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13.---I have some good news for you.You've been accepted as a member of our club.
---_____________ That's great!(  )
A.Good idea!B.Pardon?
C.Congratulations!D.Have I?

分析 ---我有一些重大消息给你.你已经被吸收为我们俱乐部的一员了.

解答 答案D.
A项"好主意";B项"再说一遍";C项"再说一遍";D项"是吗?";根据"That's great"可知,说话者听到消息后很惊喜."Have I?"是"Have I been accepted as a member of our club?"的省略.故选D.

点评 本题考查情景交际.解答此类题目首先应该读懂句意,分析上下文语境和逻辑关系.其次对每个选项中的交际用语的适用情况要掌握,根据语境锁定正确答案.关键平时学习中要对交际用语多积累多总结反复记忆.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

1.Pierre de Coubertin,the father of the (71)contemporaryOlympic Games,dreamed that (72)whatever nation people came from,the Olympics would make it possible for them to live side by side in (73)peace.Now,people throughout the world,especially the well-known athletes,are helping to (74)realize his dream.Among them was Muhammad Ali,who was buried at the age of 74on June,4,2016.
The most famous boxer of all time first came to public (75)attention during the 1960Rome Olympics.He won the gold medal for the USA.At the age of 22,he went on to win the World Heavyweight Boxing Championship.By 1981,he had taken part in numbers of (76)competitions and won the title of boxing champion 22times.No one could KO him except himself.
In 1981,he (77)came down with Parkinson's disease and left the ring.From then on,he (78)hung on to struggle against his disease.At the opening ceremony of the 1996Atlanta Olympics,Ali showed up and (79)lighted/lit the flame,which excited all the world.
Muhammad Ali made an attempt to (80)ppush the boundaries of human achievement,struggling for the greatest and bringing joy to people across the world.Just as President Obama commented,Muhammad Ali shook up the world.And the world is better for it.We are all better for it.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

4.Nick Goldsmith remembers the moment he decided to become a hospice(收容所)volunteer.His mother was telling him a story about a friend who worked at a hospice,about how one day,she was walking past a patient's door when the patient cried out to her.But there was nothing wrong,he only wanted some companionship.He didn't want to be alone,so she sat with him.Goldsmith thought to himself,"There's no reason I can't do that."
Not only did he do it,but he started a student volunteer program at Dowling Catholic High School to ensure the work he started at Taylor House Hospice will continue after he graduates.Last month,Iowa Health Hospice honored Goldsmith,18,for his volunteer work with the organization by naming a   500 annual scholarship for him,which will be open to any student who volunteers with Iowa Health Hospice.
"That was by far the least we could do to recognize Nick,"Susie Flood said."He hasn't just given of his own time and energy,but he's encouraged others to do the same."Goldsmith hadn't had any experience with hospice before entering the door of Taylor House.He chose it because his mother's friend,whose story had forced him to volunteer,works there.
"They're really excited about my being there and there's a real need for teen volunteers,"Goldsmith said."The principal at Dowling approved my being able to offer service hours to anyone who would like to volunteer."Students must earn a certain number of service,or community-service,hours to graduate from Dowling.
When Goldsmith leaves Des Moines next fall to attend college,he'll give up leading the hospice service-learning program."I want us,as Dowling students,to keep making a difference,"he said.'It's easy to talk about things you can do to help people,but what many teenagers don't realize is how good it can make you feel inside."
56.Nick Goldsmith's mother's storyB.
A.taught him how to be a volunteer 
B.inspired him to be a hospice volunteer
C.forced him to work at a hospice
D.made him learn to accompany the old
57.Why did Goldsmith start the student volunteer program?D
A.To meet his school's requests.                         
B.To make more students work for him.
C.To help himself to graduate.                           
D.To help more patients at a hospice.
58.The   500 annual scholarship was given to Goldsmith toB.
A.make him more famous                                    
B.recognize his work
C.praise his academic record                              
D.pay for his college education
59.Which of the following is true of Susie Flood?C
A.She worked for Iowa Health Hospice.
B.She taught at Dowling Catholic High School.
C.She acted as one of Des Moines'officials.
D.She was a patient at Taylor House Hospice.
60.Who will be the new leader of Goldsmith's volunteer program?D
A.One worker at a hospice.                               
B.A teacher at Dowling school.
C.His future college student.                            
D.Some Dowling student.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

1.-John,where are the cookies?Don't tell me you ate them all.
-        .I couldn't help it.They were so good.(  )
A.Yes,I didB.No,I didn't
C.Yes,I haveD.Why?Sound strange


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

8.---Could you fetch me my glasses from the kitchen?
---         .(  )
A.It's a pleasureB.At your service
C.It doesn't matterD.That's my pleasure


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:书面表达

18.成语(Chinese idioms)是中国文化的重要组成部分,它能用简单的词语表达出丰富并且深刻的意义.假定你是李华,你的外国笔友James对中国成语很感兴趣,向你咨询有关中国成语的信息,请你写一份回信,包括如下内容:
Dear James,
I am glad that you are interested in Chinese idioms.
I sincerely hope you can learn them well.
Li Hua.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

5.I __________ late for the meeting this morning if Ron hadn't given me a lift.(  )
A.could comeB.would have comeC.had comeD.came


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

15.We had better forget those things that aren'tworth(值得)remembering.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

16.The English in the new story issoeasy that even beginners can understand it.

