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With doubts _______ through my mind, I felt it necessary to carry out a research.

A.to run B.run

C.running D.having run


科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年湖北荆州中学高二上期中英语试卷(解析版) 题型:其他题

1.When John opened the door, a girl he had never seen before. (stand)


2.Such a difficult question that none of us could come up with any solutions. (put)


3. , we will finish reviewing all the lessons we’ve learned in the past three years. (give)


4.With in his hand, he looked for them everywhere. (hold)


5.It was cold and damp; the man pulled up his collar and put his hands to his . (freeze)



科目:高中英语 来源:2015-2016学年四川成都七中实验学校高一上学期10月月考英语试卷(解析版) 题型:短文改错







Yesterday I answered telephone from my teacher in junior middle school, Mr. Li, which full name

is Li Ming, a Chinese teacher. I loved her lessons very much. But when I went into school as a child, I don’t like Chinese lessons. After he began to teach me, I changed a lot, but then I respect him very much. Sometime I thought he was my father, and I told him a lot of my personal things, and asked him for some advices.

He never felt tired and helped me to find out the best way to solve(解决) problems that I was looking forward to solve, so I’m always willing to learn many knowledge form him. He is not only my best teacher but also my best friend. I won’t forget him to for ever.


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年北京市西城区高三二模英语试卷(解析版) 题型:阅读理解

Summer Rain

The worst days of any summer are the rainy ones. We spend all year looking forward to nice weather and long, hot days. All of winter, with its cloudy days and bitter cold, we dream of those endless days at the beach, lying on the sand and enjoying the bright and burning sun. And then, summer comes, and it rains.

As a child, I would wake up to rainy summer days and come close to crying. It wasn’t fair. We suffered through months of school and experienced bad weather for those short ten weeks of freedom and pleasant weather.

On those rainy summer days, I had nothing fun to do and could only sit inside, staring out at the rain like a bird in a cage. I was an only child, so there was no one else to play with. My father worked from home, so I was not truly alone, but he could not actively play with me since he was at work. It was those days that I would watch whatever was on television or read any books that I could find lying around. I’d drag through the day and pray each night that the rain would not be there the next day.

As an adult, though, my opinion of summer rain has changed. When you have to work every day, summer is not as exciting. Everything seems dull. Such a mindset makes you cheer for anything new or different. I spend the winter dreaming of summer and the summer dreaming of winter. When summer comes, I hate how hot it is. And then I look forward to the rain, because the rain brings with it a cold front, which makes me comfortable. Rainy days are still the worst days of the summer, but summer rain today means positively beautiful—and considerably cooler—weather tomorrow.

1.When the author was a child, he ______.

A. hated rainy days

B. liked staying indoors

C. preferred cooler weather

D. dreamed on summer days

2.We can learn from the passage that the author ______.

A. had no brothers or sisters

B. was often left alone at home

C. could enjoy the brilliant sun in winter

D. preferred reading to playing outside

3.As an adult, the author views summer rain differently because ______.

A. he knows it won’t last long

B. rain makes the weather cooler

C. his summer holiday is very short

D. he can better deal with his downtime


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年北京市海淀区高三下学期期中练习英语试卷(解析版) 题型:单项填空

Prince William took a visit to the Forbidden City on Feb. 28, ______ emperors once lived.

A. which B. whose C. where D. when


科目:高中英语 来源:2013-2014学年北京市西城区高三二模英语试卷(解析版) 题型:完形填空

第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,共30分)

阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D 四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。

My class and I visited Chris Care Center in Phoenix, Arizona to comfort the old people who needed a little cheering up during the holiday season.

The first two there were for persons requiring help in taking care of themselves. We sang for them. They loved our sweet songs and the flowers that we left with them. As we were on the third floor for old people with Alzheimer (老年痴呆症), most of them off at the walls or floor. However, one lady my eye. She was sitting by the door, in a wheelchair, singing songs to herself. They weren’the songs that we were singing, at least they didn’t like that. As we got with each festive song, she did as well. The louder we got, the louder she got. she was singing, she was also out to us with her hands and body. I knew that I should have gone over to her, but I thought that my were to my students. People who worked at the care center could to her, I thought. Just when I stopped feeling about not giving her the attention she needed, one of my students, Justin, showed me what the holiday season is really about.

Justin also the same lady. The difference between us is that he on her needs, but I didn’t. During the last song, “Silent Night,” Justin walked over to her and held her hand. He looked this aged lady in her and with his actions said, “You are important, and I will take my to let you know that.” This tired, elderly lady stopped singing and held his hand. Then she touched his cheek with the other hand. Tears began to fall down her face. No can completely describe that touching moment...

It a boy to teach me, a man, about kindness and love. Justin’s example of a complete, selfless attitude toward another was a that I will never forget. He was the teacher that day, and I consider myself to have witnessed his lesson.来

1.A. rooms B. buildings C. floors D. groups

2.A. bravely B. shyly C. madly D. beautifully

3.A. dancing B. meeting C. gathering D. singing

4.A. stared B. shut C. paid D. glared

5.A. looked B. caught C. escaped D. hurt

6.A. appear B. hear C. sound D. feel

7.A. louder B. nearer C. faster D. higher

8.A. Because B. As C. Since D. Though

9.A. moving B. reaching C. coming D. spreading

10.A. interests B. abilities C. feeling s D. responsibilities

11.A. speak B. object C. attend D. compare

12.A. afraid B. sure C. guilty D. scary

13.A. feared B. avoided C. helped D. noticed

14.A. called B. acted C. insisted D. kept

15.A. tears B. hands C. eyes D. face

16.A. time B. flower C. body D. cheek

17.A. words B. poems C. expressions D. songs

18.A. took B. wasted C. caused D. made

19.A. message B. lesson C. activity D. class

20.A. clever B. foolish C. right D. lucky


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年湖北黄冈中学高二下期末考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:完形填空

Early Native American groups lived in different cultural areas. Their environments had resources. Each group made particular products or developed certain skills, besed on their own As they perfected their skills, exciting began to happen. For the first time in their history, they had more things than they

They wouldn’t let their products go to , of course. When Native American groups began to communicate with each other, they began to things they wanted or needed. The they traded goods and services without using any form of money was called bartering. Thanks to bartering, people began to enjoy a better of life. To barter with others meant that work became much . No one group had to work as hard to make or find everything they needed for survival.

Native American groups would often travel long distances for the chance to with each other. In between trading times, they would or collect extra products. They kept them especially for the purpose of bartering with other native groups at their trade meetings.

Another of trading between cultural areas was that people could enjoy products that were to make with the resources in their own . For example, people from the Desert Southwest area tools made from whalebone(鲸须). There was no whalebone available in the . However they could get it from the natives living in the Pacific Northwest area.

Some people use bartering today to get things the need. You might to do the dishes for your brother if he will take you to the movies. Especially in hard economic people return to this way of getting things they need.

1.A.strange B.ordinary C.similar D.different

2.A.skills B.interests C.resources D.customs

3.A.everything B.something C.anything D.nothing

4.A.found B.collected C.needed D.sold

5.A.market B.town C.waste D.charity

6.A.buy B.share C.produce D.save

7.A.way B.idea C.plan D.study

8.A.variety B.habit C.quantity D.quality

9.A.harder B.dirtier C.easier D.nicer

10.A.greet B.trade C.work D.play

11.A.use B.create C.send D.advertise

12.A.choice B.trouble C.benefit D.pleasure

13.A.illegal B.necessary C.impossible D.natural

14.A.desert B.trade C.group D.area

15.A.designed B.wanted C.discovered D.invented

16.A.water B.sea C.desert D.1and

17.A.yet B.still C.even D.never

18.A.fear B.earn C.offer D.refuse

19.A.development B.generation C.disadvantage D.times

20.A.age-old B.world-famous C.new-born D.ready-made


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年湖南省怀化市高三一模考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:其他题

Chinese parents are very generous when it comes to educating their children.Not caring about the money, parents often send their children to the best schools or even abroad to England, the US or Australia.They also want their children to take extra course activities where they will either learn a musical instrument or ballet, or other classes that will give them a head start in life.The Chinese believe that the more expensive an education is, the better it is.So parents will spend unreasonable amount of money on education.Even poor couples will buy computers for their sons or daughters.

However, what most parents fail to see is that the best education they can give to their children is usually very cheap.

Parents can see that their children’s skills vary, skilled in some areas while poor in others.What most parents fail to realize though, is that today’s children lack self respect and self confidence.

The reasons are that parents are only educating their children on how to take multiple choice tests and how to study well, but parents are not teaching them the most important skills: they need to be confident, happy and clever.

Parents can achieve this by teaching practical skills like cooking, sewing and doing other housework.

Teaching a child to cook will improve many of the skills that he will need later in life.Cooking demands patience and time.It is an enjoyable but difficult experience.A good cook always tries to improve his cooking, so he will learn to work hard and gradually finish his job successfully.His result, a well cooked dinner, will give him much satisfaction and a lot of confidence.These activities are not only teaching a child to work, but rather to think, and to use his mind.And that is more important.


科目:高中英语 来源:2014-2015学年北京市朝阳区高三一模考试英语试卷(解析版) 题型:完形填空


Appeal to Emotion(情感)

My childhood left three months ago on a plane to Austria.

It was a day when my baby cousins moved away.My cousins were a fundamental part of my life; they were not with me,they were on my mind.They brought back the untroubled days of my childhood, games,adventures and silliness,but they also helped me from an at-times selfish teenager into a responsible adult.

My aunt and uncle moved here from Boston with their 1-year-old daughter Yasmeen.They lived in an apartment on the side of our house and I was to have our family,especially a baby girl,so close to us.Yasmeen had close friendships with each of my sisters,but I knew the one that between us was the strongest.As she began to walk on her own and talk in full sentences,I realized my great upon her.I noticed that she’d some of my unpleasant actions, with her mother after I had done the same.Yasmeen made me realize what being a good really was.

When Maya was born,Yasmeen had a hard time .She was jealous(妒忌)of the attention we all paid to her new younger sister,so I did my best to keep her company when she might have not been .Once Yasmeen overcame her jealousy,she was able to Maya’s presence,like we all did.I tried to take advantage of our times together,doing my best to my schedule for my two favorite people.

My with Yasmeen and Maya has taught me the importance of influential people.I know that I have helped Yasmeen and Maya ,but “the babies” have had an even greater influence on my own life.They have shown me how to be a parent,a sister,a child,and most importantly,a friend.Our has made me a better person—a more patient person,with the ability to endless questions and spilled(洒)juice; an person,able to have fun and be happy with others; a role model, the babies ideas about right and wrong,and a compassionate person,able to forgive and love.

1.A.sad B.busy C.fine D.relaxing

2.A.until B.before C.when D.unless

3.A.against B.through C.besides D.for

4.A.lead B.challenge C.mature D.encourage

5.A.overjoyed B.embarrassed C.surprised D.afraid

6.A.ended B.started C.survived D.developed

7.A.pressure B.dependence C.mercy D.influence

8.A.doubt B.regret C.copy D.guide

9.A.debating B.arguing C.negotiating D.checking

10.A.leader B.partner C.friend D.example

11.A.sharing B.adjusting C.recognizing D.struggling

12.A.noticed B.admired C.comforted D.protected

13.A.ignore B.mind C.sense D.enjoy

14.A.affect B.accept C.free D.ruin

15.A.instruction B.experiment C.experience D.interview

16.A.grow B.succeed C.think D.behave

17.A.meeting B.relationship C.responsibility D.respect

18.A.review B.tolerate C.repeat D.avoid

19.A.honest B.independent C.aggressive D.enthusiastic

20.A.showing B.writing C.awarding D.permitting

