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Go and do it right now, and you _____ have my help when in trouble.

A. will B. shall

C. should D. must


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年山西省高二下期末英语卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Among all the fast growing science and technology, the research of human genes, or biological engineering as people call it, is drawing more and more attention now. Sometimes it is a hot topic discussed by people.

The greatest thing that gene technology can do is to cure serious diseases that doctors at present can almost do nothing with, such as cancer and heart disease. Every year, millions of people are murdered by these two killers. And to date, doctors have not found an effective way to cure them. But if the gene technology is applied, not only these two diseases can be cured completely, bringing happiness and more living days to the patients, but also the great amount of money people spend on curing their diseases can be saved, therefore it benefits the economy as well. In addition, human life span (寿命) can be prolonged.

Gene technology can help people to give birth to more healthy and clever children. Some families, with the English imperial (皇家的) family being a good example, have hereditary diseases. This means their children will for sure have the family disease, which is a great trouble for these families. In the past, doctors could do nothing about hereditary diseases. But gene technology can solve this problem perfectly. The scientist just need to find the wrong gene and correct it, and a healthy child will be born.

Some people are worrying that the gene research can be used to manufacture human beings in large quantities. In the past few years, scientists have succeeded in cloning a sheep, therefore these people predict that human babies would soon be cloned. But I believe cloned babies will not come out in large quantities, for most couples in the world can have babies in very normal way. Of course, the governments must take care to control gene technology.

1.What does “them” in the second paragraph refer to ?

A. People with cancer or heart disease.

B. Millions of people with serious diseases.

C. Some diseases doctors can do nothing with.

D. The two illnesses of cancer and heart disease

2.What can gene technology do according to paragraph three?

A. It can help the English imperial family out.

B. It can be used to clone human babies.

C. It can help people to give birth of a baby.

D. It is likely to treat hereditary diseases.

3.What are people worried about according to the passage?

A. Human babies may be cloned in a large scale.

B. Healthy human babies will soon be cloned.

C. Scientists may well find the wrong genes.

D. The government may not control gene techs.

4.This passage is mainly written to _________________.

A. show gene technology will benefit people

B. show gene technology will do harm as well

C. tell that gene technology is a hot topic

D. tell that gene technology is growing fast


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年新疆石河子市高一下期末英语试卷(解析版) 题型:书面表达








Dear Editor,

I’m a senior high school student named Li Hua. Now many students have iPads and think it’s a fashion to use them. ......


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年新疆石河子市高二下期末英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

People are overweight for many reasons, the most important one of which is that they eat the wrong foods, get the wrong types ofcalories per meal, and they also eat meals at the wrong time each day. Food is more powerful than any weight loss pill, because the food that you eat can either make you thin or fat. This is true because your body is like an engine, and it only needs certain foods at certainintervals(间隔) each day.

Low-calorie Diets Do Not Work

The reason people cannot lose weight by starving themselves is that their metabolism(新陈代谢) will detect any major drop in calories and it will then adjust itself by burning fewer calories each day. That is the reason why you can eat 1,000 calories per day and not lose any weight, while your friends can eat 2,500 calories per day and not gain any weight.

Low-fat Diets Do Not Work

Many people in today’s society are buying mostly low-fat or non-fat food at the grocery store. Everybody knows how much fat is inside the food they buy. However, people are getting fatter than ever before by doing this. They are not losing weight by changing to this low-fat lifestyle.

Losing weight has nothing to do with these things. One of the most important things you can do to control your weight is to eat the proper foods, such as fruit and vegetables, eat them at the right time, and exercise every day. If people make this a habit, they will lose weight.

1.What is the main reason why people are overweight?

A. They burn many calories every day.

B. They eat the wrong foods at the wrong time.

C. They eat food with lots of calories.

D. They don’t take weight loss pills.

2.The article is written in order to________.

A. tell readers not to buy low-fat or non-fat food.

B.tell readers about an important scientific discovery.

C .tell readers how to lose weight.

D. call on people to lose weight and stay healthy.

3.To realize the aim of your weight loss plan, you should_________.

a. do exercise every day

b. eat meals at the right time

c. eat fruits and vegetables

d. eat low-fat or sweet food

e. eat the proper foods at each meal

A. a, b, c, e B. a, b, d, e

C. a, c, d, e D.a, b, c, d


科目:高中英语 来源:2016年高考英语一轮复习新人教版选修5第4单元检测英语试卷(解析版) 题型:完形填空


A phone call reached me one cold winter day. I was ______ that my father was seriously ill.I had not seen my father since his divorce from my mom, and he had lived alone in a small trailer (拖车式活动房)in California, 100 miles away from me. The real ______ between us seemed much greater. I was in no hurry to change that, but ______ I promised to be there the next day.

The whole drive down, ______ flashed through my mind. I remembered my father, the proud Marine (海军陆战队队员). He snatched off the Christmas tree all the decorations the rest of us had put up and rehung them so there was ______ the same spacing between them. But we needn't ______ those military orders. I remembered clearly the battles he had with my mother. I remembered ______ to hear my father say just once, “I love you, Patty”, only to have him ______ at me, “You can't do anything right!”

Standing outside his trailer, I tried to ______ my courage to face him one more time. Slowly,I took a few steps inside, my hand and my whole body shaking, too ______ to believe my eyes. Sitting on the sofa, my father looked confused and frustrated. This wasn't the angry and ______ man I had known growing up. This man was ______ and seemed broken. Part of me felt sorry for him, but another part of me was thinking this was exactly the fate he ______.

“God, what am I supposed to do now?” I wondered. But as soon as the words ______ me, a sense of sorrow ______ me, and I knew that I had to take him to my home.

It was the ______ part I struggled with. The days of looking after my father turned into weeks, then months. All the pain, the conflicted feelings I'd been ______ over the years came rushing out. One night, I sat there, talking to God, begging him to help me let go of the ugly feelings I had toward my father. When I was finished, I felt an incredible peace, as if every ______ had been lifted from me. ______ had cleaned all that from me and I felt free to start living the joyful life God wanted me to live.

It has been eight years since father died. Now when I think of him, those are the moments I remember, which are, as I put on Dad's headstone, God's amazing ______.

1.A. reminded B. confirmed C. informed D. warned

2.A. difficulty B. challenge C. pain D. distance

3.A. somehow B. therefore C. otherwise D. somewhat

4.A. messages B. memories C. thoughts D. images

5.A. exactly B. vaguely C. generally D. roughly

6.A. admit B. recite C. master D. observe

7.A. attempting B. longing C. promising D. hesitating

8.A. stare B. aim C. laugh D. yell

9.A. strengthen B. support C. gather D. distribute

10.A. shocked B. puzzled C. worried D. disappointed

11.A. selfish B. sensitive C. controlling D. fascinating

12.A. fragile B. awkward C. cautious D. stubborn

13.A. grasped B. deserved C. determined D. expected

14.A. inspired B. failed C. escaped D. followed

15.A. absorbed B. defeated C. ruined D. overtook

16.A. physical B. emotional C. religious D. material

17.A. keeping up B. looking back C. holding back D. picking up

18.A. interference B. crime C. disaster D. burden

19.A. Forgiveness B. Sadness C. Kindness D. Awareness

20.A. virtue B. grace C. appreciation D. conscience


科目:高中英语 来源:2016年高考英语一轮复习新人教版选修4第4单元检测英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解


A tender woman, or an independent one, which one would you prefer? A recent research shows that most people would choose the latter.

This type of woman is called a nühanzi (“tough woman”). Experts believe these characteristics have social and psychological roots among young females in China. Su Hao’s friends all call her a tough woman, because she can finish tough tasks usually carried out by men. For example, she carries 10-litre water to her dormitory on the 5th floor. “I depend on no one but myself,” she says.

According to a recent survey by China Youth Daily, tough women have become rather common in society. Of the 21,265 respondents, 78.5 percent said they are familiar with a tough woman. About 50 percent said they like women with tough characteristics, while less than 29 percent expressed the opposite view.

Why are tough women gaining popularity? Shen Meng, a psychological consultant, believes the fierce competition in society is contributing to this trend. “Women are often in a disadvantaged position compared to men,” Shen says. “In order to survive, they have to be independent, strong and tough.” Liu

Xiao lin, professor of psychology at Wuhan Mental Health Center, believes tough women are brought up this way. They are often on close relationship with their fathers, who teach their daughters to be brave and decisive,” he says. As a result, these women are more likely to be psychologically healthy and more tolerant to stress, according to Liu.

Though Liu believes that this is a good trend, Hu Shenzhi, a psychologist at the Guangdong Sunflower Counseling Center, says the popularity of tough woman indicates an unclear line between gender identities, which can lead to relationship problems. “Some women with characteristics that differ from the traditional female image may have a difficult time finding Mr Right,” he says.“Even if they get married, their manly characteristics might cause family conflicts.

1.Which of the followings does NOT belong to the characteristics of a tough woman?

A. She is independent of others in daily life.

B. She is soft and tender to others.

C. She is more tolerant to stress.

D. She can solve problems usually for men.

2.How many respondents like tough women?

A. about 10,600. B. about 16,700.

C. 21,265. D. about 6,200

3.Why are there more tough women nowadays?

A. Because tough women are more lovely.

B. Because more women want to be independent.

C. Because girls often love fathers more.

D. Because of the fierce competition in society.

4.What problems may tough women have in their life?

A. It’s difficult for them to be friends.

B. They often suffer gender confusion.

C. They may have difficulty with marriage.

D. They have different characteristics form traditional female images.


科目:高中英语 来源:2016年高考英语一轮复习新人教版选修1第4单元练习英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

Strange as it might be, the suggestion he made we make good use of the equipment is acceptable.

A.that B.which

C.why D.how


科目:高中英语 来源:2016年高考英语一轮复习新人教版选修1第3单元练习英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

When I try to understand ________ that prevents so many children from being happy, there seem to be three causes.

A. why it is B. what it does

C. why it does D. what it is


科目:高中英语 来源:2016年高考英语一轮复习新人教版选修5第4单元练习英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

Max could smell the rain coming.And it did.Suddenly the lightning flashed through the clouds, nearly ______ him.

A.to blind B.blinded

C. blinding D.having blinded

