soldier, came out of the burning farm house, calling continuously for help.

A. supported by             B. supporting         C. being supported by     D. being supporting


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

You can’t imagine how angry I was at that time. So I hit him on the nose without  h      

