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8.The global financial crisis has contributed to(48)amore fierce competition in job markets.College graduates are finding themselves in a situation(49)wheretoo many job seekers are fighting for survival.Our class has had a heated discussion on this problem.
Some think that(50)it makes sense that they realize an early employment by lowering their income expectations.They also believe there are better opportunities for development(51)if/whenthey go to work in the west or rural areas.Others consider full employment an unrealistic goal,(52)sothey choose to continue their further study(53)orgo to vocational schools to learn some practical skills to make better preparations for future careers.
As(54)for/tome,I am confident and capable of overcoming the current difficulties and challenges after a series of timely measures taken by the government.All I need to do is make sure(55)thatI can make full use of our talent and skills.

分析 文章讲述了因为全球金融危机,导致了就业市场竞争激烈.很多大学毕业生面临就业压力,一些人认为可以通过降低报酬来获得工作,也有人选择继续深造.在我看来,我相信可以克服面前的困难,充分利用好自己的聪明才智.

解答 答案:48.a;考查冠词.句意表达的是泛指,a more fierce competition一场更加残酷的竞争.
49.where;考查连词.句中too many job seekers are fighting for survival修饰名词situation,是一个定语从句;从句结构完整,先行词situation表示抽象地点,要用关系副词where来引导.
51.if/when;考查连词.句中they go to work in the west or rural areas是状语从句,可以用if引导条件状语从句,也可以用when引导时间状语从句.
54.for/to;考查短语搭配.as for/to sb就某人来说,就某人而言.
55.that;考查连词.句中I can make full use of our talent and skills作make sure的宾语,且句意表达的是事实,要用that来连接.

点评 语法填空题是考查学生的语言运用能力.解题时,要在理解文章的基础上,灵活运用语法知识,如词性,时态,名词单复数,连接词,代词,冠词等判断空白处应填写的内容.答完后,还要通读全文,核对所填单词形式是否正确,是否符合语境.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

18.Two weeks later,I registered for my course and started going to lectures.It was really difficult to concentrate at first,and I could only really pick up bits and pieces.Over time though,as my Spanish improved,it became a lot easier and a lot more interesting.
I made friends with the other Erasmus students in my classes.It was difficult to get to know the Spanish students as most of them had already formed their own groups of friends and stuck to them.I did meet a few friendly Spanish people,but the vast majority of my friends were other foreign students.
I didn't really experience too much of a culture shock as I learnt a lot about the country through my major courses,but there were a few things that still took me by surprise,such asthe laid-back attitudeof the people.It meant life moved in general at a slower pace,which could be frustrating at times,but 1 soon grew to love it.
I didn't miss home too much as I kept in contact with family and friends online through Skype.It was also easy to get a cheap flight back for the weekend if I liked a weekend of home comforts.However,I was always so busy that I never really spared time for homesickness.My family came over a few times to visit and it was always good to have a fresh perspective(视角) on the city as they would appreciate things about Valencia I hadn't noticed or took for granted.
I have many fond memories of Valencia,especially the days spent on the sunny beach the brilliant food,the all-night party and the festivals.I'll definitely go back for a weekend with all the friends 1 met there and I hope to keep in touch with my Spanish friends too.I thoroughly recommend studying abroad,and although it may seem tough early on,the chances are you'll have a great time.
45.At first,the writer found it difficult to follow lectures becauseB.
    A.he showed no interest in them           B.he was poor in Spanish
    C.they involved difficult courses         D.they were badly organized
46 In Paragraph 3,the underlined phrase"the laid-back attitude"refers toD.
    A.the impolite behavior            B.the bad cultural atmosphere
    C.the interesting habit            D.the leisurely lifestyle
47.According to the passage,the writer's familyC.
    A.had many online friends                            B.well supported his study
    C.thought well of Valencia                           D.often traveled abroad
48.What can be inferred,from the passage?C
    A.Foreign students were not welcome among the Spanish ones.
    B.The Spanish culture challenged most foreign students.
    C.The writer has finished his study abroad.
    D.The writer has made many Spanish fnends.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

19.The more ways we have of looking at a problem,the more likely it is(越有可能)that we can find a solution.(likely)


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

16.The plane _____ at 7:00p.m,so I have to be at the airport by 6:40at the latest.(  )
A.leavesB.is to leaveC.will have leftD.has left


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

3.Ladies and gentlemen,please fasten your seat belts.The plane _______.(  )
A.is taking offB.takes offC.has takenD.took off


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

13.Jim is good at English.He often gives me some useful ____on how to read English.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

20.CatherineⅡhad the Amber Room moved to a palace outside St.Petersburg __________ she spent her summers.(  )
A.whereB.whichC.thatD.at which


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

17.This housebelongs to(属于) Tom.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

18.Revenge is one of those things that everyone enjoys.People don't like to talk about it,though.Just the same,there is nothing more satisfying or more rewarding than revenge.The purpose is not to harm your victims but to let them know that you are upset about something that they are doing to you.Careful planning can provide you with relief from annoying coworkers,gossiping friends or talkative family members.
Coworkers who make comments about the fact that you are always fifteen minutes late for work can be taken care of very simply.All you have to do is get up extra one day.Before the sun comes up,drive to each coworker's house.Reach under the cover of your coworker's car and disconnect the center wire that leads to the distributor cap,the car will be unharmed,but it will not start,and your friends at work will all be late for work on the same day.If you're lucky,your boss might notice that you are the only one there and will give you a raise.
Gossiping friends at school are also perfect targets for a simple act of revenge.A way to trap either male or female friends is to leave false messages on their lockers.If the friend that you want to get is male,leave a message that a certain girl would like him to stop by her house later that day.With any luck her boyfriend will be there.The girl won't know what's going on,and the victim will be so embarrassed that he probably won't leave his home for a month.
When Morn and Dad and your sisters and brothers really begin to annoy you,harmless revenge may be just the way it makes them quiet down for a while.The dinner table is a likely place.Just before the meal begins,throw a handful of raisins (葡萄干) into the food.Wait about five minutes and,after everyone has begun to eat,cover your mouth with your hand and begin to make strange noises.When they ask you what the matter is,point to a raisin and yell."Bugs!"They'll throw their food in the dustbin,jump into the car,and head for McDonald's.That night you'll have your first quiet,peaceful meal in a long time.
A well-planned revenge does not have it hurt anyone.The object is simply to let other people know that they are beginning to bother you.

59.According to the passage,a harmless revenge isC.
A.to amuse the victim                    
B.to hurt nobody emotionally
C.to react to those who bother you          
D.to prevent one from disturbing others
60.As a harmless revenge,you might come first and get a raise byC.
A.pleasing your boss                     
B.destroying your colleagues'cars
C.making your colleagues come late         
D.getting up earlier than your colleagues
61.The family members threw their food in the dustbin becauseD.
A.they wanted to eat out                   
B.they didn't like the food with raisins
C.they wanted to have a peaceful meal        
D.they thought their food had been ruined
62.The topic of the passage is how toA.
A.make a harmless revenge                 
B.silence gossiping friends
C.avoid talkative family members            
D.deal with annoying coworkers.

