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【题目】Most people don’t notice I’m polite, which is the point. I am big and look less energetic. Still, every year or so, someone takes me aside and says, “You actually are polite, aren’t you?” I’m always thrilled. They noticed. That’s the thing. Actually, when we talk about politeness, we usually think of please; thank you; I like your hat; etc. All we need to do is to hear, not to notice.

When I was in high school, I read etiquette manuals(礼仪手册). No one noticed my politeness except for one kid. He yelled at me about it. “It’s strange that you are always so polite,” he said. I took that as praise and made a note to hide my politeness further. Real politeness, I believed, was invisible(看不见的). It adapted itself to the situation.

Politeness leaves door open. I’ve met so many people whom, if I had trusted my first impressions, I would never have wanted to meet again. Yet many of them are now great friends. One of those people is my wife. On our first date, she told me in detail that she had an operation to remove a cyst(囊肿) from her body. Of course, it killed the chemistry. But when I walked her home, I told her I’d had a great time. We talked a little after that. I kept everything pleasant and brief. Much later, I learned that she’d been having a very bad day in a very bad year.

People silently suffer from all kinds of terrible things. The good thing about politeness is you can regard these people exactly the same and wait to see what happens. You don’t have to have an opinion. You don’t need to make a judgment.

Last week, my two-year-old son, Abraham met a foreign woman in the playground. Out of curiosity, I suppose, he asked, “What’s your name?” The woman told him. Then he put out his little hand and said, “Nice to meet you!” Everyone laughed and he smiled. He shared with his firmest handshake, like I taught him.

【1】Why do many people think the author is impolite?

A. Because he doesn’t look polite.

B. Because he seldom says polite words.

C. Because he doesn’t listen to others politely.

D. Because he doesn’t behave politely towards strangers.

【2】What does the underlined word “it” in Paragraph 2 refer to?

A. The author’s good mangers.

B. The author’s strange behavior.

C. The author always making notes.

D. The author reading etiquette manuals.

【3】What can we learn about politeness according to Paragraph 3?

A. It can help people make friends.

B. It can keep everything pleasant.

C. It can be good for people’s health.

D. It can give people second chances.







【1】A 推理判断题。根据第一段中的I am big and look less energetic.可推测,作者的外貌导致很多人一开始都认为作者不是个懂礼貌的人。故选A。

【2】A 推理判断题。根据划线词后的It's strange that you are always so polite 可知,朋友受不了作者一直都很有礼貌,所以冲他喊叫。故此处的it指代的是作者的礼貌。故选A。

【3】D 推理判断题。根据第三段中的Politeness leaves doors open以及作者和妻子的第一次约会可知,礼貌能带给人第二次机会。故选D。


词义猜测题。做这种类型的题,要根据词、词组、句子所在的语境来判断其意义。因此熟练掌握一些猜词技巧是做好这类题的关键。命题者在出这类题时惯用常规词义来麻痹考生,我们要特别注意熟词生义,切不可脱离语境想当然。在句子或段落中,我们可以利用熟悉的词语,根据语言环境所表示的关系推断生词词义。34.【2】A词义指代题。根据划线词后的It's strange that you are always so polite 可知,朋友受不了作者一直都很有礼貌,所以冲他喊叫。故此处的it 指代的是作者的礼貌。故选A。


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】没有感恩就没有真正的美德( No thanksgiving would be no virtue)。如今社会上一些人缺乏感恩之心,少数人甚至在父母年老体弱时都不愿意赡养。



2.100词左右。(感恩: thanksgiving)

Not only do our parents give us life, but they also give us endless love and support, always sharing our happiness and sorrow.



科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Rajasthan is one of the most visited states in India. These top tourist places to visit in Rajasthan shouldn’t be missed.


The Pink City, Jaipur, is one of the Rajasthan’s most popular places. It has many famous forts(堡垒)and palaces, with most beautiful views and buildings. Staying in Jaipur is particularly enjoyable. Hotels are reasonably priced, which gives guests a very unforgettable experience!

Ranthambore National Park

Ranthambore National Park is one of the best places in India to spot a tiger in the wild. Compared with many national parks in India, it’s also easy to get to. This makes it very popular. Unfortunately, it has been facing lots of tourist problems. As well as nature, the park is home to the 10th century Ranthambore Fort. It’s a huge fort that contains ruined pavilions, monuments, and three Hindu temples. The park is full of history, having seen many wars played out on its land, and the rise and fall of many rulers.


A beautiful sandstone city rises magically from the sand dunes(沙丘)of the Thar desert. It looks like it’s straight out of an Arabian Nights fable. Its ancient fort, built in 1156, lets visitors view the city. It houses five palaces, several temples, as well as shops and other houses. Riding a camel into the desert is also a popular thing to do in Jaisalmer.


Known as the Blue City for its blue painted buildings, Jodhpur is the second largest city in Rajasthan. Mehrangarh Fort in Jodhpur provides a good look at Jodhpur’s blue buildings. It’s one of the largest and most well-protected forts in India. Insides, there are numbers of palaces and a museum. It’s great to do nothing but relax here.

1What does the text mainly introduce to us?

A. Tourist attractions at risk.

B. Travels in the desert.

C. The culture and history of India.

D. Several places of interest in Rajasthan.

2If you want to travel by riding a camel, you can go to_____________ .

A. Jaipur

B. Jodhpur

C. Jaisalmer

D. Ranthambore National Park

3When you are in Mehrangarh Fort, you can _____________ .

A. watch tigers in the wild

B. see beautiful sand dunes

C. appreciate blue painted buildings

D. learn about many wars in history

4What can learn from the text?

A. Jaipur is known as the Blue City.

B. Five Hindu temples lie in Ranthambore Fort.

C. Jaisalmer’s ancient fort was built in the 11th century.

D. Ranthambore National Park is very popular with tourists.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:



Everybody loves self-improvement. That’s why we’re such enthusiastic consumers of “top 10” lists of things to do to be a more productive, promotable, mindful— you name it—leader. But these lists seldom work. What if we didn’t think of self-improvement as work? What if we thought of it as play—specifically, as playing with our sense of self?

Traditionally, people work on themselves, committed to doing everything in their power to change their leadership style. You set your goals and objectives, you are mindful of your time, and seek efficient solutions. You’re not going to deviate(偏离) from the straight and narrow. You focus on what you should do, especially as others see it, as opposed to what you want to do. It’s all very serious and not whole of fun. There is one right answer. Success or failure is the outcome. We judge ourselves.

In contrast, no matter what you’re up to, when you’re in “play” mode, your primary drivers are enjoyment and discovery instead of goals and objectives. You’re curious. You lose track of time. Like in all forms if play, the journey becomes more important than a pre-set destination.

Much research shows how play develops creativity and innovation. Play with your own idea of yourself is similar to playing with future possibilities. So, we stop evaluating today’s self against unachievable ideal of leadership that doesn’t really exist. We also stop trying to will ourselves to “commit” to becoming something we are not even sure we want to be—what we call the “feared self”, which is composed of images negative role models. And, we shift direction from submitting to what other people want us to be to becoming more self-authoring. As a result, when you play, you’re more creative and more open to what you might learn about yourself.

Unfortunately, we don’t often get —or give ourselves—permission to play with our sense of self. In life, we equate playfulness with the person who dips into a great variety of possibilities, never committing to any. We find inconsistency distasteful, so we exclude options that seem too far off from today’s “authentic self”, without ever giving them a try. This kills the discontinuous growth that only comes when we surprise ourselves.

Psychoanalyst Adam Phillips once said, “people tend to play only with serious things—madness, disaster, other people.” Playing with your self is a serious effort because who we might become is not knowable or predictable at the start. That’s why it’s as dangerous as it is necessary for growth.


●People want to improve their1 .
●People can apply work mode or play mode.

2between the two mode

In work mode
●one is3and sticks to his route
●one cares about others’4of his performance.
●one judges himself with one standard— success or failure

In play method
●the5outweighs the outcome;
●playfulness allows people to6with various approaches;
●playfulness helps people obtain7results.

The8with application of play mode

We usually regard playfulness as equal to non-professional.


10danger, playfulness is a must for our self-growth.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】The Score: Looking for Jobs Online

Analysis shows that record numbers of Americans are visiting Job Search sites; younger women make up the biggest audience.The recent flood of advertisements from Monster.com and Career Builder has reminded us that the New Year is a time to re-evaluate one's current job and perhaps seek a better career.

In Search of Skilled Workers, Employers Go to Summer Camp

With skilled-labor shortages looming, some employers are moving to solve the problem by winning the hearts and minds of the young -- the very young. In an effort to tap future workers in middle school or earlier, big employers, including IBM and Boeing, are increasing their backing of career-driven summer camps. The camps promote kids' interest in all kinds of fields. The efforts are yielding new opportunities for families, and insights into how to help kids explore promising careers.

More Women Decide to Extend Careers

Three years ago, after a long career with FedEx, Anne made a difficult decision: She accepted an early retirement offer when the company was downsizing.

"It was a bit of an identity crisis for me," says Anne, who is in her early 60s and divorced. "I wasn't sure what I wanted to do." After a lengthy search, she found another position in public relations at the University of Tennessee Health Science Center in Memphis. "I needed the structure of a full-time job, the stimulation of working with others, and the reward of being productive," she says. "The income was also welcome.”

1On the website “Monster.com” we can see lots of advertisements about .

A. clothes B. foods

C. monsters D. jobs

2In order to get skilled workers for the future, most big companies .

A. go to world-famous universities to hire employees

B. begin to support the career-driven summer camps

C. begin to train middle school students even earlier in many ways

D. spend much money on training their employees

3From the last paragraph we can know that .

A. Anne really didn’t want to retire early

B. Anne enjoys a higher salary than before

C. Anne was very happy to retire and found a new job

D. Anne found the present job easily


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


1I have opportunities to make c______________with other musical traditions.

2In a recording studio, when relayed by microphone, music loses some of __________(活力).

3Do you think it is _________(有益的)to human beings?

4I discovered that I was a _________to the tiny flies and made my face swell.

5Roy changed completely, becoming silent and m__________.

6The monster, who has learnt to speak, is intelligent and has human e___________.

7A clone is an organism which is genetically i___________to another one.

8I couldn’t f__________ Danny for leaving me.

9I feel a little ____________(沮丧的)or lonely when there is no concert for a long time.

10When he reached the final line, everyone b_________out laughing.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Finding a good friend can be quite difficult in the contemporary lives of teenagers. I was oncebaffledby what the definition of a good friend was, until I discovered a single step that, if taken, would make you the greatest friend.

It is willingness. That is all it takes in order to be considered a good friends. Willingness must come from within your heart. Listening to your friends makes them feel important, special and wanted. The will to sacrifice for your friends will also take you a step closer to being a good friend. For instance, as you are about to leave to enjoy your Saturday night, your best friend calls you right when you are stepping out and tells you how terrible he feels, you must be willing to give up your Saturday night and go to your friends house and try to comfort him in anyway that you can.

You must always be willing to give advice to your friends. For example, if your friends are in a situation where they do not know what to do, you must be willing to think things through and try to give them the best advice. The willingness to care is also a big must in being a good friend. You must care about how your friends feel and what they’re experiencing. Caring about your friends is one of the best things you can do, because when your friends are in their time of need and the whole world seems to turn against them, you must be the one to care about them.

Nobody ever said being a good friend was easy. If you want to be a good friend, you have to be willing to listen, sacrifice, give advice and care about your friends.

1From this passage, we can learn that if a friends is confused about what to do next, we’d better_____ .

A. give up our benefit to help him

B. leave him alone and let him calm down

C. listen to him quietly

D. offer him some reasonable advice

2The underlined word “baffled” in the first paragraph probably means “”.

A. confused B. frustrated

C. curious D. frightened

3We can learn from the passage that.

A. being a good friend is so difficult that few people can do it

B. willingness can make a person a good friend

C. friendship always means sacrificing your own interests

D. a person doesn’t need to care about his friends all the time

4What method does the author use to explain his opinion in the second paragraph?

A. Making a definition. B. Citing an example.

C. Making comparison. D. Listing some numbers.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Meeting people from another culture can be difficult. From the beginning, people may send the wrong signal. Or they may pay no attention to signals from another person who is trying to develop a relationship.

Different cultures emphasize (强调) the importance of relationship building to a greater or less degree. For example, business in some countries is not possible until there is a relationship of trust. Even with people at work, it is necessary to spend a lot of time in "small talk", usually over a glass of tea, before they do any job. In many European countries like the UK or France people find it easier to build up a lasting working relationship at restaurants or cafes rather than at the office.

Talk and silence may also be different in some cultures. I once made a speech in Thailand. I had expected my speech to be a success and start a lively discussion; instead there was an uncomfortable silence. The people present just stared at me and smiled. After getting to know their ways better, I realized that they thought I was talking too much. In my own culture, we express meaning mainly through words, but people there sometimes feel too many words are unnecessary.

Even within Northern Europe, cultural differences can cause serious problems. Certainly, English and German cultures share similar values; however, Germans prefer to get down to business more quickly. We think that they are rude. In fact, this is just because one culture starts discussions and makes decisions more quickly.

People from different parts of the world have different values, and sometimes these values are quite against each other. However, if we can understand them better, a multicultural environment will offer a wonderful chance for us to learn from each other.

【1】In some countries, eating together at restaurants may make it easier for people to ________.

A. get to know each otherB. share the same culture

C. keep each other companyD. develop closer relations

【2】The author mentions his experience in Thailand to show that ________.

A. the English prefer to make long speeches

B. even talk and silence can be culturally different

C. too many words are of no use

D. people from Thailand are quiet and shy by nature

【3】What would be the best title for the text?

A. How to Understand Each Other.

B. Multicultural Environment.

C. How to Build Up a Relationship.

D. Cross-Cultural Differences.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】It is reported 1 gender (性别) differences exist mainly in terms 2 sense of space and language ability. But that doesn’t necessarily mean all women have a poor sense of space or all women are good at languages. Women can become excellent drivers as long as they have the courage to challenge 3 (tradition) gender roles and believe in themselves.

In London, only one in ten bus drivers is a woman. Yet, according to the results of recent research, women are better at 4 (deal) with problem passengers, have fewer accidents and are quicker at learning to drive buses than men.

Connie Wilson 5 (become) a bus driver a year ago. “At first, driving 6 bus was quite frightening,” she says. “I had no idea of the size of the vehicle or how 7 (control) it. But after seven weeks of training, I passed the test first time. Trying to keep to the timetable when the traffic is heavy 8 (be) not easy but I like the challenge! Some passengers can be rude, 9 (especial) if they’ve had to wait a long time for the bus. But most are pleased to have a woman driver. There is no reason 10 women can’t do the job just as well as men. I’d say that to any woman.

