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【题目】Children diet is high in fat or who are not active will gain weight quickly.

A. what B. whose C. who D. that


【解析】B。考查定语从句。句意: 那些饮食脂肪含量高或不爱运动的孩子们会很快发胖。whose在定语从句中作diet的定语, 符合句意。


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】The visitors you referred to __________ looking forward to __________ around our school.

A. being be shown

B. being showing

C. are showing

D. are ;being shown


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


要求:1. 开头已给出,不计入总词数。


3. 词数: 120个左右。

Were going to finish our middle school in June after the important College Entrance Examination. Recently, our class has a heat discussion on what to do in this real summer holiday.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】It is not how much we do but how much love we put into what we do __________ benefits our work most.

A. who

B. which

C. that

D. what


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】__________ in the queue for half an hour, the old man suddenly realized he had left the cheque in the car.

A. Waiting

B. To wait

C. Having waited

D. To have waited


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Ask someone what they have done to help the environment recently and they will almost certainly mention recycling.Recycling in the home is very important of course.However,being forced to recycle often means we already have more material than we need.We are dealing with the results of that_overconsumption in the greenest way possible,but it would be far better if we did not need to bring so much material home in the first place.

The total amount of packaging increased by 12% between 1999 and 2005.It now makes up a third of a typical households waste in the UK.In many supermarkets nowadays food items are packaged twice with plastic and cardboard.

Too much packaging is doing serious damage to the environment.The UK,for example,is running out of areas for burying this unnecessary waste.If such packaging is burnt,it gives off greenhouse gases which go on to cause the greenhouse effect.Recycling helps,but the process itself uses energy.The solution is not to produce such items in the first place.Food waste is a serious problem,too.Too many supermarkets encourage customers to buy more than they need.However,a few of them are coming round to the idea that this cannot continue ,encouraging customers to reuse their plastic bags,for example.

But this is not just about supermarkets.It is about all of us.We have learned to associate packaging with quality.We have learned to think that something unpackaged is of poor quality.This is especially true of food.But it also applies to a wide range of consumer products,which often have far more packaging than necessary.

There are signs of hope.As more of us recycle,we are beginning to realise just how much unnecessary material we are collecting.We need to face the wastefulness of our consumer culture,but we have a mountain to climb.

【1】What does the underlined phrase that overconsumption” refer to?

A.Using too much packaging.

B.Recycling too many wastes.

C.Making more products than necessary.

D.Having more material than is needed.

【2】The author uses figures in Paragraph 2 to show________.

A.the tendency of cutting household waste

B.the increase of packaging recycling

C.the rapid growth of supermarkets

D.the fact of packaging overuse

【3】According to the text,recycling________.

A.helps control the greenhouse effect

B.means burning packaging for energy

C.is the solution to gas shortage

D.leads to a waste of land

【4】What can be inferred from Paragraph 4?

A.Unpackaged products are of bad quality.

B.Supermarkets care more about packaging.

C.It is improper to judge quality by packaging.

D.Other products are better packaged than food.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】Many buildings in the city need repairing,but the one ________first is the library.

A.repaired Bbeing repaired

C.repairing D.to be repaired


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】How do you like the roast duck?

It __________ good.

A. turns

B. tastes

C. feels

D. keeps


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

【题目】【原创】Noah McQueen is part of "My Brother's Keeper," a White House program aimed at young men of color.

His teen years have been rough, and include several arrests and a short period of being in prison. But last week, he was at the White House talking with President Obama.

"Growing up, I didn't have a stable household. I attended eight schools in three years," McQueen says.

McQueen adds his dad lives down the street from him, but he doesn't really have a relationship with him.

"That's one of the things we have in common," Obama says. "As I get older, I start reflecting on how that affected me. How do you think that affected you?"

"I think I learn right and wrong on my own terms." McQueen says.

"Obviously you've straightened yourself out and become successful as a black man. " Obama says. " But did you feel pressure to look back on the way you once acted?"

"Definitely, there's always pressure." McQueen says, " People will say, 'You are the success story,' but it's hard to always make the right decision and always be the leader."

"You shouldn't feel like you can't make mistakes.” Obama says. You've discovered this strength inside yourself. If you stay true to that voice that clearly knows what's right and what's wrong, sometimes you're going to mess up, but you can steer back and keep going."

About his future plan, McQueen says" I want to do education because I want to work with kids," "You know, to see the beginnings, and to see where I was, to see the exact same kid doing the exact same thing. And it's like, we owe it to everyone and ourselves to come back and change that. That's like our duty.

"Yeah, and Noah, I just want to say how proud I am of you, man," Obama says. "It's not an easy thing to do what you've done. And I think you give others a lot of confidence and a sense of what's possible for them. And that makes me real proud. I know you're going to do great things."

【1】What doe the underlined words “steer back” possibly mean?

A. Turn to the right direction.

B. Hesitate to go ahead.

C. Stop to have a rest.

D. Adapt to the environment.

【2】From the passage we can know Obama ____.

A. got along well with his father when young

B. cares about the growth of the American youth

C. hates the youth to make mistakes

D. asks McQueen to work with kids

【3】Why does McQueen want to do education?

A. Because he wants to make a living.

B. Because he wants to help children grow healthily.

C. Because he is encouraged by Obama.

D. Because there is a great need for teachers.

【4】Which is wrong about Noah McQueen ?

A. He is a black boy.

B. He did something wrong

C. He is praised by the president.

D. He founded “My Brother's Keeper”.

【5】What can be the best title?

A. You Have This Strength Inside Yourself.

B. Dont be Afraid to Make Mistakes.

C. My Brother's Keeper—A Nice Program.

D. Black People should be Treated Equally.

