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In the final ________(分析)I think our sympathy lies with the heroine of the play. 


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

As dangerous as sharks may have seed to people after watching Jaws, which was released on June 20,1975, the recent disastrous decrease in their numbers show that people have proven far more dangerous to sharks.

    This disastrous decline is due in large part to commercial fishing of sharks. “The market for

shark fins(鱼翅)in East Asia opened up thanks to changes in their economy, increasing their

ability to spend money on things such as shark fin soup,” Burgess said.

However, the biggest worry for sharks and their relatives, the skates and rays, which are suffering a similar fate, “is how they are killed incidentally when fishermen try and take other fish—the problem of bycatch(渔业混获),” Burgess explained. “They may be thrown back afterward, but they’re still dead.”

The key of the problems behind bringing sharks back is that “they’re not the same as other fish,” Burgess said, “Sharks are slow growing and slow to reach maturity. Sharks are live bearers, which means females keep their young in their body just like us, but instead of nine months, it takes 12 to 18 months or more in sharks. Also, sharks generally can’t give birth again until a year after they’ve given birth—sometimes they’re on a three-year cycle. So once you get a shark population knocked down, this ‘life in the slow lane’ means that recovery is measured in decades rather than years.”\

Burgess said, “I’m on the recovery team for it, but the recovery plan for that is over the course of 100 years. So I won’t see them recover, nor will you, nor will your children. That’s what it means when these animals go down—they’re down a long time.”

Any measures aimed at saving sharks must not only consider byeatch, “which is the real killer right now,” but also encourage interactional cooperation, Burgess said.

“Sharks are very migratory, and many species cross borders,” he said. “We can protect them only by getting many govemment to come aboard. That’s the hardest part about this.”

The text mainly tells us       .

       A.shark fins are valuable    B.sharks are dangerous

       C.bycatch brings bad effects       D.sharks are in danger

The number of sharks is decreasing mostly because of      .

       A.the film Jaws          B.commercial interests

       C.changes in economy D.shark fin soup

Bringing sharks back is difficult because      .

       A.they’re like the other fish      

       B.their reproductive rate is slow

       C.they can’t give birth again     

       D.their life cycle is only 3 years

What can be concluded from the last paragraph?

       A.Sharks live the way human beings do.

       B.It’s time many govemments cooperate.

       C.Sharks’ migration takes a very long time.

       D.Bycatch shouldn’t be forbidden by intemational laws.

The test is most probably a        .

       A.newspaper ad          B.book review

       C.science news report  D.science fiction story


科目:高中英语 来源:贵州省云峰中学09-10学年度高二下学期3月月考试英语 题型:阅读理解

Are you afraid of sharks? You shouldn’t be! Below we cleared up the main myths about one of the world’s most perfectly formed creatures …
All sharks are the same.
This is absolutely not true. There are nearly four hundred species of sharks and they vary widely in habitat, size, features, diet and lifestyle. They range from the cigar shark, which is about 15 centimetres long, to the whale shark, which can be up to about nine meters long. More than 50 percent of sharks are less than a metre long and more than 90 percent are less than two metres long. And their habitat ranges from shallow to deep water and from the Arctic to the Tropic.
This is not true, either. In fact, many shark populations are decreasing. The chief reason for this is that hundreds of thousands of them are caught in fishing nets. Depending on where they are caught. They are either killed for their fins(鳍), which are used in shark’s fin soup, or they are tossed back into the sea because they are unwanted. Almost all sharks which are discarded in this way die. Also, sharks mature late in life and produce very few young. If the current reduction in numbers continues, the ecological balance of the oceans will be severely threatened.
Sharks will always attack you
This is nonsense. The chances of being attacked by a shark are minimal. You are 250 times more likely to be killed by lightning than by a shark, and your chances of being killed by lightning are practically zero.
However, if you are planning to take a swim in shark territory, then follow these simple rules:
Avoid swimming at dawn or duck when visibility decreases.
Avoid areas where there are breaking waves. Turbulent(汹涌的) water makes it difficult for sharks to see and determine whether you are prey(猎物).
Do not wear jewellery in the water. Sharks are attracted to shiny fishes, and jewellery may resemble their scales(鳞片).
Do not swim near schools of small fish, which are the favorite food of some sharks.
68. The underlined word “myths” in the first paragraph means ____.
A. an idea or story that many people believe but which is not true   
B. something that is impossible to understand or explain or about which little is known
C. a feeling of surprise        
D. something that you are curious to know 
69. From the passage we can learn sharks ____.
A. look alike B. are dangerous   
C. usually live in deep sea    D. hardly attack people
70. Which of the following is proper for the blank in the third paragraph?
A. Sharks’ fin soup is nutritious                
B. There are too many sharks in the sea
C. Many shark populations are decreasing  
D. Sharks produce many young
71. Which of the following rules should you follow when you’re going to swim in shark areas?
A. Don’t swim before day breaks.              
B. Choose areas where there are big waves.
C. Wear something shiny when swimming.
D. Choose areas where there are many small fish.


科目:高中英语 来源:贵州省09-10学年度高二下学期3月月考试英语 题型:阅读理解


Are you afraid of sharks? You shouldn’t be! Below we cleared up the main myths about one of the world’s most perfectly formed creatures …

All sharks are the same.

This is absolutely not true. There are nearly four hundred species of sharks and they vary widely in habitat, size, features, diet and lifestyle. They range from the cigar shark, which is about 15 centimetres long, to the whale shark, which can be up to about nine meters long. More than 50 percent of sharks are less than a metre long and more than 90 percent are less than two metres long. And their habitat ranges from shallow to deep water and from the Arctic to the Tropic.


This is not true, either. In fact, many shark populations are decreasing. The chief reason for this is that hundreds of thousands of them are caught in fishing nets. Depending on where they are caught. They are either killed for their fins(鳍), which are used in shark’s fin soup, or they are tossed back into the sea because they are unwanted. Almost all sharks which are discarded in this way die. Also, sharks mature late in life and produce very few young. If the current reduction in numbers continues, the ecological balance of the oceans will be severely threatened.

Sharks will always attack you

This is nonsense. The chances of being attacked by a shark are minimal. You are 250 times more likely to be killed by lightning than by a shark, and your chances of being killed by lightning are practically zero.

However, if you are planning to take a swim in shark territory, then follow these simple rules:

Avoid swimming at dawn or duck when visibility decreases.

Avoid areas where there are breaking waves. Turbulent(汹涌的) water makes it difficult for sharks to see and determine whether you are prey(猎物).

Do not wear jewellery in the water. Sharks are attracted to shiny fishes, and jewellery may resemble their scales(鳞片).

Do not swim near schools of small fish, which are the favorite food of some sharks.

68. The underlined word “myths” in the first paragraph means ____.

A. an idea or story that many people believe but which is not true   

B. something that is impossible to understand or explain or about which little is known

C. a feeling of surprise        

D. something that you are curious to know 

69. From the passage we can learn sharks ____.

A. look alike B. are dangerous   

C. usually live in deep sea    D. hardly attack people

70. Which of the following is proper for the blank in the third paragraph?

A. Sharks’ fin soup is nutritious                

B. There are too many sharks in the sea

C. Many shark populations are decreasing  

D. Sharks produce many young

71. Which of the following rules should you follow when you’re going to swim in shark areas?

A. Don’t swim before day breaks.              

B. Choose areas where there are big waves.

C. Wear something shiny when swimming.

D. Choose areas where there are many small fish.



科目:高中英语 来源:河南省平顶山新乡许昌2010届高三第三次调研考试英语 题型:阅读理解


Thirty years ago, when the movie version of my novel Jaw was published, few people including me knew very much about great white sharks. For hundreds of generations, we humans have been taught to fear and hate sharks, and the movie touched a nerve of horror.

Now something long thought impossible has happened. A great white shark was successfully held in capacity for several months. In August last year a very young female great white shark was caught accidentally in a fisherman's net off Huntington Beach, California, and then kept in an ocean pen (栏栅) for 25 days. After being moved to the Monterey Bay Aquarium (水族馆), she grew well in the million-gallon Outer Bay Exhibit. She was so lovely that people all liked her very much. Perhaps she was too young to understand that the big tank was not her natural environment, because she didn't hit her head against the walls in an attempt to swim away as others of her kind have done. And she began to feed almost immediately on small fish offered to her on a pole. In the months that followed, the shark suffered no serious injuries, caught no diseases, and grew noticeably larger, breaking all records for great white sharks in capacity. The longest that any other great white shark had been held was 16 days.

Until February 23, that is, when she hit and killed a soup fin shark (翅鲨) , as she grew bigger and her behavior grew more aggressive, officials at the Aquarium knew the time had come. On March 31, after 198 days in the aquarium, the great white shark was released into the Pacific.

Scientists still have a lot to learn about sharks, especially great white sharks which are now considered to be in danger. Scientists do know that sharks are necessary to ocean health. Remove any significant animal from the sea food chain and you will risk destroying the balance of nature.

72. We can see that in the film Jaw the shark was once described as______.

A. a pet of children       B. a horror to human beings

C. a friend of the aged D. a guard of its owner

73. Different from the others of her kind, the young female great white shark was somewhat _____in the beginning.

A. terrible and dangerous      B. fierce and cruel  C. loyal and friendly    D. gentle and lovely

74. By saying that "officials at the aquarium knew the time had come", the writer probably means that the female great white shark______.

A. had to be killed    B. escaped from the big tank

C. had to be set free         D. began to hit and kill other animals

75. What conclusion can be drawn from the text?

A. We should protect great white sharks as well as other ocean animals.

B. The female great white shark will be attacked by some other animals.

C. Great white sharks are becoming more and more

D. We should kill the enemies of white sharks in the oceans.



科目:高中英语 来源:江苏省淮安市淮阴区20092010学年高二下学期期末考试试题(英语) 题型:其他题




A great life doesn’t happen by accident.A great life is the result of arranging wisely Your time,energy,thoughts,and hard work towards what you want your life to be.A great life is the result of using what you get in a creative and thoughtful way,instead of just what comes next.Make these”secrets”to fit your own needs and style,and start creating your own great life today!

Simplify.People don’t interpret what simplify means in a correct way.It’s not a way to remove work from your life.When you focus on simplifying your life,you free up energy and time for the work that you enjoy and the purpose for which you are here.

Effort.Creating a great life requires that you make some adjustments.It may mean evaluating how you spend your time,or choosing to spend your money in a different way.It may mean looking for new ways to spend your energy.Life will reward your best effort.

Create priorities.It’s easy to spend your days just responding to the next thing that gets your attention,instead of intentionally using the time,energy and money you have in a way that’s important to you.Focus on getting rid of the obstacles that get in the way of you making sure you are honoring your priorities.

Reserves.A great life is the result of having reserves--reserves of things,time,space,energy,money.Reserves are important because they reduce the fear of consequences,and that allows you to make decisions that are based on what you really want instead of what the fear decides for you.

Eliminate distractions.Look around at someone’s life you admire.Ask them how they did it.Find ways to free up your mental energy for things that are more important to you.

Thoughts.A great life is the result of controlling your thoughts so that you accept and allow for the possibility that it actually can happen to you! People who have specific goals look for ways to achieve them.Believing there is a solution to the same old problems you meet with year after year is really important to creating a life that you love.

Start.There’s the old saying everyone’s familiar with”a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.”There’s no better time to start than today.Today,right now,is the right day to start to take a step in the direction of your heart’s desires.It’s what you do TODAY that will make a difference in your life tomorrow.

A brief


A great life doesn’t happen by 71 ____________

A great life 72 __________ from arranging wisely your time energy,thoughts and hard work towards what you want your life to be

A great life is the result of suing what you get in a creative and thoughtful way 73_______ than just what comes next

Seven 74


a great life

When you focus on simplifying your life you 75______ energy and time to the work that you enjoy and the purpose for which you are here

It is 76______ that you should make some adjustments in order to create a great life

Focus on 77______ the obstacles that get in the way of you making sure you are honoring your priorities

Reserves are important because they reduce the fear of consequences and that allows you to make decisions 78_________ on what you really want instead of what the fear decides for you

Fin ways to devote yourself to things that are more important to you

Believing there is a solution to the same old problems you 79_______ into year after year is really important to creating a life that you love

The old saying “ a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step” is familiar 80_______ us all It’s what you do TODAY that will make a difference in your life tomorrow


