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17.How should cheerleading be viewed viewed according to the passage?
A.It is just a lot of cheering.
B.It mainly involves dancing.
C.It is competitive in nature.
18.How do the cheerleaders perform their jobs?
A.They put on athletic shows.
B.They run around the spectators.
C.They yell for people to buy drinks.
19.Why do the cheerleaders sometimes suffer physical injuries?
A.Because they try dangerous acts to catch people's attention.
B.Because they shout and yell so their voice becomes hoarse.
C.Because they go to the pyramid and the hills to perform.
20.Which of the following statements is not true?
A.The first cheerleaders was a man named John Campbell.
B.Cheerleaders'contests are only held at the state level.
C.Before 1930 there were no women cheerleaders.





科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:听力题

15.Why can't the man go to the film with the woman?
A.Because he has to help prepare a party.
B.Because he has to write an essay.
C.Because he has to go and visit Professor Shrimp.
16.What does the man advise the woman to do?
A.Come to the party.    B.Go to the show.    C.Stay at home.
17.What will the woman probably do?
A.Give the tickets to Jill.
B.Sell the tickets to Professor Shrimp.
C.Go to the show with the man.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:听力题

17.How does the woman feel at the beginning of the conversation?
A.Angry        B.Surprised               C.Sad
18.What size bag does the woman want?
A.24-inch        B.29-inch           C.32-inch
19.When will the woman leave for Mexico?
A.On Thursday         B.On Friday             C.On Saturday
20.Where does the man work possibly?
A.At a mail order company
B.At an international travel service
C.At the airport information desk.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:听力题

1.听第 10 段材料,回答第 17 至 20 题.
17.How does the speaker always deal with stress?
A.She does a lot of exercise.
B.She talks a lot with her parents.
C.She writes down the cause for the stress.
18.What benefit does the speaker get from exercising?
A.Good sleep.   B.Health.   C.Happiness.
19.What does the speaker think of overeating cookies?
A.It helps people relieve stress.
B.It does harm to people's health.
C.It makes people feel more depressed.
20.What does the speaker do to make herself cry?
A.She listens to sorrow music.
B.She sits for a half day alone.
C.She thinks of unhappy things.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:听力题

17.Where did the man go to university?
A.In Hong Kong.   B.In Taipei.    C.In Beijing.
18.What did the man think was helpful when learning Chinese?
A.Starting to learn at an early age.
B.Watching Chinese movies.
C.Memorizing a large number of new words.
19.What can we learn about the man?
A.He has lived in Hong Kong for over a year.
B.Beijing is his favorite city.
C.He is a college student.
20.What is the talk mainly about?
A.The man's experience in China.
B.The man's experience in learning a language.
C.The man's traveling experience.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:听力题

18.How many people are wounded in the gun attack in U.S.?
A.6        B.More than 12.    C.Around 20.
19.What was the consequence of the earthquake that happened in Chile?
A.Power cut.     B.Serious injuries.    C.A tsunami.
20.Which of the business strategies is NOT mentioned in the third news?
A.Offering visas to individual Chinese tourists.
B.Developing more travel packages.
C.Reducing the charges for packages tours.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:听力题

18.Who is speaking?
A.The programmer.   B.The singer.   C.The radio host.
19.When are tickets available to the winning people?
A.Before Saturday night.
B.Before Thursday morning.
C.Before Wednesday morning.
20.Through which phone number can people find the speaker?
A.683-3019.    B.693-3019.    C.693-3091.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:听力题

2.听第10段材料,回答第17至第20 小题.
17.Why did the speaker plan to go to Kuala Lumpur?
A.To work.    B.To travel.    C.To study.
18.What did the speaker do before she left?
A.She sold her apartment.
B.She borrowed some guide books.
C.She got rid of all her heavy clothes.
19.What happened to the speaker in the end?
A.She quit her job and went back to her hometown.
B.The previous offer was cancelled but she got another job.
C.The weather changed and she had to buy clothes for winter.
20.Where is the speaker now?
A.In Madrid.    B.In Bangkok.    C.In Kuala Lumpur.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:听力题

17.What does agritourism refer to?
A.Living in the countryside.
B.Making farm-fresh products      
C.Getting away from the city.
18.What isn't the benefit of agritourism?
A.Protecting the environment.
B.Increasing farmers'income.
C.Saving the farmlands.
19.Which of the following is specially offered for children?
A.Horseback riding.    B.Petting zoos.   C.Historic tours.
20.What can we learn about Summerfield?
A.It's a big city in North Carolina.
B.The lands there have been developed.
C.People often go sightseeing there.

