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18.Ever tried taking smart drugs(药) to perform better in exams?They certainly work.Before last summer's exam,a few of my classmates,only out of curiosity,took a large amount of Modafinil,a drug normally used for narcolepsy(嗜眠发作症).Guess what?While I was feeling sleepy,bored by homework,my classmates were more focused.
Modafinil is a smart drug that gives a user a feeling of staying awake for hours.It also sharpens the mind,improves memory and helps problem-solving.
But it does more than just keeping you awake.It disturbs your mental(神经的) system,making you do what you are doing with all efforts.You just don't want to do anything else but do homework all the time non-stop.
A recent study discovers that healthy people use smart drugs,like Modafinil,to get down to and complete tasks they have been putting off,because these tasks seem more enjoyable when taking these drugs.This might sound like what a stressed(有压力的) student wants.However,the pills have some side-effects.
"At present no evidence shows that these drugs are safe in healthy people,"as a medical expert puts it,"Ordering online,though easy,is a dangerous way to get drugs.You never know what you're actually buying."
In my experience,Modafinil changes people's behaviour too.Over those weeks my friends became different people-in turn strange,cold.Even eating became"a waste of time"and so did conversation.
A survey found that of those who had tried smart drugs before,92% would do so again.My friends say they'd happily do so without considering the practice a form of cheating.
I admit I was curious-but not enough to try it.Seeing the strange behaviour of other users,I feel a little bit upset and frightened.Modafinil may promise to change your grades,but it might also change the way you act.Don't say you haven't been warned!
66.According to the author,his classmates took Modafinil for the purpose ofB.
A.escaping from reality               
B.getting better exam results
C.staying awake                   
D.leading an active life
67.Taking the smart drug can lead toD.
A.cheating in the exam                
B.dropping out of school
C.behaving better than before                       
D.getting the habit of taking it
68.What does the author think of his classmates'taking the smart drugs?A
69.Which statement about Modafinil is wrong?D
A.Modafinil sharpens the mind and helps problem-solving.
B.Modafinil more than just keeps you awake.
C.Modafinil has some side effects.
D.Modafinil is safe in healthy people.
70.The passage is probably written toD.
A.Teachers         B.Doctors     C.Scientists      D.Students.

分析 本文属于说明文阅读,作者通过这篇文章主要向我们叙述了Modafinil这种药的药效,有些要考试的人在吃了以后特别愿意复习,非常精神不愿意停止学习,并且能够提高自己的成绩,但是它也有副作用,长期服用会起依赖的作用,最后表明作者的观点不赞成吃这种药.

66.B.细节理解题.根据文章第一段Ever tried taking smart drugs to perform better in exams,可知大部分学生选择去吃这种药是为了在考试中表现得更好,得到一个更好的成绩,故选B.
67.D.推理判断题.根据文章倒数第二段"A BBC survey found that of those who had tried smart drugs before,92% would do so again",凡是服用过这种药物的人绝大部分会继续服用,可推测这种药物会使人上瘾.故选D.
68.A.细节理解题.根据文章最后一段"Seeing the strange behavior of other users,I feel a little bit upset and scary"作者对于其他使用者的表现感到有点沮丧和恐惧.可判断作者对这种药物的作用是担忧的,故选A.
69.D.细节理解题.根据文章第五段"At present no evidence shows that these drugs are safe in healthy people,可知现在还没有证明这种药是安全的,故选D.
70.D.细节理解题.根据文章第一段Ever tried taking smart drugs to perform better in exams?可知大部分人选择去吃这种药是为了在考试中表现得更好,因此可知这篇文章是写给学生的;故选D.

点评 学生需要认真阅读原文,把握文章大意,对文章脉络有整体的了解,能仔细查找文中细节,并能根据文章内容进行合理的推测判断.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

8.He succeeded in persuading his farther not to smoke.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

9.When the girl mentioned the question again,Arthur seemedembarrassed.(embarrass)


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

6.When she woke up,she found herselflying (lie) in hospital.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

13.A scientist turns out to be able to see the future by offering each of four-year-olds a piece of candy and watching how he or she deals with it.Some children reach eagerly for the candy they see.Some last a few minutes before they give in.But others are determined to wait until the last moment.
By the time the children reach high school,something amazing has happened.A survey found that those who as four-year-olds had enough self-control to hold out generally grew up to be more popular,adventurous,confident and dependable.The children who gave in to temptation (诱惑) early were more likely to be lonely,easily upset in time of difficulties and inflexible (固守己见的).
Actually,the ability to delay reward is a sign of emotional intelligence which doesn't show up on an IQ test.
The hardware of the brain and the software of the mind have long been scientists'concerns.But brain theory can't explain what we wonder about most,like the question why some people remain upbeat in the face of troubles that would defeat a less resistant (有抵抗力的) person.
Here comes the theory of Daniel Goleman,writer of Emotional Intelligence:when it comes to predicting people's success,brain ability as measured by IQ may actually matter less than the qualities of mind once thought of as"character".
EQ is not the opposite of IQ.What researchers have been trying to understand is how they work together; how one's ability to handle stress,for instance,affects the ability to concentrate and put intelligence to use.Among the ingredients (要素) for success,researchers now generally agree that IQ counts for about 20%; the rest depends on everything from social class to luck.
While many researchers in this relatively new field are glad to see emotional issues finally taken seriously,some few fear EQ invites misuse.
63.Why does the author mention the experiment at the beginning of the text?A
A.To introduce the topic of the text.
B.To prove the scientist's wisdom.
C.To amuse both the children and readers.
D.To show us how to do an IQ test.
64.The experiment with the four-year-olds makes it clear that.C
A.the age of 4is a proper time for scientific experiment
B.emotional intelligence won't show up until adolescence
C.the ability of self-control plays a role in personal success
D.candy can be used to measure a person's emotional intelligence
65.The underlined word"upbeat"in Paragraph 4probably means.B
66.Which of the following is TRUE of EQ and IQ according to the text?D
A.There is no link between EQ and IQ.
B.The higher a person's IQ is,the higher his or her EQ is.
C.Some people can be blessed with lots of both,but some with little of either.
D.Scientists are trying to discover the way in which EQ and IQ work together.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

3.About eight years ago,I was a new teacher in the local women's prison(监狱),where most of the prisoners were drug users.During one of my classes,a woman was crying.Her 17-year-old daughter had been ill.She wanted to see her,but she had no way to get to the hospital 30miles away.Having a daughter at the same age,I applied(申请) to drive the woman to the hospital.Finally I was allowed to go together with her for three hours on the following Saturday.
We were both in good spirits when we arrived at the hospital.Her daughter was in a worse situation than either of us could imagine.She couldn't recognize her mother.I encouraged the mother to hold her daughter's hands,touch her face and talk to her softly.Also,I sang some of the songs I used to sing to my daughter.The mother was in a deep state of depression and hopelessness.She wept(哭泣),and I held her silently in my arms.
A few weeks later,I learned that her daughter had passed away.That Saturday was the last time her mother had seen her.By helping them,I also learnt something important.That afternoon,I was reminded never to take those I love for granted.Love and value them right now.

56.Why was the woman crying in the class?B
A.No one helped her daughter.
B.She couldn't see her daughter.
C.Her daughter died in the hospital.
D.She couldn't find a good doctor for her daughter.
57.What does Paragraph 2mainly talk about?C
A.How the doctors tried their best to save the girl.
B.What a terrible situation the daughter was in.
C.What the author did to help the woman at the hospital.
D.How the author felt at the hospital.
58.What does the underlined phrase"passed away"in the last paragraph mean?A
A.diedB.wounded C.recoveredD.crashed
59.The author's help was so important to the woman becauseC.
A.her arrival could help to save her daughter.
B.her daughter woke up to greet her.
C.it was the last time she had seen her daughter.
D.her daughter let her realize her mistake.
60.What did the author learn from this experience?B
A.Everyone should help those who need help.
B.Always love and value those we love.
C.Mothers have the duty to protect their children.
D.Taking drugs can do great harm to people.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

10.When my brother and I were young,my Mom would take us on Transportation Days.
It goes like this:you can't take any means of transport more than once.We would start from home walking two blocks to the railway station.We'd take the train into the city center,then a bus,switching to the tram,then maybe a taxi.We always considered taking a horse carriage in the historic district,but we didn't like the way the horses were treated,so we never did.At the end of the day,we took the subway to our closest station,where Mom's friend was waiting to give us a ride home-our first car ride of the day.
The good thing about Transportation Days is not only that Mom taught us how to get around.She was born to be multimodal(多方式的).She understood that depending on cars only was a failure of imagination and,above all,a failure of confidence-the product of a childhood not spent exploring subway tunnels.
Once you learn the route map and step with certainty over the gap between the train and the platform,nothing is frightening any more.New cities are just light-rail lines to be explored.And your personal car,if you have one,becomes just one more tool in the toolbox-and often an inadequate one,limiting both your mobility and your wallet.
On Transportation Days,we might stop for lunch on Chestnut Street or buy a new book or toy,but the transportation was the point.First,it was exciting enough to watch the world speed by from the train window.As I got older,my Mom helped me unlock the mysteries that would otherwise have paralyzed my first attempts to do it myself:How do I know where to get off?How do I know how much it costs?How do I know when I need tickets,and where to get them?What track,what line,which direction,where's the stop,and will I get wet when we go under the river?
I'm writing this right now on an airplane,a means we didn't try on our Transportation Days and,we now know,the dirtiest and most polluting of them all.My flight routed me through Philadelphia.My multimodal Mom met me for dinner in the airport.She took a train to meet me.

62.Which was forbidden by Mom on Transportation Days?B
A.Having a car ride.
B.Taking the train twice.
C.Buying more than one toy.
D.Touring the historic district.
63.According to the writer,what was the greatest benefit of her Transportation Days?A
A.Building confidence in herself.
B.Reducing her use of private cars.
C.Developing her sense of direction.
D.Giving her knowledge about vehicles.
64.The underlined word"paralyzed"(in Para.5)is closest in meaning to"D".
65.Which means of transportation does the writer probably dislike?A


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

7.When you meet new words while reading,you can _______your dictionary.(  )
A.infer fromB.look upC.look intoD.refer to


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

8.I would appreciate it if you could help me.

