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2.Please lock the door;______,bring the umbrella to me.It looks as if it is going to rain.(  )
A.as a resultB.in returnC.in additionD.as well

分析 请把门锁上;此外,带一把雨伞给我.天看起来要下雨了.

解答 答案:C.根据Please lock the door和bring the umbrella to me可知是让他做两件事,因此两句之间用in return表示"此外",其他选项的含义分别是A"结果";B"作为回报";D"也".所以答案是C.

点评 考查介词短语辨析.
in addition to和in addition都是很常见很常用的短语,都有"除了、还有"的意思,但它们的用法是完全不同的,In addition to整个词组相当于一个介词,所以to的后面要接宾语.例如:
In addition to native plants,this garden contains numerous trees and flowers from overseas.
In addition相当于副词,通常放在从句的句首,后面接完整的句子.例如:
This garden has the best collection of native plants.In addition,it contains numerous trees and flowers from overseas.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

12.A dog's tail can tell you a lot more than you might think.Is it wagging(摇)to the left or is it wagging to the right?
"The direction of tail wagging does in fact matter,"said Giorgio Vallortigara,a professor at the University of Trento in Italy.Professor Vallortigara finds that the way the tail is wagging can tell you a lot about a dog's state of mind-whether you're a human or another dog.
What's the difference between a left wag and a   right wag?Professor Vallortigara and his colleagues have studied 43 dogs of various breeds-German Shepherds,Beagles,Boxers,Border Collies and some mutts.They find that if a dog wags its tail to the left,it's feeling anxious or nervous.The reason could be an unfamiliar or dangerous situation,an unfamiliar person,or an unfamiliar and possibly threatening dog.But if the tail is wagging to the right,it means the dog is feeling relaxed and approachable.
"The tail is a very important signal,"said Thomas Reimchen,a biologist at the University of Victoria in British Columbia,Canada."There is a lot of visual information that dogs use when communicating with each other."
How did the scientists figure all this information out?They had the dogs in their study watch videotapes of other dogs.When the dog on the tape wagged its tail to the right,they say the other dogs remained calm and cool.But when the dog on the tape wagged its tail to the left,the other dogs got anxious.
The researchers are still not exactly sure if the direction of tail wagging is something the dog does consciously.They suspect that it might be something the dog does without even thinking about it-kind of like when you get goose bumps if something scares or startles you.They plan to do more research to get more information about what dogs are thinking and feeling while they're wagging.As Reimchen said,"I'm not going to be surprised if we find all sorts of really interesting processes that nobody has ever seen before."
64.Professor Vallortigara'study focused on the relationship betweenB.
A.a dog's state of mind and its owner's feeling
B.a dog's state of mind and the direction of its tail wagging
C.a dog's sense of direction and its state of mind
D.a dog's intention of tail wagging and its feeling      
65.According to the study,dogs which wag their tails to the left may feelD.
A.calm        B.happy         C.angry         D.anxious
66.It is implied in Thomas Reimchen's words in Paragraph 4 thatC.
A.dogs'tails play an important role in their growth
B.dogs show their feelings only by wagging their tails
C.dogs get to know others by watching tail wagging 
D.dogs can understand each other by repeating tail wagging
67.How does the passage mainly develop?A
A.By asking and analyzing questions       
B.By making comparisons.
C.By following the order of time.
D.By providing examples.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

13.The square was named after a great man       his great contributions to the city.(  )
A.in need ofB.instead ofC.in case ofD.in honor of


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

10.Nowadays,many university students choose to work part-time _____ they have lots of courses to take.(  )
A.as thoughB.in caseC.even thoughD.so that


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

17.More than 100students in that school_________ abroad for further study so far.(  )
A.are sentB.were sentC.had been sentD.have been sent


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

7.-In school we teachers never give a child a chance to discover his mistakes.We do it all for him.
-Exactly.We act as if he will never notice a mistake ______ it is pointed out to him.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

14.What people like to eat is subjective,but ______ the northerners like dumplings while the southerners are fond of rice.(  )
A.by chanceB.in particularC.at easeD.in general


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

11.-You seemed to have worked in this factory for a long time.
-No.It was just a month ago _______ I began working here.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

12.Dinosaursdied out (灭绝) millions of years ago.

