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20.Best bike-sharing cities in the world
When Citi Bike rolled onto the streets of New York this Memorial Day,it was treated as a national event and even international media took notice.In advance of the launch,one blog post on Le Monde's website claimed,"Bike share to conquer America."
The next major development was in Copenhagen,which introduced a coin-operated system in 1995 called Bycyklen,or"City Bike."For 17 years,these bikes zipped through the streets of Denmark's capital until the program was shut down late last year-it's getting an upgrade to third generation technology.
Sponsored by media giant Clear Channel,the French city of Rennes brought the next generation of bike share to the world in 1998 by replacing coin operation with card access and electronic booths.From there the technology has progressed,picking up GPS and real-time tracking along the way,and has spread throughout Western Europe-and the world.
According to the Bike Sharing World Map,maintained by DeMaio and Russell Meddin of Bike Share Philadelphia,there are 553 bike share programs in operation worldwide and another 193 in planning or under construction.
And they're not just in Europe and North America.The worldwide leader in bike sharing,as measured by the number of bikes,is China.According to data collected by the Earth Policy Institute,20 of the 25 largest bike share programs are Chinese.Its largest one,in the city of Wuhan,has twice the number of bikes as all of France's shares combined.
Although most of the systems share several characteristics-bikes with low theft value,electronic docking stations,ranked payment scales-different cities are trying different ways to make bike sharing work.
Take a look at Hangzhou,China,this city of 6.2 million near Shanghai,and you'll see what just may be the best bike share in the world.Although now second on the planet (and China) by size,the Hangzhou Public Bicycle system is one of the densest shares,and probably the most extensively used one,anywhere,largely because of its mixing into public transport:a single card grants access to subway,bus,ferry,taxi and bike share.Residents and tourists alike can put down a deposit of 200 Chinese Yuan (about 33)andrideforanhourforfreeinthissceniccityontheYangtzeDelta.Eachadditionalhouristheequalofonly0.15-one reason why riders put in a quarter-million rides a day.By 2020 it's projected to have 175,000 bikes.
71.What does the blogger mean by the underlined part"Bike share to conquer America."?C
A.Bike share is a national event.B.Bike share attracts international media.
C.Bike share is popular in America.D.America is a kingdom of bikes.
72.In 1995 citizens in the French city of Rennes can get access to bike shareAA.by putting coins into the system                             
B.by inserting a card into the system
C.by showing ID card to the booths                           
D.by boarding the docking station
73.Which of the following countries has the most bikes?D
74.Which of the following statements is TRUE about bike share?C
A.No thief will steal bikes
B.The payment is the same among cities.
C.Any city has her own way to operate it
D.There is no competition between cities.
75.If you tour in Hangzhou you can find the bike share there isB.
A.the most advanced in the world                              
B.a most successful example
C.free for local people                                                    
D.available at scenic spots.

分析 本文主要介绍了世界最好的分享自行车的城市,以及各自的分享自行车的办法.

解答 C A D C B
71:C  句意理解题. 根据第一段中的"it was treated as a national event and even international media took notice"可知,自行车共享在美国很受欢迎,故选C.
72:A  推理判断题. 根据第二段中的"which introduced a coin-operated system in 1995 called Bycyklen"以及第三段首句可知,1995年时自行车采用的是硬币操作系统,1998年时才可以用卡.因此可知1995年在法国城市雷恩人们是通过投币来使用自行车共享的.
73:D   细节理解题. 根据第五段中的"The worldwide leader in bike-sharing,as measured by the number of bikes,is China."可知拥有世界上最多自行车的国家是中国,故选D.
74:C   推理判断题. 根据第六段中的"different cities are trying different ways to make bike-sharing work"可知不同的城市有不同的管理自行车的办法,故选C.
75:B   细节理解题. 根据最后一段中的"you'll see what just may be the best bike share in the world"可知,杭州的自行车共享是世界上做得最好的,故它是一个最成功的例子,选B项.

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科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:选择题

19.-Tom has been working for more than 9hours!
-He _________be very tired.(  )
A.willB.mustC.has toD.shall


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

11.Now many people strive to be a follower of the LOHAS movement.LOHAS means"lifestyles of health and sustainability."This term was coined in 2000by two American scholars.
Lohasians believe in leading a healthy lifestyle that is actively involved in preserving the earth's environment and resources.According to Lohasians,respect for one'own mental and physical health should exist in parallel with care for the earth's ecology.They believe their actions,in this way,can have a positive effect on our global environment,and might be able to minimize the negative effects of people's mindless and selfish consumption.
Take organic foods for example.Lohasians prefer them,not only because they are chemical-free and good for the human body,but also because they are cultivated using natural fertilizers,which do not harm the soil.Even more Lohasians turn to locally grown produce,the transportation of which consumes far less than that of imported goods.As global warming has become a universal concern,Lohasians are anxious to find ways to cut down on energy consumption.
Indeed,Lohasians are always considering the long-term impact of their behavior on the planet.As more consumers are adopting LOHAS values,this growing trend has dawned on the corporate world and they begin to practice responsible capitalism,which means providing goods and services using environmentally friendly and economically sustainable business practices.For instance,Coca-Cola's efforts in the area of sustainable packaging focus mainly on"using and reduce its impact on the environment.As a result,the company saved 89,000metric tons of glass in 2007alone,and,therefore,reduced carbon dioxide emissions to a level equivalent to that of the planting of more than 13,000acres of trees.
Clearly,LOHAS values have become a significant trend in the world today.Individual or corporate"cultural creative"are promoting these values by challenging old traditions and habits,and building new lifestyles.Although whether these practices will bring immediate confident that these practices will bring immediate benefits to the environment and the health of people today remains unknown,Lohasians are confident that these practices will benefit their children and future generations.All individuals should evolve into Lohasians and take action to save the planet,before it is too late.
(Note:Answer the questions or complete the statements in NO MORE THAN TWELVE WORDS.)

78.Lohasians are convinced that through their responsible actions,The negative effects of people's mindless and selfishc onsumption might be reduced to a minimum.
79.Why is locally grown produce favoured by Lohasians?Because they use chemical-free and good for the human body,using natural fertilizers
80.Consumers'growing trend of LOHAS values has inspired companies toprovide goods and services using environmentally friendly.
81.In terms of their practices,Lohasians are not sure ofwhether these practices will bring immediate benefits to the environment and the health of people.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

8.Televisions were among the most talked about items at the 2013 International Consumer Electronics Show last week in Las Vegas,Nevada.Some employed the most advanced technology ever.
Some of the TVs used a new technology called Organic Light Emitting Diodes,or OLED.They were thinner,lighter,offered better color and were brighter than traditional LEDs.Smart TVs this year were smarter.Many offered technology that let users have a more personalized experience.One such TV from the electronics company TCL uses sensors and voice recognition to determine who is watching.It then offers programming based on the specific user.Another TV from Panasonic offers a similar personalized user experience.
In addition to television technology,size also played a major part in CES 2013.Televisions varied in size from big to bigger,with at least two companies-Samsung and HiSense-exhibiting TVs measuring 110 inches.
The yearly Consumer Electronics Show is the biggest technology trade show in North America and one of the biggest in the world.
Gary Shapiro is president and CEO of the Consumer Electronics Association,the group that organizes CES.He gave one of the keynote speeches on opening day.
"Now you know that CES is more than a trade show.It's a gathering of the brightest minds and the top leaders from many industries and those seeking a glimpse into the future."
That glimpse into the future included a look at digital health and fitness devices,which were also big at CES 2013.There were devices that track your activity and others that measure blood pressure,heart rate and weight.There was even a fork that tells you when you are eating too fast.
Cars,smart-phones,tablet computers and PCs also made news.And a 27-inch table computer drew quite a bit of attention.
CEA President Gary Shapiro says there was much to see but not nearly enough time to see it all."You cannot see the show in the four days that you have.We have over 3200 different industries showing over 20,000 new products.It's absolutely incredible."
61.At the 2013 CES,which item drew the most attention?D
62.From the text,we can know that the TV from PanasonicC
A.is bigger than the others             
B.uses the technology of OLED
C.offers a personalized experience          
D.can track your activity
63.What can we know from Gary Shapiro?B
A.CES is only a big trade show
B.CES offers a glimpse into the future.
   C.CES lasts only four days in all
D.He thinks little of the new products'quality.
64.At the CES,the biggest TV in size might be fromA
A.HiSense        B.Panasonic           C.TCL         D.CEA
65.From the passage we can infer thatB
A.the CES is held every 4 years
B.at the 2013 CES,the TV section was crowded
C.if you watch TV every day,you needn't see a doctor
D.tablet computers drew more attention at the 2013 CES.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

15.A failed plot to kill Barack Obama,uncovered by US federal agents recently,has reminded people of the ideas that some humans associate with simple numbers.
Two white American Neo-Nazi racists (新纳粹种族主义者) had planned to kill 88African Americans,before finally assassinating (暗杀) Obama.The number"88"is equated with"HH",initials (首字母) for the Nazi greeting,"Heil Hitler"."H"is the eighth letter of the alphabet.
Many people were not familiar with the Neo-Nazi importance of 88,but associations attached to other numbers are more well-known,if not always believed.The number 13,for instance,is considered deeply unlucky.
In the US,many buildings do not have a floor numbered 13.They instead label it 12A,or use the letter M,which is the 13th letter in the English alphabet.New York's John F.Kennedy International airport does not have a gate number 13.And the popular Irish flight carrier,Ryan Air,has banished (摒弃) row 13from all its planes.
Last year when Brussels Airline put 13dots in their new logo,the flood of complaints was so vast the airline was forced to change their"unlucky logo"and add an additional dot.
The fear comes from a Bible story,which states that Judas Iscariot,the disciple (门徒) who betrayed (出卖) Jesus,was the 13th to sit at the table in the Last Supper.
But the most fascinating fear of the number relates to Friday the 13th.It's a day of double bad luck.In the US,many people would not schedule a wedding for Friday the 13th.According to the Stress Management Center and Phobia Institute in the US,an estimated 17to 21million Americans are affected by a fear of this day.

51.From the first two paragraphs,we can know thatC.
A.a lot of Americans want to kill Barack Obama
B.the number 88is equated with 13
C.there are still racists in the US
D.the two white Americans had killed 88African Americans before killing Barack Obama
52.When you go aboard the Ryan Air,you will probably find thatD.
A.row 13is replaced with 12A
B.there is no gate 13
C.passengers complain that there is 13dots on its logo
D.none of their planes have row 13
53.If you are in the US,you will probably notA.
A.live on the 13th floor   B.attend a wedding on Saturday the 14th
C.see a floor numbered 3   D.have an M floor
54.From the passage,we can know that the Brussels AirlineB.
A.doesn't have row 13                B.has 14dots on its logo
C.has no flight take off on Fridays   D.was once stuck in a flood
55.From the last paragraph but one,we can learn thatD.
A.Jesus wrote the Bible
B.Judas was the 13th disciple of Jesus
C.Judas read a Bible story in the Last Supper
D.Judas betrayed Jesus.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

5.What is politeness?This sounds like a simple question.In daily life,we often make judgments about what is polite and what is not polite.For example,to offer your seat to the elderly on a bus is considered polite behavior,and to interrupt when someone is talking is considered impolite; to greet someone the first time you meet him in the morning is polite and to stand up to reach for the dish you want at a dinner table is impolite.So politeness can first of all be regarded as a phenomenon,an observable social phenomenon.
What I would like to propose is that as an observable social phenomenon,politeness is something superficial,but to account for what is understood at the surface,we should dig into the depth where different cultural values are rooted.
When being complimented (赞美),an English-speaking person would readily accept the compliment by saying something like"Thank you"to show his appreciation of the praise,but a Chinese speaker would try to deny the truth of the compliment.They both think they are behaving properly.Yet neither of them would think the other is being polite.The English speaker is being polite to the extent that by accepting and showing appreciation of the compliment,and he avoids hurting the positive face of the person who makes it; the Chinese speaker is showing modesty by Denigrating(贬低) himself,ignoring the fact of the compliment paid to him.As has been mentioned,self-denigration has been at the core of the Chinese understanding of politeness for over two thousand years.The Chinese,in order to show modesty,will go to such lengths as to underrate what he himself has achieved and deny the truth of a complimentary remark.

29.According to the first paragraph,politeness can be briefly described asD
A.proper social phenomena             
B.being modest
C.showing appreciation               
D.an observable social phenomenon
30.In the author's opinion,the nature of politeness lies inC.
A.something superficial
B.what is understood at the surface
C.different cultural values
D.the root of different thoughts
31.Which of the following is TRUE?C
A.Chinese speakers dislike being complimented.
B.English-speaking people are reluctant to accept compliment.
C.Chinese tend to show politeness and modesty by denying the truth of praise.
D.Chinese people think highly of British politeness while English people think poorly of  Chinese politeness.
32.What's the author's attitude towards Chinese politeness?A


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

12.The connection shared by grandparents and grandchildren is something very special and despite the changing family situation,it still remains strong across generations.For most of us,our grandparents were our first best friends,the ones with whom we shared our secrets and our pain.
In majority of the cases,grandparents would have babysat their grandchildren while parents were busy working and didn't have much time for their children.Even as a kid grows up,the love and affection for grandparents never dies,and for many teens,visiting grandparents or living with them in the same house is a pleasure.Kedar Patwary,a mass communication student,says,"I often end up having long conversations with my grandfather about the evolution of Indian society and I really admire him for the patience with which he answers all my questions."
     Many teenagers feel that their parents treat them as grown-ups,while their grandparents give them much freedom.
Leela Narayanan,a grandmother.says that she loves to pamper her grandchildren and cook favorite dishes for them.She further adds that her eldest granddaughter,who is now 19,was brought up by her till she was four and the closeness they shared remains the same even now.
     At times,the gap m generations plays a negative role,when grandparents find it difficult adjusting to the modern lifestyle.Technology is what works against this relationship.Youngsters'eing crazy about with gadgets leaves them with no time for their loved ones.
     Maria Kutty,is a grandmother t0 12 kids.Her face lights up every time her grandchildren are mentioned.But she has one complaint."All my children stay close to me but when they come to visit and I want to spend time with them,I can't find them anywhere.They only have time for clickety-clackety things in their hands.Sometimes they listen to loud music and talk about things I don't understand.I feel very sad when I think of all those times,"she says.
21.The author uses Kedar Patwary as an exampleC.
A.to show Indian society is full of perfect harmony
B.to stress all the children admire their grandparents
C.to show grandparents get on well with grandchildren
D.to indicate grandparents are all good babysitters
22.What does the underlined word"pamper"mean in the passage?A
23.The gap generation sometimes is negative becauseC.
A.grandchildren can't fit in with modern lifestyle
B.grandparents are eager to know more technology
C.grandchildren are addicted to their digital products
D.grandparents spared no time with their grandchildren
24.How does the author develop the passage?A
A.By giving example.
B.By following the order of time.
C.By making comparisons.
D.By his personal experience.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

9.A winter wonderland on the outskirts of Quebec City has become one of Canada's hottest attractions and most sought out accommodations.Guests stay close for warmth in sleeping bags on beds of ice,hats pulled over their ears to prevent frostbite,while sipping cocktails (鸡尾酒) in glasses also made of ice.
A cool place to host a memorable wedding or for a romantic getaway,the Quebec Ice Hotel has attracted 600,000 curious tourists,including 30,000 who stayed overnight,since opening seasonally 11 years ago.Like Victoria and Jeremy Martin,dozens of couples will exchange vows (誓约) this winter in a temporary church next to the hotel,sculpted entirely from blocks of ice with seats covered in furs.
Average temperatures fall below minus 20 degrees C (minus four F) in winter,but inside the hotel's 36 rooms it is relatively cozy.Thick walls of packed snow and ice act as an insulator,trapping body heat inside.Each room is uniquely decorated,using designs created by Quebec architecture students.Two hotel bars also sell special cocktails in ice glasses.
First-time guests of the hotel,however,are recommended to stay only one night as sleeping in sub-zero temperatures is not very refreshing.This year for the first time the ice hotel has teamed up with a bricks and concrete Quebec City hotel to offer packages for one-night accommodations at each.Prices for one night only at the ice hotel start at 200 US dollars per person.
The 3,000-square-metre (32,300-square-feet) buildings take six weeks starting in December to build,using 15,000 tonnes of snow and 500 tonnes of ice,at a cost of some 750,000 US dollars.Eleven weeks after its seasonal grand opening,the hotel will close on March 27 and then melt away with the arrival of spring.
56.What is true with the ice hotel?D
A.630,000 people have visited it
B.30,000 people visit it each year.
C.It has stayed open for many years
D.Wedding ceremonies are often held there.
57.The underlined word"insulator"in Paragraph 3 possibly refers to something thatA
A.stops heat passing through   it          B.collects and reflects light and heat 
C.makes things become very cold            D.works like an air-conditioner
58.What can we learn about the hotel rooms?B
A.It can be-20°C inside.B.The temperature is always below 0°C.
C.The rooms all look alike.D.Each room costs $200 per night.
59.First-time guests are advised to stay there only one night becauseA.
A.they may not be able to stand the cold
B.their other night is with an ordinary hotel
C.new guests have less advantages over old ones
D.the first-day service is just for a test run
60.If you choose to visit the ice hotel during the Christmas season,you'll findB
A.it doesn't exist at all                
B.it is just being built
C.most of its rooms are vacant        
D.it is crowded with guests.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

10.What Is a Boy?
    Between the innocence of babyhood and the seriousness of manhood we find a delightful creature called a"boy".Boys come in different sizes,weights,and colors,but all boys have the same belief:to enjoy every second of every minute of every hour of every day and to fill the air with noise until the adult males pack them off to bed at night.
Boys are found everywhere-on top of,under,inside of,climbing on,swinging from,running around,or jumping to. Mothers spoil them,little girls hate them,older sisters and brothers love them,and God protects them. A boy is TRUTH with dirt on its face,BEAUTY with a cut on its finger,WISDOM with chocolate in its hair,and the HOPE of the future with a snake in its pocket.
When you are busy,a boy is a trouble-maker and a noise. When you want him to make a good impression,his brain turns to jelly or else he becomes a wild creature bent on destroying the world and himself with it.
A boy is a mixture-he has the stomach of a horse,the digestion of stones and sand,the energy of an atomic bomb,the curiosity of a cat,the imagination of a superman,the shyness of a sweet girl,the brave nature of a bull,the violence of a firecracker,but when you ask him to make something,he has five thumbs on each hand.
He likes ice cream,knives,saws,Christmas,comic books,woods,water (in its natural habitat),large animals,Dad,trains,Saturday mornings,and fire engines. He is not much for Sunday schools,company,schools,books without pictures,music lessons,neckties,barbers,girls,overcoats,adults,or bedtime.
Nobody else is so early to rise,or so late to supper. Nobody else gets so much fun out of trees,dogs,and breezes. Nobody else can put into one pocket a rusty knife,a half eaten apple,a three-feet rope,six cents and some unknown things.
A boy is a magical creature-he is your headache but when you come home at night with only destroyed pieces of your hopes and dreams,he can mend them like new with two magic words,"Hi,Dad!"
41.The whole passage is in a tone ofA.
A.humor and affection                     
B.respect and harmony
C.ambition and expectation             
D.confidence and imagination
42.By saying"he has five thumbs on each hand.",the author meansB        
A.he has altogether five fingers              
B.he is slow,foolish and clumsy
C.he becomes clever and smart          
D.he cuts his hand with a knife
43.According to the writer,boys appreciate everything in the following exceptD.
A.ice cream                          
B.comic books        
C.Saturday mornings                    
D.Sunday schools
44.What does the writer feel about boys?C
A.He feels curious about their noise.     
B.He is fed up with these creatures.
C.He is amazed by their naughtiness.     
D.He feels unsafe staying with them.

