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2.At the end of every British summer I find myself praying for a proper winter,one that will allow a bit of fun:sledging,snowballing,snowman-building.I'm not very demanding; I don't need amazing downhill skiing and the Cresta Run.What I want is a few days out with the kids.And,much as I like blue skies and sun in summer,I'd exchange it every time for frozen ponds,a hillside covered in fresh snow and ice hanging off the houses.Maddy,11,wants the same and so,instead of waiting and hoping,we are going to make sure.We are going to Sweden.
Winter fun in Sweden is a bit more advanced than in most of the UK.They do snowshoeing,ice-fishing,snow house-building and so on.They also do lots of Father Christmas matters,which Maddy didn't want:"I'm too old for that kind of nonsense,Dad."Above all,what Maddy wanted was dogs with puppies.She's not too old for that.
We flew to Lulea,a city at the top of the finger of Baltic Sea that reaches out to the north between Sweden and Finland,almost touching the Arctic Circle,then transferred,with some other winter-hungry families,to woodland houses by the sea.There was plenty of snow and ice,but the guides were keeping a nervous eye on the instrument for measuring temperature,which was dangerously close to zero.
"Normally,we are 10℃below,"said Roger,our guide,who was also handing out our equipment for the days ahead:snowshoes,boots,gloves and so on.A holiday that provides all the necessary outfits will save you a fortune.

31.From the underlined sentence,the writer wants to tell usC.
A.winter is much more fun than summer
B.he likes playing exciting sports in winter
C.he wants a few days out with the kids
D.the activities in winter are in greater demand
32.How did they go to the city of Lulea?B
A.By sea.
B.By air.
C.By train.
D.By car.
33.Which of the following best describes our guideC
A.Experienced and old.
B.Nervous and funny.
C.Considerate and careful.
D.Worried and amazed.
34.What's the best title of the passage?A
A.Winter Fun in Lulea.
B.A journey to Finland.
C.Ice-fishing in Lulea.
D.Snow showing in Lulea.

分析 本文是一篇记叙文,主要记叙了作者和孩子们在瑞典的吕勒奥"Lulea"游玩的经历.作者在每年的暑期就会期盼着在冬天能和孩子们一起出去玩耍,乘雪橇、掷雪球、堆雪人,充分享受冬天的乐趣.瑞典的冬天比英国更有意思,在那儿可以雪鞋健行,行走、冰上钓鱼、雪上建房子等,还有做很多圣诞老人的事情,我和孩子们在 Lulea"游玩时,导游很认真,对我们也很周到体贴.

解答 31.C  推理判断题. 根据第一段中的"one that will allow a bit of fun:sledging,snowballing,snowman-building.I'm not very demanding; I don't need amazing downhill skiing and the Cresta Run.What I want is a few days out with the kids"可知,我期盼着在冬天能和孩子们一起出去玩耍,乘雪橇、掷雪球、堆雪人,充分享受冬天的乐趣.
32.B   细节理解题.  根据第二段中"We flew to Lulea"可知,我们是乘飞机去吕勒奥(瑞典港市)的,故选B.
33.C   推理判断题.根据第二段中"There was plenty of snow and ice,but the guides were keeping a nervous eye on the instrument for measuring temperature,which was dangerously close to zero"和最后一段中的""…our guide,who was also handing out our equipment for the days ahead:snowshoes,boots,gloves and so on.A holiday that provides all the necessary outfits will save you a fortune."可知,我们的导演一直在紧张地关注着我们的测量温度的仪器,总是提前分发所需的装备,提供所有必要的服装,还可以节省一大笔钱.可以推知,我们的向导和体贴,考虑周到,认真,故选C.
34.A   主旨大意题.纵观全文可知,本文主要讲述的是作者期盼着在冬天能和孩子们一起出去玩耍,乘雪橇、掷雪球、堆雪人,充分享受冬天的乐趣.作者和孩子们在向导的带领下去瑞典的吕勒奥去游玩.故选A.

点评 解答细节理解题时,一个常用的方法就是运用定位法,即根据题干和选项中的关键词从原文中找到相关的句子,与选项进行比较从而确定答案;推理判断题既要求学生透过文章表面文字信息推测文章隐含意思,又要求学生对作者的态度、意图及文章细节的发展作正确的推理判断,力求从作者的角度去考虑,不要固守自己的看法或观点.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

7.It's an interesting idea but there are manypractical(实际)difficulties.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

8.City College Union Company
The Union is a student-run organization with a permanent staff of 20.Typing speed:at least 60wpm.
The ability to take shorthand dictation and a working knowledge of filling procedures are essential requirements.
The basic salary for the position is﹩18,500 per year.
Enquires to R.Barbar 387-5075.
Emu Airline
Emu Airline is now offering a part-time position for a secretary.
The position offers at least 20 hours'work a week,with a view to full-time work in the future.Monthly salary is about﹩1,400.
Phone 899-3264 for an appointment.
Word Processor
Operator (full-time)
We need an operator to work in an office associated with the building industry.Only experienced operators are expected to apply.
Starting salary:﹩17,950 yearly.
Apply in writing to:the Personnel Officer Hill Morgan Pty Ltd 38 Green Hill Rd.
Sewing Machinist Wanted
Jeans Industry
We are an expanding clothing company located south of the city.Our products include jeans,skirts,shorts and so on.We are looking fo r sewing machine operators.
The factory works a 38-hour week over 4-5 days.Wages for this are﹩18,050 per year.If you are interested,come over and pick up an application form from Ripper Jeans,23North Ave,Beaudesert.

28.What do these four advertisements have in common?D
A.Each of them is commented by their manager.
B.They are located in the south of the same city.
C.Their companies are introduced in detail.
D.They all want people in the proper position.
29.The applicants for the post of a secretary in City College Union Company should have the following qualities EXCEPT.A
A.ability of organization.
B.knowledge about filling the form.
C.typing skill.
D.writing rapidly.
30.The attractiveness of the post in Emu Airline isA.
A.its promising future.
B.its free flying.
C.its good salary.
D.its nice working conditions.
31.If you want to be a sewing machine operator,you may contact this company byA.
A.visit.  B.fax.  C.phone.  D.email.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:短文改错

5.Believe it or not,it doesn't always mean we're true happy when we smile.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

12.It was a winter day; the falling snow blocked out the sun.The wind challenged the car and joined other forces of winter-slippery roads and poor visibility to almost take out little car off course.
"Do you feel safe?Should I turn back?"
"No,"my wife Jennifer replied,"I really want to see this show in Toronto.I have faith in your driving."
We were coming down the hill on the highway.Suddenly there was a noticeable increase in the force of snow.I felt the car stagger(摇晃)slightly to the left and then to the right.We were in the far left lane; the bus was in the middle.Our little Neon slid into the side of the bus at about midpoint.Suddenly Jennifer was cheek-to-cheek with the side of the bus.She screamed in horror.Bouncing(反弹)off the bus,our car then hit onto the barrier in the middle of the highway.Then from the barrier we rebounded back to the side of the bus.Jennifer screamed and then we were back to the barrier again.
Finally,the bus moved far enough ahead and we just caught the rear bumper(保险杠),which caused the car to spin 180degrees so we were now facing oncoming traffic.There was nothing I could do but wait to be knocked down.Jennifer whispered,"I guess this is how it feels just before you die.I wonder if it hurts."In that instant,I heard a voice inside my head."Relax,let go and everything will be alright."So I took my hand off the steering wheel,took a deep breath and just sat there.
Thankfully,we somehow ended up on the side of the road facing in the right direction in our now beat-up Neon.Since the car was not completely off the road,I restarted it and moved us safely.We were not hurt at all.
24.The author intended to tell us in Paragraph 1thatC.
A.he drove in the wrong direction
B.it's dangerous to drive in the winter
C.the weather was rather bad that day
D.his car broke down owing to the heavy snow
25.What can we know about Jennifer?B
A.She headed for Toronto to hold a show.
B.The experience frightened her to death
C.Her cheeks were badly hurt in the accident
D.Her poor driving ability caused the accident.
26.How many times did the car hit the bus?C
C.Three times.
D.Four times.
27.What saved the couple from danger?D
A.The bus driver's assistance
B.Their determination to survive.
C.The timely arrival of the police.
D.The author's being calm in danger.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

7.Lawrence Craven,a doctor from the USA,is the author of several published reports,one of ________ introduced the idea in 1953 _________ aspirin could reduce the risk of heart attacks.(  )
A.them; whenB.which; thatC.what; thatD.which; when


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

14.The Alibaba Group,_____ was founded in 1999,has become China's largest e-commerce company.(  )


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

11.Virginia is set to begin enforcing the toughest drunken-driving punishment,one that will require thousands of first-time offenders-whether they were highly drunk or slightly over the limit-to install (安装) in their cars blood-alcohol testing devices that can lock the ignition.The devices work like this-A driver must blow into a blood alcohol device linked to the car's ignition.If the result is higher than the legal limit,the car will not start.The device also requires random"rolling retests"once the driver is on the road.
Virginia's current law requires only repeat drunken-driving offenders or those with a blood alcohol level of 0.15or higher to have an ignition interlock device in their car.
The new law,which takes effect in July,will roughly increase the number of people required to use ignition interlock devices four times,and offenders will have to pay about﹩480 for a typical six-month installation.
The measure has caused a debate between groups battling drunken driving and those representing offenders.Such groups as Mothers Against Drunk Driving and the Washington Regional Alcohol Program say that Virginia's 274 alcohol-related road deaths and more than 5,500 injuries in 2010 remained unacceptably high despite years of cracking down on drunken driving.Ignition interlock devices,they say,reduce repeat offenses.But some public defenders and lawyers argue that the devices are too severe a punishment for offenders at the legal blood alcohol limit of 0.08,and that the court system will be burdened by more cases going to trial and lower-income drivers will be affected by the fees.
Del.Sal R.Iaquinto,who sponsored the bill,had a simple reply for concerns about the costs of the interlock devices:"How much does a life cost?""Blowing into a tube for six months,you will remember that,"Iaquinto said."And you?re not likely to offend again."

61.The ignition probably refers to the part in a car where.D
A.the alarm goes off  B.the car is fueled
C.the key is placed   D.the engine starts
62.Who are required to install the blood  alcohol devices according to the current law?A
A.The repeat drunken-driving offenders.
B.The first time drunken-driving offenders.
C.Drivers whose blood alcohol level is below 0.15.
D.The drivers who are not able to pay offence fees.
63.Some groups support the new law becauseB.
A.the government can be financed to build roads
B.some traffic deaths and injuries may be avoided
C.lower-income drivers will not afford to drink again
D.the court system is forced to work more effectively
64.The debate aroused by the measure suggests thatC.
A.justice has long arms
B.punishment is the key to all
C.no law is absolutely perfect
D.prevention is better than cure
65.According to Del.Sal R.Iaquinto,the new law isB.
A.severe  B.workable  C.unpractical  D.flexible.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

12.The Harry Potter books        to readers of all ages.(  )
A.attractB.pay attentionC.appealD.attach

