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With the program Readers becoming popular recently, two handwritten letters read in it drew the audience¡¯s attention. ______________________________________________________________________________







¡¾´ð°¸¡¿With the program Readers becoming popular recently, two handwritten letters read in it drew the audience¡¯s attention. Many people suggest that we should communicate by writing letters, which has caused a heated discussion among students in our school. Students¡¯ opinions vary.

70% of the students are in favor of it. On one hand, handwritten letters can help students express their feelings better while communicating with others. On the other hand, by writing letters, students can practise their handwriting well, which is very beneficial to their future development.

However, 30% of the students are against it. For one thing, it¡¯s a waste of time and paper for students to write letters. For another, they hold the view that handwritten letters are out of date, which should be given up.

On my personal note, it is a good tradition that we need to hold on to. What¡¯s more, letters are easy to store, which will become great treasures for us to value when we memorize our past in the future. (151 words)


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1.ʹÓø߼¶¾äÐÍ£ºÐéÄâÓïÆøºÍ·ÇÏÞÖÆÐÔ¶¨Óï´Ó¾äµÄÔËÓÃMany people suggest that we should communicate by writing letters, which has caused a heated discussion among students in our school.£»·ÇÏÞÖÆÐÔ¶¨Óï´Ó¾äµÄʹÓÃstudents can practise their handwriting well, which is very beneficial to their future development.£»º¬ÓÐͬλÓï´Ó¾äºÍ·ÇÏÞÖÆÐÔ¶¨Óï´Ó¾äµÄ¸´ºÏ¾ä For another, they hold the view that handwritten letters are out of date, which should be given up.£»Ê¹Óú¬ÓзÇÏÞÖÆÐÔ¶¨Óï´Ó¾äºÍ±öÓï´Ó¾äµÄ¸´ºÏ¾äWhat¡¯s more, letters are easy to store, which will become great treasures for us to value when we memorize our past in the future.¡£2.ʹÓÃÁ˹ý¶É´ÊÓon the other hand, however£¬for one thing£¬for anotherµÈ¡£3.ʹÓÃÁËÖØÒª¶ÌÓin favor ofÔ޳ɣ»communicating withÓë¡­¡­½»Á÷£»hold on to¼á³Ö£»What¡¯s more¶øÇÒ¡£


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¡¾ÌâÄ¿¡¿A Kickstarter launched Friday will allow interested parties to set up a camera and pet toys in their home for anyone to play with their pets remotely. It¡¯s called the ipet Companion, an Internet-connected camera and device that streams video online and allows basic commands from people watching. They can move the camera, look at their pet and press a button to swing a toy around.

Obviously, demand is strong. The Kickstarter proved so popular that Scott Harris, iPet Companion¡¯s founder, said that thousands of people started asking for it.

The reason why people keep talking about this is the emotional(Çé¸ÐµÄ) connection they have from a thousand miles away. If you want, you can enter a queue to move the camera and play with the pets. Each room has toys that are hooked(¹³×¡) into Internet-connected devices, and you can move them by pressing a button.

But there¡¯s sort of a problem: Pets get bored easily. Young pets will stay more interested than adult pets, but finally even a baby pet will get bored, too. To stop that from happening, you¡¯d better limit the pets¡¯ access(½Ó½ü) to the boys and change the place where they¡¯re located in the room.

Harris understands this and said you can plug anything into that adapter(ÊÊÅäÆ÷) ---toys that you can get on your own. And that¡¯s where the iPet Companion really gets interesting. Harris explained that the device is actually sort of a Trojan horse to bring the ¡°Internet of things¡± to more homes. You don¡¯t really have to use it for pets. The adapter could be used for any device with an electrical plug---a sprinkler, say, that you¡¯d be able to activate to water your grass.

¡°Our whole goal, our whole purpose is to let anyone control any physical object that they want to while they travel anywhere in the woorld,¡± Harris said.

¡¾1¡¿What does the underlined word ¡°remotely¡± in Paragragh 1 probably mean?

A. far away.

B. For free.

C. With pity.

D. Out of control.

¡¾2¡¿Many people are interested in iPet Companion because______________.

A. it can be used to kill time

B. it is easy to control online

C. it can meet all of their demands

D. they can show their love for faraway pets by using it

¡¾3¡¿Why do the pets stop playing the toys soon?

A. Pets are not clever enough to play the toys.

B. They don¡¯t receive rewards from the games.

C. Toys are played with too often at the same place.

D. Adult pets prevent young ones from playing the games.

¡¾4¡¿What can we infer from what Scott Harris said?

A. iPet Companion is only a kind of toy.

B. Kickstarter can be used in many other ways.

C. iPet Companion can actually be turned into a toy horse.

D. iPet Companion can look after pets while their owners are away.


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Have you ever gone to a music festival? During a summer holiday in Hungary, I went to attend my the first music festival. It was really an excitement to us! Since 2002 the Sziget Festival had been running every year in Budapest. It lasts for a week, which famous singers and bands from around the world perform very brilliant. In Hungarian the word ¡®sziget¡¯ mean island, which is a very appropriate name although the festival takes place on a large island in the middle of the Danube River in Budapest. Thousands people come on special ¡°party trains¡± from other country such as France and Italy.


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People always communicate with words.Do you think you can communicate with words?A smile on your face shows you are happily or friendly.Tears in eyes told others that you are sad.When you put down your hand in class, the teacher knows they want to say something.Other things can also express message.For example,a sign at the bus stop helps you know that which bus to take.Signs on the door tell you whether to go in and out.Have you ever seen that there is a lot of signs around you and that you receive messages from them all time?


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Nowadays, with the growing popularity of computers,


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Mrs Smith have been teaching us about kites. She told us that they were invented in China in more than 2,300 years ago. When our teacher asked us to design a kite it could fly, we started our pairs work at once.

First we collected the materials we need. Tara brought the big plastic bag to school. I persuaded my dad to let me have some masking tape that left over last week where we had been spraying the rusty(ÉúÐâµÄ)patch on the car. I also found some thin poles. But either Tara nor I could find any string at home, so we will get some for our pocket money on the way home tonight.

Li Ming


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¡¾ÌâÄ¿¡¿My best friends gave me a present in a box on my birthday. It was a little heavy, which made me very curiously. So I intended to open it at once but she prevented me do so. She said I mustn¡¯t open it until I went back home but gave me a naughty smile. Although there is a strong desire in my mind to know that was inside the box, I just did as she said. On the way to home, all I did was thinking about the puzzle. Finally I opened the box. It was a cup printing with a pink word ¡ª friendship. It was so lovely that I liked very much.

Now, every time I use a cup, I will think about her and the friendship between us.


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During the summer of 2001, I started reading books by English, mostly stories. I would learn a lot of new words from these books, but I had terribly problemsmemorizing them. I had to look up to the same wordmany times, for which was quite troublesome. I realizedI do need a way to remember all these new words. It wasa great success for myself. I started writing down words from books that I read. I would come back fromschool and then sit for an hour and two. I wrote down new words and added it to my collection. By the end of last year, my collection has grown to 3000 words.


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Study the following cartoon carefully and write an essay on the topic of loving our parents.

Your essay should meet the requirements below:

1. Describe the cartoon and the message conveyed.

2. Draw a conclusion and give your comments on the cartoon.

3. Word limit: 100-- 120 words.

