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He simply repeated this year's work. He's the sort of boy who _____ to anyone whatever failures he'a had in whatever he does.

  A.doesn't mention       B.hadn't mentioned

  C.didn't mention        D.hasn't mentioned



科目:高中英语 来源:2014届天津市高三上学期第一次月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

One day, when I was working as a psychologist in England,an adolescent boy showed up in my office. It was David. He kept walking up and down restlessly, his face pale, and his hands shaking slightly. His head teacher had referred him to me.  "This boy has lost his family," he wrote.  "He is understandably very sad and refuses to talk to others, and I'm very worried about him. Can you help?”

         I looked at David and showed him to a chair. How could I help him? There are problems psychology doesn’t have the answer to, and which no words can describe. Sometimes the best thing one can do is to listen openly and sympathetically.

         The first two times we met, David didn't say a word. He sat there, only looking up to look at the children's drawings on the wall behind me. I suggested we play a game of chess. He nodded. After that he played chess with me every Wednesday afternoon——in complete silence and without looking at me. It's not easy to cheat in chess, but I admit I made sure David won once or twice.

         Usually, he arrived earlier than agreed, took the chess board and pieces from the shelf and began setting them up before I even got a chance to sit down. It seemed as if he enjoyed my company. But why did he never look at me?

         "Perhaps he simply needs someone to share his pain with," I thought. "Perhaps he senses that I respect his suffering.”Some months later, when we were playing chess, he looked up at me suddenly.

         "Is your turn," he said.

         After that day, David started talking. He got friends in school and joined a bicycle club. He wrote to me a few times about his biking with some friends, and about his plan to get into university. Now he had really started to live his own life.

         Maybe I gave David something. But I also learned that one——without any words——can reach out to another person. All it takes is a hug, a shoulder to cry on, a friendly touch, and an ear that listens.

1.When he first met the author, David         .

A. felt a little excited

B.looked a little nervous

C. walked energetically

D. showed up with his teacher

2.As a psychologist, the author         .

A. was able to describe David's problem

B. was skeptical about psychology

C. was ready to listen to David

D. was sure of handling David's problem

3.David enjoyed being with the author because he________.

A. wanted to ask the author for advice

B. bear the author many times in the chess game

C. liked the children’s drawings in the office

D. need to share sorrow with the author

4.What can be inferred about David?

A.He recovered after months of treatment. 

B.He liked biking before he lost his family.

C.He went into university soon after starting to talk.

D.He got friends in school before he met the author.

5.What made David change?

A.His teacher’s  help.

B.The author’s  friendship.

C.The author’s silent communication with him.

D.His exchange of letters with the author.



科目:高中英语 来源:2013-2014学年江西省高二上学期第一次段考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

---But why ? He simply ignored my words.

---He couldn’t have heard you. Look, he’s ________in the book.

A. interested      B. covered           C. absorbed      D. taken



科目:高中英语 来源:2014届江苏盐城阜宁县东沟中学高二下期期末考试英语卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

When Lew Alcindor was 13, and obviously still growing, a group of schools began offering him scholarships(奖学金). The Alcindors decided to send their only child to Power Memorial Academy, a small school on Manhattan’s West Side.

At Power. Alcindor came under the control of Coach Jack Donohue, a strict young man who already gained his fame as one of the best coaches in the city. Donohue brought Alcindor along slowly. As a first-year student, the boy was not able to do much but wave his long skinny arms and shoot a basket now and then. But by the second year, when he was 15 years old and nearly 7 feet tall, Alcindor was quick and skillful enough to make the high school All American team and to lead Power to an undefeated season.

From then on be simply got better. Some rival coaches(对方教练)used to take their teams quickly away from the floor before Power warmed up so that their players would not see him any sooner than they had to. Wearing size 16D shoes and sucking a lollipop(棒棒糖), Alcindor would loosen up by starting his leaping lay-ups(擦板球). Then he would casually shoot the ball with either hand, to the delight of the fans.

When reporters and photographers began to follow Alcindor closely, Donohue protected his boy firmly. He simply ordered Lew to talk to no member of the press, and this suited Lew fine. He was not comfortable talking to grownups, perhaps because he towered over them. Discouraged photographers began following him in secret as though he were an easily-frightened giraffe. “People want you not for yourself,” Donohue warned him, “but because you’re a basketball player. Don’t forget that.”

1.Many schools offered Alcindor scholarships because_______.

A. he was young                                    B. he was hardworking

C. he was tall for his age                             D. he was skillful at playing basketball

2.Which of the following best describes Donohue as a young coach?

A. serious, popular and slow       B. tall, skillful and successful

C. kind, powerful and undefeated            D. well-known, strict and experienced

3.Why did some rival coaches take their teams away from the floor before Power warmed up?

A. Their teams refused to play Power.       B. Their teams feared to see Alcindor.

C. Their teams would lose courage.   D. Their teams would lose interest.

4.What does the last paragraph mainly discuss?

A. How Donohue protected Alcindor from the press.

B. How Alcindor disliked meeting reporters.

C. Why the press followed Alcindor closely.      

D. Why the public wanted Alcindor badly.



科目:高中英语 来源:高考英语单选必考点冲关训练100题 题型:单项填空

.He simply repeated this year's work. He's the sort of boy who _____ to anyone whatever failures he'a had in whatever he does.

A.doesn't mention

B.hadn't mentioned

C.didn't mention

D.hasn't mentioned



科目:高中英语 来源:山西省太原市2010年高三基础知识测试单项选择 题型:完形填空


第二节 完型填空(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分)


Dad is a liar, definitely.

He never tells the truth about anything , or anything that he thinks is bad to me,   36   I emphasize that I don’t  37   hearing these things. He is the kindest man I have ever met, who never _38_ others, as well as the _39_ man, for he’s always hard on himself. Every time I _40_ home from college and asked Dad how his _41_ was getting on, he would always reply, “Oh, couldn’t be _42_!” When I asked my mum the same question on the phone, _43_, she honestly told me every _44_ with Dad’s business. I didn’t blame Dad for his _45_. I felt a deep sympathy for him.

Dad is a miser(吝啬鬼), undoubtedly.

I hardly see Dad wear _46_ clothes. In fact, his closet is half empty. Even in this half , two-thirds is occupied by Mum’s clothes and the other _47_ belongs to him. I urged him to buy some new clothes, _48_ he simply shook his head, “The old clothes are still good enough.” Were they? I saw _49_ in them!

It _50_ my heart up when I saw Dad cough terribly   51   his hand covering his mouth. When the pains became unbearable, he _52_ took some pills.

So   53   surprised when the day came that Dad got sick. He was lying in bed, and all the family gathered around him. I knelt by his beside, tears filling my eyes.

Dear Dad, you’ve been _54_ yourself too hard, which you should not have. I know I might as well _55_ a river to flow backward as hope to talk you out of working so hard. But I still want to say, “Dad, take better care of yourself!”

36.A.as if    B.but for        C.even though       D.because of

37.A.mean B.mind  C.agree          D.admit

38.A.prefers       B.laughs        C.helps D.hurts

39.A.noblest       B.cruelest     C.best   D.oldest

40.A.phoned       B.drove C.went  D.stayed

41.A.health         B.business    C.experiment        D.treatment

42.A.better         B.harder        C.easier         D.healthier

43.A.meanwhile         B.anyway      C.however    D.therefore

44.A.change       B.incident      C.achievement      D.problem

45.A.belief B.carelessness      C.lies     D.excuses

46.A.old      B.new   C.beautiful    D.cheap

47.A.one-third   B.half    C.thing  D.closet

48.A.so       B.but     C.since  D.although

49.A.holes B.stains         C.hope  D.importance

50.A.woke up     B.warmed to         C.flew to        D.tore up

51.A.in        B.on       C.by       D.with

52.A.still   B.again C.simply         D.seldom

53.A.somebody B.anybody     C.everybody D.nobody

54.A.controlling B.pushing      C.blaming      D.enjoying

55.A.let      B.allow C.expect        D.cause


