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11.It often happens that a number of applicants with almost identical qualifications and experience all apply for the same position.In their educational background,special skills and work experience,there is little,if anything,to choose between half a dozen candidates.How then does the employer make a choice?Usually on the basis of an interview.
There are many arguments about the interview as a selection procedure.The main argument against it is that it results in a wholly subjective decision.As often as not,employers do not choose the best candidate,but the one who makes a good first impression on them.Some employers,of course,reply to this argument by saying that they have become so experienced in interviewing staff that they are able to make a sound assessment of each candidate's likely performance.Unfortunately,both for the employers and applicants,there are many people of great ability who simply do not interview well.There are also,of course,people who interview extremely well,but are later found to be very unsatisfactory employees.
Those in favour of the interview insist that the well-structured procedure is valid in assessing a candidate's ability,an essential guarantee for the future job.They also argue that an employer is concerned not only with a candidate's ability,but with the suitability of his or her personality for the particular work situation.Many employers,for example,will overlook occasional inefficiencies from their secretary so long as she has a pleasant personality.Perhaps the real purpose of an interview is not to assess the assessable aspects of each candidate but to make a guess at the more intangible things,such as personality,character and social ability.
Today,interview is still the key section of the entire selection procedure,though different employers have different standards for competence.Generally speaking,candidates who interview well tend to be quietly confident,but never boastful; direct and straight-forward in their questions and answers; cheerful and friendly,but never over-familiar; and sincerely enthusiastic and optimistic.Candidates who interview badly tend to be at either end of the spectrum of human behaviour.They are either very shy or over-confident.They show either a lack of enthusiasm or an excess of it.They either talk too little or never stop talking.They are either over-polite or rudely abrupt.

63.We can infer from the passage that an employer might tolerate his secretary's occasional mistakes if  the latter isC.
A.direct  B.shy  C.cheerful  D.competent
64.What is the author's attitude towards the interview as a selection procedure?C
A.Supportive.  B.Negative.  C.Objective.  D.Unconcerned.
65.The last paragraph indicatesA.
A.a link between success in interview and personality
B.connections between work abilities and personality
C.differences in interview experience
D.differences in personal behaviour
66.Which of the following shows the structure of the passage?B

CP:Central Point     P:Point     Sp:Sub-point (次要点)     C:Conclusion.

分析 本文叙述了面试的争论,有些招聘者在面试时不挑选最好的应试者,而是挑选给他印象好的人,另一些招聘者认为无法衡量一个人的能力,而去招聘有个性的人.但是有许多面试不好的人却很有能力,而面试很好的人也有可能不是最好的员工.

解答 63-66CCAB
63   C  推理判断题.根据The main argument against it is that it results in a wholly subjective decision.but to make a guess at the things that are hard to measure,such as personality,character and social ability.人们对于面试的争论在于他们对于应聘者的选择标准上,故选C.
64   C   词义猜测题.根据As often as not,employers do not choose the best candidate.They choose the candidate who makes a good first impression on them.不选择最好的候选人而是对于应聘者采取第一印象的主管看法,故选C.
65   A  推理判断题.根据叙述了成功的面试与个性之间的关系,故选A.
66   B  推理判断题.纵观全文可知作者不很同意面试的做法,故选B.

点评 做阅读理解时要快速的浏览全文,把握文章主旨大意,带着问题回到原文,寻找细节或概括相应的答案,最后要理清作者写作思路.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

3.Day Trips from Sydney:A Short Tour of the Blue Mountain
Here is a suggested short tour of the Blue Mountains that you can easily follow in a day from your base in Sydney.
From the center of Sydney,head towards Parramatta and join the M4highway at Stratified.After you leave the highway at Lapstone,you will drive through a series of small towns.
Stop at Subline Point,near the town of Leura.
There is short,step climb down to the lookout point.You need to walk carefully,as there is just enough space for two people to pass on the uneven steps that border a very sharp drop down the mountain.
When you reach the lookout at Subline Point,you are rewarded for the somewhat scary walk by the most wonderful,breathtaking panoramic view of the mountain.
The Three Sisters at Echo Point,near the town of Katoomba.
Take a ride on the aerial cable car for a more close-up view of the Three Sisters and to appreciate just how steep the mountains are.You can also experience the world's steepest railway incline by taking the scenic railway.
Visit Katoomba Waterfall.
Katoomba is a good place to stop for lunch,with cafes and restaurants in its long main street.
On the outskirts of Katoomba,visit Katoomba Falls where a waterfall cascades down the steep,tree-covered mountain.The Katoomba Falls Kiosk is a good place to sit on a sofa and relax with a cup of coffee.
Outside Blackheath,head for Hargraves Lookout.
Hargraves Lookout is a good place to visit because there are very few tourists.There are no steep drops on the way,although there is a walk from the lower lookout point into the bush that looks very steep.
Once you have visited Hargraces Lookout,you could head back to Sydney.
56.Which of the following can best describe your journey to Subline Point?B
A.No root,no fruit              
B.High risk,high reward
C.Easy come,easy go.
D.First come,first served
57.Which is the quietest and easiest scenic spot for visitors?D
A.Subline Point  
B.The Three Sisters  
C.Katoomba Waterfall  
D.Hargraves Lookout.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:完形填空

2.A university degree is no (51)C of a job,and job hunting in itself requires a whole set of skills.if you find you are not getting past the first interview,ask yourself what is happening.Is it a(n) (52)A to communicate or are there some skills you lack?And find out what you need t do to bring yourself up to the level of (53)D that would make you more attractive t them.
Do not be too discouraged if you are (54)B for a job,but think about the reasons the employers give.Those who made the second interview might have been studying the same subject as you and be of (55)C ability level,but they had something which made them a (56)A match to the selector's ideal.That could be experience gained through projects or vacation work,or it might be that they were better at communicating what they could offer.Do not take the comments at (57)B value:think back to the interviews that generated them and make a list of where you think the shortfall in your performance lies.With this sort of analytical approach you will eventually get your foot in the door.
Deciding how long you should stay in your first job is a tough call.Stay too long and future employers may question your (58)D and ambition.Of course,it depends on where you are aiming.If you are a graduate,spending five or six years in the same job is not too long provided that you take full advantage of the (59)B.However,do not use this as a(n) (60)C for lacking interest or enthusiasm.Graduates sometimes fail to take ownership of their careers and take the initiative.It is up to you to make the most of what's available within a company,and to monitor progress in case you need to (61)C.This applies particularly if you are still not sure where your career path lies.
It is helpful to think through what kind of experience you need to get your (62)B job and it is not a problem to move around to a certain extent.But in the (63)D stages of your career you need a definite strategy for reaching your goal,so think about that carefully before deciding to step forward from your first job.You must cultivate (64)A to be competent for any role.There is no guarantee that you will get adequate training,and research has shown that if you do not receive proper help in a new role,it can take 18months to (65)C it.

61.A.pass byB.switch onC.move onD.stick to


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

19.When I left for the United States to study,I had butterflies in my stomach.I was nervous because I was going to (61)a new place with new people and new customs.I couldn't even understand (62)their (they) language.Everything was different (63)from my own country.There was nobody that I could talk to.I just had my husband,(64)who was a new person for me,too.
It was a sad moment when I had to say goodbye to my family and friends.I didn't want (65)to leave (leave) my hometown because I grew up there and had wonderful (66)memories
(memory) of the place.So,(67)thinking (think) about all these changes made me nervous and I was (68)worried (worry) about my new life.But studying abroad was a (69)decision (decide) that I made myself.I had to continue and accept the challenge.I looked forward to (70)visiting (visit) my family in the summer vacation.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

6.Poor families in some countries spend as much as eighty percent of their money on food.Rising prices in recent months have created the worst food crisis(危机) in more than thirty years.The United Nations World Food Program says high food prices could push one hundred million people into hunger.
Nathan Childs is an expert on rice markets.He notes that the harvest for the latest growing season was the largest on record.But India,Vietnam and others have restricted exports(限制出口) to keep prices down at home and protect supplies.
Thailand's agriculture minister says his country will never restrict rice exports.He told the Reuters news agency Thursday that Thailand has enough supplies to meet demand at home and for export.
Thailand is the world's largest rice exporter.Recent signs of an increase in supplies have helped ease record prices for Thai rice.Prices rose last week above one thousand dollars a ton.
Vietnam,the second biggest exporter,has banned(禁止) exports until June.And Vietnamese officials have now warned that non-food traders who buy rice for speculation(投机活动)will be severely punished.
Some experts say speculation is a necessary part of market activity.But the head of the U.N.Environment Program blames it for the high food prices."We have enough food on this planet today to feed everyone."Achim Steiner told the Associated Press.
Earlier,a member of the United States Commodity Futures Trading Commission didn't accept the idea that speculators are the main cause.Bart Chilton blamed reduced harvests and grain supplies and the falling value of the dollar.
U.N.Secretary General Ban Ki-moon called heads of major international agencies to a meeting this week in the Swiss capital,Bern.He says high food prices could harm world trade,economic growth,social progress and political security.

72.What is the main idea of the passage?D
A.Vietnam has banned rice exports to other countries.
B.Thailand is the largest rice exporter in the world.
C.Some families are too poor to afford enough food.
D.Rising prices of food have led to the world food crisis.
73.Which country restricted food exports according to the passage?C
D.The USA.
74.All of the following are the results of rising prices of food EXCEPTB.
A.the worst food crisis
B.reduced harvests and grain supplies
C.people spending more money on food
D.pushing one hundred million people into hunger
75.What is the reason for the speculation according to the head of the U.N.Environment Program?A
A.High food prices.
B.The falling value of the dollar.
C.Enough rice supplies in some countries.
D.Restricted food exports in some countries.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

16.Would the world be more peaceful if women were in charge?A challenging new book by the Harvard University psychologist Steven Pinker says that the answer is"yes".
In The Better Angels of Our Nature,Pinker presents data showing that human violence,while still very much with us today,has been gradually declining.Moreover,he says,"over the long sweep of history,women have been and will be a peaceful force.Traditional war is a man's game:tribal women never band together to attack neighboring villages."As mothers,women tend to maintain peaceful conditions in which to bring up their children.
Skeptics(怀疑者)immediately reply that women have not made war simply because they have rarely been in power.If they were empowered as leaders.the disorder of the world would force them to make the same waxlike decisions that men do.Margaret Thatcher,Golda Meir,and Indira Gandhi were powerful women;all of them led their countries to war.
But it is also true that these women rose to leadership by playing according to the political rules of"a man's world."It was their success consistent with male values that enabled their rise to leadership in the first place.In a world in which women were in the majority of leadership positions,they might behave differently in power.
So we are left with the broader question:does gender(性别)really matter in leadership?In terms of traditional opinion,various psychologieM studies show that men tend towards the hard power ofcommand,while women are cooperative and naturally understand the soft power of attraction and persuasion.
The key choices about war and peace in our future will depend not on gender,but on how leaders combine hard and soft power skills to produce smart policies.Both men and women will make those decisions.
61.Which of the following does Pinker agree?B
A.Human violenee has been increasing.
B.Men play a vital role in traditional war.
C.Women have not made war due to their powerlessness.
D.Women prefer to take care of their babies at home.
62.The author mentions Margaret Thatcher,Golda Meir,and Indira Gandhi to sayD.
A.they were all women
B.they also acted as leaders
C.they were all heroes
D.they also made war
63.How did these women rise to leadership?B
A.By entering a famous university.
B.By following values similar to men's.
C.By showing their good character.
D.By playing political games.
64.In terms of traditional opinion,C.
A.men prefer cooperation
B.men are wiser than women
C.women know well about soft power
D.women are excellent leaders
65.What does the writer intend to tell us?A
A.War and peace depend on wise policies made by men or women.
B.We had better choose women as our leaders if we want peace.
C.Women are more likely to nlake smart policies than men.
D.Men tend to lead their countries to war.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

3.Millions of Americans return from long-distance trips by air,but their luggage doesn't always come home with them.Airline identification tags(标签) can come loose,and the bags go who-knows-where.And passengers leave all kinds of things on planes.
The airlines collect the items and,for 90 days,attempt to find their owners.They don't keep them,since they're not in the warehouse business.And by law,they cannot sell the bags,because the airlines might be tempted to deliberately misplace luggage.
So once insurance companies have paid for lost bags and their contents,and they no longer belong to passengers,a unique store in the little town of Scottsboro,Alabama,buys them.The"Unclaimed Baggage Center,"is so popular that the building,which is set up like a department store,is the number-one tourist attraction in all of Alabama.More than one million visitors stop in each year and take one of the store's shopping carts on a hunt for treasures.
Each day,clerks bring out 7,000 new items,and veteran(老练的)shoppers rush to paw over them.You can find everything from precious jewels to hockey sticks,best-selling novels,leather jackets,tape recorders,surfboards,even half-used tubes of toothpaste.
The store's own laundry washes or cleans all the clothes found in luggage,then sells them.The Unclaimed Baggage Center has found guns,illegal drugs and even a live rattlesnake.
The store has a little museum where some of its most unusual acquisitions(获得物) have been preserved.They include highland bagpipes,a burial mask from an Egyptian pharaoh's tomb,and a medieval suit of armor.
Statistics indicate that less than one-half of one percent of luggage checked on U.S.carriers is permanently lost and available to the store.
26.Paragraph1 shows that many passengers lose their luggage becauseD.
   A.they are forgetful
   B.they are in a hurry
   C.there is no lost and found office in many airports
   D.the owners of some luggage can't be identified
27.The reason why the airlines cannot sell the bags is thatB.
   A.they have to find the owners
   B.they are likely to make a profit on the bags on purpose
   C.some bags are expensive
   D.they have to keep the bags as long as possible
28.The Unclaimed Baggage Center is very popular becauseC.
   A.there's a large variety of goods.
   B.all the things there are very cheap.
   C.visitors may purchase something undervalued.
   D.Visitors will enjoy some amusing activities there.
29.What can we infer from the passage?B
   A.A little museum will keep all the precious unclaimed baggage.
   B.The percentage of passengers who lose their baggage for ever is small.
   C.The things in the Unclaimed Baggage Center are articles for daily use.
   D.People are not allowed to buy the illegal things in the store.
30.What is the main purpose of the passage?A
   A.To introduce how the unclaimed baggage in the airports is handled in America.
   B.To introduce an attractive place to tourists.
   C.To remind passengers of taking care of their baggage.
   D.To advise the airlines to find the owners of the unclaimed baggage.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

20.In the next five years,STEM (science,technology,engineering and mathematics) jobs are projected to grow twice as quickly as jobs in all other fields according to the U.S.Bureau of Statistics.While all jobs are expected to grow by 10.4percent,STEM jobs are expected to increase by 21.4percent.
By this measure,future STEM jobs represent a huge opportunity to today's students.But,in fact,of the 3.8million ninth graders in the U.S.,only 233,000end up choosing a STEM degree in college,according to the National Center for Education Statistics.This means only 6percent of ninth graders will become STEM graduates.And of these graduates,women will be even more underrepresented in most STEM fields.
These are alarming statistics.How do we get more young boys and girls to be interested in STEM-related fields?It isn't an easy task.Schools do not always adequately prepare students for these severe subjects,and college programs are designed to get rid of those who are less persistent.Nationally,only 41 percent of initial STEM majors who begin a degree in STEM-related fields complete their degree in less than six years.
In addition,social pressures continue to cast a shadow over girls who might otherwise consider the STEM fields.A couple of years ago,I met amazing parents,both of whom had a background in engineering and hoped their 10-year-old daughter would follow in their footsteps.They encouraged her to take an after-school science/robotics program.When she got there,she found she was outnumbered 6:1by boys in the class.As the only girl,she came home crying much of the time because she was teased and told that geeky girls are not welcome in the boys'club.Ironically,by the time young boys are entering college programs in STEM fields,many complain about the lack of girls.
Starting at an early age,even as young as kindergarten,we need to encourage and help the next generation leaders to consider taking up science,computing,math and technology.We also need to realize that for young girls to be inspired to take and stick with this educational path and later career field,they will benefit from the support of the people that surround them:parents,teachers,friends and family members.

56.The STEM statistics are used in the passage mainly to show thatD.
A.STEM jobs will be easily available in the future
B.boys have more advantages over girls in STEM
C.the number of STEM students is rapidly declining
D.America will face serious shortage of STEM talents
57.A large number of STEM students stop their studies whenB.
A.they get bored with the subjects           B.they can't stick to their hard studies
C.they feel they have learnt adequately      D.they can easily find jobs in other fields
58.From the passage we can learn that few girls enter the STEM fields partly becauseB.
A.few STEM boys like to study with girls    
B.there is widespread prejudice against girls
C.most girls are bad at the required subjects  
D.most girls take little interest in STEM jobs
59.In the writer's opinion,what should we do now?C
A.Show the students the advantages of STEM jobs.
B.Provide college graduates with more STEM jobs.
C.Encourage more young children to take up STEM.
D.Make people aware of the importance of STEM.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:短文改错

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I am secretary of the City Student Union (CSU).We were organizing an art exhibition for high school students in city.It will be held in the 9th of July in the Exhibition Hall of Beihai.More than 1000painting will be on show,but high school students and teachers from all the eight districts will come to the event.As you are very popularly with us Chinese high school students,we'd like to invite for you to the exhibition.We would be grateful when you could join them that day.Looking forward to hear from you soon.

