精英家教网 > 高中英语 > 题目详情
10.One day,Mary stopped outside the shoe-shop and looked into the                86.将第一个the改为a
window.For some times,she fixed her eyes on a pair of high boots              87.times改为time
on display."They are exactly I've been looking for,"she thought,88.exactly后加what
"I would like to buy a pair of boots as that in the window."89.as改为like
After ask about the price,Mary decided to try a pair on.While                     90.ask改为asking
the shop-assistant was helping him  put the boots on,she kept                      91.him改为her
looking at Mary's stockings which was made of fine white lace (网眼).   92.was改为were
"Excuse me for asking,"the assistant said at last,"but where                  93.√
did you get these stockings?They are the most latest fashion".                 94.去掉most
"They were given to me by my grandma!"Mary said proud.                        95.proud改为proudly.

分析 一天,Mary在一家鞋店的橱窗里看到了一双自己所喜爱的靴子.在店员帮助Mary试穿靴子的时候,店员看中了她的长统袜子,并询问她是在什么地方买的,这使得Mary感到很自豪,说那是奶奶送给她的最新款的袜子.

解答 详解:
86.将第一个the改为a    考查不定冠词   此处用来修饰单数名词 shoe-shop,表示泛指一家鞋店,故用a.
87.times改为time   考查不可数名词  由于time"时间"是不可数名词,其后不能加s;故用time.
88.exactly后加what   考查连接代词   此处用来引导表语从句,由于该从句中缺少宾语,意为:…的东西;故用what.
89.as改为like  考查介词      as为连词,通常用来引导从句;like是介词,其后接单词或短语;此处之后that in the window为短语,故用like.
90.ask改为asking   考查现在分词     此处在句中作时间状语,由于动词ask与其逻辑主语Mary是主谓关系,故用现在分词asking.
91.him改为her   考查人称代词的一致性    此处在句中作宾语,指代的是Mary;故用her.
92.was改为were   考查主谓一致     此处在定语从句中作谓语,由于关系代词which在该从句中作主语,指代的是Mary's stockings,故用were.
94.去掉most    考查句意理解以及形容词的最高级    此处指的是:最新样式;由于最高级most不能修饰其他的最高级形式,故去掉most.
95.proud改为proudly   考查副词   此处用来修饰动词said,故用副词proudly.

点评 短文改错是集语法知识与语言技能为一体的综合性试题,主要考查学生对词汇、语法和语篇三要素的把握能力.错误类型一般有:缺词、多词和错词.常见的错误有:1 词法错误,主要包括动词、名词、冠词、形容词、副词、代词和介词等词类误用、同义词混淆使用、固定搭配等方面.解答此类试题时,需要正确分析句子成分,熟练掌握各词类的用法以及掌握一些固定搭配等.2 常见句法错误.通常表现为简单句、复合句以及疑问句、祈使句、感叹句和强调句等错误.解答此类试题时,需要掌握各类句子的句式结构及意义用法.3 应在理解文章大意的前提下,进行作答.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

20.Mu Yumin had no idea that when he stopped by the computer club as a freshman looking for something fun,it would decide his career four years later.The 22-year-old biology major at Huazhong University of Science and Technology found a job as an IT technician in Shanghai."My experience in the club gave me another‘diploma',"said Mu."More importantly,I found something I am good at and can make a living from."
Now campuses around the country have started recruiting (招收) fresh faces for all kinds of clubs.Upperclassmen and experts suggest a hobby-based choice of clubs,which might have a lasting impact on one's life and career.Zhang Ling did not get many chances to write stories as an environmental protection major at Jiangxi University of Science and Technology.But this changed when she joined the university broadcasting station.Her daily interviews with students and teachers expanded her horizons.Now she is determined to become a journalist on environmental issues with her degree in environmental protection.""Journalism changed my life track,"said the 22-year-old girl."I only wanted to be a science teacher in a local senior high school.But now I am applying for a graduate school in journalism."
Lan Yujie,a professor at Anhui University of Technology,regards Mu and Zhang as good examples of choosing"what I like"instead of"what is practical"in finding jobs and seeking further study."Some freshmen don't know what to choose,"said Lan."Just following a hobby and doing something you like can easily give you the experiences that make you happy and special."
Lan further says that joining clubs should not necessarily have a purpose.As part of campus life,a club experience will impact one's life and career in one way or another."The point of clubs is to have as many diverse experiences as possible so that students can explore more of their life,"said Lan.

28.Why did Mu Yumi join the computer club?A
A.To have a good time.
B.To change his major.
C.To find a good job.
D.To get another diploma.
29.According to the text,joining the campus club has many advantages EXCEPTD.
A.offering you many pleasures         
B.making you plan your career better
C.helping you get more life experiences  
D.helping you make more friends
30.What can we learn from Lan Yujie's words in the last paragraph?B
A.Students should be practical in finding jobs.
B.Club experiences will affect students'life and career.
C.Joining clubs should have a clear goal.
D.Students will have a colorful campus life by joining clubs.
31.What is the main idea of the text?C
A.How to change your major.
B.Joining a campus club for a diploma.
C.Joining a club to explore more of your life.
D.How to find a job after graduation.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

1.Stop talking about your plan.Why not start to do something about it?Actions are always more persuasive than words.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

18.I almoWith rates as low as $3.75per week!
"Well,I finally did it.I finally decided to enter the digital age and get a cell phone.My kids have been annoying me and the last straw was when my car broke down,and I was stuck by the highway for an hour before someone stopped to help.But when I went to the cell phone store,st changed my mind.The phones all have cameras,computers and a"global-positioning"something or other that's supposed to spot me from space.Goodness,all I want to do is to be able to talk to my grandkids!The people at the store weren't much help.They couldn't understand why someone wouldn't want a phone the size of a postage stamp.And the rate plans!They were confusing,and expensive…and the contract (合同)lasted for two years!I'd almost given up until a friend told me about her new Jitterbug phone.Now,I have the convenience and safety of being about to stay in touch---with a phone I can actually use."
Affordable plans that I can understand一and no contract to sign (签订)!Unlike other cell phones,Jitterbug has plans that make sense.Why should I pay for minutes I'm never going to use?And if I do talk more than I plan,I won't find myself with no minutes like my friend who has a prepaid phone.Best of all,there is no contract to sign-so I'm not locked in for years at a time.The US-based customer service is second to none.And the phone gets service anywhere in the country.
Monthly Minutes30100
Monthly Rate14.9919.99
Long Distance CallsNo additionan chargeNo additional charge
Friendly Return Policy30days30days
Call now and receive a FREE gift when you order.Try Jitterbug for 30days and if you don't love it,just return it!Why wait,the Jitterbug comes ready to use right out of the box.If you aren't as happy with it as I am,you can return it and get your money back.Call now,the Jitterbug product experts are ready to answer your questions.Call 1-888-809-8794or visit www.jitterbugdirect.com.

50.What made"I"finally think of getting a cell phone?A
A.Being stuck by the highway.
B.Being urged by his grandkids.
C.Being persuaded by cell phone salespersons.
D.Being attracted by the friendly return policy.
51.On the monthly basis of 100minutes,the Jitterbug weekly rate is aboutB.
A.﹩3.75  B.﹩4.99C.﹩14.99D.﹩19.99
52.An advantage of Jitterbug mentioned in the passage isB.
A.its discount price with a free gift
B.its reasonable rate plans without a contract
C.its good customer service all over the world
D.its"global-positioning"system with 911access
53.The main purpose of the passage is toD.
A.tell a customer's story of Jitterbug
B.provide two ways to order Jitterbug
C.give a brief introduction of Jitterbug
D.attract potential customers to Jitterbug.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

5.It's reported that the proportionof imported music to exported music is about 50:1in China now.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:填空题

15.是什么事使他不能参加我们的会议仍然是个谜.(prevent…from)What prevented him from attending our meeting is still a mystery..


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

2.There are some strong-minded people that are able to stop smoking today and be free from the addiction the next day.However,some smokers may have to seek help from medication (药物治疗) in order to kick the habit.
What medication actually does is to reduce the wish to smoke.Some of the medication must be taken with a doctor's guidance.The five most common medications to stop smoking are Bupropion SR,nicotine gum,nicotine inhalers(吸入器),nicotine nasal spray(鼻腔喷剂) and nicotine patches.People can buy nicotine gum and nicotine patches in chemists.However,the other medications require a prescription.
Zyban tablets(药片)have been found to be highly effective in curing people of smoking addiction.The tablet needs to be taken whole,without crushing (碾碎)it,as crushing can lead to side effects.It can be bought on the prescription of a doctor.
Nicotine patches are filled with nicotine and they are applied to the skin.The skin takes in the nicotine and carries it to the blood stream.The amount of nicotine in these patches is quite limited,not enough to lead to addiction.But you shouldn't take them for dinner.In fact,millions of people have benefited from these nicotine patches.
Nicotine gum is supposed to be a safer choice.It is used in such a way that it comes into contact with the blood vessels (脉管) in the mouth and then releases the nicotine.The nicotine should not go through the stomach; otherwise,it may cause certain side effects.
These different types of medications have to be taken quite carefully.Do ask your doctor before taking any of these.

29.Which of the following medicines can be bought without a prescription?B
A.Zyban tablets.
B.Nicotine patches.
C.Nicotine inhalers.
D.Nicotine nasal spray.
30.Medication canA.
A.weaken smokers'wish to smoke  
B.clear away the nicotine in smokers'bodies
C.only be taken on the prescription of a doctor
D.stop people from becoming addicted to smoking
31.From this passage we can learn thatB.
A.a strong-willed smoker must take medication to help stop smoking
B.one shouldn't break the Zyban tablet into pieces when taking it
C.nicotine patches can be injected into the blood stream
D.nicotine gum can be swallowed (吞下) like food
32.The best title for this passage isD.
A.How to Cure Smoking Addiction   
B.Why People Become Addicted to Smoking
C.New Ways to Help Stop Smoking  
D.Medication to Cure Smoking Addiction.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

19.Leonardo da Vinci(达芬奇)began painting the Mona Lisa in 1503.He was working on a special painting for a church at the time,but the church painting was not going well.An Italian businessman asked da Vinci to paint a picture of the businessman's second wife.This is the woman who can be seen in the Mona Lisa.
    All in all,the Mona Lisa is a very good example of da Vinci's work.Da Vinci uses darkness and light in a clever way in the painting.
    Da Vinci loved science and maths.Right away a person can see that there is a lot of geometry(几何学)in the Mona Lisa.The face of the Mona Lisa is made of many circles and round shapes like balls.Even her smile can be seen as a small part of a large circle.
    The woman in the painting is sitting on a balcony(露台),and mountains can be seen behind her.Da Vinci loved to study rocks and mountains,so these can be seen over and over in his other paintings.
    The woman is sitting with her knees to the side.Her head is turned to look out of the painting.Her hands are held together in front of her.This way of sitting is now used by many artists when they are painting a picture of a man or woman today.
5.Who painted the Mona Lisa?C
A businessman.B.His second wife.C.Leonardo da Vinci.D.The businessman's wife.
6.The woman in the painting isC.
A.an Italian businesswoman            B.Leonardo da Vinci's wife
C.the wife of a businessman           D.a woman from the church
7.Where is the woman in the painting?A
A.On a balcony.B.On a knee.C.On a mountain.D.On a rock.
8.What can a person see in the painting?D
A.A lot of geometry.
B.Clever use of light and darkness.
D.All of the above.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:阅读理解

20.Christmas Eve was tomorrow.I hoped one of the packages that held a camera had already been placed under the Christmas tree.It was the only thing I wanted.I had been  dropping hints to my parents.I love taking photos.My bedroom walls are covered with photos I had taken with my mom's old camera.I'm always trying to capture (捕捉) those perfect moments in which you can hear the laughter or touch the beautiful scene,but my camera has always seemed to fall short.
I knew Mom had put a few presents under the tree this morning,so I went on a hunt in my mom's room.I opened the door and found my Christmas present was lying unwrapped on the floor-a big pink cat.I felt so disappointed.
Mom seemed to notice that,and she tried to cheer me up."Stacy,I got your present today.I am so excited to surprise you!""I can't wait,"I said.The next day I couldn't wait any longer.I needed to tell her.
"Mom,may I talk to you for a second?"
"Sure,dear.What do you need to talk about?"she asked.
And so it came-how upset I was that I was getting a cat.
"Stacy,that cat is for your sister Julia!"she said with a smile.
"Then what am I getting?"I asked.
She just smiled."You'll have to wait and see."
The next morning,I happily got into the living room and sat next to the tree.I pulled out the box with my name on it and opened the wrapping paper to find…
My camera!"Thank you!"I said to both Dad and Mom.
Dad picked up the camera and took a picture of Julia,Mom and me.It has become one of my favorite pictures.Just on that Christmas morning,I took lots of photos with my camera-my little sister making a face,my parents giving me a soft smile-and all of these photos have come to mean one thing to me:love.

1.The underlined phrase"dropping hints"in Paragraph 1meansB.
A.talking often        B.suggesting indirectly
C.sending presents     D.taking pictures
2.Why did Stacy feel disappointed at first?D
A.Her mother couldn't understand her at all.
B.Her mother didn't buy her any Christmas gift.
C.She didn't find her present in her mom's room.
D.She mistook her sister's Christmas gift for hers.
3.We can infer from the passage thatD.
A.her mother bought Stacy a camera after discovering her disappointment
B.Stacy finally got her gift on Christmas Eve
C.Stacy thought it's OK to have an old camera
D.her mother knew what gift Stacy wanted for Christmas
4.What would be the best title for the passage?A
A.A Christmas gift as wished.
B.Love is more important than gifts.
C.A wonderful Christmas.
D.Love can not be bought.

