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第二节(共10小题;每小题1. 5分,满分15分)

阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1个单词) 或括号内单词的正确形式。

            Reproductive cloning may enable researchers to make copies of animals with potential benefits for the field of medicine and many others.

            For instance,the Scottish researchers who cloned Dolly have also cloned other sheep that have been genetically changed

61. (produce) milk that contains a human protein essential for blood (凝固) .They did this in the hope 62.someday this protein may be obtained from the milk and given to humans 63.blood doesn’t clot properly.

            64. application is to create clones to build populations of endangered,or possibly even extinct species of animals. In 2003,an endangered type of ox,called the banteng,was successfully cloned. 65.(short) after that,three African wildcats' were cloned using frozen embryos as a source of DNA. Some experts are 66. favour of cloning extinct animals,saying that it can save many species that would otherwise disappear,while some raise a(n) 67.(object) , arguing that cloning produces a population of genetically identical individuals that lack the genetic variability necessary for species survival.

            Some people have even expressed interest in 68. (have) their deceased pets cloned in the hope of getting a similar animal to replace the dead one. But as 69.(show) by a cloned cat,a clone may not turn out exactly like the original pet whose DNA 70.(use) to make the clone.

61. to produce。考查不定式作状语的用法。克隆其它羊的目的是制造含凝血蛋白的奶,故填to produce。

62. that。考查连接词。设空处引导同位语从句,解释说明hope的内容,且从句结构和意义均完整,故填that。

63. whose。考查关系词。设空处引导限制 性定语从句修饰humans ,且在从句中作定语,故填whose。

64. Another。考查限定词。设空处限定 application ,且上一段讲了克隆动物的一个应用,本段讲到的是克隆的另一个应用,故填Another。

65. Shortly。考查副词。设空处作状语修饰 after ,故填 Shortly。

66. in。考查固定结构。in favour of意为“赞成,支持”。

67. objection。考查名词。设空处作宾语,表不“反对”,故填objection。

68. having。考查动词-ing形式作宾语的用法。设空处作介词in的宾语,且people与have之间是逻辑上的圭谓关系,故填 having。

69. shown。考查过去分词作状语的用法。as shown by…意为“正如…所示展示


70. was used。考查一般过去时的被动语态。DNA与use之间是被动关系,且use 所表示的动作发生在过去,应用一般过去时,故填was used。

题目来源:2016年英语周报高二新课标 > 第47期 2015-2016学年高二课标


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D) 中,选出最佳选项。



             We are sailing toward the San Bias Archipelago,a chain of more than 360 islands in the Caribbean Sea.

            “There's a boat!” Our daughter Hayley shouts suddenly.

             Three men,far out at sea,are in a canoe called a cayuco. We pull up near them and they offer to sell us a spiny lobster(龙虾) ,but they have not caught enough for each of us.

            “Un momento,por favor [One moment,please],” the man says.

             He dives overboard,holding his breath,goes down 40 feet, and comes back up with another lobster in his bare hands!We buy the lobsters and visit with the men.

             These fishermen are the Kuna Indians from the San Bias Islands. The Kuna Indians have made their homes famous because of their efforts to protect their rain forests,their independence,and their culture.

             For more than 400 years,the Kuna Indians have fought to keep their traditional way of life. They,ve formed their own system of government and laws. They,ye kept the Kuna language,though many speak Spanish,too. And while visitors are welcome,non-Kuna people are not allowed to own land.

             Once we are on the island,we visit the sahila,or chief. It is an important part of Kuna culture for a visitor to receive an invitation and pay a fee to the sahila before entering,his village. We walk around the village and look at the way the Kuna people live. Kuna villages vary in size. They can range from a few dwellings(住所) to large villages with.some modem conveniences.

             Hayley and her brother Jackson are being homeschooled while we are traveling on our boat. Part of our homeschool day is spent learning about the countries and people we visit. Earlier today we read about Kuna foods and money. The Kuna eat a lot of fish,lobsters and coconuts (椰子) .The coconut is also used for money. Each coconut tree has a Kuna owner,so the coconuts cannot be taken or touched.

21. According to the text,the Kuna Indians have been trying their best to.

   A. expand their land

   B. prevent strangers visiting

   C. keep their traditions alive

   D. learn more about the outside world

22. Why does the author's family visit the sahila?

   A. To ask for his help.

   B. To show respect for him.

   C. To invite him to travel with them.

   D. To get permission to enter his village.

23. The main purpose of this text is to introduce.

   A. the meaning of traveling

   B. the benefits of homeschooling

   C. the history of the San Bias Islands

   D. the native people living on the San Bias Islands


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

5. Commercial television is one of the most effective medium for advertising.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


          Grand Cayman,the largest of three Cayman Islands in the Caribbean,is a perfect place for water lovers with a lot of family-friendly activities and attractions. Here are some of the best ones. Stingray (黄貂鱼) City 

           The word “city” is misleading,because the stingrays are actually found in their natural habitat along a series of shallow sandbars(沙洲). The stingrays gather in this shallow area accessible via a boat ride. Take a picture of the action on your water camera as you feed the stingrays some squid (乌贼) . Don’t be surprised to be surrounded by a dozen stingrays!

Barrier Reef Snorkeling(潜游) 

            The coral reef gardens are so colorfUl that they look like a painting. The kid-friendly tour starts with a gentle boat ride. Watch for stingrays. The Mamott Grand Cayman Beach Resort is within walking distance of shops and restaurants.

Tiki Beach 

             Many snorkel and stingray tnps include a visit to this beautiful spot on kid-friendly Seven Mile Beach (rated among the world's top 10 beaches) . You'1l see why as you play in the gentle surf under blue skies. ABBQ lunch is cooked on site. Restrooms and outdoor showers make this a family-friendly beach you won't want to leave.

Swim with Dolphins

              A variety of kid-friendly dolphins can be seen,enabling families to get in the clear sea water with these friendly creatures. At Dolphin Discovery, you can swim with dolphins in shallow water. For most visitors there,the minimum age is 3.

Cayman Turtle Farm 

               Home to 11,000 green sea turtles,this world-class research and educational facility (设施) offers several kid-friendly activities. Swim with fish,see sharks in the tanks,and interact(互动) with starfish and other sea animals at the touch pool. 

25. What are readers advised to do m Stingray City?

   A. To try to catch some stingrays.

   B. To try swimming with stingrays.

   C. To photograph when feeding stingrays.、

   D. To enjoy a gentle,comfortable boat ride.

26. What makes Cayman Turtle Farm different from other attractions?

   A. It allows visitors to surf.

   B. It is most family-friendly. ,

   C. Visitors can snorkel and play with dolphins there. 

   D. Visitors can get knowledge and interact with sea animals.

27. What can we learn from this text?

   A. Various stingrays can be seen in deep water.

   B. The coral reef gardens exhibit many paintings.

   C. Seven Mile Beach is well known for its BBQ lunch.

   D. A two-year-old child cannot enter Dolphin Discovery.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

Task I. Read the text and All in the blanks in the chart.

Problems: snakes near the house; removing them without 1. them

Before catching  Preparations: researching their 2. to find the easiest solution

Three findings a. removing their habitat  b. trapping them  c. 3. them and removing them

Three attempts a. Putting a bowl over the snakes’ habitat with 4. The on the top

b. Using the same method in the evening

Result: The snakes were 5. but still tried to bite.

c. Repeating the second procedure,but using a(n) 6.

Patent application Criteria a. 7. invention

Examination a. different from others  b. 8. claim  c. published 18 months later


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:




            In 1995 Patrick Combs was living in San Francisco and trying desperately to make ends meet. He had just written a guide for college students called Major in Success and he was using the book to build what he hoped would be a successful career as a motivational speaker,helping people to make the most of their talents and abilities. And no one needed his advice more than Patrick himself. Money had always been tight in Patrick's family and,at 28,he thought it was always going to be like that for him.

             But you never know your luck!He found himself looking at a junk mail promising that if he sent money to a certain company,he would soon be receiving huge cheques (iL#) which would make him rich. And to prove it,the company had put a sample cheque in with their letter.

             He thought it would be a funny joke to deposit (存储) the cheque in his account. He would give bank employees a laugh when they discovered that “some stupid people” had tried to cash a junk mail cheque. So he wrote in the amount of the deposit, $95,093.35. 

             After ten days,much to his shock,he found that the cheque had been cleared and the money had been put into his account. The junk mail company had succeeded in making the cheque look real — far too real. With “money” in his account,Patrick became worried. He couldn’t think of anything else for two months. After researching his own legal position long and hard,he discovered that he was not legally responsible for returning the money — he had committed no crime.

             But in the end,Patrick decided to do the “right” thing. He returned the money to the bank. Patrick had by this time become famous and he used the story to make his career as a motivational speaker. Today his money worries are over.

21. What did Patrick worry about most at 28?

   A. Money.      B. His book.

   C. His career. D. College studentsJ future.

22. Why did Patrick write down the amount of money?

   A. He wanted to play a joke on the bank.

   B. He planned to put money into the bank.

   C. He tried to realise his dream of being rich.

   D. He did what the letter instructed him to do.

23. What did Patrick do after he got the money?

   A. He committed a crime.

   B. He looked up many legal rules.

   C. He worried about it for three months.

   D. He unlocked the mystery of the cheque.

24. What can we infer from the text?

   A. People can't be poor forever.

   B. People shouldn’t wait for their luck.

   C. Do the right thing and your luck will come.

   D. Success will come when you make the most of yourself.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

6. He tried to run away from the police and was charged with arrest.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

() 7. The patent application cannot be approved unless the product is unique.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

4. The company keeps personal (档案) on all its employees.

