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阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项 (A、B、C和D) 中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

           I ran to the basement of my home after a long day at school. “Bang!Slam!Kick!” These are the 21 that quickly became part of my everyday life as I beat the drums. After spending long,hard,countless days working at 22 I need a way to get rid of all that. 23 . Playing the drums is the only way I can 24 that. It just relieves all of my stress.

           Ever since I was a young boy,I've been brought up in 25 . My dad had been playing the drums since he was ten,and he 26 me how to play them when I was nine,and drilled me so that I could get 27 . “Left,left,right,right,left,left,righi,right. ” I 28 this over and over. Music was a(n) 29 part of my life when I grew up,but later on in the summer of my eighth grade year something 30 . My dad moved out,and I wouldn' t  be getting much 31 from him anymore. I sat in the basement that afternoon,thinking about how I would never get 32 at drums. .Then I realized I had to do it 33 . My passion for music just rose extremely quickly and I began to not

only like playing music but 34 it. I began practicing at least an hour a day,sometimes even more,and I would keep this 35 every day so that my 36 would increase. I wanted to be great.

            Now,37 alternative rock,I can start playing jazz,Latin and many other 38 and graoves (音乐节奏),This 39 has taught me that drumming is very time-consuming,40 it is everything I love. I still practice every day and hope to become a great musician in the future.

21. A. messages   B. marks  A. sounds   D. signals

22. A. office   B. school   C. hospital   D. home

23. A. regrets   B. complaints  C. danger   D. stress

24. A. do   B. remember   C. prove   D. understand

25. A. literature   B. music   C. opera   D. sports

26. A. taught   B. reminded  C. reported   D. asked

27. A. braver   B. taller  C. healthier   D. better

28. A. turned   B. guessed  C. practiced   D. wrote

29. A. strange   B. difficult  C. private   D. important

30. A. decreased   B. failed   C. changed   D. left

31. A. instruction   B. friendship  C. cooperation   D. challenge

32. A. serious   B. good   C. confused   D. mad

33. A. on my own   B. one by one  C. in a hurry   D. right away

34. A. record   B. improve   C. create   D. love

35. A. mind   B. trend   C. pattern   D. standard

36. A. power   B. knowledge  C. salaries   D. skills

37. A. like   B. through   C. besides   D. regarding

38. A. types   B. games  C. brands   D. instruments

39. A. experience   B. relationship   C. course   D. job

40. A. so   B. but  C. if. D. unless

21. C 22. B 23. D 24. A 25. B 26. A 27. D 28. C 29. D 30. C 31. A 32. B 33. A 34. D 35. C 36. D 37. C 38. A 39. A 40. B



21. C. 列举的Bang!Slam!Kick!都是我打鼓时发出 的声音(sounds) 。

22. B. 

23. D. 由首句中的school及本段末句中的 stress可知,在学校(school) 里学了 一天后,我很想找个方式来摆脱学习的压力(stress) 。

24. A. 由上旬的getridof可知,敲鼓是我唯一能做的(do) 摆脱压力的方式。

25. B. 由第 26 空后的 play them when I was nine 可 知,我从小就成长在一个音乐(music) 的环境中。

26. A. 爸爸从小爱好敲鼓,在我9岁时,他教(taught)我打鼓。

27. D. 爸爸让我练习为的是让我的敲鼓技能变得更好(better )。

28. C. 下文多处的practice有提示。我从小就反复 地练习(practiced) 打鼓。

29. D. 音乐是我生命中很重要的(important)—部分。

30. C. 由下句的moved out可知,在我上八年级那年,事情发生了改变(changed)。

31. A. 爸爸搬了出去,所以我得不到他的指导 (instruction)。

32. B. 爸爸离开后,我觉得自己练习不好敲鼓了,故选good。

33. A. 由第31空前的情况可知,爸爸不在身边,所以我只好靠自己(on my own) 练习。

34. D. 由本空前的like可知,我不仅喜欢敲鼓,而且真的爱(l.ove) 上了它。

35. C. 第 34空后的practicing at least an hour a day 就是我每天养成的模式(pattern) 。

36. D. 我每天坚持练习敲鼓,所以技巧(skills)才会提升。

37. C. 除了(besides) 摇滚乐,我还会打击爵士乐的鼓点。

38. A. 本空前的jazz,Latin都是不同的音乐类型 (types)。

39. A. 上文就是我独自一人练习敲鼓的经历 (experience)。

40. B. 由本空前的time-consuming可知,我知道练习敲鼓很费时间,但(but) 这是我喜欢做的事。

题目来源:2016年英语周报高二新课程 > 第40期 2015-2016学年高二新课程


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和 D)中,选出最佳逢项。


                                ★ ★ ★ ☆ ☆

            After a young woman texted DoSomething.org with a heartbreaking cry for help,the non-profit volunteer group's CEO, Nancy Lublin,knew she needed to do something. She decided to create a way for people struggling with crises (危机) in their lives to release their strong feelings. She quickly founded a separate organization called Crisis Text Line,a free 24-hour nationwide mental health service that gives people access to crisis coimse/ors (辅导顾问) right at their fingertips.

             “Since it was started in 2013,the service has exchanged nearly 10 million texts from people experiencing mental health issues,bullying and more ,” Lublin said. “About 30 percent of messages the program receives refer to suicide and depression.”

              The beautiful thing about Crisis Text Line is that these are strangers counseling other strangers on the most private issues,and getting them from ‘hot moments,to 'cold moments',” Lublin explained in a TED Talk about the service.

              While all crisis lines are important and save lives,Crisis Text Line stands out because it can also provide important information to help prevent these events from happening in the first place. Since it was started,the program has been studying messages,the timing of messages and their locations to get usefiil data. For example,analyses show that texts about issues with eating disorders seem to increase on Mondays. Analyses also show that Montana is the state with the greatest number of texts that mention suicide.

             Lublin hopes that the information that Crisis Text Line can glean will help inform new policies in schools,governments and homes across the country. “Data evidence makes policy,research, journalism,policing,school boards(教育委员会),and almost everything better,” she said. “I don't think of myself as a mental health activist. I think of myself as a national health activist.”

1. After reading the text from a young woman,Nancy Lublin decided to .

   A. start a profit volunteer organization

   B. become a professional crisis counselor

   C. learn about mental crises in people's lives

   D. help people easily get counseling about life crises

2. How is Crisis Text Line different from other similar crisis lines?

   A. It really cares about victims.

   B. It is easy for victims to access.

   C. It offers useful advice to victims.

   D. It analyzes information for better use.

3. According to analyses,people in Montana tend to be concerned with .

   A. policy   B. suicide   C. bullying   D. depression

4. The underlined word “ glean ” in the last,paragraph probably means .

   A. confirm   B. explain   C. collect   D. understand 


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:



             Ever think of moving abroad? Whether it's  for a job,a better quality of life,or for love,there are ple^y of reasons why people make a big move. Expatriates(移居国外者) around the world have rated the following destinations as the top places to live abroad in 2015.

1. Ecuador 

   Ecuador emerges as the clear winner when it comes to expatriate destinations. It has been ranked as the top country in the world among both men and women.

2. Mexico 

   Safety concerns aside,over four out of five expatriates say that getting used to the local culture in Mexico is usually easy,and over 90 percent appreciate the friendliness of the Mexicans.

3. Malta 

   According to the expatriates,Malta is the best. destination for people who want to work abroad. Overall job satisfaction is high,and two-thirds of expatriates or more are generally happy with their career prospects,work-life balance,and working hours.

4. Singapore 

   Singapore is an attractive destination for those looking for high-income jobs. The excellent living standards,the quality of health care,as well as the lack of a language barrier,are what attract expatriates most there.

5. Luxembourg 

   Two-thirds of expatriates are generally happy with their job security in Luxembourg,but the career prospects and their work-life balance are also considered a plus by hard-working expatriates.

6. New Zealand 

   Most expatriates find the leisure options available in :New Zealand outstanding. The pleasant environment and relaxed local culture make expatriates feel very much at home.

7. Thailand 

    Despite costly schooling for expatriate children,the generally low cost of living,friendly locals and great weather are a few of the many reasons why 87 percent of expatriates are overall satisfied with life in Thailand.

13. According to the text,over 90  percent of expatriates in Mexico.

   A. think it's safe to live there

   B. consider the locals friendly

   C. fail to adapt to the local culture

   D. are satisfied with the weather there

14. Which of the following countries is best for working abroad according to the expatriates?

   A. Ecuador. B. Malta.

   C. Luxembourg. D. New Zealand.

15. Singapore would most probably attract those who want to .

   A. pay lower school fees

   B. learn a foreign language

   C. enjoy a high quality of life

   D. experience the relaxed local culture

16. The text is mainly meant to.

   A. encourage readers to go abroad

   B. explain why some countries are popular

   C. introduce the best countries to live abroad

   D. recommend some popular travel destinations


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:



            There were rumors (传闻) on the Internet on Thursday that Teen Voguey started in 2003,would be stopped. Vogue, however, announced on Thursday afternoon in a statement that it would absorb Teen Vogue only from the business side,with the editorial side of Teen Vogue remaining complete as of now.

            The younger magazine has become the most read magazine for both teenage and adult fashion lovers alike over its 13-year run. It has recently received high praise for featuring three models of color on its August 2015 cover.

            Teen Vogue will continue to roll out on digital platforms,in its monthly print form and on social media,according to a spokesperson for the magazine. A statement released by Vogue announces Jason Wagenheim,a publisher of the magazine,is leaving,and the teams at Vogue and Teen Vogue will be marketed together. Teen Vogue will continue to operate independently,and have its unique voice.

            The news came in a hopeless year for fashion magazines at parent company Conde Nast. The publisher announced back,in August,2015 that Lucky Magazine would be removed before finally closing the brand completely in Noyember,2015. Last week Conde-owned GQ (a monthly fashion magazine for men) reportedly suffered a round of lay-offs(裁员) in an effort to focus,more on digital,with another rumor that Glamour (a weekly fashion magazine for women) may soon face staff or budget cuts as well.

            Teen Vogue has long been considered a survivor in the teen magazine landscape. As The New York Times noted in 2013,the year the magazine celebrated its 10th anniversary, “It has outlasted(比…持续时间长) YM, Elle Girl,Teen People,Cosmo Girl!and Teen.”

           However,like many other print magazines,The New York Times also reported that the magazine had seen a drop in sale of “half of what they were when,the magazine began”. Only time can tell what will come next for the magazine,but for now,it lives to see another day.

13. What did the rumors mainly say about Teen Vogue?

   A. Its editorial side would be changed.

   B. It would be stopped from coming out.

   C. It attracted more adults than teenagers.

   D. Vogue would absorb it from the business side.

14. What has been changed about Teen Vogue according to Paragraph 3 ?

   A. Its marketing. B. Its unique voice.

   C. Its digital platforms. D. Its monthly print form.

15. Paragraph 4  mainly shows that fashion magazines.

   A. received high praise

   B. had quite a terrible year

   C. were popular on the Internet

   D. competed against each other

16. According to The New York Times,Teen Vogue .

   A. faced staff or budget cuts

   B. didn’t  sell as well as it began

   C. had a shorter histwy than Teen

   D. celebrated its 10th anniversary in 2003


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(不多于3. 个单词) 或括号内单词的正确形式。

            One day when I was twelve years old,I visited the library in my city. At the library,a librarian asked me, “What are you going to do 21 you grow up?” I said, “I'm going to be a writer. I'm going to write books." The librarian smiled and said, “Well,when you do write a book,bring it to our library and we’ 11 put it 22 display. ” I was greatly inspired after 23 (hear) the librarian's words.

           After I left college,I believed I had something to say and started a book. One year later,I finally finished it. I sent it off to several publishers. However, 24 of them wanted to have it 25 (publish) . I put it away 26 (sad) . I thought that perhaps I didnt have a gift for writing. I wanted to give up. However,I thought of 27 the librarian once told me. So I decided to try again. Later,I got an agent and wrote another book in two years. I pulled the other out of hiding and soon both 28 (sell) by my agent.

          The day when a box arrived on my doorstep with some free author's 29 (copy) , I wept. The following day,I went to the library with each copy of my books. I hugged the librarian,thanking her for her 30 (inspire) words.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(不多于3个单词) 或括号内单词的正确形式。

            After I entered high school,I loved reading magazines for teenage girls very much. Through the magazines,I knew what clothes to buy.

            One day,while I 21 (read) a magazine for teenage girls as usual,I fell in love with a dress that a teenage model 22 (dress) in. The model in the picture looked really great in it. I immediately decided to buy such a dress. 23 (luck) , I found one in a store downtown.

            After I came back,I put it on and looked at myself in the mirror. How?ever,I found I didn't look great in it. After 24 (compare) myself with the model in the picture,I knew why. I was 25  (fat) than the model. I decided to lose 26 (weigh) .

            I started to go on a diet. When I ate more than I thought I should,I made myself to throw up. This went on for a few weeks 27 one day I passed out on the playground of my school. I was taken to hospital.

            When I woke up,I saw my mother by my side. She looked 28 (worry) . I suddenly realized I had made 29 big mistake. I was sacrificing my health for beauty.

            I stopped dieting and started to eat 30 (health) . I also stopped reading magazines for teenage girls. Now I look healthy and feel great.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:


play tricks / a trick on sb.捉弄某人,开某人的玩笑

trick sb. out of sth.骗走某人某物 


  1. 这些孩子们喜欢捉弄他们的老师。

2. 他用诡计骗走了我的钱。

3. 她施了个巧计诱使我们相信她。


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D) 中,选出最佳选项。


           My name is Petra. I volunteered for a program in South Africa in the summer last year. Coming to Knysna in South Africa was very exciting. The warm welcome,tasty food,free Wifi and laundry service were just some of the pleasant things in the volunteer house. The house was situated on a hill in a quiet area with an amazing view over the Knysna bay,which made our stay very nice.

           I booked Ihe Community Outreach & HIV Awareness program. But I was a little bit upset to find there was only one hour of HIV training on my schedule. I really looked forward to more training on HIV. But the program staff came up with some other projects instead which turned out to be funny and successful.

            We worked together in a constructive way,keeping at the back of our minds the success of the projects. Any good idea was welcomed,acknowledged and carried out. Though the work there was a bit tiring,we enjoyed ourselves.

            Not to forget about all the lovely,interesting and thankful people we met on our working tours. They really appreciated the work we did to help them live a better life. So as a volunteer you can gain so much appreciation and sincerity,which you will hardly find in our European society. There wealth is only defined by the value of the newest technical device(设备) the size of the car you drive and all the other things one owns.

            Please don't get me wrong; I don't want to romanticize their hard everyday lives. But the people V ve met there gave me the impression that they laiow what really matters: Caring about each other,being honest and confident,living in the present,and so on.

             So if you are open-minded and want to experience something great,don't hesitate to join such a program.

1. What disappointed the author in Knysna?

   A. Things in the volunteer house.

   B. The attitude of the program st^ff.

   C. The arrangements for HIV training.

   D. The location of the volunteer house.

2. The author's program in Knysna is most probably meant to.

   A. attract tourists to visit there

   B. help the locals live a better life

   C. help volunteers enjoy a great time

   D. bring work opportunities to the locals

3. After dealing with the locals in Knysna,the author.

   A. realized wealth was important

   B. wanted to receive more training

   C. thought they lived a romantic life

   D. formed a good impression of them

4. How does the author feel about her time in Knysna?

   A. Regretful.    B. Relaxing.

   C. Inconvenient. D. Awesome.


科目:高中英语 来源: 题型:

2. I heard that they met and fell love atcollege.

