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A. The new growth and investment of the Port of Shanghai

B. The objective of the Port of Shanghai as an eye-catching port in the world

C. The important status of the Port of Shanghai in history and the modern times

D. The problems that the Port of Shanghai has met with in its development process

E. The many relations that the Port of Shanghai has established with other ports in the world

F. The development in the main port areas of the Port of Shanghai


80. ____________________________________

    The Port of Shanghai, a hub(中心)of water-land transport and trade on China’s coast since the Song Dynasty early in mid-twelfth century, is the biggest port on China’s mainland for international shipping. The annual cargo throughput(吞吐量)  of the port hit another record high of 176 million tons in 1993. The volume of International containers has reached the historical highest point.


81. ____________________________________

    By now the Port of Shanghai has established maritime trade relations with more than 400 ports in over 160 countries and regions in the world, with 21 international regular lines starting from the port on over 100 voyages per month directly to North America, Europe, Australia, the Persian Gulf, the Mediterranean as well as Southeast and Northeast Asia and so on.


82. ____________________________________

    Following the continuous and steady new growth in China’s national economy, the Port of Shanghai has, over the six years from 1988 to 1993, made an investment of RMB¥2.3 billion in capital construction and renovation(革新), and updated a large number of handling machines. Both cargo throughput(吞吐量) capacity and handling efficiency of the port have increased remarkably.


83. ____________________________________

    Today, the port has become one of the hot spots that attract both attention and investment from other parts of China and the whole world. During his visit in Shanghai in the spring of 1992, Deng Xiaoping expressed his hope that Shanghai would show some changes every year. Taking this as its objective, the Port of Shanghai has been quickening the steps in its operational and commercial activities as well as construction of deep-water port areas.

84. ____________________________________

The four marginal berths of Waigaoqiao New Port Area have been largely completed and put into operation. Construction of the Luojing Coal Terminal was started at the end of 1993. Grain Silos with a capacity of 80,000 tons and a modern communication building for water traffic are both showing signs of completion. Construction of coastal, domestic and international passenger terminals has substantially entered its initial stage. The deep water port area at Jinshanzui shall open a new chapter in the history of the Port of Shanghai.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

The Banquet has been described as a loose adaptation(节选)of "Hamlet", featuring royal conflicts(冲突) and revenge(复仇)which is set in 10th century China. The new Emperor (Ge You) has usurped(篡夺) the throne(帝位)by murdering the previous Emperor. He marries the Empress (Zhang Ziyi), wife of the previous Emperor and stepmother to the Crown Prince (Daniel Wu).

At first, the Empress seeks only to protect herself, but as the new Emperor grows suspicious(疑心) of all those around him, she realizes that only by helping the Crown Prince kill him can she hope to survive. Together with the Chief Minister (Ma Jingwu),she tries to carry out this plot, but when the Prince is destroyed by hesitation, she thinks out a new plan and seeks the throne for herself. As the plot move towards its climax(高潮), the Emperor calls for a plentiful royal banquet, where each will seek the end of their enemies.

The Banquet differs from Hamlet in that it does not focus on the prince, but examines the feelings of each character. According to director Feng Xiaogang: "If Hamlet is about a prince who must make a choice involving life and death, then The Banquet is about how each character must face a choice of life or death... All are motivated by desire, but as soon as they have begun their plans must grow more extreme, and they move step-by-step towards the abyss(深渊)... They do not intend evil, but turn to it out of self-preservation and ever-growing ambition(野心)."

1. As far as we can tell from the text, the Empress ________.

  A. She is just the wife of the new Emperor.    

B. She is the later mother of the Crown Prince.

  C. She helps her own son to kill the Emperor.   

D. She takes the place of the Emperor finally.

2. The author wants to tell us the following EXCEPT that _______.

  A. The new Emperor feels doubt about the affairs around him.

  B. The Empress does all she could to survive herself.

  C. The Crown Prince shows uncertainty in action.

  D. The new Emperor owns the authority all the way.

3. Feng Xiaogang’s words imply(暗示)that ___________.

  A. The Banquet is about royal conflicts.    

B. The Banquet’s characters are full of desire.

  C. The Banquet involves life and death.     

D. The Banquet is different from the Hamlet.

4. Which of the following is the best title for this text?

  A. The Banquet differs from the Hamlet.    

B. The main characters in the play.

  C. The plot(情节)of the Banquet.    

D. The ambition of each character.


科目:高中英语 来源:天津市蓟县下营中学2010届高三下学期第一次月考试题(英语) 题型:阅读理解

第二部分:阅读理解(共15小题:每小题2分, 满分30分)
阅读下列短文, 从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中, 选出最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。
The ability to do several things at once has become one of the great measures of self-worth for 21-century Americans. It is called multitasking, and it takes many forms. As one example, why go out to lunch when you can eat at your desk, talk to a client on the phone, scroll through your e-mail, and scan a memo simultaneously? And why simply work out on treadmill (单调的工作) when you could be watching television and talking on a portable phone at the same time? What a feeling of satisfaction and accomplishment --- three activities for the time commitment of one! Ah, such efficiency. No wonder those who turn “to do” lists into a time-management art form tend to boast (自夸): “Look, me, how many things I can accomplish at once. If I’m this busy, I must be important.”
Yet last week the New York Assembly struck a blow against multitasking, at least behind the wheel, when it approved a bill banning drivers in the state from using handheld cellular phones. Too dangerous, the assembly said, citing research showing that drivers are four times more likely to have a collision when they are talking on a cellphone.
No one can argue against using time effectively. But accompanying the supposed gains are losses. Consider the woman out for an early-morning walk in a suburban neighborhood. She strides briskly, head down, cellphone clamped to her ear, chattering (喋喋不休) away, oblivious of the birds and flowers and glorious sunshine. Did the walk have any value?
More than a decade ago, long before multi-tasking became a word in everyday use, a retired professor of theology(神学) in Indiana with whom I corresponded (通信) made a case for what might be called uni-tasking — the old-fashioned practice of doing one thing at a time.
Offering the simplest example, he said, “When you wash the dishes, wash the dishes.” Good advice, I’ve found, whatever the task.
Perhaps, too, the ban on phoning-on-the-road will even spark a move away from other forms of dual activity. Who can tell? It could mark the first step in a welcome reconsideration of what really constitutes productivity and accomplishment.
1. The author thinks that multitasking has become one of the great measures of self-worth because ________.
A. it helps people to use time effectively                   
B. it makes people feel they are important
C. it means the ability to do several things at once     
D. people worship speed and desire
2. The bill approved by the New York Assembly is mentioned in the second paragraph in order to ________.
A. demonstrate the danger of multitasking                
B. show the high efficiency of multitasking
C. introduce the legislation system in America   
D. argue against using time effectively
3. Which of the following is closest in meaning to the word “oblivious” in the third paragraph?
A. serious                     B. absorbed deeply      
C. not noticing                     D. forgetting
4. We learn from the passage that uni-tasking is ________.
A. the new fashion for 21-century Americans            
B. accepted by most residents in Indiana
C. created by a retired professor of theology
D. the traditional act of doing one thing at once
5. In the eyes of the author, multi-tasking ________.
A. could not be avoided in this fast-changing age
B. should be taken the place of by uni-tasking
C. robs people of time to focus and reflect
D. should not become a word in everyday use


科目:高中英语 来源:2013-2014学年四川省高三第八次月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Chinese scientists have found a new way to use cells found in human urine (尿液)that could aid in the treatment of a range of nerve disorders.That is a new technique for reprogramming cells in human urine into nerve progenitor cells  that can grow into multi-functional nerve and brain cells.

The technique is expected to be used in the study and treatment of nerve disorders such as Parkinson's disease, Alzheimer's disease and other nerve disorders.

Pei Duanqing, a professor at Guangzhou Institutes of Biomedicine and Health, Chinese Academy of Sciences, said his research team has combined an episomal system to deliver reprogramming factors with a chemically defined culture medium to reprogram kidney epithelial(肾表皮) cells in urine into NPCs.

These NPCs, normally only found in the human brain, were later proven to be transgene-free and self-renewing, he said.

"These nerve and brain cells can survive for up to one month when transplanted into the brain of a newborn rat," said Pei. "My team is working hard to understand why our experimental condition allowed the urine cells to become NPCs, because we want to improve the technique and make it more efficient".

Scientists have long searched to treat and study neural disorders by obtaining and transplanting neural stem cells. However, the previous method of getting and using cells from either fetal (胎儿)or adult human tissue remains challenging due to ethical concerns and immune system rejections, he said.

Pei hopes the discovery will be used to generate NPCs from patients with nerve disorders such as Parkinson's disease. "These NPCs from patients may help us discover new drugs for these diseases."

"It is a remarkable advance in the stem cell field. The results and methods obtained from this study will be of great value and significance to the field, " said Fred Gage,a professor with the Salk Institute for Biological Studies.

1.What is the passage mainly about?

A. NPCs are beneficial in treating human diseases.

B. Chinese scientists succeeded in making NPCs from human urine.

C. Chinese scientists have found cures for all diseases.

D. A new technique was used to study the use of human urine

2.Pei and his tean try their best to work hard in order to       .

A. make more contributions to medical study

B. discover another new technique

C. make the technique more perfect

D. treat more patients suffering from bad diseases

3.What is the challenge of making NPCs in the previous method?

A. The ethical comcerns and immune system refusal

B. The difificulties in getting cells from human.

C. The under-developed techniques in medical science.

D. The lack of financial support from the government.

4.From the last paragraph we can infer       .

A. the new technique will be developed in science

B. the results and methods will be applied to treating cancers

C. the study will give a major push to the stem cell field

D. the mew technique will bring great profis



科目:高中英语 来源:广东省0910学年高一下学期期末考试(英语) 题型:阅读理解

Few laws are so effective that you can see results just days after they take effect. But in the nine days since the federal cigarette tax more than doubled----to $1.01 per pack---smokers have jammed telephone ‘quit lines’ across the country seeking to kick the habit.

This is not a surprise to public health advocates. They’ve studied the effect of state tax increases for years, finding that smokers, especially teens, are price sensitive. Nor is it a shock to the industry, which fiercely fights every tax increase.

The only wonder is that so many states insist on closing their ears to the message. Tobacco taxes improve public health, they raise money and most particularly, they deter people from taking up the habit as teens, which is when nearly all smokers are addicted. Yet the rate of taxation varies widely.

In Manhattan, for instance, which has the highest tax in the nation, a pack of Marlboro Light Kings cost $10.06 at one drugstore Wednesday. In Charleston, S.C., where the 7-cent-a-pack tax is the lowest in the nation, the price was $4.78.

The influence is obvious.

In New York, high school smoking hit a new low in the latest surveys----13.8%, far below the national average. By comparison, 26 % of high school students smoke in Kentucky, Other low-tax states have similarly depressing teen-smoking records.

Hal Rogers, Representative from Kentucky, like those who are against high tobacco taxes, argues that the burden of the tax falls on low-income Americans “who choose to smoke.”

That’s true. But there is more reason in keeping future generations of low-income workers from getting hooked in the first place.  As for today’s adults, if the new tax drives them to quit, they will have more to spend on their families, cut their risk of cancer and heart disease and feel better.


31. The text is mainly about___________.

A  the price of cigarettes                      

B  the rate of teen smoking

C  the effect of tobacco tax increase          

D  the differences in tobacco tax rate

32. What does the author think is a surprise?

A  Teen smokers are price sensitive.

B  Some states still keep the tobacco tax low.

C  Tobacco taxes improve public health.

D  Tobacco industry fiercely fights the tax rise.

33. The underlined word "deter" in Paragraph 3 most probably means      .

A. discourage   B. remove        C. benefit           D. free

34. Rogers’ attitude towards the low-income smokers might be that of     .

A. tolerance          B. unconcern         C. doubt                 D. sympathy

35. What can we learn from the last paragraph?

A. The new tax will be beneficial in the long run.

B. Low-income Americans are more likely to fall ill.

C. Future generations will be hooked on smoking.

D. Adults will depend more on their families.



科目:高中英语 来源:2014届浙江省高一第一学期第一次月测试英语题 题型:阅读理解

Not too long ago, a Chicago brewery (酿造厂) introduced a new beer that was supposed to be the least fattening(making people fat) on the market. It was lighter, so they called it LITE. Only two months after the new beer had been on sale, however, strange new ads appeared in the Chicago newspapers. They read 'LITE Tastes Soapy'. The public, of course, was confused. Who wanted a beer that tasted like soap(肥皂), even if it was non-fattening?   

The new ads weren't talking about LITE beer, however. They were for a product of the LITE Soap Company. The president of the LITE Soap Company, Mrs Ruth Ascott, was very upset with the brewery for taking the name of her high-powered detergent (洗涤剂) and using it as the name of a new beer. LITE Soap had had the same name for 53 years. She wrote to the brewery, insisting that they should not use the word LITE in their beer ads. The brewery replied that they could—and would—because beer and soap were so different. They planned to ignore the 'LITE Tastes Soapy' ads, since the public knew which LITE was which.

Mrs Ascott then wanted to plan a new campaign. The ads would read 'LITE Is Wonderful for Washing Clothes'.

1.It is clear that _____.

A. the Chicago brewery was sure the soap company would add to its fame

В. the LITE Soap Company is happy to know the name of the beer

С. the ad 'LITE Tastes Soapy' did harm to LITE the beer

D. the brewery was not surprised at all to see the ad 'LITE Tastes Soapy'

2.It seems that_____.

A.  the new beer may lose weight         В.  the brewery was right

С.  making ads is not difficult           D.  most beer makes us fat

3.When the ad 'LITE Tastes Soapy' comes out, _____.

A. the beer sold well on the market     

В. it confused some consumers of the beer

С. people thought the beer was the least fattening

D. people began to like the product from LITE Soap Company

4.We may conclude that_____.

A. neither of the two products sells well

В. both the two companies get on very well

С. the brewery did wrong to the LITE Soap Company

D. it was wrong of the soap company to have LITE as her own name

5.When the public read the ad in the last paragraph, they _____.

A. might wash their clothes with the beer       В. are likely to stop to buy the beer

С. might be more confused than ever before     D. may find out which LITE was which


