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  Pushy parents and teachers who “hothouse” the under-5s risk causing damage to the children’s long term development, a leading education expert said.

  Lilian Katz, Professor of Education at the University of Illinois, said that four-year-olds engaged in reading and writing went on to perform worse academically than those engaged in imaginative learning.They scored higher in tests at the age of 5, but children whose first year at school was stimulating outstripped them four years later.

  The findings suggest that the government's structured approach to early years' learning could be storing up problems for children.They also raise serious questions about the plan for all children to be able to read by the age of 6.

  In many countries formal teaching does not start until children are 6 or 7 and have improved their social and manual skills.Children start learning to read and write at 6 in the United States, France and Germany, and at 7 in Finland and Sweden.

  Professor Katz said that in many schools the courses were "boring children to tears".Much academic teaching required children to learn by memorizing pieces of information out of context, she said.Teaching in reception class should instead allow children to develop their intellect by exploring their environments and asking questions.

  "Research suggests the benefits of formal academic instruction for four- and five-year-olds seem to be promising when they are tested early, but considerably less so in the long term.When these children are followed over a period of three or more years, those who had early experience in more intellectually engaging curricula were more likely to do well in school than their peers, who had received early academic instruction." She advocates teaching children through first-hand experience and play, in mixed-aged classes.This can include puppet shows, drawing or running a pretend shop in the classroom.


According to the passage, those who “hothouse” the under-5s would probably ________.

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prefer a lot of interaction and stimulation while teaching


teach in a lively way to motivate kids’ interest


push the kids to memorize pieces of information


care about the kids’ physical development


What does the underlined word “ outstripped” in Paragraph 2 mean?

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did better than


looked down upon


caught up with


performed worse than


According to Lilian Katz, the government’s structured approach to early-years learning ________.

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is necessary for improving children’s reading and writing ability


needs to be improved to develop children’s academic ability


will cause problems to children in their future learning


has more advantages than disadvantages


The message the author wants to deliver through the passage is that formal teaching ________.

[  ]


can start at different times in different countries.


should not be started too early


is best carried out in Finland and Sweden


should include teaching children social and manual skills


Which of the following is NOT the opinion of Lilian Katz?

[  ]


Children should be taught through first-hand experience.


Learning in a mixed-age class is good for children.


Running a shop can help children get good marks.


Puppet shows and drawing are useful in teaching children.


科目:高中英语 来源:101网校同步练习 高一英语 外语教学与研究出版社 题型:050


  Your blood makes a round trip through your body in less than a minute, thousands of times a day.It travels through tubes called blood vessels.There are three main kinds of blood vessels-arteries, veins, and capillaries(毛细血管).When blood is pumped out of your heart it goes into your largest arteries.These branch into smaller arteries, which branch into still smaller ones.The blood flows from the smallest arteries into your capillaries.

  Capillaries are bridges between your arteries and your veins.They are the tiniest blood vessels, so small that you cannot see them without a microscope.Blood travels from the capillaries into tiny veins.These lead to larger and still larger veins.Finally, the largest veins take the blood back to your heart.

  Blood feeds your cells, cleans them, and works to keep them healthy.It carries food and oxygen to every cell of your body.The food and oxygen get into your cells by passing through the thin walls of your capillaries.

  Blood cleans all your cells by picking up wastes from them.The wastes pass from your cells, through the capillary walls, into your blood.The wastes called urea and uric acid are carried by the blood to your body and urine.The waste gas called carbon dioxide is carried by the blood to your lungs.It leaves your body when you breathe out.

  Blood also protects you.It has special cells in it that fight germs.The cells in your blood that fight germs are called“white cells”.These are like an army for your body.They kill harmful germs that get into your blood.When a large number of germs enter your body, the number of white cell“soldiers”grows.A lot of blood moves to the area where the germs are.The white cell soldiers attack the germs and kill them.The used white cells and dead germs form the thick yellow liquid called pus.If the pus is inside a sore on your skin, it may leak out.


How many round trips may your blood make through your body a day?

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500 times.


1 000 times.


1 440 times.


1 500 times.


How does blood travel around your body?

[  ]










Which one is TRUE?

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Blood can only protect you.


All the cells in the blood can fight germs.


Carbon dioxide leaves your body when you breathe out.


The food and oxygen can pass through the capillaries, but wastes can’t.


Which topic isn’t mentioned in the article?

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How does blood travel around your body?


Why do you need blood?


How do your special blood cells fight germs?


What are germs?


科目:高中英语 来源:福建省福州三中2012届高三第二次月考英语试题 题型:050


  Doctors Without Borders, which was set up in 1971 by.doctors and journalists in France, is a humanitarian(人道主义的)organization also known by its French name.Medecins Sans Frontieres, and handles emergencies caused by wars, infectious diseases and natural disasters.Today, the group provides humanitarian medical aid in nearly sixty countries.It has organizations in nineteen countries, including the United States, Australia, Canada, France and Germany.

  Ninety percent of its money comes from private sources.

  In 1999, the group received the Nobel Peace Prize.

  “Living in Emergency:Stories of Doctors Without Borders” is a documentary by movie director Mark Hopkins.It tells the story of four doctors and their volunteer work in Liberia and the Democratic Republic of Congo.

  Mr.Hopkins and his crew filmed the doctors working under some of the most extreme and dangerous conditions.

  Doctor Tom Krueger from the United States in the film volunteered in Liberia in 2003, after two civil wars.He said, “It was pretty much of a shock when I got here.You can't describe the smells, the feeling of the heat on your body and the sweat running down your back.The smell of the pus(脓)that hits your nose, and of unwashed bodies in a closed room."

  Another doctor ill the film, Australian Chris Brasheer, has been with Doctors Without Borders for nine years.He has served in the Democratic Republic of Congo and spent time in Liberia.Hs said, "No water, no electricity, no food-pretty apocalyptic really."

  Doctor Chiara Lepora from Italy also appears in the film.She spent several years working with the group.She said, "I will probably return.There are a lot of doctors who are willing to volunteer ones, but not many doctors who are willing to repeat their experience."


We can learn from the first apragraph that Doctors Without Borders is _________.

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an international organization that tries to find peaceful solutions to world Problems


an international organization that provides free medical aid and to the countries in trouble.


a popular movie about the doctors dealing with an unexpected and dangerous situation.


also called Medecins Sans Frontieres, which was started only by doctors in the early 1970s.


Which of the following is true about "Living in Emergency Stories of Doctors Without Borders"?

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It is a documentary movie about Mr.Hopkins and his crew


It tells the story of 4 doctors from the same country and their volunteer work


It is about how Doctors Without Borders was set up in France in the early 1970s


It was filmed in countries where people greatly suffer from starvation and thirst.


The underlined word "apocalyptic" in the fourth paragraph is connected with _________.

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the dangerous conditions


the end of the world


the smell of dead bodies


the great feeling of sadness


It can be inferred from the passage that _________.

[  ]


Mr.Hopkins is a member of Doctors Without Borders


Doctor Tom Krueger was in extreme fear when in Liberia


Doctor Chiara Lepora is unwilling to repeat her experience


the two civil wars in Liberia greatly influenced its economy

