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As public playgrounds grow increasingly worn and shabby, the for-profit centers offer clean, safe, supervised activity as well as a variety of challenging exercises to develop youngsters’ physical fitness, usually for a fee of around $5 an hour. “Playgrounds are dirty, not supervised,” says Dick Guggenheimer, owner of the two-month-old Discovery Zone in Yonkers, N.Y., part of a Kansas City-based chain. “We’re indoors; we’re padded(铺上软垫); parents can feel their child is safe.”

Discovery Zone has sold 120 outlets in the past 14 months, boasting sandboxes full of brightly colored plastic balls, mazes(迷宫), obstacle courses, slides and mountains to climb. Now McDonalds is getting into the act. The burger giant is test-marketing a new playground, Leaps&Bounds, in Naperville, Ill. Phys Kids of Wichita has opened one center and has plans to expand.

American parents are rightly worried about their kids leisure life. There are 36 million children in the U.S. aged 2 to 11 who watch an average of 24 hours of TV a week and devote less and less energy to active recreation. Nationwide decrease in education budgets are making the problem worse, as gym classes and after-hours sports time get squeezed. Says Discovery Zone president Jack Gunion: “we have raised a couple of pure couch potatoes.”

In an attempt to attract more people , the new facilities cater to the concerns of two-earner families, staying open in the evenings, long after traditional public playground have grown dark and unusable. At Naperville’s Leaps&Bounds, families can play together for $4.95 per child, parents free. Fresh-faced assistants, dressed in colorful sport pants and shirts, guide youngsters to appropriate play areas for differing age group.

These new playground are not meant to be day-care facilities; parents are expected to stay and play with their kids rather than drop them off. But several also provide high-tech baby-sitting services. At some of the Discovery Zones, parents can register their children in special supervised programs, then leave them and slip away for a couple of hours to enjoy a movie or dinner.

The most fun of all, though, is getting to do what parents used to do in the days before two-career families and two-hour commutes: play with their kid. That, at least, is old-fashioned, even at per-hour rates.

68. What is this article mainly talking about?

A. Children can play in the public playground without parents’ care.

B. The fast development of Discovery Zone.

C. A new type of playground for kids.

D. The decay of outdoor playground.

69. According to the article, which of the following is true to the new playground?

A. The cost is high for a family.

B. It’s a place where kids can watch TV while eating potatoes.

C. It doesn’t allow parents to leave their kids.

D. It’s a place where parents can play together with their kids.

70. What does the writer mean by saying “old-fashioned”?

A. The so-called new playground is outdated.

B. the new playground offers a fashion which is popular in the past.

C. The new playground is also enjoyed by old people.

D. The new playground is actually enjoyed by parents

71. What is the writer’s attitude toward the new playground?

A. Agreeable.         B. Indifferent.        C. Objective.         D. Neutral.


科目:高中英语 来源:2009年全国各省市高考命题动态信息卷(辽宁专用)英语(二) 题型:阅读理解

  Chinese cigarette packs will have skulls(骷髅),blackened teeth or diseased lungs printed on them in the latest effort to deal with smoking,but one expert said the images may actually attract younger people to take up the habit.
  The images would have to take up at least 30 percent of the pack's surface area under rrules that would come into force from January 2009.It was part of a plan that would also see tobacco advertising banned in China by 2011.Similar images are already printed on packs in countries including Singapore,Thailand and Canada.
  Chinese are the world's most enthusiastic smokers,with a growing market of more than 300 million making it a magnet for cigarette companies and a focus of international health concern.China has banned smoking on public transport,but it is still allwed in many public places such as restaurants,and it is not uncommon to see people smoking in hospitals.
  The average age people take up smoking in some parts of the country had hallen to as low as just over 10.And the new measures could make the problem worse,according to Zhao Cuiping,a youth expert."In analysis over the past decade(十年) on what young people like,they far prefer skulls and other scary images to cats or dogs,"she said.
  Chinese cigarettes are also among the cheapest in the world and a packet can cost as little as eight US. cents.
  The country needs to take effective measures to cut down smoking or the habit could end up killing 2.2 million Chinese a year by 2020,the World Health Organization said in May.
  56.The new designs will be adopted on cigarette packs ______.
   A.to attract young people     B.increase tobacco sales
   C.as trade mardks           D.as health warnings
  57.We can infer from the article that nobody is allowed to smoke while _____ in China now.
   A.staying in a hospital B.taking a bus ride C.eating outsede D.walking in the street
  58.Zhao Cuiping seemed to think that teenagers would ______.
   A.enjoy the new cigarette packs
   B.dislike the new measures
   C.be the last to give up their smoking habit
   D.prefer to have pet animals on the packs
  59.All the paragraphs support the idea that China's smoking problem is serious except ____.
   A.Paragraph 1 B.Paragraphs 1 and 2 C.Paragraphs 1and 5 D.Paragraphs 2,5 and 6


科目:高中英语 来源:广东省普宁一中2009-2010学年高一下学期期中考试试题(英语) 题型:阅读理解

第三部分 阅读(共两节,满分40分)
第一节   阅读理解(共15小题,每小题2分,满分30分)
A man once said how useless it was to put advertisements in the newspaper. "Last week," he said, "my umbrella was stolen from a London church. As it was a present, I spent twice its worth in advertising, but didn't get it back."
"How did you write your advertisement?" asked one of the listeners, a merchant.
"Here it is," said the man, taking out of his pocket a slip cut from a newspaper. The other man took it and read, "Lost from the City Church last Sunday evening, a black silk umbrella.. The gentleman who finds it will receive ten shillings on leaving it at No. 10 Broad Street."
"Now," said the merchant, "I often advertise, and find that it pays me well. But the way in which an advertisement is expressed of extreme importance. Let us try for your umbrella again, and if it fails, I'll buy you a new one."
The merchant then took a slip of paper out of his pocket and wrote: "If the man who was seen to take an umbrella from the City Church last Sunday evening doesn't wish to get into trouble, he will return the umbrella to No.10 Broad Street. He is well known."
This appeared in the newspaper, and on the following morning, the man was astonished when he opened the front door. In the doorway lay at least twelve umbrellas of all sizes and colors, and his own was among them. Many of them had notes fastened to them saying that they had been taken by mistake, and begging the loser not to say anything about the matter.
1. What is an advertisement?
A. A news item.                                 B. public opinions.
C. One way to voice one's view.    D. A public announcement on papers, TV, etc.
2. The result of the first advertisement was that _________________________.
A. the man got his umbrella back
B. the man wasted some money advertising
C. nobody found the missing umbrella
D. the umbrella was found somewhere near the church
3. The merchant suggested that the man should ________________________.
A. buy a new umbrella                           B. go on looking for his umbrella
C. write another and better advertisement     D. report the police
4. "If it fails, I'll buy you a new one," suggested that the merchant ________________________.
A. was quite sure of success                        B. wanted to buy him a new umbrella
C. didn't know what to do                                 D. was rich enough to buy one
5. The story is mainly about ________________________.
A. a useless advertisement        
B. how to make an effective advertisement
C. how the man lost and found his umbrella
D. what the merchant did for the umbrella owner


科目:高中英语 来源:江苏省南通市通州区2010届高三联考试卷(英语) 题型:阅读理解

Fifty years from now the world’s population will be declining, with no end in sight. Unless people’s values change greatly, several centuries from now there could be fewer people living in the entire world than live in the United States today. The big surprise of the past twenty years is that in not one country did fertility (生育能力) stop falling when it reached the replacement rate(出生率)—2.1 children per woman. In Italy, for example, the rate has fallen to 1.2. In Western Europe as a whole and in Japan it is down to 1.5. The evidence now indicates that within fifty years or so world population will peak at about eight billion before starting a fairly rapid decline.
Because in the past two centuries world population has increased from one billion to nearly six billion, many people still fear that it will keep “exploding” until there are too many people for the earth to support. But that is like fearing that your baby will grow to 1,000 pounds because its weight doubles three times in its first seven years. World population was growing by two percent a year in the 1960s; the rate is now down to one percent a year, and if the patterns of the past century don’t change completely, it will head into negative numbers. This view is coming to be widely accepted among population experts, even as the public continues to focus on the threat of uncontrolled population growth.
As long ago as September of 1974 Scientific American published a special issue on population that described what demographers (人口统计学家) had begun calling the “demographic transition” from traditional high rates of birth and death to the low ones of modern society. The experts believed that birth and death rates would be more or less equal in the future, as they had been in the past, keeping total population stable after a level of 10-12 billion people was reached during the transition.
56. Which of the following statement is NOT true according to the passage?
A. The world’s population in the future will be reducing endlessly.
B. When the earth population reaches 8 billion, it will see a rapid decrease.
C. In modern society the birth and death rates will be more or less equal in the future.
D. The public now pay little attention to the threat of uncontrolled population growth.
57. What’s reason for the sharp increase of world population in the past two centuries?
A. Because people fear that the world will explode.
B. Because the world’s replacement rate keeps falling.
C. Because people’s values has greatly changed.
D. The passage doesn't mention it.
58. The expression “demographic transition” (Paragraph 3) probably means _______.
A. high death rate to the low one
B. high birth rate to the low one
C. high rates of birth and death to the low ones
D. low rates of birth and death to the high ones
59. We can learn from the passage that _______.
A. in the near future there will be a rapid decline of the world population
B. the birth and death rates of modern society will be unequal in the future
C. there would be the same population living in the world than it in the US today
D. in Western Europe the replacement rate has declined to a negative number


科目:高中英语 来源:2015届山东省威海市高一上学期期末考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

When it comes to President Obama, most of his personal business is already known by the public. Personal information about his children, Malia and Sasha, however, has been kept a little more under wraps.

The New York Times recently released a list of rules that Michelle Obama has mentioned over the years that Malia and Sasha must follow during their time in the White House, as well as in general. See how the first family educates their children:

The girls must write reports about what they’ve seen on their trips, even if it’s not required by their school.

Malia may use her cell phone only on the weekends, and she and her sister cannot watch television or use a computer for anything but homework during the week.

Malia and Sasha have to play two sports: one they choose and one selected by their mother.

Malia must learn to do laundry(洗衣服) before she leaves for college.

The girls have to eat their vegetables, and if they say they are not hungry, they cannot ask for cookies or chips later.

While these might be shocking to some, Michelle said, “They’re not little princess. It’s just basic rules, boundaries, and expectations that we would have normally.”

Michelle also mentions another set of rules:

The girls must do their chores(家务), though the White House has a large staff. Malia and Sasha have chores of their own.

They must play a team sport, because it’s about learning how to play on a team, how to lose and how to win gracefully.

It sounds like Michelle and Barack want the best for their kids and to make them as well-rounded as possible. What are your thoughts on the Obama family rules?  

1.What’s the passage mainly about?

A.The first family daily life.                  B.The first family rules.

C.How to be good parents.                  D.How to be good students.

2.What do the underlined words “under wraps” probably mean?

A.Attractive.         B.Calm.             C.Secret.           D.Public

3.What has to be followed after the girls’ every trip?

A.Emails.            B.Photos.           C.Homework.        D.Reports.

4.Which of the following is the exception for the girls?

A.To use cell phone freely.                  B.To play two sports.

C.To learn to do laundry.                    D.To eat their vegetables.

5.Which of the following is NOT True according to the passage?

A.The girls have to obey the rules only when they live in the White House.

B.The girls must do their chores though there might be lots of help around.

C.The girls must play a team sport to gain team spirit by working together.

D.The parents want to make the girls grow healthily as common children.


