精英家教网 > 高中英语 > 题目详情
19.Thrift stores are a refuge (避难所) for countless items from landing in garbage piles.
Value Vitlage,for example,saves more than 650 million pounds of clothing from landfills(垃圾填埋场) each year!making it one of the largest recyclers of used garments in the world.
Their stores give a second life to 1.8 million pounds of clothes every day,which is equal to 600 mid sized cars.Almost 100 percent of clothing and textiles are recyclable,yet 85 percent of it ends up in landfills.It's estimated that the average person throws away 70 pounds of clothing a year.
Lindsay Coulter is the so called"queen of Green"with the David Suzuki Foundation,
educating people on how to live a greener life by making changes around the house.She says that donating and shopping at thrift stores is an excellent way to exercise all three of the three R's reduce,reuse and recycle.She says,"whether it's a purse or a pair of shoes,it's really worth considering going to thrift stores as another point of contact to help reduce your consumption."
Coulter points out that since landfills are air-tight,textiles take longer to break down.
"I'd imagine things like an old towel,a rag or an old-shirt will last a really long time,"
she says.The beauty of thrift shopping is that the supply is never-ending,so if you don't find what you're looking for one day,it's likely to show up in no time.
One person who knows this quite well is Jodi Jacyk,costume specialist in the theatre
and film department at the University of British Columbia.She says the majority of items for the university's productions are purchased second-hand.Because of her shrinking budget,items like clothing and shoes are thrifted from Value Village."We are constantly thrifting and we re-use costumes for many years.Thrift shopping is a much easier,cheaper way to do things."she says.
The next time you need to lighten your closet,take the opportunity to go thrift shopping to lighten both your carbon footprint and your financial burden at the same time.
32.What is a"thrift store"according to the text?B
A.It deals with daily garbage.
B.It sells second-hand items.
C.It exchanges new clothes.
D.It donates used items.
33.Why did Lindsay Coulter advise shopping at thrift stores?A
A.To be friendly to environment.
B.To make a change of lifestyle.
C.To reduce the cost of the family.
D.To collect money for the Foundation.
34.What do we know about Jodi Jacyk?C
A.She doesn't budget carefully.
B.She complains a lot about her job.
C.She is a fan of thrift shopping.
D.She is known as"Queen of Green'.
35.What is the author's attitude toward thrift shopping?D

分析 本文主要介绍了一种节俭环保的购物方式--节俭购物.二手物品商店是数不清的垃圾堆里物品的避难所,每天给180万磅的衣服第二次生命,所以在二手物品商店购物是实行减少、再利用和再循环的一个极好的方法,作者认为节俭购物可以减轻你的碳足迹和你的财务负担.

解答 32.B 词义猜测题.根据第一段的"Thrift stores are a refuge (避难所) forcountless items from landing in garbage piles.Thrift stores是数不清的垃圾堆里物品的避难所"和"Theirstores give a second life to 1.8 million pounds of clothes every day,他们的商店每天给180万磅的衣服第二次生命"以及第二段的"Shesays that donating and shopping at thrift stores is an excellent way to..她说,捐赠和在thriftstores购物是一个很好的方式."可知,thrift store是出售二手物品的商店,故选B.
33.A 细节理解题.根据第二段的"She says that donating and shopping at thriftstores is an excellent way to exercise all three of the three R's reduce,reuseand recycle."可知,捐赠和在二手物品商店购物是实行减少、再利用和再循环的一个极好的方法.所以Lindsay Coulter建议在二手物品商店购物是为了环保,故选A.
34.C 推理判断题.根据倒数第二段的"We are constantly thrifting and we re-usecostumes for many years."可知,她不断地淘旧货,而且多年穿旧服装.所以Jodi Jacyk是一个节俭购物迷,故选C.
35.D 根据最后一段"The next time you need to lighten your closet,takethe opportunity to go thrift shopping to lighten both your carbon footprint andyour financial burden at the same time.下一次,你需要减轻你的衣柜,抓住机会去节俭购物,同时减轻你的碳足迹和你的财务负担."可知,作者对待节俭购物的态度是支持的,故选D.

点评 本文是政治经济类阅读,考查学生对细节的理解把握和推理判断能力,做题时一定要找到文章中的原句,和题干进行比较,再做出正确选择.在做推理判断题时不要以个人的主观想象代替文章的事实,要根据文章事实进行合乎逻辑的推理判断.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

9.I'll tell him about it themoment(一…就…)he comes.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

10.The National Outline for Medium and Long Term Education Reform and Development (2010-20)was released over the weekend.Here are some of the highlights:
Four-percent effort
The government says spending on education will be 4percent of GDP by 2012.globally,average spending on education is about 4.5% of GDP.China spend 3,33% in 2008.according to Hu Angang,of Tsinghua University's Center for China Studies,even if China reaches that goal,it will only rank about 100th out of 188countries.
Administrative rank
Administrative rankings for school leaders are to be phased out to tackle the bureaucracy (官僚机构) problem that limits educational development,according to Cheng Fangping,of the national Institute for Educational Research.Areas like teaching programs,scientific research,and technological development will be more independent.
Vocational Education
The system will be free of charge.According to Wu Yan,of Beijing Institute of Educational Sciences,this will be key to developing China's production capacity and will improve poor people's lives dramatically.
Entering college
Universities could eventually have the freedom to choose some of their own high school applicants.Normally,students are accepted based on the uniform national exam scores.Also,students who agree to go to a remote area could be admitted to university under special circumstances.The most likely change could come on the college entrance English test,which might be modeled on the IELTS or TOEFL.Students will be able to take it several times and pick their best score.

56.Which of the following is true in the future according to the passage?D
A.Applicants could take the IELTS or TOEFL instead of the college entrance English test.
B.Colleges will be given the right to choose all of their own applicants.
C.Vocational education will be party free to make people's lives better.
D.Applicants could sit for the college entrance English test more than once.
57.Which of the following words is closest in meaning to"uniform"in the last paragraph?C
A.formal      B.official
C.same        D.united
58.We can learn from the passage even though our country spends 4% of GDP on education in 2012,C.
A.there will still be 188countries ahead of China in this aspect
B.China will certainly overtake the global average spending on education
C.there might be nearly 100countries ahead of China in this aspect
D.China will be the 100th country to spend over the global average on education
59.From the third paragraph,we can infer thatA.
A.school leaders will have more freedom to manage the school
B.schools will have more limits from the government
C.School administrative rankings are to be strengthened to solve the bureaucracy problem
D.schools and research centers will be fully independent from the government.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

7.Andy seems to besignal(l)ing(发信号) to his teammates in computer language..


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

14.Editors/Designers Wanted
China Daily,a national English newspaper,is looking for English-language senior editors/designers.
Senior Business Editor
You must:
assist the Business editor in setting goals and working on achieving them;
be an excellent team person who can come up with ideas and think creatively,be able to rewrite totally if needed and advise junior workers;
be working or have worked in a leading position and understand what leadership means;
have had at least five years'business editing experience and be familiar with industry software.
Business Copy-editor
You must:
work on shifts(轮班)in the Business Desk and usually have the last word before the page is sent to print;
edit or rewrite copy and give brief headlines and captions(说明文字);
have had at least two years'editing experience and be familiar with industry software.
You must:
be good at editing or rewriting copy and writing brief headlines and captions;
be able to work on shifts for different pages,and usually have the last word before the page is sent to print;
have two years of editing experience and be familiar with industry software.
Senior Graphic Designer
You must:
have excellent skills in information graphics;
be good with illustrations(插图)and freehand drawings;
be experienced in newspaper or magazine designs;
have a good sense of typography(排版);
have good news judgment.
Once hired,you will be offered a competitive salary package,free housing with furniture paid for,90percent medical reimbursement(补偿),seven days of paid leave,11public holidays and a return ticket to your native land.

68.If you are employed by the China Daily newspaper group,you canD.
A.have eleven days of paid leave
B.enjoy free medical service in China
C.stay in any hotel without paying for it
D.get a return ticket to your home country
69.To be aByou have to have at least five years'editing experience.
A.Business Copy-editor               B.Senior business Editor
C.Copy-editor                        D.Senior Graphic Designer
70.To be familiar with industry software is required inCof the jobs provided.
A.one              B.two                C.three                 D.four
71.According to the advertisement,Ais a must for all the four jobs.
A.a good knowledge of English       B.two  years'editing experience
C.a good sense of typography        D.working on shifts.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

Ever since I was old enough to dream,I have imagined myself soaring with the eagles.My love
of flying has shaped the way I live and the person I have become.Two years ago,that passion
rocketed to new heights when I had the opportunity to visit Embry Riddle Aeronautical University in Arizona.For a whole week I lived in a college dorm,roomed with a total stranger and---best of
all---I flew!
My group took part in activities ranging from learning about the history of aviation (航空) to
flying in state-of-the-art pilot training simulators (模拟装置).At least once a day,I devoted myself
to learning one of the world's best training aircraft,the Cessna 182.Not only did I receive thorough
ground instruction,but I also got to fly.In total,I flew five hours to receive my private pilot's license.In that one joyous and so-short week,my passion for aviation grew even stronger.Now,whenever I see a plane flying overhead,I feel a sense of pride thinking I've done that.
During my time in and above the Arizona desert,I learned not only about the mechanics and
techniques of aviation,but also about myself and how I see the world.As I floated in that seemingly
endless sea of air,I became aware of the variety and complexity of the humanity below.On the
ribbons of roadways,each tiny car carried people with hopes and dreams.I wondered if any of those people had ever wished to fly like an eagle.Then I realized that each must have his or her own
dreams and ambitions.That's what makes us unique.We try to respond to something special inside
us.I also realized that I was especially fortunate to be making my own dream come true.
Everywhere I go,I hear,"Do what makes you happy and you will be happy."It sounds like
standard advice,but I've really thought about it and taken it to heart.I couldn't care less about how
much money I make or what benefits I receive.I know that I am already in hot pursuit(追逐) of my
dreams.And,even if they change,even if they finally don't involve aviation,I'll always aim to fly
with the eagles.

24.Two years ago,the authorB.
A.was admitted to a university  
B.stayed in a university for one week
C.saw the launch of the rocket  
D.made good friends with an astronaut
25.Paragraph 2is mainly aboutB.
A.which aircraft the author got to fly      
B.how the author learned to fly
C.what the author learned about simulators  
D.why the author got a pilot's license
26.According to the author,C makes people unique.
A.flying like an eagle      
B.trying something special
C.having their own dreams  
D.learning unusual techniques
27.From the last paragraph,we can learn that the authorC.
A.cares a lot about money and benefits  
B.brings happiness to others
C.pursues his aims whatever happens  
D.offers advice wherever he goes.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

11.Don't sit there _____  nothing.Come and help me with the table.(  )
A.doB.to doC.doingD.and doing


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:书面表达

Only when we match our words with actions can we make a difference in what we hope to accomplish.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:书面表达

13.请你以一则公益广告--Don't let the keyboard separate you and your loved ones为题写一篇发言稿,谈谈网络给我们带来的好处,并呼吁人们放下手中的鼠标与家人多多沟通,享受与家人在一起的美好时光.
Don9t let the keyboard separate you and your loved ones

